MTL - Tathagata Must Be Defeated-v2 Chapter 140 : Metamorphosis

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Sun Wukong took the stick and launched an attack.

The golden hoop sticks lightly, and the light shines into the sky, and it is crushed to the white clothes.

The white sages see the situation, the big hand explores, twists the space, and takes out the scorpion from the void.

钵盂 钵盂 钵盂 璀璨 璀璨 璀璨 璀璨 璀璨 璀璨 璀璨 , , , , , , , , , , , ,

A loud bang of "Boom", the fire was skyrocketing, and the battlefield was overwhelmed.

"Sure enough, not simple!"

Sun Wu thought about it, and he ate a golden hoop stick. The face of the white dresser has not changed.

He held the shackles with one hand, pressed forward, and the radiance was strong. The hands of the pressed Sun Wukong were numb.

"so hard."

Sun Wukong regained his stick and waved, and the void shook, and the huge pillar of fire collapsed the chaos.

The white robes are hard to resist, and they are as thick as mountains, such as golden shields.

He screamed and screamed, like a golden day hitting a golden hoop!


Sun Wukong was shocked.

The strength of the white sage is stronger than that of the Emperor, and his power blooms. For example, Wang Yang is surging, taking the initiative to attack, smashing with the golden hoop, chaotic shock, such as a tsunami.

The endless heavenly order screamed in the middle of the sigh, and the sun was shining and slamming down.

Sun Wukong’s face changed dramatically, and he was actually suppressed!

"This is my strength."

The white sages attacked with all their strength, and the gods were full of light. Every attack was as heavy as the mountains, and the pressure of Sun Wukong’s hands was sore.

This is the first time that Sun Wukong has encountered a stronger opponent than him.

"Can't rely on brute force!"

Sun Wukong’s thoughts flashed and he flew thousands of golden lights.

Every golden light is his embodiment. The sky suddenly spreads over Sun Wukong, and he is attacked by the white man.


The white robes laughed, and the golden **** furnace was formed, and a rainbow of light was shot from the top of the head.

The rainbow of the sky rushes to the incarnation of Sun Wukong like a meteor shower. Wanfo Qiming, magnificent, every rainbow is a white sage.

In the battlefield of the Van Gogh, countless fires burst into flames. If there were thousands of meteors colliding, the sky would be dazzling, and the faces of people who were miles away would be golden.

The battle is burning.

In the distance, they have a cool back.

"The power of terror."

"Whether it is the white sage, or the Monkey King, it is much stronger than us!"

"Who can win?"

The breath of this battle is so strong that it makes them fear.

They watched it for a long time before they were able to identify the situation.

"The strength of the white sage is stronger."

"His body is too strong, so use it, not afraid of damage?"

"If you push Sun Wukong to the extreme, it will be harmless to him."

Someone sighed.

"Sun Wukong becomes a **** of war, it is only a matter of time."

In the battlefield, the opening of the White Supreme is full of firepower, no reservations.

Because he knows that Sun Wukong has reached the limit.

"Now do not force him, you have to give up!"

The white sage thinks, the incarnation is stunned, and thousands of meteors break through the space and smash into the Monkey King!

In the chaos of the war, Sun Wukong was in the sky of the offensive, his arms were numb, and his vision seemed to burn.

"You are more like a stone than I do."

Sun Wukong laughed.

From birth to the present, he has never lost to anyone, but the White Lord is better than him.

This brought a big impact to Sun Wukong.

"You are very lost?"

While admiring the White, the Sayādaw said: "I am a reincarnation, the road is shaped, how can it be better than a fairy stone?"

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom"

The impact of the cymbals and the gold hoops swayed the chaos, and the squatting in the hands of the white sages, the radiance of the sun, the sturdy and powerful, the breath of the breath, is completely different from before.

I bumped into the golden hoop and the golden hoop was also shaking.

"Do not be afraid!"

Sun Wukong suffered from severe pain and felt intense pressure.

This is the strongest enemy he encountered, the strongest instrument.

However, he is not afraid, but there is a war that burns.

This warfare was transmitted to the golden hoop, and the golden hoop stopped shaking, and the flame on the top was almost boiling.

"Good, this is a good buddy!"

Sun Wukong’s eyes shot out of the fire and evolved into a sea of ​​fire.

"You have to do this!"

He waved the golden hoop and rushed to the golden hoop.

The golden hoop sticks in a red flame, each of which has a mysterious imprint, which runs through the heavens and the earth and collides with the dragonfly.

"God of War!"

The white sage looks over.

In the fierce battle, Sun Wukong’s flames burst into flames, and the hair began to glow, and the heartbeat sounded from the body, echoing between the heavens and the earth.

"He is sublimating, he wants to become a **** of war!"

The white lord thought in his heart.

Endless life fluctuations radiated from Sun Wukong's body. He changed in battle, and a strong breath came out, and he was about to reinvent himself.

"Take you another!"

The white sage was shrouded in the light of the Buddha, and his hands rushed into the sky. He shot Wandao Shenxia to Sun Wukong, and drowned him in time, and the battlefield was glaring.

"not enough!"

At the same time, the white robes stretched out one hand, the chaos roared, cracked a gap, and the endless energy was pulled out and turned into a golden cast dragon.

"What is the trick!"

A few people outside of Wanli were shocked.

They have lived in chaos for a million years, and have never seen anyone pulling energy from the void.

The dragon consisting of 澎湃 energy exudes a horrible atmosphere, and the surrounding space is distorted, making people feel shuddering from the soul level.

"Swallow him!"

The white sages shouted loudly, and the golden dragon screamed with horror fluctuations. From the head of Sun Wukong, the incomparable breath immediately involved him and swallowed him.

The huge swells swept the van Gogh heaven, the battlefield swayed violently, the space smashed, and the whirlpool appeared, as if to engulf all the creatures in the world!

The Buddhas on the edge of the battlefield panicked and ran farther.

He has also flew thousands of miles away, looking at the battlefield with a nervous look.

"The king must hold on!"

She has not seen the defeat of Sun Wukong, but she is still nervous when she sees the power of the White Lord.

The chaotic battlefield is shrouded in the horror of the white clothes, and the sea of ​​clouds is like boiling water, submerging Sun Wukong.

Within a thousand miles, a mysterious wave is stirring, and anyone who encounters these fluctuations will become dust.

"He is changing."

The white robes overlook the sea of ​​clouds.

Wang Yanghao is like a sea, and there are more and more loud voices.

"砰", "砰", "砰"...

That is the heartbeat of Sun Wukong.

The White Lord understands that a chaotic **** is about to wake up in front of him.

However, in this gap, the white man found that a stone on his neck disappeared.


He frowned slightly.

Did the Buddha run?


Is it just time to fight?

The white sorcerer's thoughts flashed, and then turned his attention to the glory.

The Buddha escaped, but it was not a big event - he did not matter compared to Sun Wukong.