MTL - The Age of Rebirth: The Little Hot Wife Get Rich From Space-Chapter 71 Is there anyone in the world with such a husband?

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  Chapter 71 Is there such a husband in the world?

Late at night.

  Tanten fell asleep.

   She quietly curled up in the quilt, a small ball, only showing a small fluffy head, no matter how you look at it, she is lovable.

   Bai Yuxue tucked the sleeping Tian Tian into the quilt, and then took out the letter Jiang Ruogu gave her in the afternoon from the satchel.

   She took a deep breath, her fingertips gently brushed her name written in her most familiar handwriting on the yellowed envelope, her thoughts drifted away slowly.

   She married Ji Guangcun when she was eighteen years old.

   There was no unforgettable oath between her and him, she just heard her father say that he is a person who is upright and kind and worthy of his life, and she nodded in agreement.

   The two only met once before they got married. Because of her shyness, she couldn't even see each other's nose and eyes clearly.

   She lowered her head at that time, and only remembered his laughter, which was so crisp and hearty, from the ear to the heart, and could never be forgotten.

   She didn't know until she got married that he was really a good person.

He would put a small flower on her temple in the spring, teach her to read and write stroke by stroke by holding her hand in the summer night, carry her to the mountains to hunt chestnut wild fruits in the autumn wind, and in the cold winter She secretly hid a baked sweet potato in her pocket.

   It was so good back then.

  However, they only spent one season together.

  What's the use of resentment, she knew early on that in his heart, there was always something more important than their small family.

  In troubled times, someone has to take the initiative to give up something.

   Bai Yuxue sighed softly, and after hesitating, she finally tore open the envelope.

   Under the dim yellow oil lamp, she gently unfolded the letter with both hands.

  [Jade Snow Gowife:

   Allow me to call you this one last time.

   By the time you see this letter, I may no longer be there.

  Don't be sad, and please forgive my selfishness and irresponsibility. In this chaotic world, some things always have to be done by someone.

Today, the general situation is clear. With such a group of comrades with firm beliefs standing here, the establishment of a new society is only a matter of time, and the recovery and development after that can only rely on our entire national culture. It is the national backbone that has been passed down for thousands of years on the land under our feet, and it is the spiritual food we rely on for survival, and it must not be lost in the hands of our generation.

  When the darkness passes, the light will come, and the days to come will definitely get better and better.

You are still young, and there are infinite possibilities in your future life. Please don’t let you wither and wither at an average age for an irresponsible person like me. I believe that there will always be someone in this world who can replace me to give you real Happiness. I have entrusted Brother Zhao to send back a sum of money to you, even if it is the makeup I gave you, if you have the confidence, you will not be bullied when you go to other people's homes.

  My wife, in this life, I will not be able to treat you. If you want to blame me or hate me, I will accept it completely. I have always been a firm materialist, but because of you, I hope to have an afterlife.

   If there is an afterlife, I will never fail you.

your husband

   Ji Guangcun's best writing]

   Bai Yuxue held the letter paper, and remained silent for a long time, and finally spit out two words from her mouth: "Bastard..."

   Is there such a husband in the world?

Even if    is gone forever, he still has to write a letter to persuade her to remarry, which is really not a thing!

   If she can see him again, she must be ruthless, punch him in the chest ruthlessly to let out this bad breath.

   However, he had already left, and he had walked cleanly and thoroughly, not even a corpse was left behind.

Note: The sentence "I have always been a staunch materialist..." in this chapter is borrowed and adapted from, I believe everyone knows it, that is the great man who "reads for the rise of China", God of Harmony, please let me go. Running away with the lid on~



   (end of this chapter)