MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 71 historical inevitability

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Although Wei Shuxun has always been an arrogant little gangster in the past, the bloodiest scene I have ever seen is at most a fight and bloodshed, and the corpse has never been seen. To be honest, he didn't dare to look at it, so he just buried himself in Zhou Quan's arms.

However, wouldn't that body be Wei Cheng?

"Zhou Quan, take a look at that corpse..." Wei Shuxun's voice was calm, but his hand gripping Zhou Quan's clothes revealed his nervousness: "Is it the silver hair? A man in his thirties with a scar on his face."

Zhou Quan replied: "It's black hair." As for the face, I couldn't see it clearly because it was lying on the side.

Wei Shuxun breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head to take a look, Zhou Quan blocked his eyes: "Don't look."

In Zhou Quan's eyes, Wei Shuxun has always been an ordinary college student with a simple life, and he must not see such things as corpses. What's more, the corpse seemed to have been blown to death, it was broken and bloody, Zhou Quan felt uncomfortable when he saw it, how could he let it scare Shuxun.

Wei Shuxun closed his eyes, he just turned his head and glanced at the arms showing the bones, the scene is really scary. But this corpse may be his descendant Weicheng. The color of the hair can be dyed, and he is not at ease if he does not see his face.

"It's fine...I, I'll just take a look..."

Whether it's Wei Cheng or not, I hope this person's face remains intact so that he can see clearly at a glance.

"Tread, step, step, step..." In the silent room, there was suddenly the sound of footsteps stepping on the debris, slowly getting closer and closer. Wei Shuxun inexplicably thought of the scene in the ghost movie, especially the **** corpse lying beside his feet. Although it was a three-dimensional image, it was no different from the real thing. Coupled with this sound effect, it was a bit scary. Wei Shuxun has unconsciously shrunk into Zhou Quan's arms.

"Ah, so it's here!" The camera turned, the body just now disappeared, replaced by a man with silver-white hair, wearing a dark green combat uniform, and a scar on his face man in his thirties.

Zhou Quan's eyes were slightly condensed, even in the image, he could feel the dangerous and **** aura coming from this man. "Shu Xun, the person you are looking for."

Wei Shuxun had turned his head when he heard Wei Cheng's voice, seeing him as if nothing had happened, he scolded angrily: "What's the matter? Why did a body suddenly appear!"

"Ah, the video camera was dropped during the battle, maybe it was opened by this guy." Wei Cheng made a kicking motion, probably kicking the corpse away, making a sound of Peng. Wei Shuxun frowned, he couldn't accept Wei Cheng's understatement.

"That man is the enemy? There's a war on your side?"

"Ah." Wei Cheng nodded, not bothering to tell his young ancestors some things, squinting to Zhou Quan: "Who is this guy?" A red light flashed in his eyes, he was done Prepare to kill.

"Shu Xun, who is he?" At the same time as Wei Cheng asked, Zhou Quan asked the same question and raised his gun at the same time.

"Wait, wait for you two!" Wei Shuxun quickly stood between the two of them, waving his hand: "You calm down for me, don't kill each other. Wei Cheng, this is me My friend Zhou Quan, do you still remember, I mentioned it to you! Zhou Quan, please calm down and I will explain it to you later."

"The Zhou family..." Wei Cheng squinted, looked at Zhou Quan scrutiny, and turned to Wei Shuxun: "If you have something to say now, I don't know when I will be able to contact you next time. place."

"Okay." Wei Shuxun turned to Zhou Quan: "Zhou Quan, you..."

Zhou Quan put away the gun: "I'll go back to the bedroom first, and call me when I'm done."

"Uh..." Wei Shuxun stared blankly at Zhou Quan closing the bedroom door neatly, the prepared remarks were completely useless - Zhou Quan was too cooperative? But now that I don't have time to care what Zhou Quan thinks, Wei Shuxun looks at Wei Cheng worriedly: "Hey, you're being hunted down again? Is it the Lin family? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Wei Cheng didn't want to let him know about Wei Cheng's worried eyes at Shang Wei Shuxun. After all, he explained helplessly: "In order to compete with the empty city for survival resources, there were some small-scale conflicts between the two sides. It's not that I was hunted unilaterally, don't worry. I'm safe with my comrades."

"It's just a small-scale conflict?" Wei Shuxun didn't believe it. Although he didn't know the level of the DF31A missile that Zhou Quan said, he knew the word "light missile" that the explosion was not small, and there were several sounds. , but he is far from being able to help in this era. "Is there anything I can do? Or what you need, I'll prepare it for you in the basement."

"No need." Wei Cheng shook his head and patted Wei Shuxun's head in the void.

The more you get in touch, the less you can resent this ancestor. As recorded in my grandfather's diary, this ancestor was an extremely family-oriented person. Just because he claimed to be his "great-grandson", he wanted to kill him, he was forced by a sudden learning machine, and his ideal was forced to change (although it was not a good ideal), he could not hesitate. Accept it, and truly miss yourself, a stranger who will be a hundred years later.

He is only 17 years old now, he is willful and immature like an ordinary teenager, but Wei Cheng can't help but admire his occasional remarks and actions. It can be imagined how a stable and wise elder he will become a few decades later, just like his grandfather's records. No wonder his grandfather and father still held him in nostalgia and reverence until his death.

"Hey, be respectful, I'm your elder." Wei Shuxun patted his hand away, but unfortunately he passed through the shadow, but the meaning was fulfilled, Wei Cheng took his hand back. "It doesn't matter on your side. What should I do on my side? You actually let someone else pick up the video camera and connected it. I don't know how to explain it to Zhou Quan. I'm afraid that if he hears that the earth will be destroyed in a hundred years, Run to report to the state, and then I will be miserable, I can't stand a little trial."

Wei Cheng raised his eyebrows, can't this ancestor show a little more backbone, obviously just praised him. "That guy is Zhou Quan? The heir of the Zhou family who has died in history?"


"I said before that, according to history, he will definitely die." Wei Cheng pondered: "Maybe now is the inevitability of history."

"Ah? What are you talking about? What historical inevitability?" Watching Wei Cheng muttering to himself, Wei Shuxun was puzzled.

"Just shut up!" Wei Cheng's eyes flashed red: "My ability will not leave any clues, before he betrays you, I will let him shut up forever.

"What a joke!" Wei Shuxun kicked over: "If there is no clue, I will not be suspected? And you want to kill my friend, have you asked my opinion?"

Wei Shuxun was actually very worried about whether Zhou Quan would betray him. After all, he is a soldier, and if he finds anything abnormal, he will definitely report it to his head. Although Zhou Quan was told to go into the bedroom to avoid him, Wei Shuxun also let the learning machine monitor him, and cut off the signal as soon as he found him contacting the outside world—but Wei Shuxun didn't want to kill Zhou Quan anyway.

During the winter vacation, the two were still discussing how to avoid the "historical inevitability" of Zhou Quan's death. Maliciousness from "Fate" - If Zhou Quan wants to report today's incident to himself, is it no wonder that Wei Cheng really wants to kill Zhou Quan in order to protect himself?

"Can you make him lose his memory?"


"Learning machine, is there anything you can do?" Wei Shuxun turned to the universal learning machine for help.

"No." The learning machine said: "I hate being studied by humans. If you are caught and betray me, I will make you brain dead."

"...Hey, don't say it so miserably!" Obviously, these two guys meant to kill Zhou Quan, but Wei Shuxun was always taken care of by Zhou Quan and would never do that.

"I'm going to ask Zhou Quan to keep it a secret. Learning the machine, monitoring his heartbeat, if there is any sign of lying, then... and then..."

When Wei Shuxun knocked on the door and walked into the bedroom, Zhou Quan was leaning on the bed reading a book, still expressionless, no information could be seen from his face. It was Wei Shuxun himself, Zhou Quan only looked up at him, and seemed to understand what he was here for.

Putting down the book, Zhou Quan first poured a cup of warm water on the table for Wei Shuxun, helped him sit down on the chair, and said, "Calm down."

"Uh..." Wei Shuxun was hesitating about how to threaten his friend not to say what happened tonight, but instead was comforted by the other party, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Zhou Quan was sitting in front of Wei Shuxun, with a straight posture and a serious face: "Have you not thought of a lie to deceive me?"


"Don't know how to threaten me to shut up?"

"Uh..." Why did he guess?

Zhou Quan ruffled Wei Shuxun's hair, his eyes slightly disappointed, he has not been able to gain Shuxun's complete trust: "Tell me when you think about it, before that I will will remain silent."

"Huh?" Wei Shuxun raised his head in surprise.

"I'm not interested in listening to lies, threats are unnecessary, and I won't report it to anyone." Zhou Quan retracted his hand and said solemnly: "When you and Professor Zhao were kidnapped that night, there was a transparent The thing blocked the bullet for me." Seeing Wei Shuxun's wide-eyed surprise, Zhou Quan flicked his forehead expressionlessly: "Look, I have no curiosity, and I can keep it going. Unless you want to Say it, or I won't force you, but don't try to lie to me."

"Learning machine, is what he said true?"

"The body is unchanged."

Although the learning machine does not have the analytical power of a polygraph, its scanning function can monitor a person's weakest heartbeat and muscle tremors. When people lie, there will always be some subtle movements in the body unconsciously, and the learning machine has firmly monitored Zhou Quan's whole body. But if the other party is too good at lying and goes undetected, the learning machine is powerless.

With Zhou Quan's assurance, Wei Shuxun breathed a sigh of relief, he regarded Zhou Quan as a friend, and really did not want to threaten the other party with evil words: "Today's incident happened too suddenly, I do I have no idea how to explain it, if possible, please completely forget what happened today!"

Wei Shuxun is not afraid that Zhou Quan will know about the future. If the two can form an alliance, perhaps the Zhou family can take care of his descendants. The only thing he worried about was that Zhou Quan was too patriotic. He heard that the earth would be destroyed in a hundred years. Although he didn't dare to believe the verbal guarantee, there was no other way, and he couldn't really kill people.

"Hmph, that's what you believe?"

Afraid that Wei Cheng would attack Zhou Quan, Wei Shuxun put the video camera outside the door so that he could hear but not hurt Zhou Quan. Hearing that Wei Shuxun easily believed Zhou Quan's words, he couldn't help but sneer.

Wei Shuxun looked straight into Zhou Quan's eyes, and could not see any wavering in them, he turned to Wei Cheng: "What else can I do except believe in him? There is no magic contract in this era..." Wei Shuxun He paused and asked in his consciousness: "Learning machine, nano-biological robot, can you still control it if you leave my body?"


"Then, how about letting the nano-biological robot enter Zhou Quan's body? If Zhou Quan betrays me and let the nano-biological robot attack him, there is a threat to his life, it should be absolutely confidential, right?"

"It can be done." The learning machine answered.

Wei Shuxun is a calm person, although doing this hurts his feelings, he will never pretend to believe in Zhou Quan on the surface, and waste his energy and doubts behind the scenes. So he told Zhou Quan very clearly: "Although I want to believe you, prevention is the main thing. If you can really keep it a secret, let me put something in your body. As long as you tell my secret, this thing It will kill you right away. Other than that, it will never harm your body."

Zhou Quan propped his jaw with his hands, leaned on the chair expressionlessly, his drooping eyelashes to hide his disappointment. Turning to the door, the silver-haired man leaned against the door with his arms folded on his chest, with red light flashing in his eyes, Zhou Quan could feel his strong killing intent. Looking at Wei Shuxun, the young man leaned forward with a sincere expression on his face.

"What if I say no?"

"Death." Wei Cheng said.

"Shut up." Wei Shuxun grabbed an apple on the table and smashed it, turned to Zhou Quan, and sighed: "No way, I still choose to trust you."

The corner of Zhou Quan's mouth tickled slightly: "I often need medical examinations, can I pass the test?"

"Huh?" Wei Shuxun was stunned, then nodded: "Of course, there won't be anything unusual... Right, learning machine?" The last sentence asked the learning machine in consciousness.

"Of course."

"Okay, so what?"

"Probably have to make a wound...learning machine?!"

With the nano-biological robot in his body, Wei Shuxun guessed that the two should draw wounds separately, and transfer the nano-biological robot through the intersecting wounds like a blood alliance. But the learning machine was much more agile than him, directly controlling Wei Shuxun's body, his lips and teeth intersected.

"Um... um...?"

Wei Shuxun's eyes widened, and in his close eyes, he saw Zhou Quan's equally surprised eyes. It's a pity that his body is not under his control at this time. In order to stabilize the posture of the two, his hands are controlled to hug Zhou Quan's shoulders.

"Don't separate, the nano-biological robot is moving." said the learning machine tablet.

"Asshole, don't do it this way, through wounds, wounds."

"Why, this is more efficient." The learning machine was puzzled.

"Who wants to kiss a man, bastard! Let me go!" Wei Shuxun threatened angrily: "Otherwise I will destroy you!"

"Okay." The learning machine said, letting go of Wei Shuxun's control.

Wei Shuxun hurriedly let go of Zhou Quan: "Sorry... um..."

Different from just touching her lips just now, Zhou Quan's tongue rushed in, directly into Wei Shuxun's mouth. He sucked and licked mercilessly in his mouth, instantly draining the air in Wei Shuxun's mouth.


Wei Shuxun never knew that his tongue was so soft, that he could entangle with other people's tongues tightly, and in the end, he was half-licked and half-sucked into his own mouth by the other party and sucked and sucked.


The tongue hurts. From this fierce kiss, Wei Shuxun can feel the anger conveyed by Zhou Quan to some extent. Probably angry that Wei Shuxun doesn't believe him, but now is not the time to care. Wei Shuxun is almost out of oxygen!

"Learning Machine!"

"Doing these actions will not prevent the invasion of nano-biological robots." The learning machine calmly comforted Wei Shuxun.

"Let him let me go!" Wei Shuxun roared in consciousness.

"Nano-biological robots are invading." The learning machine said: "Wait a second."

"Um...uh...uh..." I didn't have the strength to scold.

"Invasion complete."

The learning machine said the intrusion was complete, only Wei Shuxun heard it, Zhou Quan didn't know it, but he didn't care at all. He was hurt by Shu Xun's distrust today. Since Shu Xun wanted to kiss him, no matter what he wanted to put into his body, Zhou Quan didn't mind taking advantage of it.

When he finally let go of satisfaction, Wei Shuxun was already lying on top of him, gasping for breath. Zhou Quan hugged Wei Shuxun tightly, let him lean into his arms, raised his head and looked at Wei Cheng.

Wei Cheng wanted to attack when Zhou Quan suddenly grabbed Wei Shuxun, but he saw the emotion in Zhou Quan's eyes in an instant, and he was stunned. After a hundred years, there is no gender distinction in love, and as a descendant, he is not interested in interfering with the love of his ancestors, as long as this guy will not betray Wei Shuxun.

Seeing that Wei Shuxun didn't have the strength to speak again, Wei Cheng shrugged and said to Zhou Quan, "Protect him." The figure disappeared.