MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 81 Go to hell, Wei Shuxun

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Regardless of Wei Shuxun's struggle, Zhou Quan recklessly deepened the kiss, and suddenly heard a beep in his head, followed by an indifferent electronic voice: "Installation completed, starting."

What? !

Zhou Quan let go of Wei Shuxun, still protecting him in his arms, while drawing a gun.

"What's the matter?" Wei Shuxun stopped being awkward and asked cautiously.

"There is a strange sound..." Zhou Quan's words stopped, and a blank screen suddenly appeared in front of him, the text displayed: User Name: Zhou Quan Age: 21 Years old School Position: ...

Military Position:…

Although her identities are not too secret, except for the school and the military, their identities, which are not told by their family members, are clearly marked.

"What is this?" Without a muffler, it was difficult to shoot. Zhou Quan took out a dagger and stabbed it, his hand pierced through the air.

The font has changed and new text appears:

Mission Objective: To help Wei Shuxun become a great person.

Task release: 1. Complete the task of supporting Qing 3 squad.

"This is the learning machine you want." Wei Shuxun also saw the empty screen of the learning machine and said expressionlessly. This guy of the learning machine actually has subsystems. Does this mean that he wants to multiply indefinitely?

"Controlling two is the limit." Knowing what he was thinking, he learned to answer. "What is this mission?"

"Complete the task released by the learning machine, and you can get the information you want." Wei Shuxun explained, and added: "At the same time, please ignore that stupid task goal."

"Great man..." Zhou Quan raised his mouth, Wei Shuxun was deeply ashamed: "I told you to ignore it!"

"Although I don't quite understand it, I will explore it slowly." Zhou Quan looked at his watch, and it was almost time for the lights in the dormitory: "Will you come to my place to rest tonight, or go back to the dormitory?"

"Of course I'm going back to the dormitory." Right at the door of the dormitory, what are you doing at Zhou Quan's house, and just after kissing, the learning machine has done this shameful task of the great man again, Wei Shuxun just wants to hide now dormitory.

"Okay, rest early, good night."

"Good night." Wei Shuxun was about to open the car door when Zhou Quan grabbed his arm, pulled him hard, and kissed him again.


Finally let go, Wei Shuxun punched him hard, but Zhou Quan didn't seem to feel it, and said: "This is interest, that mission goal, I will work hard to complete it."

"Who wants you to finish it, it's a lot of work!" Wei Shuxun got out of the car with a displeased face.

Zhou Quan covered the place where he was beaten, watched Wei Shuxun run back to the dormitory, turned his head and looked serious: "Learning Machine, why is the mission to support Qing 3? What do you know? "

Qing 3 is an action team of Qinghai Military Academy. Its nature is similar to Zhou Quan's team. Although it takes some tasks, it is basically not dangerous. There is no intersection between the two sides, and he is not qualified to ask questions. Qing 3's mission, not to mention support, can the learning machine know their actions?

"According to historical data, the Qing 3 team will have more than half casualties in an operation half a month later, and the captain died heroically."

"I understand." Zhou Quan nodded, the leader of the Qing 3 team is a junior from a family, and a team like theirs has a bit of gold-plated nature in addition to tasks. It is a particularly excellent elite, and another characteristic is the identity background. The casualties of the Qing 3 squad were more than half, which was a disaster for many families, especially for a married family with a small number of people: "I will find a way to get close to them."

On weekends, Wei Shuxun put on a well-fitting hand-tailored suit and drove to Zhou's house in the car that Zhou Quan lent him. Holding the invitation card and going through several levels before entering the military compound. Said to be a compound, in fact, the scope is equivalent to a large park, with lush vegetation and garden villas. Although there was an address on the invitation, Wei Shuxun couldn't find it at all, so he had to call Zhou Quan and finally came to the Zhou family compound under his instructions. Zhou Quan was already waiting outside the door. Besides the twins Zhou Xuan and Zhou Fan, there were several people who looked like him, probably his cousins.

Wei Shuxun parked his car outside the courtyard, and just as he stepped off, Zhou Xuan and Zhou Fan already ran over to pull him: "Brother Shuxun, play with us!" In their eyes, save them Wei Shuxun is still a big hero.

"Xiaoxuan, Xiaofan, don't be ridiculous." Zhou Quan stopped them and brought some cousins ​​forward: "Shu Xun, you are welcome, grandpa must be very happy to see you ."

"Hello, are you Wei Shuxun?" Before Wei Shuxun could speak, a tall young man in a navy blue suit around Zhou Quan's age stepped forward and took the initiative to hold Wei Shuxun's hand: "Thank you for saving Zhou Quan and Xiaoxuan Xiaofan. Although parents have already thanked them, we have to say thank you again."

"It just happened." Wei Shuxun said, "I didn't know Zhou Quan was in the car at the time, so I didn't need to thank him." Because saving people was not voluntary, he Don't mention it, don't take it as an honor. The young man was stunned for a while, and suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, you are so honest, no wonder Zhou Quan is willing to make friends with you." "Such a person is easy to be bullied!" The young man in a white suit next to him Said: "As a thank you, if someone bullies you, you can report my name. My name is Zhou Yan."

"I'm Zhou Hao." said the young man in the navy blue suit.

"Zhou Hao, Zhou Quan's new generation heir after Zhou Quan's death." Learning Machine explained to Wei Shuxun.

"Oh." Wei Shuxun didn't care much about the Zhou family. All he cared about was Zhou Quan. He could probably add Zhou Xuan, Zhou Fan, two little devils, and Grandpa Zhou. He is not interested in listening to what other people are like now and in the future. If he can't know a person, he must even care about his relatives, and he is not a newlywed couple.

The congratulatory gift to Zhou Lao was a beautifully made military flag. I wanted to say congratulations a few times, but it was pulled by Zhou Lao for a while, blaming him for being outsiders and refusing to come Zhou's house is a guest.

Although Wei Shuxun is an unidentified raw face, but seeing the attitude of Zhou Lao to him, the guests can't help but pay attention to him frequently. Wei Shuxun didn't like the scrutiny in his eyes, so he avoided the balcony with a glass of wine.

"How do you hide here to blow the air?" Zhou Quan has been paying attention to Wei Shuxun. After dealing with a few young ladies, he immediately came over to care.

"It's nothing." Wei Shuxun put down his glass and asked curiously, "What did Elder Zhou mean just now that he suddenly pulled me to gossip?" In such an occasion, I deliberately pulled him to say it again.

"Grandpa is helping you." Zhou Quan said: "After all, it is impossible for the Zhou family to come forward for everything. Let those people know you first, and what you will do in the future will be much more convenient. Participate more After a few banquets like this, whether you want to open a company or become a civil servant, someone will always open the back door for you."

"Is this useful?" Wei Shuxun said in disbelief: "I am a student, and it is impossible to chat with them, who will help me?"

"Useful." Zhou Quan patted Wei Shuxun on the shoulder with a firm look: "As long as the Zhou family is here, you don't need to do anything."

"Brother Shuxun, come play with us!" The two didn't say a few words, Zhou Xuan and Zhou Fan came to pull Wei Shuxun again, and Wei Shuxun took them to the garden to play .

After a while, Wei Shuxun became acquainted with Zhou Yan and the others. After a few games, they fought on the lawn in the garden.

Zhou Quan stood quietly on the balcony with a wine glass, staring at Wei Shuxun who was smiling happily downstairs.

About the mission of the "great man", Shuxun's concealment of the learning machine, and his future, Zhou Quan asked the learning machine: "It is because of him that Shuxun becomes a great man. Great in the future?"

"No, on the contrary." The learning machine replied, but said no more. Zhou Quan is good at finding clues from clues, but with this answer, he will understand. Contrary to the great person, who else could it be, plus Shu Xun's identity as a gangster in the past, the answer is ready to come out.

Wei Cheng said that the future is irresistible. For example, he passed by death several times. This may also be a kind of self-direction in the future, and he is trying to obliterate him. As for Wei Shuxun, Wei admits that he is a small person who cannot change history, so there is no danger in doing anything inconsistent with the future.

But Zhou Quan is reluctant to bet on this one-in-thousand chance. If the so-called "future" really will correct itself, it will be bad if it is implicated in Shuxun. As long as Shuxun is like this, reading happily, making friends, and having fun every day is enough.

"Zhou Quan, are you looking for me?" A voice suddenly came from behind him, Zhou Quan turned around, and saw Dai Song pacing: "You're hiding, so I'll help you deal with it The princess of the Zhao family, what do you have to do with me?"

Zhou Quan looked at Zhou Hao, and at Wei Shuxun who was having a good time downstairs, and said, "This time I specially invited Shuxun to come here, in addition to congratulating Grandpa on his recovery, there is another reason Let you know my savior."

"It's time to invite him here." Zhou Hao smiled: "Our cousins ​​haven't thanked him!"

Zhou Quan shook his head to stop Zhou Hao's teasing: "There is one more thing, I want to entrust him to you."



Wei Shuxun and Zhou Hao were surprised at the same time.

"I'm not sure how long I can live. If something happens to me, I hope you can protect Shuxun on my behalf."

"Why do you say these words suddenly?" Zhou Hao asked worriedly: "Are you going to perform a dangerous mission?"

"No, just notice in advance. Wei Shuxun is very important to me. I hope that if there is an emergency, you can protect him on my behalf, not for a year or two years, but for a lifetime."

"Don't worry about why I do this!" Zhou Quan shook his head: "Promise me."

Seeing that Zhou Quan was so serious, Zhou Hao had to agree: "I promise you, if anything happens to you, I will do my best to help your savior Wei Shuxun... Seeing Zhou Quan still staring at him, Zhou Hao rolled his eyes helplessly, but still said solemnly: "And protect his safety for the rest of his life."

Wei Shuxun, who was laughing and playing downstairs, suddenly looked at the balcony with a complicated expression. The two of them didn't speak very loudly, but his ears were so good that he heard everything without missing a word. Zhou Quan was afraid that when he died, the Zhou family would no longer protect him, and forced his cousin to protect him for the rest of his life. Wei Shuxun was moved, but he didn't know how to repay the love.

Life was uneventful after that. After Wei Shuxun came back from the Zhou family, he devoted himself to the school. When I went back to the dormitory, I saw that the three of Wu Feng were reading a book, and I suddenly found out that next Wednesday will be the midterm exam for college physics! Before, I was doing supplementary lessons and doing exercises. It looked like all kinds of diligence, but soon I didn’t want to study because of this or that. I spent so much energy on supplementary studies at the beginning of the school year, and now I have basically forgotten it.

I asked Professor Zhao for a night off. Wei Shuxun and other students in the class spent the whole day holding books and nibbling. No matter what class it is, there are textbooks on the table, and under the table are all textbooks or workbooks of college physics.

Wednesday's midterm exam came amidst the wailing of the crowd, Wei Shuxun had two dark circles under his eyes, feeling that he didn't remember anything. But unexpectedly, when I actually saw the test paper, I felt as if I had read it and remembered it, and it was not difficult to fill it out. Especially on the issue of physical formulas, Wei Shuxun has been working on electronic machinery for so long, and he understands physical formulas better than the rigid content, and he hardly needs to calculate and think. There were still classes on the afternoon of the end of the mid-term exam, but except for a few really diligent students, most of them shouted that they were exhausted and went back to the dormitory to sleep. Wei Shuxun is one of them.

I slept until after nine o'clock in the evening, my stomach was rumbling with hunger, Wei Shuxun got up and found that the three people in the dormitory were still sleeping. He kicked the bed to wake the three, Wu Feng and Wang Anqing both muttered and asked him to help with the meal, Yu Xin got out of bed to wash and went to the restaurant with Wei Shuxun.

The school cafeteria has been closed, but the cafeteria is open until 0:00 in the evening, so the two of them are not in a hurry, put their wallets in their wallets, and drag the money to go out slowly.

Because the physics teacher never reminded me, the whole class almost forgot the midterm exam, and more than 70% of the people were cramming, so everyone's face was not very good these days. Wei Shuxun was in good physical condition, and he felt refreshed after a sleep, and Yu Xin was still yawning while walking.

The two passed a grove next to the teaching building and saw a man standing blankly with his back to them. Wei Shuxun's eyes were good, and he had already seen that the back was Zhong You's. He was too lazy to pay attention to him. Yu Xin yawned and said, "Hey? The person in front seems to be Zhong You?"

Under the yellow street lamp, there were a few drops of blood splattered on Zhong You's pale face, and there was blood on his clothes. The most frightening thing was that he actually held a **** dagger in his hand.