MTL - Taking Part in a Survival Game with My Brother-Chapter 124 Unprecedented Survival Variety Show

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  Chapter 124 An Unprecedented Survival Variety Show

  He said he liked her.

   also said that he wanted her to be with him.

  Compared to the directness before, this half-clear sentence can make the deep water in her heart ripple.

   Neither of them spoke, and even the sound of their breathing was terribly subtle.

   After a long time, Jiang Yanzhou's voice came softly, "Good night."

  Lu Yang said slowly: "Good night."

  The phone hung up.

  Jiang Yanzhou raised his hand, picked a button on the neckline with his fingertips, and swept across the box on the table. He pulled the corner of his mouth, held it in his hand, opened it, and a simple ring appeared in sight.

   Staring at the ring, for some reason, his thoughts drifted to a long time ago.

That winter was terribly cold, with white and translucent brilliance everywhere, coming out of the bustling crowd, beside the park near the square, a girl was walking flexibly on the stone steps with a bunch of candied haws in her hand, occasionally turning sideways, All smiles.

  The drizzle fell without warning, she stopped, raised her head, the black hair on the top of her head was dripping with water, and said pitifully, "Jiang Yanzhou, it's raining."

  He took his hand out of the windbreaker pocket, and gently patted the water off her hair, the smile on his lips only increased, "Well, it's raining."

  Her clear black eyes looked at the gentleness scattered in his pair of bright brown eyes, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she suddenly tiptoed to cover his thin lips.

  Taste lightly, kiss without trace.

   "Sorry, can't help it."

  A trace of cunning flashed across her dark pupils, and she said she was embarrassed but did not apologize at all.

  The girl's eyelashes were stained with a little raindrops, like a streamer, attracting people's hearts.

  He stopped her who was about to run, wrapped her long arms around her, and embraced her, and then unhurriedly tied her black hair up with the headband on her wrist.

  The girl was confused.

  When the cool fingertips brushed against her skin, she shivered, her back went numb, and she watched his serious expression.

   After tying it up, he gently lifted her chin, and said two words in a **** voice: "Continue."

  The words fell, and the thin lips rolled down with obvious aggression.

  Lips touched lips, breathing disordered, this year's winter was extraordinarily hot and scorching hot.

  The first kiss is the flavor of candied haws, sweet and sour, and addictive.

  After the kiss, she collapsed into his arms and rested for a long time before recovering.

  Rain is hypocritical, but the feelings are genuine.

  The girl lowered her eyes, looked at the candied haws on the ground, and said regretfully, "It's shameful to waste food."

  She raised her head, caught his eyes full of affection, and said solemnly: "The next time you kiss, remember to put the candied haws away first, so that after the kiss, you can still have candied haws."


  Thinking about this, the warm, subtle happiness from before and the little joy in front of him captured his whole heart in an instant.

  Lu Yang had a dream. In the illusory space, she stood in circles and could only hear her own disordered breathing.

   Trying to calm down, as if a beam of light came in, the bell rang and she woke up.

  The caller ID is Ye Cixing.

As soon as the phone was connected, the other end chattered non-stop: "Let me tell you, although I don't believe in Buddhism very much, I firmly believe in the supremacy of science, but--I specially asked a fortune-teller to tell you a fortune yesterday! Guess what, the master? Say?! Quick guess, quick guess. Forget it, let me say it myself, the master said that you will have an unreasonable disaster this year, and you need to spend money to eliminate the disaster. I originally wanted to say that it would be fine if you spent money, but he said that you can get a 12% discount. How can there be less wool for me, so I will help you eliminate the disaster."

  Lu Yang: "?"

   "Don't thank me too much, this girl is a Pro-Amitabha."


  Lu Yang got out of bed, pulled on his shoes and walked to the window, opened the curtains, and the light poured into the room.

  She looked at the gorgeous flowers downstairs that bloom all year round, and asked directly: "How is the investigation?"

"The IP address of Killing White Swan changes frequently. It seems that a professional hacker has added a firewall. But who am I? No matter how difficult a firewall is, it's trivial." Ye Cixing smashed his tongue, "All addresses and appearances I'll email you the time."

"Okay, thank you."

   "You're welcome, by the way, military advisor, I went to inquire about Jiang Yanzhou." Ye Cixing raised his eyebrows slightly, "Guess what I found out?"

   Lu Yang tapped his phone and asked her, "What?"

"A relative of the Jiang family said that Jiang Yanzhou could sit without saying a word, and read "A Brief History of Time" for three hours without moving his hips. After finishing this book, he read "A Brief History of Humanity". A re-enacted caveman, this is not OK!"

  Lu Yang was confused: "...Is it abnormal to read this kind of book?"

  Ye Cixing nuzzled, "Not really."

  Lu Yang asked naturally: "Then why do you make such an evaluation?"

   A male voice interjected next to him, and he opened his mouth dryly: "Fuck, men don't look at A, it's his woman who will suffer in the future!"

  Lu Yang: "..."

  '啪' There was a loud noise, and Ye Cixing said angrily, "Damn, Shengyu, do you want to die?"

  Sheng Yu: "Murder your husband, break my leg, and you will have to move on your own for the rest of your life!"

   "Fuck you, get lost!"

   "Get lost at night, what's the rush?"


  Lu Yang rubbed her temples. She studied medicine and was not averse to meat and vegetables. Hearing the conversation, she didn't feel disgusted. But when will the childhood sweethearts not quarrel.

  The voice was so loud that she had tinnitus.

  Ye Cixing put the phone next to his mouth again, stared at the person in front of him, but said in a good tone, "Lu Yang, let's see each other when we have time."

  Lu Yang smiled knowingly, "Okay."

  She doesn't care much about Jiang Yanzhou's past, but she has to deal with that 'killing the white swan' well.

  The past has passed, and the future, she will not wait for it to happen quietly.

  Lu Yang didn't drink much, and got up earlier than the others. Thinking of Lu Mingyu's appearance yesterday, she still made kudzu flower and jujube soup.

  Lu Mingyu woke up with a messy head of hair, with a gloomy face, walked downstairs, saw Lu Yang and smiled again.

   "Yang Yang, good morning."

   "Brother, you hangover after drinking soup."

  He took it, finished drinking, looked around and asked, "Yangyang, where's Jiang Yanzhou?"

   "Did you wake up?" Lu Yang asked, "Did you ask him for something?"

  Lu Mingyu gritted his teeth, "I want to give him a hat, what kind of hat?"


   "Tell him to be polite!"


  Yesterday, when he learned that Jiang Jinshi was not Jiang Yanzhou's son, he thought it was the kid's birthday, so he didn't make a fuss about it, and left it until today to settle the score.

  Lu Yang couldn't help laughing, and laughed sincerely, "Brother, your hair is like a puppy's hair, it's often messed up, which makes me feel happy."

  It is even more funny when paired with an angry expression.

  Lu Mingyu scratched his hair, frowned and asked, "Is it ugly?"

   "It looks good." Lu Yang said, "It's just that being angry is not very deterrent."

  Lu Mingyu: "That won't work, I'll get my hair done, and I'll settle accounts with Jiang Yanzhou after autumn!"

   "When he wakes up, we will go back after we have a word with him."

   "No way!" Lu Mingyu thought for a moment, realized something, and said, "I can't let him see me like this, and I can't lose my handsomeness even when I wake up!"

  Lu Yang was helpless, "..."

   "Brother is going out first, Yang, remember to help my brother fight him." After Lu Mingyu finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

  Looking at his leaving figure, Lu Yang's pupils showed a trace of erratic.

   "Are you going home?"

  Jiang Yanzhou's voice brought her back to reality.

Lu Yang turned around and raised his head slightly, "Well, my brother and I won't bother you. Besides, the polar bear will let you stay here first, so I won't take it away. Also, I made hangover soup, you watch and drink it point."

   Said three things in one breath.

  Jiang Yanzhou understood that she was in a hurry to leave and didn't want to keep her, so he said, "Okay, I'll take you out."

   After hesitating for two seconds, Lu Yang didn't refuse: "Yes."

  Lu Mingyu was sitting in the car, constantly grabbing his hair, trying to create a hairstyle with his bare hands, but his hair was soft and it was difficult to straighten it when it was messed up.

  Spotting Jiang Yanzhou from the corner of his eye, he hastily lowered his upper body to block others from seeing him.

  Looking at Lu Mingyu's figure, Lu Yang asked the driver suspiciously, "Where's my brother?"

  The driver turned his head, "Here."

  Lu Yang probed inside, only to see Lu Mingyu who looked like a thief.


   Didn't he want to say that he gave people hats to make them polite? How did you hide?

  She is helpless every day, so she can only get in the car.

  Go home and have dinner with Lu Chen and Ning Qingyun. The festival is very peaceful.

  Jin Yao’s plaster hadn’t been removed yet, so he couldn’t escape, but the gift was delivered home.

  Two gifts, one of which was given by Qin Yitan.

  Lu Yang didn't need to maintain a relationship with them, nor was he afraid of them, so he returned directly.

  She told Jin Yao that he would restrain himself.

   As for the other guy...

Although the team behind Qin Yitan is very strong and good at public opinion, and the organizers of many awards are more or less connected with him, but she is not like her brother, she doesn't care about it, and she turns a blind eye to this move only eye.

  If Qin Yitan still operates in secret, she will not do nothing.

  No one can take away what should belong to her brother.

  If you want to rob, you must first ask her if she agrees.

  The return of the variety show is not like the grand comeback last time, but because Jiang Yanzhou did not participate, the number of people decreased, and the sponsor's father temporarily disagreed with adding newcomers, the program team changed the rules again.

  From a group of two to a team of four, it completely returned to the previous form, single-person, self-organized team, anyway, the final ranking is also based on single-person ranking.

  【Come here for Jiang Yanzhou, may I ask if he fell into the lake by the Seine? Why didn't you come! 】

  【National Treasure Brothers and Sisters, my top1 combination this year! 】

  【Ah, on the Mid-Autumn Festival, I originally wanted to play a song called Erquan Yingyue, but the moon told me to reflect twice. 】

  【How do you feel that Wu Wuzi's complexion is not very good, is he sick? 】

  Lu Yang also noticed that Pei Yiwu's state was not right, she asked concerned: "What's wrong?"

  Pei Yiwu shook her head, "It's okay, I just didn't sleep well."

  After washing her face, her complexion returned to normal, and she gave Lu Yang a sweet smile.

  The entertainment industry is very deep. Basically all variety shows have scripts, and some variety shows are accurate to the lines. There are very few real variety shows.

  The first season of this variety show did not have a script because there was no investment. It was simply produced by the director with passion. However, the second season has investment. Although it is not obvious, it also has a script.

  Artists must maintain exquisiteness and personality. This cannot be a real survival in the wilderness, but it is by no means like the previous easy variety show.

  24-hour live broadcast is unreasonable, and survival in the wild is also unreasonable.

  But with the capital in place, even the unreasonable things can immediately become reasonable.

  A huge ship appeared in the camera, and the momentum was huge, and the audience in the live broadcast room shouted.

  【It really blinded my dog's eyes, this wave of advertisements is very strong! 】

  【The investor is awesome, even the ship has come over, I have to sigh, it's really big! 】

  【Survival Variety Show, Seek and Seek, Find a Luxury Yacht! Unprecedented survival variety show! 】

   "Wow, you are really rich!" Wen Jian sighed again and again, and asked the same doubts as the audience, "Are you sure you are not here for vacation?"

  Qin Yitan crossed his arms, quite proudly: "This is a variety show sponsored by Huo Shao."

  Wen Jian glanced at him, and said quietly: "Hearing your tone, those who didn't know thought it was you who donated it."

  【No wonder I think this yacht looks familiar. It turned out to be Huo Shao's exclusive precious yacht, and he was willing to take it out for a variety show! 】

  On the weekend, Li Zheng was thinking about his own affairs. His team had been in contact with the matter of "White Wind and Cloud", but they still found nothing.

  Quite weird.

  According to his strength and popularity in the industry, he might not even have an audition opportunity.

  His eyes shifted, looking at Lu Yang who was standing beside Lu Mingyu, his brows furrowed.

  Jiang Yanzhou's refusal to participate in variety shows is probably related to her.

  Adhering to the principle of fairness, Lu Mingyu peeled melon seeds, gave Lu Yang a hand and gave Pei Yiwu some more.

   "Brother, take a break." Lu Yang said.

  The two of them don't really want to eat melon seeds now.

  Lu Mingyu: "Okay, I can find my brother anytime I want to eat!"

  Lin Xinmeng's pupils reflected the silhouette of the yacht, and he opened his mouth in shock.

   Could it be that Huo Beiqu is coming to the variety show?

  (end of this chapter)