MTL - Ten God Emperor-Chapter 1 Tianzhu Dao Ling

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In the gray-black world, a bright yellow light swayed.

The vastness of the sky is like a huge black abyss, the earth stretches, and the black tombstones stand silently.

Tianzhu Dao Ling, the most mysterious place on the mainland of Huayun, is also known as the tomb of the gods.

The top peaks on the mainland are lagging behind, and most of them are buried here.

And some talented younger generations came to this place when they fell asleep and dreamed.

These Xeon, once once and for all sides of Huayun, will be the most elite part of their life, engraved on their own tombstones, only to be obtained by others.

Therefore, the Tianzhu Dao Ling became a huge cemetery, and thousands of tombstones were scattered on the earth.

A figure is like a beggar, standing in front of a huge tombstone towering into the sky.

The boy looks like a young man, dressed in a white robe, on the face of a warm and jade, a pair of dark scorpions are sacred.

His name is Yun Xi, and he has been to the Tianzhu Dao Ling for 20 years. He is also the only one who has not had a tombstone to recognize the Lord for 20 years.

The domes of the moon and the sun are staggered, the Gobi desert, the faint sand and dust, and the scenery in the Dao Ling is monotonous for a day.

In this place where the years are not recognized, the average person will have to go crazy for a few days, but Yun Qi has gone for twenty years.

Today, there is finally a tombstone that has created a wave of undulations for him.

The tombstone exudes an ancient and vicissitudes of breath, as if it had existed since the birth of this land, and the ancient ruins, the avenues are speechless, perhaps this is the feeling.

Yunchao stood under the huge black tombstone, and his eyes were deeply and sincerely worshipped. He scratched his fingers, and a drop of dark red blood penetrated the turbid air, and it was heavily splashed on the stone tablet.


A sigh of relief from the depths of the soul, centered on his weak body, spread to the entire Tianzhu Taoist tomb.

On the black stone tablet, there appeared a golden yellow text: "Clouds, the Ten Emperor, the creation of the emptiness of the sky, the burning of the ancients..."

Yunchai stared blankly at the golden inscription, his eyes showing a strong sense of fear. The Huayun continent where he is located is vast and innocent. Under the mainland, there are eighteen layers of hell. Above the mainland, there are ten squares. What kind of horrible existence can be called the Ten Emperor.

The thing that surprised him the most is that this ten-party Emperor is actually the same surname.

The golden yellow text gradually fell off and dissipated into dust. A lot of black text appeared on the tombstone, which was dense and twisted like a dragonfly.

These ancient words are mysterious and sturdy, and the next second, like a tidal wave, spurts out and hits the body of the cloud.

Yun Xie's body was lifted into the air by an invisible force, and the black tombstone is like a living thing, and it is constantly growing.


When the power of the tombstone climbed to the extreme, the arrogant energy finally couldn't help but burst out. The vast clouds of smoke swept across the earth, and tens of thousands of stone monuments shattered and disappeared in an instant.

Heaven and earth are once again in silence.


It's cold, biting cold.

The cloud rests and wakes up. On the last moment, he remembers that he is still in the Tianzhu Taoist tomb. In the 20 years of his experience, when it touches the reality of the cold, it is more like a dream.

In the dark space, a low shout sounded: "Wake up, Yunchao has been dead for two years."

Vaguely, the girl crying also followed: "No, the young master has a weak pulse, he has not stopped, I can feel it."

I'm dead? Who are these two people? Where am I?

The cloud rested, and the voices of the two men were familiar. They reached out and groped, and the fingertips were slightly cold, and they seemed to touch a hard and cold stone.

Although the hands and feet can barely move, but still can not make too much effort, no help, he can only wait for blood flow, the body slowly recovers.

At this time, the low voice passed again, but this time, with a wretched smile: "I said Xiaoyao, you will hand over the fire cloud, I will do it." How is the room? You said that you are a beautiful little beauty, staying next to a cold coffin all day, is not wasting your good youth."

The girl voice angrily said: "Yun Xiong, you don't know shame, the young master still calls you a brother, now he is still alive and dead, you will take people three times and five times to force the fire to order, how can you be a brother."

"Fire Cloud, Yun Xiong..."

Hearing these two words, Yunchao slowly remembered that he lived in the Huayun continent, in the Cangwu City of Xihe Yunzhou.

Two years ago, Xihe Yunzhou hosted the ten-year Tianchi Wuhui, inviting young disciples from all major families under the age of 25 to participate. The disciples who won the championship in the Wuhui can get the Chishui Ice Lotus at the bottom of the Tianchi.

Legend has it that Chishui Binglian has blossomed in the past three hundred years, and the results of the three hundred years have ranked the 94th in the world's spiritual medicine list. For the practitioners, there is a miraculous effect of upgrading the qualifications for cultivation.

Those who can enter the world's spiritual medicine list are rare treasures, which naturally provoke countless family eyes, and they have sent young disciples to participate in the competition and compete for Chishui Binglian.

Yunqi, as the first person of the younger generation of Yunjia, gathered at the age of fourteen and became the youngest warrior in Cangwu City.

At the age of sixteen, Yun Xinghua was a qi, and he entered the martial arts. He defeated the four youngest disciples in the first test of Cangwu City and successfully obtained the pass to enter the Tianshan Spring. .

In the case of Xihe Yunzhou master, such as Lin, in order to be able to win the championship in Tianchi Wuhui two years later, Yunxiu, in spite of the opposition of the family, ventured into the Yunjiazu Huiwu to risk the loss of Yangshou.

Three months passed, and Yunqi did not return from the ancestral market. It was only half a year later that the elders of the tribe were able to recover the flesh from the buried sand, but the cloud break at that time was already a living dead.

In the past two years, the situation in Cangwu City has changed suddenly. Many up-and-coming talents have emerged, and everyone’s eyes have naturally fallen to the fire-creams in the hands of Yunxi.

As long as there is a fire cloud order, it has the qualification to participate in the Xihe Yunzhou Tianchi Wuhui, and it has the opportunity to obtain Chishui Ice Lotus.

However, what everyone did not expect was that the cloudless break of the father and the mother had been used as a guardian of the body, and was handed over to her own personal Lin Yaoyao.

This means that as long as Lin Yaoyao encounters any danger, the body charm will burst automatically, and no one can take it away if she is reluctant.

Yunchao did this in order to protect the fire, and it was also to protect this little maid who grew up with him and was like a brother and sister.

It is conceivable that in the past two years, Lin Yaoyao has suffered a lot of pressure from inside and outside the family. The 16-year-old girl in the flower season is like a dead knot. Unless the young master wakes up, the fire in her hand will not be given to anyone.

If the young master dies, then she will accompany the young master with a fire cloud.

This is exactly the case. The Yun family has no way to take this little girl up and down. Seeing that the Tianchi Military Association is coming for two years, it can only send people to soft and hard every day, trying to get the fire cloud order in a coercive manner.

Listening to the girl’s stubborn voice, Yun Xing’s heart couldn’t help but feel a little distressed: “Tongling has been in the middle of 20 years. I didn’t think that in the world, it’s only two years. Yaoyao, you suffer, now the young master is back.”

After the outside atmosphere fell into a long silence, Yunxiong’s voice suddenly became cloudy: “Lin Yaoyao, I tell you, if you insist on not giving up the fire cloud today, then we will put this ice coffin together. The body of Yun Xiu was burned and broke your thoughts."

Lin Yaoyao still reluctantly said: "You dare? The young master, but the first person of the cloud family, if there is no him, the cloud family can not get the fire cloud."

Yunxiong sneered: "He was a great break in the past, we admit, but now the first person in the cloud family has long been easy to change. He is not dead and lying in the coffin for two years. Even if he is dead and resurrected, it is also a waste. It is."

Lin Yaoyao said with a cry: "You are nonsense, the young master will definitely wake up, the young master is not a waste!"

Yun Xi listened to the noisy laughter outside and Lin Yaoyao's crying, and a fiery hot air erupted from the sea of ​​air. The air flow surged all over the body, and the one inch inch ice crystal covered in the body and the body surface melted.

He clenched his fists, slowly got up, pushed open the hail, and the cold voice came out of his mouth.

"You say who is a waste?"