MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 57 beat up

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Before the final exam, Zhou Quan went out of the hospital in a wheelchair, and accompanied Wei Shuxun to do one thing - beat Lin Jianze.

"Lin Jianze is graduating soon. Except for picking up girls, he usually doesn't go to school. Most of the time, he messes with his uncle's company. It's more difficult to block him at school."

Wei Shuxun originally planned to go to the school to block people, but was rejected by Xu Yuanjun who accompanied him.

"Do you want to go to the company to block people?" Wei Shuxun asked.

"It's not very convenient, there are a lot of security guards there." Xu Yuanjun turned a few pages of data with a tablet computer in his hand: "He has a girlfriend from an art school who lives in Huyuan Community, a lover, In Jingyuan on the east coast, I recently took care of a little star, in the Jingsheng villa area." Xu Yuanjun shook his head: "Tsk tsk, private life is chaotic enough, no wonder you see kidney deficiency, right? Zhou Quan?"

"Okay, these three places, I suggest we block him at Xiaoxing. Dongsheng Villa is located in the suburbs, the road is secluded, you can beat him wherever you want, how about it, Shuxun ?"

Wei Shuxun naturally had no objection, but only wondered: "How do you know when he will go there?"

"Oh, before I came, I threw a tracker under that kid's car." Xu Yuanjun said indifferently.

Wei Shuxun only admires him.

It took almost no time to wait, Lin Jianze drove straight to Xiaoxing that night. Xu Yuanjun drove the car around the shortcut, and waited first to stop him by the side of the road. Not only Lin Jianze was in the car, but there were also two bodyguards. They were huge and looked at Kong Wu powerfully, but judging from their walking movements, they were not soldiers.

When the car was stopped, the two got out of the car alertly, and put their hands in their arms. Xu Yuanjun got off first, and the two were stunned when they saw him. Lin Jianze also jumped out of the car and scolded: "Xu Yuanjun, what do you want to do?"

Wei Shuxun helped Zhou Quan to get out of the car, Lin Jianze was stunned when he saw Zhou Quan, his face changed slightly.

Zhou Quan has not recovered yet, leaning on the front of the car, raised his chin coldly: "Don't you want to teach Shuxun a lesson? Give you a chance."

Wei Shuxun smiled well-behaved and pure. He was wearing a loose white hooded sweater and black jeans. The smile on his face even looked like a cute boy. Hand greeted: "Hi, we meet again!"

The two bodyguards wanted to stop him, but Zhou Quan looked at him coldly, and dared not step forward. Xu Yuanjun smiled and took out a gun: "Okay, it won't make it difficult for you, and I will give you reasons not to move, and I will really shoot!"

Zhou Quan nodded: "When the Lin family asks, tell them that we just want to be fair. Let them come to me if they have any opinions."

"Yeah, it's just cutting." Wei Shuxun smiled at Lin Jianze: "You want to teach me a lesson, and I just want to teach you a lesson. Look, the moonlight tonight is good, We just happened to meet under such a beautiful moon, I would feel a pity not to beat you up, you won't let me down, will you?"

"Don't be too arrogant!"

Lin Jianze is afraid of Zhou Quan, but he is not afraid of Wei Shuxun. He has practiced for two years. If Zhou Quan does not take action, he believes that it is not difficult to teach an ordinary student like Wei Shuxun. Who knew that Wei Shuxun would kick him to the ground in three or two strokes. Wei Shuxun's hand was very dark, and he didn't use much force, but it was so painful that he couldn't move.

Wei Shuxun didn't plan to be ruthless, he just gave him a little lesson, but Lin Jianze was shameless, he couldn't beat Wei Shuxun, so he turned his head and shouted at the two bodyguards: "You guys are not here yet. Help me, be careful what I tell Daddy!"

After all, the two bodyguards were employed, so they had to rush to Wei Shuxun. When a bullet landed at their feet, Xu Yuanjun tilted his head and smiled, "I'm not joking."

"Cough..." Zhou Quan coughed lightly, he was not in good health, and his face was still pale at this time. Just with a cold face, he said lightly, "If you still want to hang out in City A, just be quiet."

Lin Jianze dared to fight Wei Shuxun at first, but after a few hits, he shrank back and only dodged and called the bodyguard, but the two bodyguards dared not move. Wei Shuxun felt that it was boring. He could still fight if the opponent fought him hard. This kind of guy who is usually arrogant and cowards when he makes a real move would feel like his hands are dirty when he beats him. Even when they were fighting, they didn't beg for mercy so easily.

Shooting Lin Jianze to the ground, Wei Shuxun shook his head: "You... shame on you."

The learning machine said that the Lin family would control the entire empty city in the future, and he thought it was an amazing family. Lin Jianze really disappointed him, and he was only "one" of his ancestors, otherwise in the future time and space, Wei Cheng would be one of them. People are enough to kill their whole family.

"If you want to trouble me in the future, you can come in person. If you dare to ask people to trouble me behind your back, I will interrupt your hands and feet. I will do what I say."

However, the other party only dared to ask people to follow him to find trouble. Wei Shuxun hated such people the most.

The three got in the car and left, Wei Shuxun asked, "Is there any problem? His parents won't give up, right?"

"It's okay." Zhou Quan leaned on the back seat, coughed lightly, and said in a cold tone: "My person is not something he can move."

This is a bit strange, Wei Shuxun automatically translated it into: You are the person I cover.

"Thank you!" There is nothing special to thank among friends, Wei Shuxun saw Zhou Quan's face was not good, he came to him and put his hand on his forehead: "How is your body, the wound is still alive. Does it hurt?"

"En." Zhou Quan responded lightly and turned to lean on Wei Shuxun's shoulder. Wei Shuxun took advantage of the situation and hugged him, so that he could lean on more comfortably: "How about I sit in the front and let you sleep more comfortably?"

"No." Zhou Quan shook his head and leaned against Wei Shuxun's neck again.

Wei Shuxun thought about it and said, "Otherwise, you can sleep on my lap first? Is it uncomfortable to sit like this?"

Zhou Quan is much taller than Wei Shuxun, to lean on Wei Shuxun's shoulders, you need to lower your body, especially when the two are still close together, Wei Shuxun doesn't matter, just worry about Zhou Quan Tired neck.

Wei Shuxun is not a considerate person, and he can't do the caring greetings. Seeing Zhou Quan closing his eyes and resting, he took out his mobile phone to play games. Holding it, Wei Shuxun shouted while playing: "Let go, Zhou Quan, I want to play the game, one hand is not enough... ah, I'm hanging up again!"

He wanted to pull out his hand, but Zhou Quan was still holding it tightly to his chest, so he could only shrug and pick up the headphones to listen to the song.

Only Xu Yuanjun, who was driving, looked twice in the rearview mirror from time to time. When did Zhou Quan become so vulnerable?

The final exam is coming soon, anyway, there is no need to struggle any more. I don't need to bring clothes. I only pack my laptop, Professor Zhao's 5 USB flash drives, and the electronic products I made myself. I don't have many things. I only pack a small backpack, which I put on my back, say goodbye to my roommates, and leave. .

Because it was the end of the year and the train was crowded, Zhou Quan helped Wei Shuxun book a flight home. It was only a two-hour flight from City A to Yucheng. Wei Shuxun looked at his watch, it was not yet three o'clock in the afternoon.

I called my parents and Wei Shuxun took the bus home. The bus outside the airport does not have a direct journey to my home, and the closest bus to No. 15 is still three stops away. Not too far away, Wei Shuxun was too lazy to squeeze the bus any longer, and took a slow walk with his hands in his pockets.

"Shu Xun?" Suddenly hearing a female voice calling, Wei Shuxun turned his head suspiciously and saw a woman standing in front of a jewelry store smiling at him. He blinked, feeling a little familiar.

The woman is twenty-four or five years old, wearing a close-fitting white trench coat, black socks, high-heeled boots, a necklace hanging around her neck, and as many jade bracelets and diamond rings on her hands, mixed up and down With an unspeakable coquettish air, Wei Shuxun couldn't remember when he knew such a woman.

"It's me, you don't know me?" The woman brushed the hair on her shoulders and stepped forward: "I'm Yang Qinqin."

"Yang Qinqin?!" Wei Shuxun exclaimed in shock.

When Wei Shuxun was still a punk, there were three bad girls who played well with him, namely Chen Zixia, Wang Mei, and Yang Qinqin. Later, the three of them were introduced by Zhang Chenshuang as mistresses of others before Wei Shuxun was admitted to the A University. After that, they refused to see Wei Shuxun again. Only Chen Zixia went to the hospital to say goodbye to him before leaving. Wang Mei and Yang Qinqin were there. Zhang Chenshuang disappeared after being arrested.

"It's me, can't you recognize me?" Yang Qinqin smiled and said, "I heard that you were admitted to University A, congratulations, are you coming back from vacation now?"

"...Yes." Wei Shuxun nodded slowly, not knowing what to say.

Yang Qinqin is the same age as him, she should be 18 years old this year, but because of heavy makeup and inappropriate clothes, she is a few years old. Although she was a bad girl in the past, she was cute and clean, but now it only smells like dust.

When I meet a friend I haven't seen for a long time, it is reasonable to say that I should chat a few words, but Wei Shuxun really doesn't know what to chat with her, so I can't ask you how your business is now? He disapproved of their way of life, but based on friend morality, he kept his distance and respect.

"I just got off the plane. Let's talk when I have time. Let's go first."

"Wait for Shuxun." Yang Qinqin took his arm, stuffed a business card in his palm, scratched his fingers in his palm, and said vaguely, "I live alone now , you can come to me anytime."

Wei Shuxun lowered his face: "Let go!"

"Book Xun?"

"If you're still my friend, let go!"

Yang Qinqin showed an aggrieved expression, pouted and shook her hand: "What's so great!"

The business card in his hand is pink, without any introduction, just a simple name and telephone: Qinqin, 135XXXXXXXX.

Wei Shuxun sighed silently. When Yang Qinqin and the others first went to sea, they were ashamed to see him and ran away when they encountered him. But now... it's just less than half a year.


When I was just one stop away from home, a beeping sound came from the future video device on my wrist. After Wei Shuxun repaired the video camera, he kept turning it on. Anyway, he could turn it off automatically, and he was not afraid of Wei Cheng's sudden appearance. Because of the time and space, the signal reception of the video camera seems to be very difficult. Wei Shuxun has been on for nearly a month, and he has not responded until today.

There are no hotels nearby. Fortunately, this area used to be a place where I used to drink and fight with friends. There are many old low-rise alleys behind the high-rise buildings. Wei Shuxun's familiar trot turned around a few buildings and came to a deserted alley.

The video camera is still beeping, and it seems that the signal reception is difficult. It has been more than ten minutes from the beginning to the present, and Wei Cheng's image has not yet appeared.

"Da da da da!" There was a sudden sound of rushing running outside the alley, stumbling all the way to this side, and at the same time there were several shouts: "He ran this way!"

Wei Shuxun frowned and pressed his hand on the close button. It seems that the meeting with Wei Cheng will be postponed for a while.

At this time, a fat figure ran over from the corner, saw Wei Shuxun leaning against the wall, backed away in a panic, paused again, and suddenly rushed over: "Book, Shuxun ,Help!"