MTL - The Best Of You-Chapter 36

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Shen Nian took a deep look at Xie Xun, and then led Sun Tiantian downstairs.

He walked a bit fast, and Sun Tiantian couldn't keep up. As soon as he got out of the billiard room, Sun Tiantian hurriedly held him. "Wait, wait for Anian."

Shen Nianshen's expression was heavy, and he lowered his lips tightly, and finally stopped.

Looking back, looking at Sun Tiantian, he asked softly, "Have you hit?"

Sun Tiantian shook her head. "No, it doesn't hurt at all. You don't need to go to the hospital."

Shen Nian stared at her deeply and looked for a while, "Are you sure?"

Sun Tiantian couldn't help crying and laughing, took a step forward, holding Shen Nianshen's arm, "Oh, I'm not made of glass, how can it be so fragile."

Shen Nian gave her a deep look, but said nothing.

The cold wind was bitter outside, and Shen Nian took Sun Tiantian to a sheltered place.

Xu Li and Cheng Duo ran down and saw they were still at the door. They ran up and asked, "How's it going? Okay?"

Sun Tiantian frowned and said, "It's all right."

Cheng Duo patted his chest, "Frightened me." He asked nervously again, "Is it all right?"

Hitting the chest is fragile.

Sun Tiantian smiled and nodded earnestly, "It's really okay, I'll talk about it myself."

Cheng Duo exhaled, "That's good."

"Anian, are you okay? Why is your face so ugly?" Xu Li looked at Sun Tiantian and Shen Nianshen, and thought that Sun Tiantian might be fine, but Anian looked like something was wrong.

Sun Tiantian obeyed and looked at Shen Nianshen, only to find that his face was really not very good.

"Anen, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Nian couldn't answer, and said to Xu Li: "Go play with Cheng Duo, I'll take Tian Tian back to school."

"Ah, you're going back. It's only nine o'clock, and we are going to see a movie." Cheng Duo said with regret.

Xu Li held her back. "Let's go and see for ourselves and let Anian take Tian Tian back to school."

When Xu Li saw this situation, the couple probably had something to say.

"Annian, then you two go back first, Cheng Duo and I will go to a movie and come back." Xu Li greeted and left Cheng Duo.

After the two left, Sun Tiantian leaned into Shen Nian's deep arms, wrapped his hands around his waist, and looked up at him, "Are we going back so soon?"

Shen Nianshen said, "Go to school."

Sun Tiantian's eyes were bent, and he said, "Okay."

Shen Nianshen led Sun Tiantian towards the school.

On the way back, Shen Nianshen didn't say anything, Sun Tiantian couldn't guess what he was thinking, and looked at him from time to time.

After watching it a few times, I finally couldn't help asking, "Annian, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Nianshen was holding her across the road and whispered, "It's all right."

Sun Tiantian: "Why aren't you happy?"

Crossing the road, standing at the school gate, Shen Nianshen stopped and looked down at her, "Are you upset?"

Sun Tiantian nodded especially seriously, "It's obvious."

Shen Nianshen: "..."

Sun Tiantian stared at Shen Nian for a while, and suddenly thought of something, she raised her head, her head close to him, and grinned at the corner of her mouth, "Anyen, are you jealous?"

Shen Nianshen: "..."

Sun Tiantian's eyes glowed, and she immediately smiled, "Really jealous?"

"..." Shen Nianshen felt inexplicably awkward, rubbed his head, and said, "Leave."

On the way back, Sun Tiantian was in a very good mood, holding Shen Nianshen's hand bouncing all the way, and humming in his mouth.

Shen Nianshen watched Sun Tiantian bouncing around, and couldn't help laughing, "Sun Tiantian, how old are you?"

Sun Tiantian laughed, brought Shen Nian deep in front, and asked him with a smile, "How old are you? So jealous?"

Shen Nianshen: "..."

Sun Tian couldn't help laughing, poking up Shen Nianshen's face, "Anian, you look so jealous."

Shen Nianshen took her hand, and looked at her deeply, "Don't make trouble."

The two have already returned to school. Sun Tiantian didn't want to return to the dormitory so early, and said to Shen Nian Shen, "A Nian, let's move around again. I'm bored going back to the dormitory by myself."

Shen Nianshen raised her hand and covered her face. "Isn't it cold?"

Sun Tiantian shook her head, "Not cold."

As he said, he held Shen Nianshen's arm tightly, and buried his head in his arm.

Shen Nian looked down at her with a deep smile.

Because of the holiday and the big night, there were few people in the school. Sun Tiantian held Shen Nianshen and the two walked slowly in the school.

"Anin, how are you going to spend your winter vacation?"

Shen Nianshen has no concept of vacations. In the past, he was alone, spending time with his grandmother at home, reading books, doing part-time jobs, and occasionally going out to play basketball with classmates in a city.

But this year's holiday must be different. He has Sun Tiantian.

He looked down at her and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Sun Tiantian tilted his head and thought, "I didn't think about it."

Shen Nian smiled deeply, "then think slowly."

The two walked aimlessly in the school, and then turned to the school grove.

The grove was dark, and there was a dim yellow street lamp at a distance.

Sun Tiantian gently dragged the sleeves of Shen Shenshen, and whispered, "Listen to them, this grove is a dating place in the school."

Shen Nian raised an eyebrow, "Isn't the dating site a playground?"

"It's also here, it's more hidden here." Sun Tiantian glanced into the trees opposite, and suddenly mysteriously got into Shen Nian's ears and said quietly.

Shen Nian frowned deeply and patted her head. "Don't talk nonsense."

Sun Tiantian grinned, "I didn't say it, others said."

Shen Nian took a deep look at her, and sternly taught, "Never listen to what others say."

Sun Tiantian smiled, bowed his head, and drilled his head into Shen Nian's deep arms. "An you are so fierce."

Shen Nian smiled and touched her head, hugging her.

Sun Tiantian also hugged Shen Nianshen's waist, and they hugged so quietly.

The dark surrounding area was so quiet that there was no sound.

Sun Tiantian's head rested in Shen Nianshen's arms, and he could hear his powerful heartbeat.

She couldn't help but hold him tighter, her mouth bent, her face full of happiness.

Being with the person I like, just hugging so quietly, my heart seems to be filled with pink happiness bubbles.

After a while, she suddenly raised her head and raised her head and kissed Shen Nian's deep lips.

Shen Nian froze slightly, her eyes suddenly became a little deeper, her eyes looked at Sun Tiantian deeply.

Sun Tiantian smiled happily, her eyes bent, looking at Shen Nian's deep eyes, and whispering, "Anian, I like you so much."

Shen Nian stared at her for a while, then suddenly smiled, touching her head, and staring at her with deep brows.

Sun Tiantian looked at Shen Nian's dark eyes. There seemed to be a huge magnetic field in his eyes. Sun Tiantian only felt that he was going to be attracted to him by himself.

The two stared at each other so quietly, at night, there was something quiet in the air.

Shen Nian's deep eyes fell on Sun Tiantian's soft lips, and some strange urges suddenly came to his heart.

The throat rolled, and then bowed his head the next second, and couldn't help kissing.

Sun Tiantian's body was stiff, and her eyes widened involuntarily.

I thought Shen Nianshen just kissed her gently as before, but after a long time, he still didn't let go of her, his lips rolled gently on her lips, he held her waist in one hand and clasped the other. Suddenly the weight of her back brain pressing on her lips became a little heavier.

Sun Tiantian's heartbeat was a little quick, her mind was blank, and her whole body froze there.

It ’s no longer a matter of tasting, the impulse deep in my heart seems to be unable to be suppressed any more, Shen Nianshen pressed Sun Tiantian's waist tightly with his left hand, pressed her body firmly in his arms, clasped her back with her right hand, and kissed her strength. Deep, in the end it becomes very hard to **** and suck. Suck.

Sun Tiantian's mind was empty, and the whole person was stupid. All the senses in her body are concentrated on Shen Nian's lips.

She knew for the first time that the real kissing was like this, her lips were tingling and even a little painful, but she didn't want him to loosen.

She felt the deep, deep breaths become thicker, and the force of kissing her became heavier, even a little hasty.

She even felt her deep-tongued tongue pressed against her lips, her heart thumping, almost jumping out of her throat, she didn't know what to do, and clenched her teeth subconsciously.

Shen Nianshen was blocked out, trying to pry her away, only to find that the girl in her arms was stiff and unable to move, her teeth biting.

He paused, slightly releasing her, lowering his eyes, Sun Tiantian breathing nervously, his eyes staring at him momentarily.

Shen Nian's eyes were very dark, his lips pressed lightly on Sun Tiantian's lips, and his voice was hoarse, "Am I a beast?"

Sun Tiantian: "..."

Shen Nianshen: "Relax."

After that, the warm lips covered again, and the tip of her tongue swept over her teeth. Sun Tiantian froze for a few seconds, her heart trembling, and her mouth opened slightly.

Shen Nian broke in and bit her.

Sun Tiantian trembled in his heart, and a dizziness came to her head.

Shen Nian kissed very hard, as if to swallow her whole, Sun Tiantian just felt that her whole body was soft, and the whole person seemed to melt away.

After a long time, when Sun Tiantian was breathlessly kissed, Shen Nianshen finally released her slightly.

He looked down at her, Sun Tiantian blushed, his heartbeat was still fast, and he couldn't stop.

Shen Nianshen's eyes were very deep, and his eyes fell on Sun Tiantian's lips. He raised his hand, rubbed her lips gently with his thumb, and looked at Sun Tiantian's flushed face. For a long time, he couldn't help laughing.

When Sun Tiantian smiled deeply at Shen Nian, she felt more shy, her head got into his arms, her voice was dull, and she was anxious, "Shen Nianshen, you are good or bad."

Shen Nian laughed deeply, hugged her with both hands, bowed her head, and kissed slightly on top of her head. After a while, she laughed and said, "Let's go back."

The author has something to say: Yan Tiantian (covering his face): Anian is so enthusiastic and happy today (n_n)

Shen Nianshen: "..."

Happy 5.20, send you a red envelope today (n_n) 2k novel reading network