MTL - The Ancestor of Body Repair-Chapter 1410 Battle of the Star Soul Race (Part 2)

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When Xingjie and Xingyue were stunned, a piercing crack suddenly came from their ears. The slender human race man, like a teleportation, directly crossed the distance of ten meters and came to them.

At this time, an endless squeezing force suddenly appeared around them, binding their sturdy Xingyuan beast flesh.

"What kind of magical power is this! Is it some kind of magic weapon?"

"This power is still in the early stage of God Transformation, we can break free!"

The two star soul clans in battle form sensed this, the energy in their bodies surged rapidly, and a gray-blue aura shone around their bodies, and the muscles on their bodies even trembled, as if they could struggle out of the invisible restraint at any time.

But at this moment, the celebrity man raised his seemingly slender palms, and layers of twisted air appeared in his palms, like several layers of fuzzy palm prints, hitting the smooth skin with wrinkled aura.


The two star-soul clans felt a strong oscillating force rippling from them. Although the wrinkled aura on the body counteracted part of the force, the remaining oscillating force also made their fleshly muscles sore for a while, and the swelled force was directly released.

"What a powerful physical force!"

"This is definitely not a human race, it is impossible for a human race to have such power!"

"Brother Jie, the primarch starlight can counteract this power!"

After hitting the first palm, the human man's palming speed gradually accelerated, and he slapped the past continuously. The two star souls had to bless the energy in their bodies on the surface of the body, and the folds on the surface of the skin were released, offsetting a lot of shocks. Power.


A light whistle came out, and the celebrity man seemed to have found something. Not only did his movements not stop, but his speed was still accelerating, and the palm prints continued to bombard down.

However, the blurred and twisted air on his palms changed and gradually turned into a certain flowing form. When they formed the palm prints, they were still collapsing inward, turning into flowing palm prints that collapsed inward, revealing a special breath. .

With the appearance of this collapsed streamer palm print, the wrinkled aura on the surface of the two star souls seemed to have encountered some kind of nemesis, and was constantly consumed by the endless palm prints, and even the energy in their bodies was affected to a certain extent.

"He seems to be using an invisible energy that can affect our star power."

"You can't let him control the rhythm!"

Xingjie and Xingyue have not bad fighting experience. Knowing that if this continues, they will only fall into passive, so they activate a secret technique at the same time, and the body once again lights up with a blue light, as if there is a dazzling gem blooming in the body, even under the skin. blood vessels are clearly visible.

The next moment, complex lines appeared on their bodies, like countless fine astral runes, which seemed mysterious and unusual. The moment these runes appeared, the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth was strongly affected, as if breaking through some obstacle, crazy. come together.

The astral runes on the surface of the two Star Soul Clan Primarchs combined with the vitality of heaven and earth, turning into countless small blue stars the size of fists, which came out of the body, with a special spiritual pressure, densely rushing towards the human race man.

"Boom boom boom..."

The continuous roaring sound came, and the two Star Soul Clan quickly felt the atmosphere around them loosened, and hurriedly rushed out.

Who would have guessed that at this time, in the dense blue starlight, two palms stretched out and grabbed their sheep-like calf. The power contained in it made Xingjie and Xingyue stagnate. .

"not good!"

Under the anxiety, the light in their bodies became more dazzling, and the rune aura in the shape of countless small stars bombarded these palms. mouth.

But under these cracked skins, there were no bright red blood and muscles, but pieces of pitch-black scales, with a layer of black light film circulating on them, resisting the bombardment of the starlight, an energy completely different from vitality. The breath spreads out.

When the two Star Soul Clan saw this scene, they were stunned for a moment, and then they reacted.

"Mo Yuan, it's the breath of Demon Yuan!"

"This guy is not a human race! He is a demon race! We were fooled!"


Seemingly discovered that his identity was exposed, this "human race man" gushed out an incomparably thick demonic energy within his body, and the starlight that filled the sky was squeezed away by a pale black invisible force field, and his body was completely revealed.

The layer of skin on his body was all torn apart, revealing a layer of black scales below, and a light-black force field outside his body poured out from his body, wrapping the flesh of the two star beasts inside.

In addition, the surrounding heaven and earth's vitality seemed to be blocked by some kind of force, and there was no way to pull it in. The starlight secret arts of the two star souls directly lost their effect, and the little starlight dissipated in the pale black force field.

"The demons who control the vitality of heaven and earth!"

"No, this guy is the Demon Emperor!"

Xingjie and Xingyue saw these scenes, and they thought of the original scene of the enemy controlling the vitality of heaven and earth. The words "Devil Emperor" suddenly entered their minds, and the sheep's face showed panic and tension.

"Calm down, we're not fighting alone."

"Fusing the light of the soul and heart to protect the body, this is not a border battlefield, there is no magic energy, this guy's fighting durability is definitely not enough!"

"When the same clan comes to support, he has only one way to die."

The two star souls were grabbed by the demon man's hind legs, unable to open up the distance, so they simply did not flee. Their forefoot shone with star runes, sticking tightly together, and a special incantation sounded in their mouths.

In the next instant, two azure blue one-eyed phantoms appeared on their heads and brows, as if they were not affected by the black force field, and the two one-eyed phantoms began to approach and merge.

For a while, the auras of Xingjie and Xingyue seemed to be fused together, the power of the camera increased greatly, and the surrounding heaven and earth broke through the blockade of the force field and gathered towards the one eye that was merging.

The demon man didn't seem to care about the fused eyeball, his palm that grabbed the opponent's calf lit up with several black lights, and five inwardly collapsed mini vortices appeared in the front of his fingers, and he grabbed it fiercely.


As if it contained a terrifying penetrating power, the folds of aura outside the skins of the two Xingyuan beasts were directly broken into several holes, and the sharp fingertips were inserted into the muscular calves.

Under the pain of Xingjie and Xingyue, the Xingyuan force in their bodies became more turbulent, and the two one-eyed phantoms immediately merged successfully, turning into a big eyeball the size of a watermelon, staring coldly at the demon man.

From those deep pupils, a thick and incomparably blue starlight shot out, carrying a strong energy of heaven and earth, and slammed into the demon man's body.


The demon man let out a shrill scream, as if his soul had been burned.

The light-black force field on its surface was violently twisted, and its body swelled up. The originally slender and tall body became burly and tall, and bone spurs grew out of its joints.

It seems that under this powerful attack, he had to show his body.

"court death!"

The language of the demons came out of his mouth, the demon man released his palm, and a long and narrow black magic axe appeared in his hand. Blocked the thick starlight that came from the impact.

Immediately afterwards, the muscles of his arms were twisted, and an incomparably brutal will rose up in his body, and the solid black axe shadow rapidly expanded, ten feet two feet, three feet...

It swelled to twenty feet almost instantly, and the black shadow of the axe that covered the sky slashed forward fiercely.

The incomparably violent vitality overflowed, and the giant black axe was precisely cut on the phantom of the big eyeball.


I don't know if it's because the power disparity between the two sides is too large, or the eyeball shadow's defense is insufficient. It was cut in half by the axe shadow after only a stalemate for a moment, and it turned into a little starlight and dissipated.

The black shadow of the axe has also dimmed a lot, and the remaining demonic energy in it slammed into the two star beasts below, consuming the wrinkled aura of the other's body.

At this time, the burly body of the demon man suddenly moved forward aggressively. He held the magic axe and cut the closed hoofs on the front feet together with the axe shadow.


Under the superposition of the two forces, the magic axe smashed the folded defense and separated the two Xingyuan beasts.

Immediately after that, the demon man kicked Xingjie flying, and held the female star Xingyue in his arms. A rich black magic light poured out of his Without fighting, Xiang Yuan lasing.

At the same time, the magic axe in his hand disappeared, and it was replaced by a giant magic hammer. His body was spinning in the air, and a black hammer shadow of nearly 20 meters appeared. on the clan.


Xingjie felt the incomparable power coming, almost all the folds and auras on Xingyuan's body were shattered, and it was blasted out without any resistance, and fell on the grassland below.

At this moment, several gray-blue star beasts appeared in the sky, all of them exuding the aura of the god-turning level, one by one roared, and the power of angry spirits rippled in the air.

"Bold Demon Race, dare to violate the truce agreement and take action against my Star Soul Race!"

"Don't try to escape!"

But the speed of that Demon Race was much faster than theirs, and by the time they arrived at the battle scene, the other party had already flown out of the range of Divine Consciousness.

Leaving only a blood-spitting Xingyuan beast lying unconscious on the grassland...