MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-~ Seven hundred and ninety-eight, I cheated again

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Li Ping, who hadn't encountered such an enemy who simply surrendered in a few years, was a little confused. After all... If it was an enemy who would surrender, Li Ping would not need to take action himself.

Excavated from memory.

"Have you eaten anyone?"

"Go back to Grandpa Saint Monk." Xiong Shanjun, who was kneeling in front of Li Ping's eyes, twitched.

"You think clearly before answering." Li Ping looked blankly at Xiong Shanjun, who wanted to lie.

"Only when there is really nothing to eat..."

"Crack!" Li Ping slapped the still talking nonsense Xiong Shanjun into a mosaic. "Let you think clearly before answering."

Li Ping turned his head to look at the two people on both sides, and they both handled it in the same way.

However, seeing the at least five-meter-high prototypes of the bull and tiger spirits that they had decapitated, Li Ping looked back at the pile of molecules in front of him.

- Sure enough, next time, I'll cut it with a knife.

With a curious mind, Li Ping cut some beef ribs, folded some wild fruit branches and burned them into charcoal with high-voltage electricity, and folded some branches to wear the beef ribs.

—Fuck this meat is delicious!

Li Ping's eyes lit up, and after three or two mouthfuls, the delicious roast beef skewers were just sprinkled with a little salt.

Li Ping tried roasting some tiger meat again...not as good as this beef.

Li Ping brought Niu Jing's body over with bright eyes.

First split the huge cow carcass in half vertically, and put away half of them, waiting to be thrown to Red A for disposal.

The remaining half of Li Ping is divided into two categories, which are suitable for shabu-shabu and barbecue, beef neck, shoulder, upper head, breast, eye, outer ridge, tenderloin, rice dragon, brisket, tendon, etc. Several sub-categories are classified.

Seeing Li Ping ecstatically storing the meat in different categories in the storage space, everyone else looked at Li Ping with cold sweat on their faces.

—Although it is normal for people to eat animals, to them, this huge animal that seems to be delicious is a serious intelligent life, and eating other intelligent life is still a bit...

Well, with the exception of Daji and Yuzao Mao, these two are from the demon clan themselves, so eating some meat is not a problem at all.

Then Li Ping handed each of them two skewers of beef.

What kind of intelligent life, this is a mobile ingredient that has been cultivated through hard work to make one's flesh better!

Xuanzang Sanzang frowned twice, pinched the bridge of his nose a little helplessly, and then looked at Li Ping and the others whose eyes were shining.

Journey to the West Funeral Mission?

Journey to the West on the tip of your tongue.

At this time, the monsters on the Westward Journey Road who met the general food standards shuddered at the same time.

After tidying up a little, and collecting some supplies from the monster cave in Shuangchaling, we eat and drink on the westward journey... I mean the funeral group of the westward journey is on the road again.

"That is to say, there are five people with a combat power above the demigod level...not six people. It is not a problem for this kind of combat power to hit Lingshan." Li Ping was driving on the mountain road. "However, despite the existence of spiritual energy and cultivation, there is something wrong with the animals here, right? Don't you know what you're afraid of?"

Li Ping squeezed the brakes, stepped on the ground with his left foot, and slammed the accelerator to the end with his right hand, letting the heavy-duty scouting motorcycle slow down to avoid the culling of a blue-eyed and white-fronted worm at least ten meters long. The tail of the scouting motorcycle slapped the second huge tiger slaughtering away.

On the other side, Mr. Li Shuwen tied the huge python that was nearly 100 meters long into a bow, and by the tail of the huge python, he used the huge python as a whip to fly away a row of giant wolves.

In the sky, Lu Bu and Zhao Yun rode their respective BMWs and stepped on a swarm of wasp essences more than one meter long in the sky, doing wireless wall-push maneuvers, covering the Chaldeans who were galloping below.

After killing the three monsters in Shuangcha Ridge and looting their caves, this seemingly expanded space became unstable, and the wild monsters living here became restless.

For example, after seeing the funeral group of Journey to the West, not only did they not run, but instead they started chasing and killing everyone because of their irritable temper.

At the beginning, the strong people felt that it would be shameful for a few wild monsters to clear the field.

Well, especially when a few people have a bit of a good face, everyone feels that it is a shame to open a big clearing.

So in the beginning, everyone was showing off people and ghosts. When Li Ping's general spirit bow shot the bird demon, Zhao Zilong pulled the bowstring and used his magic power to condense into arrows to kill the miscellaneous demons. Lu Fengxian condensed a magic spear and pinned a string of miscellaneous monsters to the ground.

Yuzao Cat slapped the miscellaneous monsters to death, and Daji waved his hand to charm the miscellaneous monsters and let them kill each other.

In short, people and ghosts are showing off, and only monsters are being beaten.

...and then when they found themselves and others were surrounded, everyone basically didn't have time to hold back their big moves.

But it doesn't mean that it can't be solved. After all, Li Ping still has a bunch of strategic warheads in his carry-on space, but it's still the same sentence...

I always feel like I'm losing if I use it.

"...A matter how old you are, you're still so naive..." Daji held her tail and looked at him with contempt, obviously AOE, but because of face problems, it was Li and others who didn't open the clearing.

Like Mr. Li Shuwen's, he didn't have AOE, which was completely different from those with AOE.

"You didn't drive the big clearance, fox!" Li Ping squeezed the brakes, then hooked his feet to the parking space, and directly let the motorcycle under him fly out with the big top, hitting a big bird in front of him. Monster face.

Subsequently, the fuel and ammunition on the heavy reconnaissance motorcycle were detonated by the lightning shot by Li Ping, causing Big Bird to be paralyzed.

"Noisy, His Majesty the Emperor from the future." Daji squinted at the sky, digging with her little finger in her big furry ear, and a bit of earwax flew off.

The corners of Li Ping's mouth twitched as he looked at the nine-tailed fox who squinted at the sky. This is not a thing. The illusion in his heart about the Fengshenbang was disillusioned from this fox.

Since this fox demon found out that no one in the team eats charm, his behavior has become more and more presumptuous.

Seeing the fox's appearance, Li Ping sighed.

Fortunately, I came here on vacation. If I had a teammate like this, I might not have my blood pressure gone up.

"According to the customs here, shouldn't we ask the Bodhisattva to save our lives at this time?" Li Ping mobilized childhood memories that really took up a small proportion.

"God is looking for a Bodhisattva to save his life, are you going out?"

Li Ping's expression became a little more serious, his hands were empty, and red spirits gathered on both sides of his arms, and finally formed two double-mounted four-pipe Gatling.

It's just that the arrows shot range from traditional spiritual arrows to cross swords made of end-element materials. The power ranges from shooting a chicken to blowing up a kilometer-scale spaceship.

"Hey hey hey! What is that?"

"Great Mercy, Great Compassion, Namo Gatling Bodhisattva." Li Ping licked his lips. "Pattern, 15mm Reishi Grenade Shotgun. UU Reading"

The four-door, four-pipe Gatling began to turn slowly.

"You call this thing a bodhisattva?" Gu Dazi knew about the Gatling gun, but this was the first time he had seen it.

"It's not like that saying..." The corners of Li Ping's mouth rose.

"Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, six pure depleted uranium bombs,

Three thousand six hundred revolutions in one breath, great compassion and great compassion to transcend the world.

The Venerable One and Five Two of Nanwu, with vast magical powers,

One piece covers a thousand square meters, purifying all sentient beings to bliss.

Nanmo Wujiu reformed the vajra, always turning five pairs of wisdom wheels,

The strength of the copper head and the iron arm is infinite, and the invincible lady in the world is shocked.

Namo is the king of turrets with many turrets, and steamed steel is the truth.

The political commissar is not well-known, but he is brave and diligent and fearless. "

The highly compressed 15mm cylindrical shells were ejected from the muzzle, and then turned into 45 shells of the spirit sword with a power comparable to 140mm armor-piercing shells (no mistake), and poured on the monsters surrounding the crowd like a rainstorm. .

"Well, it's a bit of a decompression..." Li Ping blew the smoke from the muzzle, and thoughtfully felt the sweep.

The refreshment brought by the clearing of the field. "It's kind of like the feeling I got when I was a kid playing tower defense games or mowing lawns."

"In an instant, the spiritual energy in a radius of five hundred miles has been drained..." Daji's decent smile could hardly be maintained. "If you don't feel wrong..."

"The next step is to take away the spiritual power that constitutes us." The corners of Zhao Yun's mouth twitched. "What a domineering technique."

After cleaning the miscellaneous soldiers, the group did not stop, quickly left the place, and continued to move towards Wuzhi Mountain.

As for the belated rescue of Lingshan, he was stunned to see the battlefield where there was no monster activity and his spiritual power was drained.

What scene have I not seen?

Sorry I haven't seen this scene.