MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 1569 return to the present

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At the end of the city of night, a dark fog stood in front of Gawain and Amber like a wall. Even the twisted and stacked houses look even more bizarre, while the bustling "people" on the street all stop 100 meters away from this foggy wall.

Gawain stopped and looked up at the dense fog in front of him: "Is this the exit?"

"Yes, this is the exit of the city of night. After crossing this mist, you can return to the real world," Chen Xing nodded lightly. "The current location is near the camp between the forest and the wilderness."

Gawain nodded, and then looked back at the direction he came from. He saw the row upon row of houses extending into the distance along the empty and solid streets. The pale street lamps were dotted on both sides of the dim street like stars. The blurred people seem to be looking at this side from a distance. Some of them are the aborigines of the Shadow World, and others are the "Descendants of the Lost" who have human-like facial features like Morningstar.

"...If I have time, I'd like to spend more time in this city," Gawain said casually, "I'm really interested in the way you live here and how this city works on weekdays, and I'm also Curious how the lost descendants from other countries who live with you see the 'outside world'."

"Yeah, if I have time, I would like to introduce my home to you two, but there are more important things waiting for you," Chen Xing smiled, "so it's time to say goodbye - But please rest assured, this city will always open its doors to you, the hostess has obtained the authority of the city of night, she can find a shortcut to here in the shadow world, we welcome you again at any time."

Gao Wen nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then walked towards the mist, Amber couldn't help but looked back and looked rather nostalgic, but in the end she pursed her lips and followed Gao with her short legs upside down. Wen's footsteps, the two disappeared one after the other in the thick fog.

A slightly cold and wonderful touch was fleeting, and Gawain felt that he had passed through a thin-film-like "substance", and in this short moment, the world he perceived had completely changed, accompanied by the rapidity of light and shadow. Shaking and reorganizing, a gleam of light appeared in the darkness he saw, and then the forest, the wilderness, the sky, and the clouds on the horizon began to emerge from the gleam—as if the dream faded in the early morning, and the colorful and vibrant reality world Come on!

In the next second, he felt down-to-earth, stepping back on the land of the real world and seeing the bright and rich colors again made his heart suddenly relaxed, and he couldn't help but take a deep breath. .

To be honest, although the shadow kingdom dominated by Lady Night is not dangerous, the pale and monotonous desert and the eternally dark city are definitely not a pleasant beauty. If he didn't come out, he suddenly returned to the outside world at this time, and he felt the lingering feeling of depression in his heart before.

However, compared with him as a "normal person", Amber, who was born to be friendly with Shadow, obviously had a different feeling. As soon as her figure emerged from the air, she muttered: "Hey, I really feel reluctant to leave from there... "

Hearing this, Gawain couldn't help but glance at her sideways: "What's the matter, are you still planning to live in the Shadow God Kingdom?"

"It's not enough to live for a long time-but I really considered whether to live in that city for a few days every few days," Amber waved his hands when he heard Gawain's words, but then he became very excited, "At the beginning I haven't felt it yet, but I think about it now... That's my city! My city! Didn't you hear what Morningstar said? 'The Mistress of the City of Night', hehe, I never thought that I would one day To have such a title..."

"It's okay, don't be shy," Gawain knew at a glance that the goose was about to float again, and immediately put his hand on her head (physically preventing floatation), and pouted as he pressed down, "You still have a title. It's called the Deputy Lord of the Kingdom of God, and I haven't seen how many plus marks you have in your combat ability - this kind of honorary title is enough to listen to. You can find two eloquent bards who can compile a book for you in the afternoon without any duplicates. Yes, does that work?"

After he finished speaking, he paused and added: "In addition, you should not be able to live in the city of night every three to five, not because of other things, mainly because you go to the border of the kingdom of God and no one will be able to find you. Now, in case of an emergency, we can't contact you, and we don't know if Ms. Ye can connect to the Internet... When you look back and confirm that the magic net can be set up in the city of night, you should consider fishing. "

When Amber heard this, he curled his lips: "I just said it casually, I might not be able to get used to it if I move there. But then again, when I fish, I have to keep a fish that can be used at any time. To drag back the communicator for overtime work, is this still a fish?"

Gawain stared blankly at the righteous Shadow Assault Goose beside him, and for a while he only said one sentence: "The key question is this?"

Amber didn't seem to hear Gawain's question at all, she just took a breath, as if she was using the cold air in the early morning to cool her a little boiling head, and only said with a little emotion after she was refreshed: "But then again... This trip to the Shadow Kingdom is really, in your words, it's like a lifetime - it's really like a lifetime, too many things happened."

Gawain didn't speak for a while, he just couldn't help but think of the fifty-year dream of a dreamlike and illusory life that Madam Ye weaved for him, the choice between "mortals" and "gods", and the world In the still precarious future, he stood in contemplation for a long time. There are too many facts in the Shadow Kingdom, which may take a long time to sort out - but soon, his contemplation was interrupted.

A low and majestic dragon roar suddenly came from the sky, and the black dragon stirred its wings to pass over the heads of Gawain and Amber. In the increasingly bright rays of light at dawn, the steel mechanical structure on the edge of the dragon's wings appeared striking. She had obviously noticed the two figures on the surface, so after a roar, she began to circle and gradually landed. Gawain saw the giant dragon falling more than ten meters in front of him. After it stopped, a figure disappeared. Jumped from there.

It was Duchess Victoria Wilder in a white dress and a silver fox shawl.

Then another light curtain suddenly emerged from the air. The huge body of the black dragon was condensed and reshaped in the light curtain, and the figure of the black-haired maid, Maggie, stepped out of it.

Amber shrank her neck the moment she saw Victoria appear, and then turned her head to look at Gawain: "Okay, the family members have appeared, you will be in charge of the negotiations later, you are her direct superior..."

Gawain didn't pay any attention to this shadow attack goose who could touch it. He just sorted out his expression and mood a little, and then calmly greeted the pair of master and servant who were walking towards him.

"Your Majesty," Victoria came to Gawain and bowed to pay homage first, "I'm glad to see you and Miss Amber have returned safely - news came from the City of Thousand Towers that you will appear in this area at dawn today, Maggie and I came one step ahead."

"So that's how it is..." Gawain understood why someone came to meet him as soon as he and Amber "landed", and then he asked curiously, "Today... how long have we been gone?"

"It's been seven full days, and we have completely lost your news," Victoria lowered her head, her eyes had been looking around since just now, but she still answered Gawain's question first, "But the City of a Thousand Towers has always been Keep in touch with us, promise your safety, and don't worry at home, everything is in order."

"Well, very good," Gawain nodded slightly, he noticed Victoria's gaze, and after a moment of hesitation, he said, "Modir... didn't come back with us."

Victoria kept her head lowered and her eyes lowered slightly. Her expression and tone didn't seem to change, but her voice suddenly became softer: "Ancestor... Has he really completed his last journey?"

Amber on the side blinked, although Gawain had told her that Victoria should be mentally prepared, she was still a little surprised at this time: "You know he won't come back?"

Victoria was silent for two seconds, then sighed with relief: "When he set off to the Violet Island to investigate the Mist incident, the ancestor seemed... to have some expectations. He seems to have known when and when his journey will take place. Where does it end? He also said that the investigation trip to Violet Island may be the last adventure of his life, and then I knew that he was going to never return in the end."

Gawain looked at Victoria quietly: "You say goodbye, right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," Victoria said slowly, "before you set foot on the Long Bridge, I said goodbye to my ancestors solemnly - although we have been together for a short time, I don't think we should have any regrets."

"That's good," Gawain nodded, "Modir has now stayed with Lady Night permanently, and his adventure has an amazing ending, if you agree, Amber and I will later This adventure of his was recorded and passed down to the world, I think it is necessary for the world to know the story of this great adventurer... Victoria, what do you think?"

Victoria bent down and said in a very solemn tone: "It is also an honor for my ancestors to follow your wishes - he has always regarded you as an idol, and your memory and recognition are far more important to him than anything else."

Gawain nodded, and then said: "Take us back to the camp first... Those Typhons haven't left yet, have they?"

"They're still there," Victoria replied immediately. "They're also waiting for news of your return these days, especially Lady Diana, who was ordered to investigate the whereabouts of the Typhon spy who disappeared in the Violet Mist incident."

"The Typhonian who disappeared in the Violet Mist Incident..." Gawain exhaled softly, thinking of the vicissitudes of the century in the City of Night, and the flags still flying in the City of Night, his expression couldn't help changing. It is much more solemn, "After returning to the camp, invite Lady Diana to come over. Since the flag of the crown and shield is still flying in the city of night, it is necessary for Typhon to know what happened at the border of the kingdom of God."


The capital of the Typhon Empire, Aldenan, deep in the Obsidian Palace.

Rosetta Augustus ended the magical communication with the distant place, watching the crystal ball in front of him gradually sinking into darkness, he adjusted his posture on the seat, and then stared at the warm and jumping fire in the fireplace, and fell into a brief moment. thinking.

"A hundred years... Is the flag still flying?"

The flames in the fireplace were throbbing, and after an unknown period of time, the sound of footsteps approaching from behind awakened him from his contemplation, and Matilda's voice sounded from the direction of the footsteps: "Father, it's Dai. Any news from Miss Anna?"

Rosetta nodded lightly, and then suddenly said, "Do you still remember the name Dante Raven?"

Matilda pondered for a moment and nodded lightly: "I remember that he appeared on the list of Violet's missing persons, and the Earl of Winterhold rated him as 'a down-to-earth and promising young man'."

"Young man..." Rosetta muttered softly, then shook her head, "It's time to inform the relatives who are waiting for the results of the investigation into the Violet Mist incident. Diana has confirmed the whereabouts of those missing."

"Where is the missing person? Has it been found?" Matilda opened her eyes slightly. "Then they..."

"I can't come back," Rosetta waved, "remember the news from Cecil before? There is evidence that people who were swallowed by the violet mist were sent to the border of the Shadow Kingdom, and at some point Hundreds of years have passed in twisted circumstances - now the news has been confirmed that Gawain Cecil ended his 'journey to the kingdom of God' and returned to the real world in the early hours of this morning, during which he personally entered to that frontier city, and to meet the descendants of the lost there... For us, it just happened not long ago, and for the people there, it is already a century ago.

"Now, the lost people of the past have all passed away, and their descendants have become the inhabitants of the shadow world. The only thing that is fortunate is... The banner of the Typhon Empire is still passed down from generation to generation in the hands of those descendants."

Matilda was stunned. Although Cecil had indeed reported "gossip" in this regard before, the information was really confirmed today, and the bizarreness of the incident still made her very stunned. She was completely stunned. It took more than ten seconds to subconsciously say: "...As expected of the 'big pioneer'..."

"Yeah, as expected of him, it seems that no matter how bizarre things happen to him, it's a matter of course," even Rosetta couldn't help but sigh, but then shook his head, "But after all, it's an elder, Let's not talk about him like that behind his back. Matilda, what's the matter with you coming here so early in the morning?"

"Yes, Royal Father," Matilda quickly restrained her impolite associations of the great pioneer in her mind upon hearing this, she slightly adjusted her expression, and her tone became solemn, "The large-scale sacrificial ceremony More than half of the preparation work has been completed, and the first sacrifice test will be held as scheduled in seven days. According to the plan, in order to collect as much 'logistics data' during the sacrifice process as possible, there will be a total of three test sites in the three empires. The ceremony will start at the same time, The high priest in charge of presiding over the ceremony sent a request to ask if you will 'watch the ceremony' in person that day?"

Rosetta raised her eyebrows when she heard the words: "Since the Church of God of War fell, the priests of the remaining churches in the country have become more and more aware of the rules."

"After all, even the once most powerful Church of God of War has fallen, and the power of the Theocratic Council is backed by the alliance and the royal family. To come forward to 'authorize' such a large-scale ceremony, the first reaction of the priest who was selected to perform the ceremony must be trepidation and fear, and to speculate all night."

"They won't think about the truth until they die," Rosetta laughed happily, "Go and reply to that great priest, I will be there in person-this is probably the most exciting event I have ever participated in in my life. Happy sacrificial event."