MTL - Sword Slaying The Heavens-Chapter 7 Five Elements Sword Talisman

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  Chapter 7 Five Elements Sword Talisman

  A fiery breath rushed towards his face, and Chen Fan's expression was calm.

   With a swipe, his figure suddenly blurred.

  Boom! boom! boom!

  The next moment, there were three loud bangs in succession, and three fireballs viciously hit the ground behind Chen Fan, leaving three scorched black marks in the hot air.

  Chen Fan's figure appeared on the side at this moment, his face calm.

   "It's so fast!" The face of the woman in red changed slightly. This kind of speed should not appear on a monk on the second level of Qi training.

  Her expression became dignified, and she decided to resort to a killer move, so as not to have long nights and dreams. She flipped her hand, and a talisman that exuded obvious fluctuations in spiritual power appeared in the palm of her hand.

   But Chen Fan also moved, and five talismans appeared in his hand at the same time, attracted by his true energy, they turned into five streamers of different colors and shot out at the same time.

"This... Five Elements Sword Talisman?" The woman in red turned her face away again, and looked at Chen Fan in surprise: "I underestimated you, you are only on the second level of Qi training, and you have this kind of treasure talisman, but this alone may not be enough. not enough…"

Just when she shook her head and chuckled, the five streamers suddenly chased each other, and a colorful halo appeared in the air. Between the halos, a series of colored light circles slowly emerged and connected, gradually forming a slowly rotating circle. From the five-pointed star, a terrifying fluctuation of spiritual power slowly emanated, which made the woman's expression change.

  Start with wood, end with water, five elements array!

  Chen Fan's face froze, and he drew up a white qi with his two fingers, pointed at the five-pointed star in the void and tapped it a few times, and suddenly the zhenqi shot out and hit the center of the five-pointed star.


  As if a heavy hammer fell, there was a deafening roar in the ears of the woman in red.

   Under her shocked gaze, the five-element formation turned rapidly, and smashed towards her slowly and heavily in a brilliant stream of light!

The woman in red touched the ground with her toes, and retreated violently, but she felt astonished that there seemed to be a powerful aura locked on her in all directions. The Five Elements Formation was obviously moving slowly, but it seemed unstoppable, making it impossible to retreat. Unavoidable!

  Wood in front of the earth, fire on the left, metal, metal on the right, wood, earth in the back, water, and even the top of the head is sealed by water and fire.

  Her vision was suddenly filled with a whole piece of gorgeous multicolored light!

  She seems to be in a small world, but besieged on all sides.



  The Five Elements Array slammed on the woman in red, flying her upside down, coughing up a large amount of bright red blood in the air.

   "Five Elements Sword Talisman, how could this be..."

  Before he finished speaking, his whole body turned into a ray of white light and disappeared on the competition stage.

  Practicing the sixth level of Qi, was completely defeated by Chen Fan.

   "The five elements restrain each other, this is the key to the Five Elements Sword Talisman." Chen Fan said to himself indifferently.

  At this time, a black font appeared on the huge white jade tablet on the stage:


  At the same time, a piece of green jade fell from the sky and landed in his hand, with a small star above it.

   One star soldier!

  Chen Fan held the small jade pendant in his hand, looked at it slightly, and found a white light flashed above again, and several numbers suddenly appeared.

   "50!" Chen Fan was slightly taken aback.

   Immediately afterwards, the jade pendant burst out a huge green light in his hand.

  With quick eyes and quick hands, Chen Fan immediately threw it out and looked at the jade pendant vigilantly.

   "Oh! Do you want to kill me?" A big green bird suddenly manifested, with a golden star engraved on its head.

   It flapped its big wings and glared at Chen Fan with its teeth bared.

   "A green bird?" Chen Fan frowned slightly, he couldn't figure out why a jade pendant suddenly turned into a bird.

   "Bah, this seat is an ancient fairy bird." The green-haired bird said disdainfully.

   "Then why are you in this jade pendant, no, you are the spirit of this jade pendant?" Chen Fan seemed to think of something.

   "You are quite smart, no wonder you can get the first-level evaluation. This is the first time that there is a first-level evaluation in the first floor of heaven." The green-feathered bird said while looking at Chen Fan.

   "Boy, what's your name?" The green-haired bird asked with a grumpy face.

   "Chen Fan."

   "Well, the name is good. From now on, you can hang out with me, and you can become a fairy." The green-feathered bird looked at Chen Fan with an old-fashioned look, and wanted to accept him as a younger brother.

   "This jade pendant is now mine. Since you are the spirit of this jade pendant, you should obey me." Chen Fan said indifferently.

   "Eh... Then, we will be friends in the same generation, you will be the boss, and I will be the second child... No, we will be friends in the same generation, regardless of size." The green-haired bird said with staring eyes.

   "So, everyone's jade pendant has a weapon spirit?" Chen Fan ignored the green-haired bird and continued to ask.

   "Yes, but those are low-level weapon spirits. Only this seat is the real ancient fairy bird. Sooner or later, it will be ranked in the fairy class." The green-haired bird raised its head proudly and said.

   "Let me ask you, what does the number 50 on the jade pendant mean?" Chen Fan said.

   "You don't even know this? It represents the amount of immortal energy you have in this heavenly court. You just succeeded in passing the level, and you will be rewarded with 50 points of immortal energy, and you will also have a first-class cave."


   "That's right, as long as anyone with a grade C or above can get a cave of their own, C grade is low, B is middle, and A grade is naturally high." The green-haired bird nodded.

   Chen Fan nodded slightly when he heard the words, he remembered that just now and Chen Jingjing had entered the secret room of Wang Yunlan, it must be the cave.

   "Should I use the spirit stone to activate the teleportation array every time I go in?" At this moment, he thought of Chen Jingjing's spirit stone.

   "Outsiders only need to use the teleportation array to enter after the consent of the cave owner, and the cave owner can enter it anytime and anywhere." The green-haired bird said.

   "Oh? How to enter?" Chen Fan asked.

   "That's it..." As soon as the green-feathered bird finished speaking, its entire body exploded again, turning into a ball of green light, wrapping Chen Fan and disappearing in place instantly.

  The next moment, Chen Fan appeared outside an ancient house.

  A spiritual energy that was denser than the outside world surged in. He looked around and found that the place he was standing was actually a medicine field, and several green plants were growing on the soil full of spiritual energy.

   "Seven Star Grass?" Chen Fan was a little surprised when he recognized this green plant.

Seven Star Grass is the main material for making medium-grade talisman paper. The yellow talisman paper given to him by the old man in the hall was only low-grade. Written on low-grade talisman paper, the talisman paper will not be able to withstand it and will burn itself.

  The production process and materials of low-grade talisman paper are very cheap, but middle-grade talisman paper is a bit rare, because the seven-star grass has been extinct hundreds of years ago, and I did not expect that there would be a few plants in this heaven.

   "The boy is very knowledgeable. The seven-star grass and the medicine field are the difference between the top-grade cave and the middle-grade cave, and the density of the aura is far from comparable to that of the outside world." The green-haired bird said with a smile.

   Chen Fan took a deep breath when he heard the words, and a sense of coolness flowed deeply from his nose and mouth into his lungs and into his dantian.

After hesitating for a few moments, he sat cross-legged on the ground, started to use the Fentian Sword Art, and began to attract these auras, and walked them between the major meridians, slowly transforming them into the Fentian Sword Qi, and stored them in the dantian among.

   Gradually, the sword qi replaced all the true qi in his body, gathered in the dantian, and formed a vortex in the center of the dantian, absorbing the true qi faster and faster.


  At this moment, in a luxurious room in another city, a woman in red was sitting on an open space, and suddenly opened her eyes with an incredulous look on her face.

   "How could the Five Elements Sword Talisman have such power, just a second-level Qi training monk..." Her clone in the heavenly court had been killed, and her soul was also damaged at this moment.

   "Yueru, what's the matter?" At this moment, a middle-aged man in Taoist robes came over and asked concerned.

   "Father." The woman in red called after glancing at the middle-aged man.

   "I just accepted a Heavenly Court assessment task, but I failed. The Heavenly Court's avatar was defeated."

   "Have you met a master?" The middle-aged man frowned and asked.

   "It should be..." The woman in red was suddenly a little uncertain. If the second level of Qi training is a master, then what is her sixth level of Qi training, but now she is completely defeated by others.

   "What realm?"

   "Second level of Qi training." The woman in red smiled wryly.

   "Forget it... what, you just said the second level of Qi training?" The middle-aged man wanted to comfort his daughter, but soon realized that his daughter was talking about the second level of Qi training.

   "En." The woman in red still nodded with a wry smile. This was the first time since she became the pride of heaven that she felt her face flushed.

   "What's going on?" The middle-aged man's face was solemn. He knew his daughter's strength very well. How strong could a second-level Qi training monk be?

   "He used the five-element sword talisman, and formed a formation..." The woman in red told the middle-aged man all about the battle with Chen Fan.

   After a long time, the middle-aged man said: "You recover your soul first, and then after entering the heavenly court, open the recording stone. I want to go in and see what happened."

   "Father, are a strong man in the foundation building stage, if people know that you are with a monk who is practicing Qi training at the second level..." the woman in red exclaimed immediately after hearing the words.

   "It's okay, you can calm down and recover from your injuries." The middle-aged man got up and left after speaking.


  (end of this chapter)