MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 67 Square wave generator

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Zhou Quan left due to an urgent mission, and Wei Shuxun became a stocked child again. However, because of a sense of urgency, the progress of the 12-day tutoring was much faster and longer than when he was with the girls. The tutoring often ended at 12 o'clock in the evening, which was why Wei Shuxun had to stay at Zhou Quan's house.

In just 12 days, plus the previous tutoring, Wei Shuxun has basically been able to keep up with the current course, as long as it is consolidated, it does not matter if there is no tutoring, and the task progress of the learning machine has also completed 50 %. This learning machine said frankly: "I can't determine your completion progress, just look at the results after the exam."

There is still more than a month before the midterm exam for physics, Wei Shuxun is not in a hurry. He owes the learning machine two tasks, one is Professor Zhao's handout materials, the current task is only 8%, and the other is the task of the mid-term exam. As for the task of "great man", it has been fixed at 16.5% and has not been moved for a long time. pass.

Sure enough, being a "great man" is not so easy. If it hadn't been for some progress in saving people, I'd still be forced by the learning machine now, instead of doing what I want in a leisurely and leisurely manner like now.

No tutoring takes up time, Wei Shuxun has more time, he is no longer interested in playing games, and goes to the laboratory to play. Those three people were probably really busy with their studies, and Wei Shuxun didn't meet them when he went several times.

Sun Yi has given him the key and said that the tools in the laboratory can be used casually, but the drawings left in the laboratory are very ordinary, Wei Shuxun looked at it, and was even interested in hands-on No.

Unconsciously, his eyes have been raised.

Taking advantage of the weekend, Wei Shuxun went to visit Professor Zhao. Professor Zhao's injury has not recovered yet. After all, he is old, and unlike Wei Shuxun, who has a learning machine to help him, he has not returned to school yet. However, he moved out of the hospital before the Spring Festival and recuperated at home.

Wei Shuxun carried the fruit into the door, and after some greetings, as a student, he bluntly said to Professor Zhao: "Professor, I am now learning the angular spectrum theory of scalar diffraction."

Professor Zhao smiled and nodded: "Is there anything you don't understand?"

"It's okay." Wei Shuxun replied: "I just find it boring and can't read it. Are there any interesting examples for me to play?"

"..." Professor Zhao was probably the first time he met a student who said he couldn't see it in front of him. He pointed at Wei Shuxun and was almost speechless. " study like this? Reading is not playing!"

Which of the doctoral students he brought is not diligent and diligent in fear of not learning enough, well, the most promising student came to him and told him that he could not see it.

"Because it's really boring!" Wei Shuxun spread his hands: "I always talk about the complex vibration amplitude of light vibration, but the content is all program operations, and I don't know what the optical axis and light wavenumber are. You know, you can't just rely on your imagination to learn, right?"

We can see that Wei Shuxun is really studying, Professor Zhao nodded: "We usually have corresponding experiments in class, and we really can't let you work behind closed doors, so let me show you a few examples. "

Wei Shuxun was overjoyed, and was slapped on the head by Professor Zhao: "Stand up! How can you treat learning as a game, learn if it is fun, and don't watch it if it is not fun. Do students behave like this? Do you want to learn or not? If you have the ability to take the test, tell the teacher, which questions I don't like, don't pass the test..."

Sentenced to stand for half an hour, Wei Shuxun got a drawing of the square wave generator. Zhao Xianxian sent him out, and he taught him a lesson as he walked: "Take a good look at it, and then ask me for it after you understand it. There is also the angular spectrum theory of scalar diffraction. You are not allowed to pull down any of those contents, and I will test you! "

"Yes, Professor, you don't need to send it, I will come to see you next time." Wei Shuxun did not dare to ask Professor Zhao what he wanted him to see, so he wiped his sweat and ran away.

Seeing Wei Shuxun leaving, Professor Zhao restrained his anger and smiled. His wife supported him and said, "Okay, he's still young, you scold him so fiercely, be careful that he won't dare to come next time. Usually you talk about this child every day, but when people come over, you're a different story. an expression."

"You don't understand." Professor Zhao still looked at the direction Wei Shuxun left, the cheerful running figure was no longer there, and he still felt that he had to watch: "This child has talent, I have taught students for so many years, but I have never seen anyone who can teach themselves by using lectures alone. Moreover, the angular spectrum theory of scalar diffraction, which already involves light radiation, is actually not fun, not interested, rather than understanding. I There were no such arrogant students in the doctoral class I took."

Professor Zhao turned to his wife: "You said, can I not be strict, how can I let him waste his talent like this!"

And Wei Shuxun, who has "talent", may not pass the passing line in the mid-term exam, is being dragged by his classmates and continues to fall.

"I'm not going, I'm not interested."

"No, you have been out of group activities for too long, no matter what, I will carry you today!"

I don't understand the thoughts of girls at all, and I am a little bit distant from any girls at present.

Woke up the next day and found that Wu Feng and the three of them had come back at some point, lying on the bed in a drowsy sleep. Wei Shuxun yawned, washed and went downstairs. He went to the cafeteria to buy three cages of xiaolongbao. He didn't plan to go out for lunch, so he went straight to the laboratory.

Sun Yi and several others were not there, Wei Shuxun turned on the computer, inserted the USB flash drive, and opened the folder of the square wave generator.

According to the description, the square wave generator is not a production experiment until the third year, because the required equipment is more professional, and can only be produced in a special laboratory. A hobby laboratory like Sun Yi obviously can't.

For example, low-pass filter, 1602 LCD display, matrix keyboard, etc., are not available in the laboratory.

Wei Shuxun was frustrated, no wonder Professor Zhao only gave him one document, and said that he would continue to give him new ones if he learned to make.

Two days later, a Ph.D. senior found Wei Shuxun. This senior was the one who sent the USB flash drive for Professor Zhao last semester, and he was barely an acquaintance. The last time he came here, he only looked at Wei Shuxun a little more, but today he looked up and down for several minutes.

"Senior, what's the matter?" Wei Shuxun interrupted his examination: "Professor Zhao?"

"Follow me." The senior said, "Professor Zhao asked me to take you to the laboratory."

We took Wei Shuxun to the fifth laboratory building. The senior named Ye Chengtian swiped his card to open the door and couldn't help but look back at Wei Shuxun.

"The fifth time, senior." Wei Shuxun said: "I know I'm handsome, you don't have to watch it so many times."

Ye Chengtian shook his head, took Wei Shuxun into a small laboratory, and said with a smile, "This is the first time I bring such a young student in, I will talk about it later. I don't know if you can understand it."

Don't blame him for his doubts, although the square wave generator is not difficult to make, but if the level is not good, it is impossible to understand it even if it is made face to face. Otherwise, the case of the square wave generator will not be put in the second semester of the junior year. Of course, the principle of the square wave generator is not complicated, but most people can fully understand it.

Although Wei Shuxun is also an electronics major, everyone knows that the first grade is a sub-course, which has nothing to do with the major. And he just handed over Professor Zhao's lecture materials to Wei Shuxun last semester, how could he understand it so quickly?

"Okay, I only make it once. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me, but don't ask questions like circuit parameters, or I'll throw you out."

"No problem." Wei Shuxun nodded.

He is not confident. He has carefully studied the information on the square wave generator, but at least half of the principles cannot be understood. However, he will still be able to draw inferences from one instance, not to mention that he still has a learning machine on his body.

"Learning machine, recording, analyzing."

This is a learning machine function discovered by Wei Shuxun when Liu Yongdong helped him make transistors when he first met Sun Yi. As long as he asks, the learning machine can actually provide some learning assistance, but because his courses are boring English, mathematics, etc., so he can't use it. At least in the boring side courses, he didn't want to listen to the instruction of the learning machine at all, maybe he would do the exercises to death.

"First of all, I'll give you ten minutes to memorize the first design diagram." Ye Chengtian opened the slide and let Wei Shuxun see the first circuit diagram. "You should understand the principle of hysteresis, right? This picture is the output bipolar voltage. Remember its circuit diagram. I don't have time to show it to you when making it."

If Wei Shuxun has any advantages, it is probably good memory, especially for things of interest. He had memorized the circuit diagram for a long time, but he still carefully read it again and nodded: "I remember it."

"Then begin."

But in fact, it is not complicated to do. For the electronic principles that have been understood, it can be automatically classified into one or two sentences in the mind. If you don't understand something, seeing Ye Chengtian's production and his explanation, it's hard to understand.

And there is a learning machine in Wei Shuxun's brain responsible for careful explanation and analysis.

"This step uses the multivibrator principle UC=+UZ formula to make it compatible with TTL level." When Ye Chengtian was making it, the learning machine scanned and recorded and synchronized Explanation: "So a rectangular wave with a duty cycle of 1/2 Uo, the periodic tuning waveform is 3T."

I made it while explaining it, because it was a very simple thing for Ye Chengtian, and it took less than an hour to complete. After finishing, he asked Wei Shuxun, "Do you understand?"

"Well, I understand." Wei Shuxun nodded: "Thank you."

"You really understand, if you don't understand, just ask, don't lie, I won't scold you." No wonder Ye Chengtian questioned, when they were in their third year, they made a full-scale production for the first time. The class is half-understood, but Wei Shuxun can understand it in his freshman year?

"Well, basically." Wei Shuxun still nodded: "It's the periodic tuning waveform, the operation principle of the duty cycle tuning waveform is not very clear, I think Professor Zhao I will read it when I go back, so I can't let you teach me here."

"...isn't that the only thing you don't understand?"

Wei Shuxun tilted his head and thought about it seriously: "Well, this is now, I haven't remembered the others. Look, if you go back and find something you don't understand, I'll tell you again. Can I call you and ask?"

Ye Chengtian was silent for a long time, then shook his head: "I finally understand why Professor Zhao is so impatient..."