MTL - The Almighty Asura-Chapter 3808 : The strongest battlefield, to

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"Today's battle, the holy city of good fortune, is famous for its great fame!"

Old Mo frantically roared: "Good luck Holy Dragon Cannon, gather energy!"

This aging master, bad old man, was excited like a fanatic at this moment.

"Citizens of the Holy City of Good Fortune, grant this power of heaven and earth!"

At this moment, all the worlds in the city, the **** stars, the trillions of human races, and the people of the Shura race, are surging with divine power, even the weakest immortal power is integrated into the world.


Gathering the power of the entire heaven and earth immortals and gods, the heart of good fortune in the holy city, flooding into the terrifying laws of heaven and earth, strands of faint cosmic power.

One after another, like a giant cannon with a dragon's mouth, gathered incomparably terrifying power.


boom! boom! boom……

In an instant, three thousand artillery shots shot out, and the terrifying force that destroyed the world smashed everything, just like the power of three thousand masters. How terrifying?

Twenty-seven sacred dragons spit out the pillars of dragon's breath, and merge the power of the battle fort to kill the three thousand sacred dragon cannons!

However, at this moment of contact, the terrifying Sacred Dragon's artillery fire energy wiped out the power of the Fortress in an instant, blasting and destroying it.


Twenty-seven holy dragons roared in horror, and then were enveloped by terrifying artillery fire.

Bang! Bang! Bang! One by one exploded instantly, and the Great Dao and Heavenly Imprints were all shattered.

"Do not!"

"how could it be possible!"

The world's army in the Holy Dragon Battle Fortress was terrified, and then, the power of this artillery enveloped the Holy Dragon Battle Fortress, and the Holy Dragon Battle Fortress was directly bombarded, exploding a series of cracks.

More than one hundred thousand soldiers screamed and were killed!

"Bump me!" Old Mo roared.


The holy city of good fortune turned into a rainbow of light and hit the Holy Dragon Battle Fortress.


At this moment, the strongest war fortress in the Wind Witch God Realm exploded and the world collapsed.

The Holy City of Good Fortune actually condenses a **** hole of heaven and earth, swallowing the Holy Dragon Battle Fortress, swallowed into the world of Good Fortune Holy City, and absorbing the power of this battle castle world!

"No, our Holy Dragon Battle Fort!"

"How is it possible that the Sacred Dragon Battle Fort has been blasted, this is our strongest war artifact."

The wind witch soldiers who saw this scene were desperate and almost collapsed.

Sacred Dragon Battle Fort, in their hearts has always been an invincible war artifact.

"Widowed Sacred Dragon Battle Fort!"

Feng Witch Saint Emperor's eyes were also red with anger, this was the last Saint Dragon Battle Fortress.

"Dare to destroy my battle fort and destroy it!"

The Saint Emperor Feng Witch roared, and shot angrily, a large blue and black palm print of the world condensed the power of the world, and the power of the small universe from the origin blasted towards the holy city of good fortune.

"Good luck Tianyu!"

Old Mo was not afraid of danger.

The Holy City of Good Fortune has released the terrifying power of the universe and space, condensing the extremely deep and solid walls of the universe!


In this big heaven, the terrifying palm of the heavenly supreme fell, and the terrifying energy burst into space, and many black holes appeared.

However, the outside wall of the Holy City of Good Fortune has cracked a series of gaps, and it has not been able to spread to the inner world of the Holy City!

The holy city was just retreated by a palm, and the defense was not broken.

"Hahahaha, this is the strongest battlefield in the world!" Old Mo laughed loudly.

"How is it possible, what kind of God City is this?" Feng Witch Saint Emperor was also shocked.

"Wind Witch Saint Emperor, your opponent is this seat!"

Mu Feng said indifferently, step by step!

Luo Yu protects hundreds of millions of gods, and his human consciousness is immortal to enter his reincarnation world.

At the same time, condense the avatar of Shenhuo, comparable to the supreme in the beginning, entering the enemy camp to fight.

Xuanyuan Yulan suspended the nine-handed nine-prison saintly saint of reincarnation, releasing a terrifying sword aura, turning into nine divine light that tore through the world and violently slammed against a supreme Supreme.

The defense of this supreme Supreme Being was easily torn apart by nine knives, and the nine knives enveloped the wind witch Taichu, the whole person was instantly nine points, turned into corpses.

Although Xuanyuan Yulan had just stepped into the cultivation base of the Supreme Heaven and Earth, this terrifying strength was indeed not something the Beginner Supreme could contend.

After killing this person, the Four-Eyed Demon Junji was lifeless, and directly used her magic eye magical power to seal the opponent's Taichu Dao seal.

Tianfeng Divine Dynasty, more than a dozen supreme, three heaven and earth supreme, in an absolute advantage, the sacred dynasty of the wind witch has been completely defeated.

Mu Feng, the Saint Emperor Feng Witch, the two rose into the depths of the starry sky, surging with terrifying energy from heaven and earth looking at each other coldly.

"Wind Witch Saint Emperor, your heaven and earth road seal, this seat is booked in advance." Mu Feng said coldly: "This battle, I planned for too long, your Feng Witch sacred dynasty will undoubtedly lose."

"Who is the one who will kill you is not certain, Mu Feng, I will kill and seal you personally, and turn the whole battle around."

The Holy Emperor Wind Witch stepped out one step, and the Heaven and Earth Holy Power, which had almost reached the peak of the Great Heaven Position, roared out, turning into a huge blue black hole.


With a palm shot, the heaven and earth sacred power condensed and turned into a huge blue-black palm, which immediately collapsed and enveloped Mu Feng.

"Vientiane is extremely heavenly, and Vientiane is destroyed!"

The six primordial sacred powers in Mu Feng's body exploded and merged into one, transforming the power of destruction in Vientiane.

With a punch, it turned into a huge black hole on one side, and it was upgraded to the ultimate Destruction God's fist hitting the opponent's palm. Two horrible energies collided, directly exploding this palm, and the punch power shattered 80 million miles. Void, more powerful.

"Heaven and earth storm, holy meteor!"

The Wind Witch Saint Emperor stepped out again, the cosmic storm condensed and turned into a huge black hole tornado, blasting out black wind pillars and blasting towards Mu Feng with endless attack power.

"Destruction and Strangulation!"

With a push of Mu Feng's palms, a black hole of destruction containing the power of horrific strangulation was enveloped in one side, and all the wind pillars that were strangulated were all strangulated and exploded!

"Yes, it's no wonder Yun Kuang is not your opponent, but you will definitely die in this battle!"

Feng Wu Shengdi's face was cold, and he scratched the world!


The void was torn apart, and a terrifying blue-black holy sword appeared, and a terrible sword spirit circulated on this sword!

Heavenly Wind Sword!

The Saint Wind Witch held the holy sword in his hand, and the holy power of heaven and earth in his body merged with the sword. In an instant, his aura more than doubled.

"Fengshen cut, kill!"

The Holy Emperor Wind Witch screamed angrily, slashed out, and the universe tore a terrifying crack between the world and the earth, this astonishing slash slashed towards Mu Feng, the attack power was several times stronger than before.

With a bang, the black hole of destruction was directly split in half by a knife, and the force of a horrible knife enveloped him and struck Mu Feng.

However, a huge purple-gold sacred cauldron shrouded and appeared, and the knife smashed on the holy cauldron. The Vientiane sacred cauldron was smashed into the air with a sound, but it could not resist the sword.

After that, Mu Feng's body suddenly appeared again, and there was another ancient evil holy sword with nine-pattern thunder dragon in his hand.

"Old friend, let me see how powerful you are now."

Mu Feng held Gu Sha, Vientiane was extremely heavenly, all transformed into thunder power, Nine Nether Holy Power poured into the sword!

At this moment, something shocking happened!