MTL - The Best Male Supporting Character In the Pet Text is Reborn-Chapter 13

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In the whole villa, no one expected Fang Ziyang to have such a direct attack.

In everyone's impression, Fang Ziyang is just a little bit bad-tempered, a little bit self-willed, really angry is to fight with words, and he will not directly hit people, in general, he has no outside evaluation. so bad.

Especially for his two relatives, Fang Yandong and Fang Qianhao, he respects and obeys.

Not to mention Fang Qianhao himself, even Fang Yandong never recovered, and was stunned by this sudden change.

There have been various grudges, and finally the interest of a slap is recovered first.

Fang Ziyang's mood is finally much better, and his whole head is not as out of control as he was just hit by hatred, and he has regained his normal sense.

Staring at Fang Qianhao, whose complexion suddenly changed, he took out a tissue and slowly wiped his hands while continuing to speak.

"Although my elder brother is Ziyang's elder brother, it seems that elder brother does not understand how to be an elder brother. As a member of the Fang family, as Ziyang's elder brother, something happened to me outside. , my brother not only did not help, but also fell into trouble. Since my brother is ignorant and my father is reluctant to educate, for the face of the Fang family, I can only let my brother take care of me..."

Casual tone and action, as if the slap just now seemed to be just a light verbal education.

This is Fang Ziyang that no one has ever seen before.

Strong and confident, with a hidden compulsive air, people feel pressure for no reason.

Fang Qianhao was so angry that blood rushed to his forehead, and the burning pain on his face made him unable to control his rage on the spot, "Fang Ziyang, how dare you hit me! I'm your brother!"

"Didn't my brother just say that he doesn't want my brother? Why did he talk back so quickly? What's the matter, is he trying to fight back?"

Fang Ziyang did not mean to retreat at all, he smiled indifferently, and was full of coldness, his tone was indescribably sharp.

The voice suddenly increased, questioning with strong pressure, like a little beast that was forced to a desperate situation and exploded,

"Fang Qianhao, what kind of thing are you, you dare to point my nose to teach me a lesson? When did you fulfill the responsibility of being a brother since you were a child? I was bullied and you never Help me get ahead, I've been scolded by people and you always say that I'm wrong, and if I have something good, you have to join in and grab it with both feet."

"This time is even better, I was scolded in front of netizens all over the country, and even the daily limit of the company's shares was affected. You still don't say a word of help. You're saying I'm wrong, are you blind, didn't you see the evidence I showed in the live broadcast? It really turns black and white!"

"Fang Qianhao, I also want to ask, how can I have such a barbecued pork brother like you, what is the benefit of you pouring dirty water on me like this? Let's go to the hospital for identification and see if we are real brothers?"

Speak here.

Fang Ziyang looked at Fang Yandong on the sofa and sneered,

"The same is true for my father, but I think our family must be properly identified. We are both sons of the same parents. How could my father be so biased since he was a child? My father got angry with me even after I died."


With the excitement of this video, he will have a reasonable excuse to do something abnormal next, lest Fang Yandong be suspicious.

As for blood identification, he just said that.

Because he knew that he couldn't identify anything at all, in his last life he also suspected that he was not Fang Yandong's son. After all, Fang Yandong was too cold-blooded to him.

But it turns out that he is indeed Fang Yandong's son, and even he and Fang Qianhao are brothers.

This made Fang Ziyang very disappointed all the time. He really wished he was his mother's illegitimate child. After all, he could comfort him a little, and Fang Yandong could make an excuse for him cold-blooded.

Betrayal is not terrible, but the betrayal from a loved one hurts the most...

Fang Yandong is obviously not worried about this, but when Fang Ziyang said such words, a strange color flashed on his calm face.

Then slapped the table with an ugly face and scolded,

"Ziyang, what nonsense are you talking about! When you come back, you make a lot of noise and beat people. That's what your etiquette teacher taught you? Do you still have my father in your eyes?"

"Then I have to ask my father if he has my son in his eyes!"

Fang Ziyang was not to be outdone, his eyes suddenly flushed red, with strong anger and stubbornness, "Dad kept saying that he likes me the most, I used to think so too, but now, I think I may think too much. , In my father's mind, it's not like that at all..."

"Dad don't tell me if you have or not, don't tell me any other nonsense today, I will ask my father and brother a few questions, if you don't give me a satisfactory answer, I will Just file a severance with the court and move out."

The voice is decisive, loud, and angry.

Anyone can hear what he said was just a whim, but it was definitely not just talking.

Fang Yandong did not expect that Fang Ziyang would suddenly say such words, and his face changed slightly.

He also watched the live broadcast of the youngest son, but he didn't care about it at the time, but when he saw the young son's different performance in the live broadcast, his loose heart immediately raised.

Fang Ziyang's transformation is not what he wants to see. He doesn't want his younger son to be too capable. This younger son only needs to be a food, drink, and enjoyment.

Therefore, he will call Fang Qianhao back to make this preparation to ask the teacher for guilt, suppress it well, and extinguish the fire that his younger son suddenly rises up.

However, he never expected Fang Ziyang to change more drastically than he imagined, and his attitude was even more stubborn.

This feeling of being out of control suddenly made Fang Yandong very uncomfortable, and now is not the best time for the youngest son to leave.

Fang Yandong forced himself to soften his face, put away the aggressive aura just now, and turned back into a good father who seemed to have just been mad at the child just now.

The tone was much softer,

"Ziyang, what are you talking about, what are you talking about, how about severing the relationship and moving out, are you really going to be mad at Dad? If you have anything to ask, Dad knows that you will suffer this time. Wronged, but when did Dad ignore you? Have you seen those nonsense comments on the Internet?"

Although Fang Ziyang's transformation was a bit sudden, Fang Yandong was not too suspicious, just thought it was the younger son who saw the comments of netizens and was influenced to sow discord.

After all, the younger son is impulsive and easy to listen to the instigation of others, and he is worried about this.

Fang Ziyang had no other explanation, so he nodded his head naturally, made an appearance of being oppressed and broke out, sneering,

"It seems that Dad saw it too? That's right, Dad will explain it, after all, I also think those netizens are very reasonable. Dad has always been very capable, and nothing can be difficult for Dad, Why did Dad suddenly drop such a big chain this time, is it really like what they said on the Internet, Dad actually just wants me to die..."

Such a merciless question is too sharp.

This time, Fang Yandong didn't need to speak, Fang Qianhao jumped out first, and immediately refuted the accusation,

"Bullshit! How could Dad do that, Fang Ziyang, is your brain broken, and you really believe the nonsense on the Internet."

"Then your brain is not broken, how can you trust others and not protect your own brother? It seems that my slap just woke up my brother?"

Fang Ziyang sneered sarcastically.

It's okay not to say, the pain on Fang Qianhao's face suddenly deepened, the anger of the beating just rushed up, and some lost his mind, "How dare you say it!"

As if trying to rush over to fight back.

But Fang Yandong stopped him in time and scolded, "Sit down! Do you two really want to fight in front of me today?!"

Of course I would not dare.

Fang Qianhao gritted his teeth and was not convinced.

If it was before, maybe Fang Yandong would speak for him, but today Fang Yandong is not in that mood. The younger son still has a great effect on him. Rao is the behavior of the younger son today. Angry, but he couldn't speak for the eldest son anymore.

"Okay, your brother was right, and he was right. You are a brother, and when something happened to Ziyang, you not only didn't help, but you even blamed outsiders on your own brother. Don't say that Ziyang is angry and wants to hit you, I also want to ask how your brain grows!"

Fang Yandong looks like a fair and just parent.

He doesn't know Yan Tong yet, so naturally he won't offend his useful young son for someone he doesn't know, so there's nothing to lose by giving a few words of instruction.

Fang Ziyang was amused, so he did not answer, waiting for the following.

After Fang Yandong taught Fang Qianhao a severe lesson, he looked back at his younger son and waved gently,

"Ziyang, come over and sit with dad. We haven't talked to dad for a long time. It's all dad's fault. Let's have a good chat today..."

This is about to change the subject and blur the point?

For those comments on the Internet, Fang Yandong did not plan to explain them one by one, because most of them are the truth, and the more the explanation is, the more confusing it is. The best way is to divert attention and ignore it. It is easy for a son to have a father-son relationship with himself.


That was before.

How can Fang Ziyang let his good father do what he wants? With such a light streamer, how could he have erected a big change in his image? In the future, why would you have any excuses to keep doing things?

Wait for Fang Yandong's 'warm voice' to enter the topic.

Fang Ziyang interrupted impatiently, and sneered coldly,

"What are you talking about? Is Dad trying to play emotional cards? That's a pity, Ziyang doesn't want to hear it now. I just want to know what is said on the Internet, how does Dad explain it ? Am I my father's biological son, and has my father treated me well all these years?"

"Although I don't want to believe it, but who made the netizens so powerful, I can't find a place to refute the reasons for helping me think. Some time ago, my father asked me to authorize all the shares in my hand. For you, I just wanted to ask, did Dad tell my brother to do the same?"

Say it.

Fang Yandong's eyes flashed.

Fang Qianhao also suddenly became nervous, and the living room suddenly fell into silence.

However, the strangeness didn't last long, Fang Yandong's complexion quickly recovered, and his handsome and mature face could no longer see any strangeness, and his smile was gentle and gentle, as if he was very relieved.

"Dad's Ziyang has finally grown up, unlike before, he only knew how to play and worry about his father. It seems that it's time for father to let Ziyang go to the company to gain knowledge and experience, Father's Ziyang will distinguish between true words and falsehoods."

"As for the shares, of course, Qianhao's shares have to be authorized to Dad. Dad has not overestimated the shares in your hands in recent years. You two brothers are better, one by one pocket money is not enough Just sell me the shares, if it wasn't for the last board meeting, I didn't know about it, so Dad can't let you keep this share in your hands."

Fang Yandong sighed, "Ziyang, this time Dad didn't handle your affairs well, and you were wronged. But you must understand that you are Dad's biological child, there is no doubt about that..."

So, how could Dad harm his own blood?

Fang Ziyang was really amused when he heard this.

Yes, how can there be a father who harms his own child? But he was very unlucky to encounter, tiger poison does not eat children, how thick is Fang Yandong's skin to play this kind of emotional card with him.

Fang Ziyang was silent, looking at the two close relatives opposite.

After a while, she suddenly smiled, with tears in her smile.

He ran over and threw himself on Fang Yandong's leg, buried his head on Fang Yandong and cried.

"I'm sorry, Dad, I didn't mean to be angry with you. Everyone said that. They all said that Dad deliberately ignored me. Dad prefers my brother and doesn't like me."

"As soon as I got home, my brother scolded me again. He scolded me every time. Before, my father didn't believe me.

"I want to believe my father, but I feel really uncomfortable. I thought I was really not my father's own. I thought my father spoiled me and really wanted to spoil me."

"I thought my father wanted my shares to authorize my shares as they said, I thought my father really wanted me to lose my grandfather's inheritance, regardless of me, and each of them Saying so..."

Fang Ziyang said while crying, like a confused child who can't find a roof to hide from the rain.

Every word was filled with countless helplessness, but the faces of Fang Yandong and Fang Qianhao were constantly changing.

Fang Yandong wanted to say something.

Fang Ziyang raised his head again, his delicate and beautiful face was stained with tears, his eyes were red,

"Dad, they all lied to me, right? Dad still likes me the most, right?"

"Of course."

Fang Yandong's smile is still elegant and loving.

Fang Ziyang burst into laughter, wiped away his tears, and said in a nasal voice full of willfulness, "Then father prove it to me!"

Fang Yandong paused, "How does Ziyang want his father to prove it?"

"Let my brother give up the inheritance of grandfather's estate!"

"What did you say? Fang Ziyang, you have a sick mind, why should I give up my grandfather's inheritance rights!" Fang Qianhao jumped up again when he heard the words.

Fang Yandong's gaze towards his younger son also became dark.

elder brother!"

"Dad, I am not coveting my grandfather's inheritance, but I am not convinced. As long as my father asks my brother to give up my grandfather's inheritance and let me inherit it all, I will trust my father."

Fang Ziyang is very firm.

Fang Qianhao was very angry, "You are talking nonsense! If you don't covet your grandfather's inheritance, how can you make me give up the right of inheritance? Fang Ziyang, I really didn't see you being so shameless."

"I didn't see you being so ruthless. Don't argue with steamed buns, Fang Qianhao, don't judge me with your dirty and narrow mind."

Fang Ziyang did not show weakness, raised his chin,

"Fang Qianhao, let me tell you, as long as Dad can let you give up your grandfather's inheritance rights, I will authorize all the shares in my hand to Dad."

"If you don't want to give up your grandfather's inheritance rights, then you can authorize the shares in your hand to Dad and return to me, do you dare?"

Grandpa's inheritance rights of billions of cash, and 10 shares of Fang Group's potential.

Today, he had to ask Fang Qianhao, the BBQ pork brother, to spit it out.