MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 47 signal booster

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"Of course." Feng Wei's face was taken for granted: "You have to come too."

"I don't know anything about electronics, so I'm afraid I can't help you." Although he learned a little about the basics of electrical engineering, but compared with the three of them, his basics are nothing, Wei Shuxun Very self-aware. And he doesn't like to play these kinds of games either.

"The focus of this competition is to comfort Liu Yongdong's brokenheartedness." Feng Wei patted him on the shoulder: "It's enough that you come with your heart."

"I don't like to participate in any competition." Wei Shuxun said bluntly: "I can't just stand by and watch you busy, let's forget it, you need to fight and call me."

"No, you must participate." Feng Wei insisted: "The three of us participated, how can you let you run away. If you are a friend, don't refuse."

"You know my level." Wei Shuxun still refused: "I can't help, and I don't want to take advantage of it...

Di Di-!

Suddenly hearing the electronic sound, Wei Shuxun smiled slightly, and had a bad premonition. "Sorry I'm taking a call." Pretending to make a phone call, he walked out the door and called out the Void screen. Sure enough, he saw the new task: "Participate in the National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest and get a place."

Wei Shuxun clenched his fist: "Learning machine, are you slow to respond?" I didn't say it just now, but I refused to release the task.

"I thought you would participate." Learning machine voice tablet: "I hope you have the ability to learn independently." Learning machine does not take pleasure in forcing people, if Wei Shuxun can consciously be an excellent student, It doesn't even show up at all. Of course, it doesn't matter if you have to force the task, the learning machine doesn't care whether the user likes him or hates him.

Wei Shuxun also doesn't care about the learning machine. Although the tasks released by the learning machine are usually against his wishes, it is really for his good. Wei Shuxun is not someone who doesn't know what to do, he only reminded: "Next time you have any task, you can post it directly, don't wait for me to refuse it before posting it, save trouble."

"Yes." The machine responds.

Wei Shuxun returned to the laboratory again and promised to participate in the competition together. Although the three were puzzled that he suddenly changed his mind, they were more glad that he was willing to participate. This competition is not for prize money, nor for rankings. It is just to compete for words. It is enough for friends to work together. It doesn't matter who is more capable and pays more.

The National Undergraduate Electronic Design Competition is a regular competition held every year, usually in mid-September, targeting all college students. The number of participants in each group is limited to 5 or less, and there are no restrictions on schools and majors. As long as they have a student ID, they can register. It has been held for more than ten years in total, and it is a very authoritative competition among engineering students.

The registration method is very simple, just send the scanned copy of the student ID card of the participating team members to the official registration mailbox. Also attached are contact numbers and competition design information. It includes design ideas, finished product pictures, and a small part of technical information.

After the official preliminary inspection of the competition, only outstanding works can be selected to participate in the semi-finals. The competition time is only 4 days, and the way of participating is too free. There are as many as thousands of students signing up every year. Therefore, the best products can only be screened in this way.

In a hurry, the finished product must be produced immediately and the technical data summarized. Regarding what to design for the competition, Sun Yi was relatively rigid, and proposed the electromagnetic gun, which has recently become very popular among engineering students. The three of them are good at technical improvement, they can improve the electromagnetic gun, and it is no problem to make a beautiful little toy.

"That can't be considered a design, and the electromagnetic gun is aggressive, and the referee teacher will not like it." Liu Yongdong shook his head: "I think products related to solar energy should be considered. Now solar energy is the mainstream."

"The time is too rushed, I can't think of it." Feng Wei scratched his head: "There is no shortage of electronic products in the society now, it is too difficult to have new ideas and practicality. I think it is better to do Something fantastic, like a flying saucer or something, modified with a quadcopter."

"It's just a fantasy in appearance, which is technically inconsistent with the competition concept of electronic design." Sun Yi retorted.

Wei Shuxun is completely ignorant of electronic technology. The highest-end electronics he has come into contact with are future learning machines, which are already ahead of the times. Secondly, there are only mobile phones and computer games. He doesn't know what the electromagnetic gun Sun Yi is talking about. His eyes are blank, let alone help with ideas.

Listen to the three making various suggestions, which they themselves reject. Wei Shuxun found that his knowledge of electronics was far from enough. He thought that he had read a lot of e-books, and he was considered a little skilled. Now he realized that he didn't even touch the door.

The three quarreled for a long time. The more they knew about the electronics industry, the more they felt that nothing was rare. Ordinary students have never heard of things, such as quadcopters, which are similar to common toys in their eyes, and nothing new in electronics, let alone "design".

"I said, I don't know if I can make something?" Wei Shuxun raised his hand, saw the three of them looking at him, and raised his mobile phone: "You also know that mobile phones often have signals. Bad, or can't connect to wifi, and TV and radio often have poor signal. Can you make something that enhances the signal? I think this is practical, right? And it can be sold to technology companies."

After Wei Shuxun finished speaking, seeing the three of them looking at him in unison, he blinked: "Why, is this thing already available on the market?" He is out of date again?

"No, not yet." Liu Yongdong shook his head and said excitedly: "Yes, the signal booster is both innovative and practical, it can't be better!"

Is it easy to hear him? Wei Shuxun was delighted: "Is there any technical problem?"

"No problem." Sun Yi helped her glasses: "The main direction is high-frequency electronics and permanent magnet signals. It's not too difficult to say, but I never thought about it before."

Once the research objectives were decided, the trio got busy. Liu Yongdong was in charge of the formula, Sun Yi was in charge of the design drawings, and Feng Wei prepared the tool accessories. Wei Shuxun is in charge... Quiet and undisturbed. Although he has some basics in electrical engineering and has read a lot of books, all of them are limited to theories, and they are basic theories, so he can't help. This is also the reason why he refused to participate in the first place. The prize money and the ranking were not what he deserved, and he did not want to take advantage of it.

Liu Yongdong was bored by Wei Shuxun, and said to him: "Go back, didn't you buy a lot of accessories? Go back to practice your hands, and you can help after you get used to it."

Wei Shuxun can only nod: "Okay, if you need to call me."

The production method of solar energy storage device is not simple, but it is not difficult to do with detailed design drawings. Wei Shuxun had to repeat it several times at first, and also broke a few accessories. Later, it became more and more convenient, almost once, and half of it was completed by the evening.

Wei Shuxun put all the accessories in the drawer and put on the backpack. Zhou Quan's training tonight is about knives, and Wei Shuxun is looking forward to it.

Before he left the school gate, he received a call from Zhou Quan, asking where he was. Wei Shuxun was about to reply when he heard the sound of a car. Zhou Quan's car slowly stopped beside him, Wei Shuxun got into the car neatly, and asked, "Why is it so early today?"

As soon as I sat down, I met Zhou Quan's hand. I don't know why Zhou Quan likes to touch his head. Wei Shuxun is used to it. Zhou Quan is older than him and takes good care of him. Wei Shuxun treats him as his elder brother, so he doesn't care about his kissing behavior.

"I'm sorry, I have an urgent task." Zhou Quan apologized: "I can't help you train today."

Wei Shuxun understood: "It doesn't matter, the work is important. You can just call me and tell me, there is no need to come here on purpose."

Zhou Quan said nothing, and touched Wei Shuxun's soft hair again. Wei Shuxun turned to look at him with undisguised concern in his eyes. Zhou Quan narrowed his eyes and stretched out his hand to embrace Wei Shuxun in front of his chest.

"Zhou Quan?" Wei Shuxun wondered.

"Xu Yuanjun will come to your school in two days." Zhou Quan whispered in his ear: "Pretend not to know him."


Wei Shuxun nodded and asked in a low voice, "Is there an eavesdropper here?" Why did he hug him?

Zhou Quan touched his head again and let him get out of the car: "Be careful."

"You are." Wei Shuxun laughed, how could he be in any danger in school: "Pay attention to safety."

Di Di-!

After Zhou Quan drove away, Wei Shuxun opened the void screen, and the task showed: Learn attack skills from Zhou Quan. Mission completed: 100%, mission reward: not discussed.

The learning machine is very flexible. Since Zhou Quan no longer teaches Wei Shuxun, the task is completed. As for the task reward, because Wei Shuxun didn't mention it, the learning machine was left alone. Wei Shuxun doesn't have anything to learn about the machine right now, so he naturally puts it away and saves it for later use.

I went to the laboratory the next morning and found that Sun Yi and Liu Yongdong had written formulas and design drawings, and Wei Shuxun was amazed by the speed. At the same time, I sighed at the girl's lack of vision. The student council, class cadres, and various competition rankings. Ordinary students may need these to enrich their resumes, but how can truly capable students be rare.

If it hadn't been stimulated this time, Liu Yongdong and the three would never waste their energy participating in this kind of competition.

Wei Shuxun tried his best to help, but he couldn't help, because the design drawing has not yet been determined, and computer signal simulation needs to be done. This is Feng Wei's expertise. , discussed from time to time: "The permanent magnet coupling should enhance the transmission of the air signal."

"No, the error value in wireless transmission is difficult to control, and the permanent magnet coupling alone is not enough."

"I think it's possible to measure signal filtering with pole-stretch sensing."

Wei Shuxun stood at the back and listened carefully. He read the book "High Frequency Electronic Circuits", and also learned some "Micro-Nano Electronics", "Analog Electronic Technology", "System I've read through the "Basics of Identification", although I just swallowed the dates, I finally understand a little bit of the basic principles. Now studying behind the three of them, I can actually integrate the techniques that I randomly learned.

After a busy day, the simulation experiment failed, and the design drawings must be overturned and remade. The three were used to it for a long time and didn't care about it. Wei Shuxun was surprised: "Do you want to redesign it again?"

In the morning, there are more than ten manuscript sheets for the design drawings and formulas. After one day of experimentation, there are hundreds of correction sheets. After a hard day, the final result turned out to be completely overturned and redesigned? Wei Shuxun just sat in for a day, and felt hard and worthless for them.

"No way, the design idea went wrong from the beginning." Sun Yi explained seriously: "The permanent magnet coupling can complete certain tasks through the air medium, but it has an unstable signal, because the signal is in the air. There are erroneous values ​​in the air, so signal filtering may be required..."

"Okay, don't be so serious." Liu Yongdong patted him on the shoulder and smiled at Wei Shuxun: "It is very common for design mistakes to be overturned. You are now in basic learning. It is best not to read the information first, so as not to be misled by mistakes. You can read it when we find the right direction.”

Feng Wei nodded: "You have to get used to it. It's common for a design to do thousands of experiments. After thousands of experiments, it may fail completely." Extremely serious and steady: "If you go this route, you have to be mentally prepared. Electronics are fun, but the process of making them is boring and hard, and there are no shortcuts."

Wei Shuxun glanced at the three serious friends one by one. When they first met, they were making a quadcopter. The experiment lasted for two weeks and sold for 50,000 yuan, which surprised Wei Shuxun. They are worried that Wei Shuxun regards electronic production as a fun and profitable thing.

This is not in line with their philosophy, and it will easily lead Wei Shuxun to go astray. The road of technology is only down-to-earth, there are no shortcuts, and the mentality of making money cannot be held. Especially in the early stage of learning, many people only learn ordinary skills, but they give up their further studies because they can't make money. Wei Shuxun really began to pay attention to electronic production because of the 50,000 yuan from the sale of the quadcopter. Although it wasn't the main reason, the three of them keenly felt that Wei Shuxun just thought it was fun, but later it was a purposeful study.

They attach great importance to Wei Shuxun and hope that he can become a like-minded friend. This time, forcing Wei Shuxun to participate in the competition is a kind of guidance and a warning.

Wei Shuxun is not an idiot, he likes electronics, and it is indeed because of the 50,000 yuan. He has decided not to make money from billiard gambling, and naturally wants to find another way. When reading books, while studying, I also think about what things can be made after learning these technologies and whether they can sell them for money. Although he is a philistine, it does not prevent him from really liking various electronic technologies.

"I will study down to earth." Wei Shuxun smiled: "Don't worry, even if I have a common topic with you, I will work hard."