MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 102 Make-up exams and dual degree applications

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This year was Wei Shuxun's worst year, no doubt about it.

From the fifth day of the new year, Yucheng police carried out a large-scale anti-pornography operation. A few days later, most of Wei Shuxun's friends, Zhang Chenshuang, Liu Yimi, Yan Fan, etc., were arrested . He was charged with organizing prostitution and whoring. They are all from the same community, and this matter can't be hidden even if you want to, and it will soon become noisy. When Wei Shuxun heard it, he didn't know whether to despise their work or to be glad that they were just organizing prostitution, which was much better than Li Zheyou's drug trafficking.

The most frustrating thing for Wei Shuxun is that a public security bureau called his home to find him and asked him to help pay the fine. The person looking for him was Yang Qinqin, one of the bad girls who used to have a good relationship, and was also arrested in this anti-pornography operation. It is said that because he was cut off by his parents and could not find anyone who could guarantee him, he directly reported Wei Shuxun's name and home phone number.

"Sorry, I don't know her!" Wei Shuxun hung up the phone and rubbed his temples in anger.

What is this?

Recently bad things happened in the community one after another, Wei's father and Wei's mother did not allow his son to go out. Anyway, the weather was cold and Wei Shuxun was too lazy to move. Sitting in front of the computer desk with Little Sun on, open Professor Zhao's second USB flash drive.

Professor Zhao's USB flash drive is divided according to the learning progress, the first USB flash drive contains the courses of the freshman and sophomore, the second USB flash drive contains the courses of the third year and the fourth, and the third Starting with a USB flash drive, it is a postgraduate course. Wei Shuxun learned very quickly and had already understood the contents of the first USB flash drive. Taking advantage of the time now, he began to teach himself the second USB flash drive.

I thought there was still time to think about it, but when I chatted with the counselor, I learned that the application for dual degrees is usually in the sophomore year, and after the sophomore year, the application will be lost. That is, he must decide in the next semester which major to apply for as a second degree.

Originally this is a matter of no doubt, his current "Electronic Science and Technology" major and optics major have overlaps and similarities on the basis, because a branch of optics is optical fiber Communication, and electronic science and technology also includes the subject of communication engineering. That is to say, if he intends to develop into optics in the future, he does not even need a double degree, and he will directly take a master's degree in optics when he graduates. Just like the reason why Wu Hongjie was jealous of him, Professor Zhao personally escorted him. As long as he behaved well, maybe he didn't even need to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and he would go straight to the postgraduate examination.

Originally, it should be such a relaxed and happy future.

But now, there is a new profession that has to be chosen, Engineering Mechanics.

Wei Shuxun of course hopes to be a student of Professor Zhao, but, with Professor Zhao's research direction, the future achievements are nothing more than studying the changes of light mirror images and improving the focusing light sheets of microscopes. To be more outstanding, I wrote several papers such as "Mirror Optical Application in Semiconductor Lighting" and "Feedback Detection of Optical Fiber Communication Technology".

It is not that these studies are looked down upon, but that the direction of development of optics is different from the future plans he wants to go. He really wants to change the future, and use the advanced knowledge in the learning machine to promote the establishment of empty cities in advance, so as to save more people and avoid human civil war.

Therefore, he may have to live up to Professor Zhao's expectations and choose engineering mechanics.

"Ah, although I don't understand engineering mechanics at all, I have no expectations for this major, and I don't know anything about Professor Guan Cheng..." Wei Shuxun looked at the information on the computer while taking The pen made a reading record: "However, I can't think of any other way besides taking the engineering mechanics exam. So before I fail Professor Zhao, I hope I can give him something in return. Learning machine, your database should Do you have optical technology?"

After learning the machine for one circle, a large menu of menus will pop up on the empty screen:

Light energy military application technology:


Far infrared guidance;

Mid-infrared laser tracking emission system;

Optical magnetic induction mixing detection technology;

Unconventional shipborne high-energy quantum well lasers;

After flipping through two pages of the menu, Wei Shuxun was full of cold sweat: "Learning machine, these names look a bit scary... They all seem to belong to military technology? Are there no civilian ones?"

The electronic sound of the learning machine did not fluctuate: "The technology of the future will serve the war, I can't distinguish the civil and military technology of this era."

"Ah, I actually don't understand..." Wei Shuxun waved his hand, sighed, and signaled the learning machine to turn off the virtual light screen: "Let's watch it when I can distinguish it! Forget it, instead of If you think about these unrealistic things, you might as well learn to make Professor Zhao happy."

I didn't receive a call from Zhou Quan during the new year. Wei Shuxun sent a message and didn't reply. Although he knew he couldn't help, he couldn't help but be a little worried. Zhou Quan's expression when he left Not good, what happened?

After Zhou Quan got the sub-system of the learning machine, he gave up all other interests and used it to exchange all the information of Wei Shuxun. Xueji was quite satisfied with this. He helped Zhou Quan on the premise that Zhou Quan could help Wei Shuxun in the future and protect him from the Lin family, so he was also very responsible to Zhou Quan. Not long after Wei Shuxun sent a text message here, Zhou Quan received a report from the learning machine: "Shu Xun is worried about you and wants to know what happened to you."

Zhou Quan's face covered in oil paint could not clearly see the expression, but narrowed his eyes and said to the learning machine: "Tell him that I am going abroad to study during this time, and I will go back soon."

Xu Yuanjun's voice came from the headset: "Captain, find the target."

"Prepare for action." Zhou Quan dived into the jungle.

The learning machine truthfully repeated Zhou Quan's words to Wei Shuxun, Wei Shuxun was stunned: "Huh? Can you contact Zhou Quan? Then you can ask him what gift he wants, I will bring Some specialties for him."

Although there was not much communication, Wei Shuxun just asked him what kind of gift he wanted and what kind of gift he should prepare for Zhou Lao. Zhou Quan was still satisfied with the electronic voice of emotion.

Compared with last year's Chinese New Year, Shuxun can take the initiative to think of himself, which is already a big improvement.

The winter vacation is very short. The first half is occupied by bad things, and the second half is buried in the study. When Wei Shuxun recovers, the winter vacation is over. It should be said that it was a week before the end, but Wei Shuxun failed his "Circuit CAD" last semester, and he had to go back to school a week earlier to make up the exam. The counselor was afraid that he would not know, so he personally called to remind him. Of course, Wei Shuxun didn't dare to tell his parents that he had failed the course, so he had to go back to school to make up the exam in advance, only that he remembered the wrong start date. Wei's father and Wei's mother scolded him severely, and hurriedly prepared his luggage.

Clothes and shoes Second, the most important thing is to give gifts to school teachers and classmates, mainly local products that can be eaten directly, filled with a large suitcase, and reluctantly sent Wei Shuxun go on the train.

The application for make-up examination has been submitted on the school website before departure. After returning to school, I received a notice of the examination time, and I will take the make-up examination in the computer room on the 2nd floor of Building B3 three days later.

Wei Shuxun didn't know other people's grades. He originally thought that for a subject as simple as "Circuit CAD", he was the only one who made up the exam. Who knows that there are quite a lot of people who make up the exam, plus students from other majors, there are more than 20 people in total. There were three girls in the same class who made up the exam with Wei Shuxun. They were shocked to see him: "Wei Shuxun, why do you have to make up the exam?"

Wei Shuxun helped his forehead helplessly: "Accident."

After the school started, Wei Shuxun received a notice from the counselor and asked him to go to the Academic Affairs Office to get the double degree application form. There was also a headline notice on the campus website. There was an endless stream of students going to the Academic Affairs Office. Half of Wei Shuxun's class returned with the application form.

The requirements of University A for students to apply for a dual degree are: a GPA of 2.7 or above in the first academic year of major courses, 25 credits of required courses, and no disciplinary action and no record of make-up examinations .

Wei Shuxun, who just finished the make-up test, looked at the six characters "No make-up test recorder" and was stunned.