MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 61 tangled friends

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On the fifth day of the new year, Wei Shuxun went home with his parents, and Yan Dongnan came to see him off. In the face of Wei's father and Wei's mother who looked vigilant, Yan Dongnan called Wei Shuxun aside and said, "I am sincere, you should think about it."

"You talk about what you are doing now?" Wei Shuxun finally couldn't help asking.

"Casino." Yan Dongnan didn't hide Wei Shuxun, he hid it from other friends because he was afraid that they would rely on him, but he didn't need to guard against Wei Shuxun. "I am now independently managing an underground casino. Although it is not big, it has high profits. My boss has a relationship with the above, so it is very safe. You can help me if you come. You are better at making friends than me, and you can definitely do better than me. Okay. I'll recommend it to the boss for you in the future, how about it?"

Wei Shuxun nodded and shook his head.

Nodding is to agree with Yan Dongnan's "work". In fact, he himself likes gambling very much. In the past, he earned all his pocket money by gambling on football. He even considered going to the pool room to earn money after graduating from high school. He didn't think there was anything wrong with this job. From the point of view of the gangsters in the past, Yan Dongnan was already regarded as a "senior executive" among them.

He shook his head because: "I still want to go back to school."

"Tsk!" Yan Dongnan frowned and looked puzzled: "Seriously, I don't understand what's the use of you studying in this university? Do you want to build a country? Do you have such talent? Isn't it just to get a diploma to find a job, I tell you that my waiter is a university graduate, do you want me to save a seat for you in the future!"

"Public...civil servant?!"

Yan Dongnan was shocked and stammered: "Are you telling the truth? Do you really want to be a civil servant in the future?"

Get Wei Shuxun's affirmative nod, Yan Dongnan looked disappointed: "To be honest, your family has no power and no relationship, at most you can only be a basic civil servant, you might as well be good with me... Now, whatever you want."

After Yan Dongnan left, Wei's father and Wei's mother immediately asked vigilantly: "Shu Xun, what is Yan Dongnan looking for from you?"

"It's okay, just come and say goodbye." Wei Shuxun sat in the back compartment and smiled casually.

"That's good." Lin Shuangping nodded: "I don't know what business Yan Dongnan is doing, I heard that he has made a lot of money, and he brags a lot during community activities. But I always feel that I don't Practical, any serious business can be worth tens of millions in half a year, anyway, you can go to school in peace, we don’t ask how much money we make, ah.”

"Well, I know." Wei Shuxun nodded and looked out the window. There is no denying that when Yan Dongnan mentioned the casino, he had a momentary heartbeat. Casinos were once one of his planned future paths. At first, the reason why I brought everyone to make friends with Brother Cheng was because I knew that Brother Cheng was in charge of an underground casino with a background. Originally, he planned to enter the billiard room first, preside over the game, and then slowly enter the casino, whether it was a spectator or a dealer, it was not a problem for him.

Wei Shuxun helped his glasses, only to realize that his determination was not so firm. From the bottom of his heart, he still hates reading and hates exams - after all, he has been a gangster for a few years, and a good student has only been a good student for half a year, and his thinking has not completely changed. If it weren't for the learning machine and Wei Cheng's constant reminders of future tragedies, he might not be able to firm up his student line.

Rao is like this. Last semester, there were no less fights, and there was no psychological anxiety about the fight at all. Fortunately, when he was excited, the glasses pressed against the bridge of his nose reminded him that he is now a student, and he must never touch these things again, even if he likes it.

When Wei Shuxun and his parents returned home, they saw Li Zheyou in the shadow downstairs.

Dad Wei didn't notice him, and happily went upstairs with the New Year's goods presented by relatives. After helping his parents organize the New Year's goods, Wei Shuxun made another excuse to go downstairs.

"What the **** do you want to do?" After finding Li Zheyou's hiding place and pulling him out, Wei Shuxun's face turned ashen.

A severe winter has already worried his parents, and he doesn't want to get involved with Li Zheyou anymore.

Most importantly, he found that he was not as firm as he thought, and was very worried that he was accidentally seduced.

"Shu Xun, Shu Xun, you have to help me!" Li Zheyou pleaded with a bitter face: "I accidentally offended Brother Li of Youwang Electronic City, you sent someone to block me recently, I You don't even dare to go out the gate of the community, you and Li Ge know each other, please help me with good things!"

Wei Shuxun frowned: "The ones who beat you last time were also accomplices of Brother Li?"

"No." Li Zheyou shook his head timidly: "It was just offended a few days ago. They came in yesterday and couldn't find my house, I dare not go home now..."

Wei Shuxun lowered his face: "So you hid in my house?"

Fortunately, he came down and asked a question, otherwise there will be a fight downstairs one day, and what will happen to the parents who come in and out accidentally? Even if his parents were not affected, I am afraid that Wei Shuxun would not be able to wash away his suspicions. Whoever was beaten was his former friend, and who believed that this matter had nothing to do with him.

It doesn't matter if he is suspected, as long as his parents can't look up again - he likes to see his parents proud of him.

Wei Shuxun really wanted to beat up Li Zheyou and then drive him away, but he was very aware of Li Zheyou's rogue, and he was afraid that when he turned around and came back, he would call Shuxun for help when he was beaten until To force him out - used to laugh at his scoundrel, and now I hate it.

"Say, why did you offend Brother Li?" Wei Shuxun asked with a frown.

"Then, that, Shuxun, you know that I sell medicine in the bar! Business was good on the night of the 30th New Year's, and my goods were almost gone. The price was also high. When I was in a hurry, I went to the kitchen to get some starch and mixed it with them and sold it to them..." Li Zheyou said in a lower voice, his whole fat face twisted into a ball: "I'm not in a hurry, who would have thought found by them..."

" really..." Wei Shuxun didn't know what to say to him. No wonder Yan Dongnan wanted to get rid of them. If these people were going to be like this, someone would send them in without the need for the police to do anything.

"Shu Xun, you have to save me, otherwise I'll have to hide here every day." Li Zheyou showed a pleasing smile.

Wei Shuxun looked at his fat face, his eyes gradually cold. He took out his mobile phone and called Brother Li: "Hello, Brother Li, I'm Wei Shuxun."

Brother Li is the son of the owner of the electronic city. I met Wei Shuxun because of the game. The two are good friends. This matter was originally intended to be a small beating to Li Zheyou, but since Wei Shuxun opened his mouth to intercede, he would just let it go.

"OK, it's solved!" Wei Shuxun hung up the phone and said to the happy Li Zheyou, "Then let's finish our business,"

"What... ah...!"

He beat Li Zheyou and warned him not to come back to Wei Shuxun and Shi Shiran to walk back to the apartment building. Leaning on the elevator, he sighed: "Actually, I still want to treat them as friends."

A few years of friends don't just cut off after saying a word.

Wai Shuxun's so-called severing relationship is actually turning a blind eye, ignoring, and not paying attention to their information. This means when the other party is safe and sound. But it was hard for him to turn a blind eye when his friend was in distress.

After helping Li Zheyou last time, whether it was intentional or coincidence, Wei Shuxun happened to meet a friend who was being bullied when he went out a few times.

He couldn't help but save someone once, but when he got out of control, someone immediately called his name.

Wei Shuxun knew nothing about this. He was too lazy to meddle in his own business, so he didn't go out at all, hid at home and immersed himself in reading materials, and occasionally called Professor Zhao for advice.

When Brother Li called to ask him, there were rumors that he had followed Brother X or Brother XX.

Wei Shuxun hung up the phone with cold eyes.

Wei Shuxun's reaction was unexpectedly intense.

Wei Shuxun's image in the eyes of outsiders and friends can be anything, except for the word "dangerous".

To say good things is called loyalty, and to say bad things is called a woman's benevolence.

He can make a deal with outsiders, and with friends, as long as it is not excessive, he is basically a type of responsive.

Even if he says don't come to me, he can't really care if he really asks for help.

Everyone instantly felt that they had found a way to deal with Wei Shuxun. Deliberately beaten and sympathized in front of him when he went out, but unfortunately Wei Shuxun never went out again after a few times.

However, his behavior is already a kind of assurance that he is not really breaking up with friends on the road. So everyone put on the name of Wei Shuxun again, and slowly the originally scattered people became a small group again.

Under such circumstances, Wei Shuxun, who was originally regarded as the core of the group, did an incredible thing.

He led someone to beat up all the old friends in the group!

"Book, book, why?"

Amid the screams, Li Zheyou, who was holding his head, asked in shock. Although he was beaten by Wei Shuxun last time, he still admires Wei Shuxun, and Wei Shuxun doesn't hit hard, which is completely different from this time!

Wei Shuxun wore rimless glasses and a neat trench coat, looking like an ordinary student. Facing his former friend who was bleeding and bleeding, Wei Shuxun was expressionless.

"I said, don't come to me again. This time, I hope you remember."

"Ha, I think they should be able to remember this time." The youth who took the lead in beating people laughed.

"This is your reward." Throwing a card to the youth, Wei Shuxun turned and left.

"Shu Xun?" Back home, Wei Ma asked suspiciously, "Why are you wearing glasses all of a sudden?"

Wei Shuxun adjusted his glasses: "Because, I want to remind myself something."

At the other end he didn't know, Yan Dongnan was answering the phone: "Does he really say that?"

"Yeah, Dongnan, Shuxun really ignores us!" Li Zheyou with a swollen nose and a swollen face said with a trembling voice, "You said you could make him come back, what should I do... book Xun is gone, shall we all follow you from now on?"

"What a pity." Yan Dongnan hung up the phone expressionlessly.