MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 14 Wild Master

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Shadow world.

Gao Wen does not know how human beings today understand the dark world, but in those memories that have been inherited, the Gangbuk empire more than 700 years ago has been studied in this respect - those who are deceased Throughout the day, scholars are staring at the boring books and data, staring at the lattice ruler buried in the magic well to speculate on the true appearance of the world, and a classic model to describe the "layering" of the world.

In this classic model, scholars believe that the world is divided into several "boundary layers", the uppermost layer is the most stable material world, and everything is regular, can be directly contacted, easy to observe, and also the world The boundary layer in which most living things live; under the material world, it is the shadow world that most humans cannot directly contact. The shadow world is a distorted reflection of the material world. It is impossible for ordinary humans to directly touch and observe it, but it can Perceive and measure it through the magic and spiritual skills; from the shadow world to the shadow world, it is a more illusory area, the reflection of the shadow world, it has reached any magic and spiritual power Unexplored, some lucky magicians caught a few shadow creatures with basic reason and communication, and guessed the existence of the shadow world from the words of those creatures.

Some radical scholars have extended this classic model. They think that there may be a deeper boundary under the shadow world, but that layer is already in the realm of the gods, which was created by the creation **** when it was built. The "foundation of origin" is no longer a category that mortals can study.

According to Gao Wen's understanding, this model is like a layer of translucent kraft paper. The real world image is at the forefront, and the shadow of this real image is projected on a layer of paper. The more it goes back, the more Blur distortion.

He and Amber are on the back of the first piece of paper - the shadow world.

Even the second layer is already the place where most humans have never set foot.

He is wisely not asking why Amber has the ability to enter the shadow world at this time - and judging from the words of Amber, she is also the first time to "go into such a deep place", most of the questions are not available. What is the answer.

There are still many secrets in this world that are worth exploring. Many things can be seen without hanging in the sky for many years.

After a simple judgment, Gao Wen felt that following Betty's footprints was the only breakthrough.

But before leaving the scene, he still looked back a little uncomfortably. Heti and Rebecca and others were still standing there in the state of "porcelain dolls". Their bodies are resisting the fog of the vulture in the real world. Invasion, but in the projection of the shadow world, they were still at the moment of attack, and the black mist that permeated from the ground was constantly disintegrating them.

Fortunately, they still have a period of time based on the speed of the fog.

"Perhaps this is the true state of the fog of grievances," Amber also glanced at Gao Wen's line of sight and shook his head and said, "How much do you find if you sell it to the Secret Society or the Star Masters Association?"

"They will pour you a potion and tie a record spar on your head. The last exile will throw you into the shadow world and use it as a human flesh." Gao Wenbai took a look at the amber. "Follow, the matter is important." ""

Amber is still thinking after he is behind Gao Wen: "But you can let me out. How do you say that it is also the founding father of Ansu? Can they still give medicine to the ancestors?"

"What do you think?" Gao Wen twitched his mouth. "They are willing to hang me on the wall, write on the book, on the table, even the king is willing to lead the family every year to give me a bouquet. I have three days off myself - I can make a good reputation without risk, but if this ancestor really came out of the coffin, the first reaction of the wave that I used to put on the table was probably to take me back. In the coffin, and then nailed more than two hundred nails in all directions, it is estimated that the lead will be filled with lead..."

Amber scared and stunned: "Why?!"

Gao Wen glanced at this unopened half-elf and threw it back without saying: "Because the three-day sweeping graves in the country are gone!!"

After saying this, Gao Wen walked forward with a big stride, leaving amber to react in the back for a long time and suddenly picked it up: "Wait a minute! You made a mistake! Give you a grave when you don't have a holiday! Only give the first king of the founding nation It’s only three days off! You are dead early, so don’t know...”

Gao Wen almost planted it.

However, although he dispelled the idea that Amber sold the Shadows Intelligence, Gao Wen had his own plans. He was curious about this shadow world, or... He was curious about the whole world.

So one day, he has to figure it out.

The string of footprints did not extend far.

Perhaps the environment of the shadow world is so special that the habit of judging the distance between the material world is difficult to take effect here. Gao Wen and Amber just walked a short distance along the footprints, and a wooden house suddenly appeared in front of them.

The wooden house was small and broken. I don't know how long it has been standing here. You can see a circle of broken fence around the wooden house. Looking at the sparseness of the fence, I am afraid that it has not played any defense role. In the corner of the wooden house, Gao Wen noticed a touch of color.

It is the color of the moss, which is extraordinarily abrupt in this black and white world, and as time goes on, that little color is rapidly fading away.

Betty's footprints extend all the way to the front of the log house.

Amber took out his little dagger and nervously stroked it on the chest: "When you wait for the old man to drive directly into the gods, rush in and cut the melon and cut vegetables. I will give you a back..."

Gao Wen thought about it, restrained the axe's collar and threw her into the smashing of the mine, but pressed one hand on the hilt of the Blazer's sword, and the other hand carefully pushed the grayish white. The door.

However, no attacks have hit.

Inside the wooden house is just an ordinary room, old and broken, like a black and white old photo.

But there are people inside.

A man with a beard and a shabby robes sitting behind a square table in the middle of the wooden house, he was so embarrassed and vicissitude that Gao Wen could not judge his true age, and behind the man, he could see two pendulums. A wooden stand full of bottles and cans and an old alchemy stand.

The equipment needed for the magic experiment can be seen everywhere in the house, but they all pile up with more tattered debris. Any normal mage will see this shabby scene and I will probably cry. impulse.

The man behind the square looked up and looked at Gao Wen’s direction. He showed a stiff smile: “Ah, the guest – I haven’t had a guest in my lab for a long time. And still two?”

Amber poked out a small head from Gao Wen’s side. The half-elf girl’s face was full of vigilance: “No... no fight?”

Gao Wen didn't pull the sword, but he didn't let his hand leave the hilt too far. He kept the attackable state and stepped into the log cabin: "We passed by and came to find someone - it was a girl of about fifteen or six years old. She is holding a pan..."

However, the man behind the desk did not seem to hear Gao Wen. He just smiled slowly and nodded slightly. "Please find a place to sit. Anne is preparing for lunch. There is no place to rest in the deep forest. If you don't want to give up, Stay here for dinner."

"Annie?" Gao Wen asked subconsciously.

"It's my daughter," the man smiled. "It's very well-behaved."

At this time, the girl’s exclamation came from the side: "Master?"

Gao Wen followed the sound and saw Betty standing in front of a small door in the corner of the wooden house with a surprised look.

"Betty? You are fine," Gao Wen said with a sigh of relief. "I am here to pick you up."

However, Betty shook his head slightly, and the man behind the square table also looked at the little girl and gently asked: "Annie, is lunch ready?"

Betty cleverly nodded: "It’s fast, Dad."

The little girl turned and went back to the kitchen. Gao Wen and Amber exchanged a look. After confirming that the weird men behind the square table had no reaction, they followed.

Betty is cooking in the kitchen, using her baby-like pan. A cluster of pale flames jumped in the hob, and the sausages on the pan were sizzling.

Amber’s focus is very clear: “Can you cook in the shadow world?”

"What is going on?" Gao Wen came to Betty and asked in a low voice.

Judging from the girl's demeanor, she was not affected by spells such as mental control, but she stayed here to cook with her own will, and called the eccentric man outside as "dad" - this is a bit Strange.

"I don't understand very well," Betty's face showed as always a bit of a confused look. "But the outside person seems to treat me as his daughter..."

Amber’s eyes widened: “Then you are so obedient to be a dad?”

Betty shook her head: "He is very I want to give him a meal and go."

Gao Wen and Amber face each other.

Then Betty suddenly reached out and squatted in her maid's skirt pocket, and took out an old note and handed it to Gao Wen.

"Master, give - this is what the man gave me. I don't quite understand a lot of things inside, but you should be able to understand."

Gao Wen took the notebook, which was not very thick, and opened it and hurriedly looked at the last few pages.

Amber curiously put his head in front: "What? I look at me... Magic formula? Rune sorting?"

The half-elf lady, who was confused by the complicated symbols and calculations, looked up and looked at Gao Wen with a look: "Is the strange old man still a mage?"

"Strictly speaking, it is a wild mage," Gao Wen rolled up his notebook and knocked it on the amber head. "And when you saw so many magical experimental instruments, you still didn't see it!"