MTL - The Alternate World Is Too Dangerous: I Hide In Reality And Rule!-Chapter 286 All ears

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  Chapter 286 All ears

  Daci Town!

  The small town that has always given people a sense of comfort and peace suddenly started to run at a fast speed.

  The grandpas and aunts who were sitting at the door chatting with stools quickly put away the chairs, sweeping away the melon and fruit shells on the ground with extremely neat movements.

  At the same time, from the entrance of the archway in the town, someone began to lay a red carpet on the ground, and as soon as they entered the shop, they arrived in front of the Li family's old house.

   "Xiaoxin, what the **** is going on?"

   Li Shan, who came from home in a hurry, saw the red carpet at the entrance of the town, and saw his son standing beside him with a confused expression. A certain thought flashed in his eyes, and his expression became a little excited in an instant.

   "Dad... If I have no problem with my brain, it should be what you guessed."

  Looking at his father's excited eyes, Li Xin knew what his father was thinking, and the reason why he was confused was that he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

   It's fine for the grandson of the main family to call him his cousin. The next moment he got Lin Ye's phone number from him, he immediately arranged for a car to pick him up at the hotel.

   Forget it, and then there was a scene that shocked him. The host family spread a red carpet on the ground.

  The red carpet was something he had never seen before. Even when his father told him that the main family had a big birthday, there was no red carpet.

  The red carpet is spread to the entrance of the town. This kind of welcome etiquette is only done for the arrival of the most distinguished guests.

  When Master Li Xian called to stop him earlier, his mood suddenly returned to normal from the bottom, and he was even a little excited. He felt that he had made the right bet.

  But when they saw the red carpet on the floor, everyone was numb.

  Lin Ye's status is so high.

   This is beyond his imagination.

  He knew that the master's family was not ordinary people. Lin Ye was able to know the master's family, and it was very likely that he came from the same family as the master's family. The reason why Zhuangcheng didn't know about it was probably because Lin Ye couldn't expose his family's affairs to the outside world.

  Or maybe Lin Ye's family has such a test, and members of the clan are not allowed to enjoy family resources without graduation.

This kind of situation is not unheard of, there are news reports that there was once a pair of multi-millionaire parents who rented a house and took their children to live the lives of poor children just because they were afraid that their children would develop the dandyism of rich children. , Not telling the child the real situation at home until the child is admitted to university.

  In his mind, Lin Ye should be on the same level as Young Master Li Xian, and he came to visit the master's house as a junior. He never imagined that Lin Ye was not a junior.

  Because of the words of the juniors, it is impossible for the host to put up this lineup.

   "Xiaoxin, if this Mr. Lin is willing to speak for you, grandpa will definitely hand over the company to you to manage. You have enough capital to compete with Li Xin."

   "Dad, I don't need Lin Ye to speak for me." Li Xin shook his head, and after seeing his father's puzzled eyes, he explained in detail what happened to him when he came to Li's house.

   Li Shan was stunned when he heard that, his eldest nephew really committed suicide. This is no longer disqualification from managing the company. The owner will definitely punish Li Xin, and Li Xin can no longer become his competitor.



   Fifteen minutes later, a black car slowly stopped under the plaque at the gate of the town, the door opened, and Lin Ye got out of the car.

   "Mr. Lin, welcome to my Li family as a guest. I am Li Wei. Father was going to greet you in person..."

   "How can you bear this, since when I came to visit, this..." Lin Ye looked at the carpet in front of his eyes: "I deserve it, I deserve it."

   "Mr. Lin, you are welcome. You are a distinguished guest. Come to my Li family. My Li family will welcome you with the highest courtesy, please!"

Li Wei made a gesture of invitation to Lin Ye, and Lin Ye nodded. Seeing Li Xin standing on the far side, Lin Ye paused, and said to Li Xin, "Brother Li, thank you for sending me the gift. Greetings."

   "No... no thanks, this is what I should do."

  Li Xin didn't expect Lin Ye to greet him at this time, and his expression was very excited, but he also knew that it was not his turn to stand beside Lin Ye on this occasion.

   Didn't you see that several young masters of the master's family couldn't be ranked? Standing next to Lin Ye were the master's sons.

   "It's an honor for Li Xin to be able to send greetings to Mr. Lin, but it is a blessing he has cultivated in his life."

Li Wei turned his gaze to Li Xin, and replied meaningfully. Lin Ye also smiled on his face and said nothing. Old feudal tendencies.

  I said this to try to pull Li Xin, and Li Wei also understood what he meant, and the words "it is Li Xin's blessing" were the response.

  Welcome by Li Wei and Li's family, Lin Ye was surrounded by stars and walked in the middle of the carpet. Although Lin Ye's expression was very calm and he kept smiling, he was also a little puzzled and puzzled.

   Needless to say, his reputation in the alien circle, he also knows that he is very famous now, but no matter how famous he is, the Li family's rules for welcoming him are a bit beyond the standard.

  After all, I haven’t been in the circle of strangers for a long time. A big family like the Li family that has been passed down for many years is supposed to be more reserved. It is normal to arrange for Li Wei to pick me up, but it is not normal to lay the carpet.

   Courtesy requires people to ask for something.

   Could it be that the Li family has something to ask for themselves?

  Thinking of this possibility, Lin Ye became more confident in his heart. If the Li family wanted something from him, then it would be more likely for him to come to the Li family to achieve his goal.

  Li's old house.

  Lin Ye just followed Li Wei to the threshold of the gate, when an old man's voice full of air came from inside.

   "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, I should have gone to greet you in person."

  In the gate of the main hall, an old man with white hair in a Tang suit stood there with a smile on his face. Lin Ye hurried forward a few steps.

   "Mr. Li, what you said like that made the kid feel ashamed. The kid is a junior, so how can he be worthy of being greeted by Mr. Li?"

   "If you can afford it, why can't Mr. Lin not be able to, please come in quickly."

   "You go first."

  Lin Ye first let Mr. Li walk in front, but he sighed in his heart. The head of the Li family still said that he would greet him personally, but he didn't lift his foot to cross the threshold.

  This shows that although the Li family wants something from themselves, it is not to the point where it is absolutely necessary.

Serving and drinking tea, the Patriarch of the Li family introduced his son including several grandsons to Lin Ye, and Li Xian was the most excited. When he was introduced, he hurriedly said, "Mr. Idol... oh no, it's a super fan, it's a die-hard fan, do you understand what a die-hard fan means?"

  The corner of Lin Ye's mouth twitched. He wasn't an elderly person, nor was he someone who didn't surf the Internet.

   "Slightly understand, slightly understand."

   "You may not know that when the news about you punishing the ghost businessman got out, I identified you, and later you went to the ice city... In short, everything is something a hero would do in my heart."

   Li Xian was extremely excited, while Lin Ye had a modest smile on his face, but he said in his heart: Another middle school guy.

   These days, star chasing is the most unreliable.

   "Forgive me, Mr. Lin. After hearing about your heroic deeds, Quanzi has always followed your example."

   Seeing that his son almost wanted to pounce on Lin Ye, Li Wei reached out and grabbed his son's waist clothes vaguely, and then pulled him back a few steps.

   "It's okay, your son has a real temperament. I really like your son's character, straightforwardness and enthusiasm."

After some courtesies, the tea had bottomed out, and when the Li family added water, Lin Ye didn't procrastinate, and said straight to the point: "Old Li, this time I came to the Li family, apart from hearing about the Li family's reputation in the circle of strangers." In addition to coming to visit because of the name, there is also something to ask for."

   Li Zhenhai and his sons looked at each other, and the father and son didn't notice the exception. The first half of Lin Ye's sentence was purely polite, but the second half was true.

  It's just a polite way to come to visit because of the name. Their Li family's reputation in the alien circle is not very good.

  Staying old and never changing, old feudal family, this is the evaluation of their Li family in the circle.

   "Mr. Lin, if you have anything to say, as long as my Li family is able to help, I will definitely do my best."

   Li Zhenhai patted his chest and promised, but Lin Ye was slandering in his heart. Generally, the combination of "capable" and "do our best" is equivalent to no promise.

   "I heard that Mr. Li, your family used to accept Tai Sui in the early years. I don't know if you can transfer it to the younger generation."

Li Zhenhai pondered for a while and nodded: "My Li family does have a Tai Sui, and there is more than one head. If Mr. Lin wants it, just take it. If you say that you don't change hands, you don't recognize our Li family as a friend. .”

  For the Li family, Tai Sui is of little value.

  The Li family collected seven or eight Tai Sui and studied them for nearly a hundred years, but found nothing. They concluded that the rumors of Tai Sui were just rumors and exaggerated.

"Mr. Li is grand." Lin Ye clasped his fists but then shook his head and said, "But the juniors don't want to take it for nothing. The Li family has been passed down for dozens of generations, and there is no shortage of money. Why don't you tell me, Mr. Li, that if there is anything that the juniors can do, the juniors must Incumbent."

  The Li family is so talkative, Lin Ye naturally has to show his sincerity.

   Li Zhenhai's old eyes lit up. It seems that this consultant Lin knows the rules. It is rumored in the circle that Consultant Li became famous when he was young, so he should be arrogant and domineering. Rumors are harmful.

   "Ahem, this is not good, not good."

   "Old Li, this junior is sincere. You also know that as a stranger, sometimes you need to be clear-headed. It is not a good thing to get too involved in karma."

  Lin Ye knew that Li Zhenhai was putting on airs, but he had to cooperate. This is the way of the world.

   "Since Mr. Lin said so, the old man has no choice but to be cheeky. There is really one thing that Mr. Lin can help."

   "All ears."

  (end of this chapter)