MTL - The 99th Divorce-Chapter 2235 Cowang City University

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Biquge, update the latest chapter of the 99th divorce as soon as possible!

Li Jianyue was even more beautiful. She said, "Okay, I feel the same way. Mom and Dad have said that, although I'm not as smart as you and my brother, my luck has been the best since childhood. I often win prizes, and another bottle or something, and I have the best father in the world, the best mother in the world, the best grandparents in the world, and my brother, " Looking up at Li Mosen, he said, "And you!"

Li Mosen's heart seemed to be filled with warmth, and he couldn't help raising his lips. "Well."

"Here it is." Uncle Yang stopped and pulled the handbrake.

Li Jianyue immediately got up, quickly opened the door and got out.

Li Mosen saw her jumping around carrying her schoolbag, suppressed her heart for a day, and finally turned to sunny.

Li Jianqian found that Li Mosen today seemed to be in a good mood, even when he went out for a night run at night, his face was smiling.

Yu Chulin also noticed the strangeness of Li Mosen. He knew it already, and could not help but smile, and said, "Hey, Mosen."

Li Mosen turned his head to look at Yu Chulin. The seemingly unassuming smile on his face and the obvious good mood now made Yu Chulin couldn't help remembering his hostility towards him some time ago, and the smile couldn't bear any deeper. Play? "

"Okay." Li Mosen raised an eyebrow. "Dasu, too."

Li Jianqian ran slightly, panting, and nodded, seeing the fierce atmosphere between them.

Li Jianyue heard that they were going to play after taking a bath, but they ran out, squatting and watching them.

And Su Qianci and Li Sicheng also went out for a walk, and at a glance, they saw the huge basketball court under the night, and the three teenagers were sweating, full of youth.

The smile on Su Qianci's face was still gentle, holding her husband's arms and saying, "The children are all grown up."

Li Sicheng only showed a mild expression on his wife's side. When he saw Su Qianci's happy appearance, the corners of his lips were shallow. He said, "When we grow up, we should rest assured. When Da Su graduates, he will The company matters to him, let's go around the world. "

Su Qianci glanced at him slightly dissatisfied, and said, "How old is Dasu now, so I can't let him play for another two years?"

"Then what's going on, the child was supposed to use it," Li Sicheng said solemnly. "Except for Er Su and Mo Yun at home, you can use it."

Li Jianyue pointed his ears, and immediately stood up from the ground, shouting, "Dad, how can you say that, I can use it. Although I am only a freshman now, my junior is going to the company for an internship ! "

Although Li Ersu was not very smart, he was the cutest since he was a child, and looks the most similar to Su Qianci. In addition, as a child, Li Sicheng's three children, the most favorite is this daughter.

At this moment, when I heard that my daughter was so sensible, she felt a little relieved, and she could not help but "grow up."

Li Jianyue only when she was bragging about herself, proudly said: "Of course!"

Su Qianci couldn't help laughing, "Speaking of which, Mosen is going to take the college entrance examination this year. Have you ever asked which university he is going to take?"

Li Jianyue said: "Yes, he said he would take Kangda!"

Cannes University is also one of the best key universities in Cannes.

But this point is only in Cannes.

With the strength of Li Mosen, you can apply for a better university.