MTL - The Age of Giant Ships and Cannons-Chapter 306 Bruins United's initiative

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  Chapter 306 Bruwan Union’s Active Attack

   Streams of light descended from the sky and landed on the heads of the senior officers, slowly forming a cloud-like vortex.

   Li Qing instantly felt as if his whole mind was immersed in mint, and instantly felt that his mind became very clear without feeling tired.

  Everyone knows that this is because after the United Empire of Mankind and Bruvan united the old enemies to start an all-out war, the will of civilization was completely awakened and paid attention to this battle.

  All senior officers participating in this battle will be paid attention to by the Will of Civilization and temporarily get a BUFF—Civilization Favored Person.

  This BUFF does not increase the strength of these senior officers. It only has one effect, which is to keep them clear-headed at all times, and ignore the influence of some psykers or the temptation of evil existences in subspace.

  In war, keeping your head clear is actually a very powerful state, which means that unless it is intentional, the commander will not make any confusion and mistakes on the battlefield under normal circumstances, which is very important.

  The clouds and vortices above the heads of the senior officers gradually condensed and formed into strange crown phantoms, which slowly merged into the body.

  At this time, Li Qing suddenly noticed that His Excellency Yi Zhengqiu, commander of the Eighth Army, suddenly opened his eyes slightly, and looked at him with a look of extreme surprise:

   "Your Excellency Li Qing, you."

  The voice attracted the attention of many senior officers in the headquarters, and they all turned their heads with shocked expressions.

  Li Qing looked up strangely, but found that what was condensed above his head was a round of extremely luxurious golden glazed crown, which was slowly emitting a faint crystal light into the void.

"what is this?"

  He also talks to himself in a strange way.

  Yi Zhengqiu was silent for a moment, then said:

   "It's a status symbol!"

   "Status symbol?"

  Li Qing thought for a while and asked:

   "Is there something wrong with the shape of the top of my head?"

   Yi Zhengqiu twitched the corner of his mouth, shook his head and said:

   "No, it's because the abnormal shape on your head has surpassed the rank of military leader."

   "Be clear."

  Yi Zhengqiu looked at the puzzled and puzzled Li Qing with a puzzled and complicated face, making sure that he really didn't know, and said with doubts and envy:

   "Look at the abnormal shape on the top of my head. The silver color represents the rank of the military lord. Although I am not a military lord, I represent the Dongyang Yi clan, and the golden abnormal shape represents the rank of the Star Sea Lord."

  Li Qing raised his head sharply again, with a shocked expression on his face, and said:

   "Impossible, I have not been promoted to Star Sea Lord!"

  Yi Zhengqiu spread his hands and said:

   "I don't know, but the favor of the will of civilization cannot be faked."

  Li Qing

  At this moment, Li Qing already had a guess in his mind.

  If there is no accident, it should be that I obtained the pioneer database from the Ada recorder and obtained the complete dark energy technology. I have concealed it from the world, but I cannot hide it from the will of civilization.

  So in the eyes of the world, he is just a military leader ranked fifth, but in the eyes of the will of civilization, he.

   It doesn’t mean that he is the lord now, he is still ranked fifth in the civilization artifact. This golden crown just represents the will of civilization.

  This cannot be explained to people.

  Li Qing squeezed the center of his eyebrows, now he can only say that he doesn't know about it.

   He can only keep his mouth shut first, and after defeating Bruvan United, he will definitely be able to obtain a large number of destiny points with his own ability. At that time, he can use his destiny points to promote the Star Sea Lord as an excuse.

"that is it."

   Withdrawing his thoughts, he didn't mean to explain, but just opened the communication with Cai Chenghou, commander of the Second Army who was already in charge of the fleet, and ordered:

   "The war has already begun. The striker has already fought against the striker united by Bruvan. You are starting now. You will first go to the striker's base for a transfer, and then go to the front line."

  Cai Chenghou, who was on the opposite side of the communication, immediately responded with a military salute, and disconnected decisively.

   Soon the headquarters received the news that the Second Army had started to make the jump.

  The anomaly just now is obvious. It is a sign that the all-out war between human civilization and the Bruvan joint civilization has officially started. Only at this time will the will of civilization wake up and boil.

  Seeing that the Second Army is about to jump, Li Qing turned his head and said to Yi Zhengqiu:

   "Pay attention to the front-line news, including the situation of the central and western coalition forces."

  Yi Zhengqiu nodded, opened his mouth slightly to say something, but shook his head after a while, and didn't continue to ask.

  Curiosity is curiosity, but this kind of thing is obviously a secret of others, and it is not suitable to ask it to the end.

Turn around and return to the command room, and come to the huge virtual star map sand table. At this time, the sand table has simulated the huge territory of the entire Perseus spiral arm from the first star field to the seventh star field in real time. The gathering place is the throne where human civilization is located. The star field and the Faust star field, as well as the Bruwan star field where the Bruwan United Civilization is located.

  He stood motionless in front of the star field sand table, tapping his fingers lightly on the edge of the sand table as if thinking.

  Yi Zhengqiu and other senior officers of the left-wing coalition also came to the sand table. While receiving information from the front line, several staff officers adjusted the strength and position of the two fleets displayed on the sand table in real time to ensure the accuracy of the sand table.

  Li Qing thought for a while, stretched out his hand and pressed the star map to pull down, and pulled the star field where the eastern core fortress of Bruvan United was in front of him.

Thanks to thousands of years of reconnaissance penetration, human beings have already clearly grasped every galaxy within a thousand light-years around the three core fortresses of Bruvan. The star map is as real as it is, and even The terrain structure on the surface of each planet was photographed and incorporated into the star map system.

  Basically, what it looks like on the virtual star map is what the nearby galaxies look like in reality.

  Li Qing clicked on the nearby galaxies one by one, checked, closed, and then opened another galaxy, and combined with the information he had, he simulated in his mind.

   After a while, he returned to the main command chair and sat down, closing his eyes and tapping his fingers on the table.

  Bruwan United dared to leave the core fortress to fight in the field, which was beyond his expectations.

   It turned out that his plan was to assemble a large army to storm the core fortress in the east. When the strength of the two sides was almost exhausted and the all-out war entered a stalemate, then he started to make trouble.

  At the beginning of Total War, the nerves of both sides were very tense. At that time, doing anything would trigger a strong reaction, and it was not easy to operate.

   After entering the stalemate stage, the nerves of both sides are no longer so tense. At that time, find another opportunity to fight, although it will also trigger a strong reaction, but at that time the troops on both sides are too exhausted, and the pressure they face is less than at the beginning.

   Don't just look at it, there is a slight difference between winning and losing in many cases.

  The previous all-out wars lasted at least a dozen years, and the longest one was a stalemate between the two sides for nearly a hundred years, and there was no rush at all.

  Two days later, a communication from Cai Chenghou, the commander of the Second Army, indicated that the Second Army had arrived at the forward fortress base of the Eastern Allied Forces. After leaving behind a part of the reserve fleet, the main force continued northward, entered the two warring galaxies, and entered the frontline battlefield.

   At the same time, Li Qing also obtained first-hand intelligence from the frontline battlefield in real time.

  The speed of the Second Army was not much different from the support of the right-wing coalition forces, and the front and rear feet arrived. Together with the Third Army, the three armies assembled more than a thousand division-level fleets in the frontline battlefield galaxy.

  With two mobile battle stars as the core, a total of more than 2,000 division-level fleets from both sides launched a super-long battle line of more than one billion kilometers to fight in this galaxy.

  Three days later, Li Qing ordered the Eighth Army to start to assemble, and together with nearly a hundred player divisions formed a joint formation to go north.

   There is still 1 war moon left in the left outpost, 3 high-level and 5 conventional mobile fortresses, and about 50 divisions are stationed. All other fleets go north with him, ready to join the battle.

  The fleet jumped over 1,500 light-years at one time, paused once, and jumped directly to the galaxy next to the battle galaxy for the second jump.

   "Warning, a large-scale enemy fleet has been discovered, please prepare for battle, Commander!"

   "Warning, a large-scale enemy fleet has been discovered, please prepare for battle, Commander!"

   "Warning, a large-scale enemy fleet has been discovered, please prepare for battle, Commander!"

  The fleet had just jumped into the galaxy, and was still on the edge of the galaxy's gravitational well. The mobile battle star's sensors scanned the traces of the enemy fleet less than a million kilometers away from the jump site.

  By coincidence, a combined Bruwan main fleet jumped to this galaxy less than an hour before them, and jumped to the same location.

   "Ready to fight!"

  The fleet quickly spread out to form a combat formation, but the enemy arrived before them and had already deployed a combat formation. When they found that they had leaped not far away, they immediately seized the opportunity that they had just transitioned and their formation had not yet unfolded to launch an attack first.

Only at this time did the fleet scan the size of the enemy fleet. One mobile battle star, two war moons, 15 advanced mobile fortresses and more than 41 conventional mobile fortresses, and about 500 standard divisions, the total size Almost 25% stronger than them.

   "No wonder you are so decisive!"

  At this moment, Yi Zhengqiu asked in a low voice:

   "Your Excellency, Commander, I have already contacted the Second Army. Commander Cai Chenghou asked if he wanted support?"

  Li Qing smiled and waved his hands:

   "No, we can handle it."

   "By the way, report the situation here to the headquarters."

  He tapped his finger lightly, and a light curtain popped open to reveal Chu Yuan who was sitting on the command seat, and ordered:

   "Get ready for battle."

   Then he turned his head and said to General Cybertron:

   "Expand the halo, first increase the distance, and let the fleet expand."

   General Cybertron nodded. In the next second, everyone felt in a trance. Everything in front of them blurred for a while and then recovered. Just in doubt, a staff officer immediately reported loudly:

   "Report, just now the fleet suddenly left its position out of thin air, and has opened a distance of 30 million kilometers from the enemy fleet."

  The senior officers were astonished, Li Qing said without waiting for them to ask:

   "This is the unique talent of a **** general, who can teleport within the galaxy regardless of any conditions."

  Yi Zhengqiu looked at the Cybertron general who was sitting expressionlessly in his place with a shocked expression on his face, opened his mouth and couldn't speak, and finally stretched out his big finger:


  Holding his hands together, he said seriously:

   "Your Excellency will continue to command!"

  It is very realistic. After knowing that Cybertron is a great general, Yi Zhengqiu naturally began to blame him.

   At a distance of 30 million kilometers, except for the star blaster of the mobile battle star, no other weapon can reach such a distance.

After the two sides suddenly opened the distance out of thin air, the opposite side was obviously confused, and then saw the opposite fleet spread out, covering an area of ​​tens of millions of kilometers, and a terrifying energy vortex appeared in the center of the mobile battle star standing in the center of the fleet. The starburst starts charging.

  Our side immediately retaliated, and the star blaster in the center of the mobile battle star also started to recharge, targeting one of the mobile fortresses.

  After recharging in just five minutes, two extremely thick beams of light traversed the starry sky of more than 30 million kilometers, and blasted into the opponent's fleet respectively.

   Then, two regular mobile fortresses became victims, and two huge flaming fireworks exploded in the starry sky.

   Can't defend.

  Although Li Qing has a universe in his palm that can open and take away the attack, the premise is that he needs to know who the target of the starburst is.

He is now in the mobile battle star, and the enemy's star blaster is definitely impossible to directly bombard the mobile battle star. Although this thing is powerful, a conventional mobile fortress can be destroyed in one shot, but it is powerful against a mobile battle star with ridiculously strong defense That's it.

  Since he can't attack mobile battle stars, he naturally can't know the target in advance by feeling the threat.

  Two starbursts destroy two mobile fortresses, no one will take advantage.

  Starbursts have a cooling time of one hour, and the distance of 30 million kilometers during this period ensures that they will not be attacked by any attack other than starbursts, and they can calmly adjust and deploy the fleet.

   An hour later, the final weapons of the two mobile battle stars began to recharge again.

  The suffocating energy vortexes converged and once again turned into two destructive beams of light that pierced through the void.

  No accident, two more mobile fortresses turned into dust.

  In just two hours, the four mobile fortresses were reduced to cosmic fragments. Even the Star Sea Lord would feel heartbroken and unbearable for this loss.

   I don’t know which army lord owns the two mobile fortresses, so I’m probably going to die of heartache.

Fifteen minutes after the two starbursts, the fleet finally re-adjusted its formation, and after an order to get everyone ready for battle was issued to the entire fleet, Cybertron immediately activated the unique talent of the **** general. People felt a trance, the fleet disappeared out of thin air again, and reappeared at .

   Forty million kilometers away, the rear of the Bruvan United Fleet.

   That is to say, they jumped directly behind the buttocks of the Bruvan United Fleet. The forwards were only less than 100,000 kilometers away from their tails. From a distance, it seemed that the two sides were almost stuck together.

   Everyone was stunned by this move. Fortunately, he had issued an order before, and the human fleet was mentally prepared. It only took a few seconds to react and immediately launched an attack.

  All flagships and fortresses and the T-slot main guns of the mobile battle star are charged at the same time, and only aim at two of the mobile fortresses.

As millions of light spears of various T slots fired at the same time, countless thick light spears poured down on the two unresponsive mobile fortresses like an endless rainstorm. Thinned, broken.

  The high-strength alloy armor with a thickness of more than ten kilometers was riddled with holes by countless doomsday spear titans, and large pieces of hard alloy armor were forcibly torn apart by the more powerful T-slot doomsday weapon and thrown into the starry sky.

  (end of this chapter)