MTL - Sword of Coming-Chapter 995 Limited Cup Long Junior

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As the old saying goes, husband leisure, Qing Fu also.

Since being idle is also idle, and being idle is a kind of happiness, Liu Xianyang took a round-faced girl with the pseudonym Yu Qianyue and traveled to the northernmost part of Aquarius Island. They wandered along the long coastline. After a lap, Liu Xianyang went to the sea every day, brought pots and pans, and simmered a pot of seafood, so Liu Xianyang forgot what the taste of fresh river was. Whenever Liu Xianyang stopped and took a nap, the girl with the round face in the cotton coat sat quietly beside him.

When Liu Xianyang returned to Zongmen Mountain, he found that the blacksmith Ruan was still casting swords behind closed doors, and his younger brother Xie Ling was in seclusion.

This object was the treasure that was given to Xie Ling by Bai Yujing's third headmaster. It is a colorful glazed pagoda, half a foot high, with nine floors, with plaques hanging on all sides of each floor, so there are thirty-six pieces in total.

Liu Xianyang was very envious and couldn't help but sigh, "It's really good to have a good ancestor."

Shengyue didn't talk to her, she just thought about whether there were any flocks of ducks on the other side of the Longxu River.

Liu Xianyang was still complaining about himself there, saying that his ability to reincarnate was not as good as this Junior Brother Xie, otherwise, let alone the fairyland, it would be no problem to just grab an ascension.

Dong Gu, who was on the side, has long been accustomed to this. Anyway, it is his own words behind closed doors, and he can't be ashamed to be thrown outside.

Moreover, although Liu Xianyang said it sourly, it was also true. Brother Xie had a very good chance on the road of cultivation. As Liu Xianyang said, it was thanks to the genealogy of the Xie family in Taoye Lane that there was a big man, and it was Beiju. The Tianjun of Luzhou, Xie Shi, last time Xie Shi returned to his hometown, Xie Ling, this kid, is equivalent to adding another living ancestor from the family tree out of thin air. According to Lu Chen's statement at that time, this small tower can suppress all the demons and ghosts and ghosts in the world under the upper five realms. Xie Ling was convinced at the time, and the ancestor Xie Shi hesitated, but finally he did not reveal the secret. When the boy who was nicknamed "Long Mei'er" by Lu Chen in those days grew older and his cultivation realm became higher and higher, Xie Lingcai was horrified to discover that the Linglong Pagoda, which had never been able to refine its life-things, was a genuine immortal soldier. Treasure.

The reason why Xie Ling was able to be a sword cultivator, at the same time, and proficient in talismans and formations, stemmed from his concentrated study of this exquisite pagoda.

Someone once glanced at it and commented on this treasure. It was concise and concise. There was only one sentence. This thing is a complete Taoism.

Her implication was that junior brother Xie Ling could start a sect based on this thing alone, in addition to gradually ascending without delaying his practice.

After chatting with Dong Gu for a few more words, Liu Xianyang was finally willing to spit out the licorice root in his mouth. He stood up and asked Senior Brother Dong and Senior Sister Xu to say hello. After half an hour, they would go to Zushan for a meal together. He, the suzerain, wants to be a corporal and cook himself.

As the founding disciple of Longquan Sword Sect, Dong Gu is in the Nascent Soul Realm, but because Dong Gu was born in a monster and is not a sword cultivator, for Liu Xianyang to be the second suzerain, he is a big brother, but deep in his heart. As relieved.

Xu Xiaoqiao is still a sword cultivator in the Golden Core Realm, but is limited by her qualifications for Taoism. If nothing else happens, she will stop at the Nascent Soul Realm in her life.

Xu Xiaoqiao's evaluation of this similar conclusion has always been convinced, but he can't talk about how disappointed he is.

Anyway, in the same class, there are Liu Xianyang and Xie Ling, two genius brothers and sisters who are sure to achieve high avenues. In addition, Master Ruan Qiong never demands anything in the realm of disciples. Xu Xiaoqiao's cultivation career in Longquan Jianzong actually lived a long time. Ample and leisurely.

It's just Liu Xianyang, who always thinks that he and Xu Xiaoqiao can meet and call the Sect Master, but Dong Gu and Xu Xiaoqiao have a very tacit understanding.

Two men and women who were not Taoist companions for the time being, on the way to fight the wind together, the late Xu Yue asked casually, "What is that Xie Ling refining?"

Liu Xianyang smiled and said, "An exquisite pagoda of the rank of immortal soldiers."

He added, "It was given to Junior Brother Xie by a guy who overturned the stall by me."

Shengyue turned her head and glanced at a mountain, nodded and said, "It's quite valuable."

Liu Xianyang began to speak again, "I'm a sword cultivator, what's such an external thing... Damn, of course it's nothing! As long as Junior Brother Xie is willing to give up his love, I'll kowtow to him a few times. "

Shengyue wondered: "You just want immortal soldiers so much?"

In her opinion, Liu Xianyang is the kind of strange sword cultivator who needs the least immortal soldiers.

Liu Xianyang was stunned, "Why? Do you have one?"

Shengyue nodded and said, "You don't understand what the wild world is like. Since you've all gone out, of course you have all your belongings in your pocket, so you have a few pieces in your pocket. Since you want so much, pick two pieces. It's pleasing to the eye, take it to refining?"

Liu Xianyang grinned, reached out and patted his cheek, "What are you talking about, I'm not Chen Ping'an, I look like the kind of person who eats soft rice?!"

Shinobu rolled his eyes.

When they got to Zushan, Liu Xianyang really put on his apron and started to cook, and he was there to help.

Liu Xianyang suddenly turned his head and said, "Qianyue, maybe I didn't explain that sentence before. Chen Ping'an just looks like a soft-boiled person. I don't look like that, I am."

On the credit month, he slashed the firewood with a knife, and then threw it to the stove.

As soon as she heard the name of the young hidden official, she felt depressed and in a bad mood.

Liu Xianyang smiled and said, "Don't be depressed, I'll put a sack on him and beat him up in front of you."

Shengyue twitched the corners of his mouth, "He doesn't dare to do anything to you, so what should I do with revenge?"

Liu Xianyang felt that he had to find an opportunity to open the skylight to this girl Yu and speak brightly! But you have to drink to be brave first.

Probably so people who really like someone are cowards.

Liu Xianyang said, "Have you ever visited the city before, have you seen that boy?"

Shinobu shook his head.

It turned out that just now Liu Xianyang learned about it from Senior Brother Dong. In the city of Chuzhou, there was a poor boy named Li Shenyuan, who was carrying a snake gallstone of high rank, and went from Chuzhou all the way. He walked through Yu, Hong and other prefectures, and walked to the vicinity of Old Beiyue, which is located in the land of Dalijingji. When the young man reached the gate of Longquan Jianzong, he was almost like a beggar. He wanted to give away the snake gall stone. Use this as a stepping stone to become a disciple of Longquan Sword Sect.

Moreover, he named his surname and wanted to learn from Xu Xiaoqiao, whose dojo is located at the Boiled Sea Peak. Even if he could not become the direct disciple of this female Sword Immortal, he could be an outer disciple temporarily. Boiled Sea Peak is not among the mountains to the west of Lizhu Cave. It is an original mountain peak in the old Beiyue boundary of Dali.

I heard that the ancestors of the young man were from the small town for generations, and the ancestral house was on the Erlang Lane. It was only in the hands of the elders in the family that they sold the ancestral house and got a large amount of gold and silver. The government handed over the land deeds in exchange for several new and adjacent large houses. The family had a great foresight earlier, and at the same time purchased a lot of good land outside the city. It is reasonable to say that such a good family is a little more honest and peaceful. After one or two generations of management , whether it is to become a scholarly family, or to spend money to get rich first and then expensive, in short, it is not difficult.

It's just that no matter how big the family business is, it can't be worth the word of gambling, and there are two gamblers in the family. If you want to win money at the gambling table, you have not relied on gambling skills since ancient times. . In fact, at least 30% of the families who moved from the small town to the state city lost a solid family business at the gambling table. Once a small town teenager, now he is proficient in eating, drinking, prostituting and gambling, or he is a young man who used to be a drunkard, a gambler and a bachelor, and becomes an old bachelor.

This Li Shenyuan didn't break through the mountain gate, let alone talk nonsense. He built a grass hut in the nearby mountains and lived like a savage.

Every time the young man appeared, he would squat on the side of the road at the gate of the mountain, waiting for news, hoping that the Longquan Sword Sect would allow him to go up the mountain.

After meeting a few times in the same family, since the blacksmith Ruan was still working on the iron, of course, Liu Xianyang, the new suzerain, was in charge of the house, and he brought a lot of seafood back with him.

Dong Gu and Xu Xiaoqiao stepped on the meal and came to Zushan's side. They saw Liu Xianyang sitting on the master's main table. They didn't say anything. Eating on a bench.

Having a home-cooked meal at the same table, this is the tradition of Longquan Jianzong. When discussing the big things, they just chat a few words at the dinner table.

True to the old adage, the greatest food in the world is the greatest.

Even the matter of Liu Xianyang's succession as the suzerain was discussed on the table. Ruan Qiong said that Liu Xianyang did not refuse, and Dong Gu and Xie Ling all agreed, even if it was settled.

Today's dinner table is nothing more than an extra month on credit, and she is not an outsider.

Liu Xianyang raised his glass and bumped with Senior Brother Dong, and asked, "If Xie Ling succeeds in refining that treasure, and then leaves the border, will it be the Jade Pure Realm?"

Dong Gu took a sip of the wine, picked up his chopsticks, and said, "I don't know."

But Xu Xiaoqiao nodded, "Before the retreat, Junior Brother Xie told me that. Junior Brother Xie always speaks prudently. Since he said so, he is inseparable."

Liu Xianyang turned to look at Dong Gu, "Senior Brother Dong, didn't Xie Ling tell you?"

Dong Gu shook his head.

Liu Xianyang smiled again and turned to look at Xu Xiaoqiao. Xu Xiaoqiao guessed what he was going to talk about, and said first, "I advise you not to be scolded."

"Senior sister understands me."

Liu Xianyang laughed and said, rubbing his chin, "Our family's long eyebrows are amazing, amazing, Ruan Blacksmith really got lucky and found a treasure, and the long eyebrows are now in the forefront of the ten young people in Aquarius. Waiting for him to become Yupu, wouldn't he be on an equal footing with my suzerain? When this kid leaves the border, I have to persuade Blacksmith Ruan. Since he is no longer the suzerain, then don't put on the air of such a master. Next time Before eating together, Blacksmith Ruan has to offer Xie Ling a toast before moving his chopsticks."

Dong Gu didn't speak at all, and Xu Xiaoqiao just thought it was Liu Xianyang farting.

There are not many people who dare to make fun of Ruan Qiong in such a huge Aquarius Island, maybe Liu Xianyang is the only one.

When Ruan Qiong came to Longquan Jianzong's "mother's home" Fengxue Temple, he was a calm temperament. He devoted himself to making swords for many years. Jian Xiu didn't look down on the Shengao Sect, the leader of the mountain in Yizhou, but when he talked about the swordsmith Ruan Qiong, it was rare to have a few good words that caught his eye. In addition, Ruan Qiong was the last saint in Lizhu Dongtian, and was invited to be the chief worshiper of Da Li. He occasionally participated in the discussions in the imperial study in the capital, not to mention His Majesty the Emperor, together with Wei Bo and Jin Qing, including the Dayue Mountain Monarchs. Ruan Qiong is extremely respectful. The Taoist Heavenly Monarch who goes by the alias Cao Rong, as Lu Chen's direct disciple, Beiju Luzhou He Xiaoliang's senior brother, he once appeared in the capital of Dali, and the rumors are just chatting with Ruan Qiong, the boring gourd. a few words.

Not to mention Liu Xianyang, his own disciple who is now famous in Yizhou, as well as the young hidden official who "blossoms inside the walls and smells outside the walls". It seems that when the two parties were young, they were a long-term worker and a day laborer in a blacksmith shop on the Longxu River, respectively. The gossip, Chen Yinguan, who was in the mountains, before he made his fortune, because he was under the fence, as long as he saw the taciturn Ruan Qiong, he would be like a mouse seeing a cat.

Therefore, in the mountains south of Dadu in Baopingzhou, there are some rumors that only dare to say a few words in private. The reason why Longquan Jianzong moved out of Chuzhou is only because that Chen Yinguan is a character that will be punished. He lost it in the blacksmith shop. His face is now going to be regained, and His Majesty Emperor Dali is so overwhelmed and unable to adjust the contradiction between the two sides, he has to let Longquan Jianzong take a step back, and then let Ruan Qiong step down as the suzerain, and Chen Yinguan's young friend Liu Xianyang will take over as the suzerain. With the resentment that Chen Ping'an has accumulated for many years, he will not completely tear his face with Ruan Qiong, and both will suffer...

So someone took his own Fengyuan ferry not long ago, and at the old Longcheng side, he disembarked with his predecessor Song Yuyao, and on the way back to the north, he made a special trip to find those who spread this kind of talk, or reported in Shanshuidi The sects of Xianfu who deliberately knocked on the side, went to their ancestral hall, or the cultivating place of the mountain masters and sects, had a cup of tea, had a heart-to-heart talk, and reasoned, the honored guests were happy, and the atmosphere was harmonious .

Liu Xianyang was a little strange, "How can this stubborn child be far away from the near and far, and come to us to have a meal, isn't Chen Ping'an's Luo Po Mountain closer?"

Dong Gu said: "It is estimated that it is because Luopao Mountain claimed to be closed to the outside world."

Liu Xianyang asked, "Does that young man have a chance to go up the mountain to practice?"

The difference between the immortals and the mortals on the mountains and the mountains is as clear as the distinction between people and ghosts.

Xu Xiaoqiao said: "I can barely practice, but my aptitude is just average. Even if I lead up the mountain, whether I can rank in the middle five realm depends on my future destiny."

The implication is that even if the young man joins the Longquan Sword Sect, if there is no great opportunity in his future practice, he may not be able to reach the cave realm in this life.

Dong Gu hesitated for a while, but didn't say anything more. Xu Xiaoqiao said this because she had learned a unique secret technique to identify root bones in her early years, which meant that the young man named Li Shenyuan was not an ordinary "average" aptitude. If you go to another immortal mansion, let alone that kind of tasteless rib, I am afraid that in the eyes of those immortal masters who examine the root and bones, they will not even be called tasteless, and they will definitely be rejected.

And this secret technique of Xu Xiaoqiao is a dream for any sect on the mountain. In the long run, it will not lose any treasure in the mountains.

Liu Xianyang asked, "What is his temperament?"

Whether you can enter the Longquan Sword Sect, there is an unwritten rule in the hands of the blacksmith Ruan, first look at the character and character, and then look at the quality of the aptitude.

Dong Gu said: "Tough, admit the truth, very willing to endure hardships, but the comprehension is a bit poor, really want to go up the mountain to practice, it is really reluctant."

Liu Xianyang was instantly amused, "Isn't it very similar to someone's youth?"

Xu Xiaoqiao was hesitant to speak, but he endured it, thinking about it and forgetting it.

That's how you dare to comment on the Lord of Luopao Mountain, Chen Shan.

Liu Xianyang said, "Senior Sister Xu, just accept it. Let Li Shenyuan be an anonymous disciple first."

Xu Xiaoqiao nodded.

Dong Gu asked, "Can we accept that snake gallstone?"

Liu Xianyang smiled and said, "Accept, why not accept it."

The Fa is not passed on lightly. On the mountain, it has never been a light and empty talk.

After all, the rules of the world are never set for a handful of exceptions.

"Children whose family members fasten their belts and send them to school are expected to pay more attention to reading than those children whose families can go to school with a little money from their fingernails."

Liu Xianyang smiled, "A disciple of the outer sect bought by himself with real money, compared to a disciple of Zhu Haifeng who was given to him by an outsider in vain, over time, which one do you think will carry more weight in the hearts of young people? Anyway, I think the former."

"As for the snake gallstone, just keep it in the treasury. If Li Shenyuan can successfully enter the cave in the future, and then give it to him in the name of congratulations, he will go around and return to the original owner."

Dong Gu nodded and said, "It's very old-fashioned to do things like this."

Xu Xiaoqiao also heartily agreed:

"Finally a bit of a sect master style."

Liu Xianyang slapped the table, "Remove 'finally', 'somewhat' and 'already'!"

Xu Xiaoqiao laughed, and the senior sister said the words "Sect Master's style" in a questioning tone.

Liu Xianyang reluctantly said, "I'm the suzerain, I'm really bad! I'll see Blacksmith Ruan again, wait until Xie Ling is out, I have to step down as the suzerain, and let Chang Mei'er be the suzerain for a few more days, and then he will take the top spot. If it is handed over to Senior Brother Dong or Xu Xiaoqiao to sit, it is also a story of the ages, a sect has changed four sect masters in less than 30 years, who can compare this with our Longquan Sword Sect?"

An expressionless man came out of the door.

Dong Gu and Xu Xiaoqiao immediately stood up and called out to Master.

Liu Xianyang smiled brightly, and hurriedly asked Xinyue to add a pair of tableware, while he stood up to move a place for the master and his old man. Feeling that he was still not respecting the teacher, he strode out the door, rubbing his hands and saying, "Master, what's the matter? I don’t even say hello to my disciples when I’ve finished ironing. Look, the taste of these dishes on the table is too spicy. They only take care of Senior Brother Dong and Senior Sister Xu, and they are all seafood. Is Master used to eating it? If you can’t eat it. I'm used to it, I'm going to cook two good appetizers..."

Ruan Qiong didn't say a word, he sat on the seat, and Xueyue brought the bowls and chopsticks and put them gently beside him. Ruan Qiong nodded in greeting, and his face finally improved a little.

Xu Xiaoqiao also went to get a jar of wine and a few white bowls, and poured a bowl for everyone.

Ruan Qiong picked up the wine bowl and took a sip, picked up chopsticks, habitually poked the table lightly, and then began to pick dishes.

Only then did Dong Gu and Xu Xiaoqiao dare to take a sip of wine with the bowl, and then went to pick up the chopsticks.

On the other hand, Liu Xianyang had already started serving Master's dishes, and soon Ruan Qiong's bowl of rice was full of dishes.

Ruan Qiong said: "The court wants me to go to the capital, and then accompany His Majesty the emperor, who is a private visit, to Hongzhou Yuzhang County."

Liu Xianyang said with a smile, "Since His Majesty is visiting privately in a small number of clothes, and it's not the kind of high-profile tour, why do you have to work so hard? If you don't want to go to the capital, you will pull it down. If you want to go out to relax, you can go directly to Yuzhang County. If you do this, it will be a bit of a disgrace to Your Majesty and the court, so I will go instead."

Ruan Qiong shook his head and said, "The letter is more direct, it must be me."

Liu Xianyang frowned and said, "In addition to the production of large trees in Yuzhang County, the imperial court has repeatedly banned the private cutting of trees, and this is why a new logging institute has been set up. Besides, the only thing that can be done is the ancestral home of the current queen mother. A trip?"

Ruan Qiong said: "The first director of the logging institute is Lin Zhengcheng who has just been transferred from the Beijing News."

Liu Xianyang asked, "Is it Lin Shouyi's father?"

Ruan Qiong nodded.

Liu Xianyang took a sip of wine and said, "Then let's go."

Ruan Qiong said, "I just informed you that there is such a thing, and I didn't discuss it with you."

Liu Xianyang became annoyed and said, "Tiesmith Ruan, ask yourself, I, the suzerain, should not be aggrieved."

Ruan Qiong didn't pay any attention to Liu Xianyang at all, just turned his head to look at Xueyue and asked, "Miss Yu, when will you become a Taoist partner with Liu Xianyang?"

Xinyue has always been someone who doesn't treat herself badly at the dinner table, but now her mouth is full of food, her cheeks are bulging, and she suddenly raised her head with a blank expression on her face.

Ruan Qiong finished drinking a bowl of wine, put it down gently, and said, "Liu Xianyang usually speaks out of tune, he is honest, and he is a man who knows how to live. He won't mess around in matters of men and women. I didn't say these words when I was his master, Miss Yu, if you think Liu Xianyang is worth entrusting, don't delay your marriage. "

Shen Yue's face flushed red in an instant.

Liu Xianyang was not much better, his ears and neck were blushing.

Dong Gu and Xu Xiaoqiao were also full of smiles.

Ruan Qiong increased his tone a little, but just repeated the same meaning of the last sentence, "Don't delay."

He, who is Liu Xianyang's master, is very supportive of this marriage, and will definitely not stop him.

Afterwards, Ruan Qiong did not continue pouring wine, but just got up and left after eating the bowl of rice.

Probably this time, when he left the Sword Casting House, the man Liu Xianyang called a blacksmith wanted to say such a thing.

Xu Xiaoqiao accompanied Xu Xiaoqiao to clean up the dishes, but Dong Gu said that he would drink more with Liu Xianyang.

Clouds fill the valley, the moon shines in the sky, and the clear water in the mountains flows, but the swimming fish stops as steady.

Liu Xianyang was drunk and drunk, but Senior Brother Dong was sturdy. From the beginning, he was still pretending to be a senior brother there, persuading Liu Xianyang, who is a junior brother, to get along with Miss Yu, and don't let her down. , or don't talk about Master, he was the first to forgive Liu Xianyang, so what if he became the suzerain, he didn't recognize the big brother... After drinking, Dong Gu started talking nonsense, saying that he couldn't be sorry for the master. Shouldn't be, should not be the master's eldest disciple, causing the master and the sect to be gossiped behind their backs... By the end, Dong Gu had more tears than he drank, so Liu Xianyang had to sit and sit Next to the senior brother, he patiently listened to Dong Gu saying these over and over again, and then stopped the senior brother who was looking for a drink...

Xu Xiaoqiao and Shengyue didn't go to the house, they stayed in the yard all the time, listening to the drunken talk of the two at the wine table, they turned a blind eye to each other.

In the end, Liu Xianyang carried Dong Gu back to Henglang Peak, and then swayed Yufeng back to his own Yuyi Peak. Liu Xianyang squatted by the cliff alone, drinking to hangover.

Shengyue came to him and sat beside him. As for the marriage, Shengyue was actually not that embarrassed, she was just a little caught off guard at the beginning, and then twisted. It wasn't that she didn't like Liu Xianyang.

Here Yuyi Peak, although it is the top of the old Beiyue Mountain, is next to the Ancestral Mountain that was moved from Chuzhou, so you can vaguely hear the sound of Ruan Qiong striking the iron and casting the sword from the Shenxiu Mountain. The whole room is bright as day, looking at Zushan from the side of Yuyi Peak, flickering and flickering, like a lantern hanging in the wind on Shenxiu Mountain to guide the way for wanderers to return home.

On the Henglang Peak, Dong Gu quickly woke up, rubbed his temples, and noticed the familiar aura outside the house. The Nascent Soul, who was dressed in black all the year round and looked like a youth, immediately got up, opened the door, and shouted. Sound Bridge. Henglang Peak is the treasure house of the sect and the secret house where treasures are collected. After Dong Gu entered the Nascent Soul Realm, because he was born in the mountain and wild, his cultivation was more comfortable. In addition, Xu Xiaoqiao was not good at and did not like business affairs. Gu reluctantly set up a sect accountant. In fact, Longquan Jianzong spent very little, but received a lot of money. Dong Gu only needed to record those treasures and immortal money in the book, it was not complicated.

Xu Xiaoqiao nodded with a smile, shook a bunch of keys in his hand, and explained, "If I can't sleep, I'll come to your treasure house to enjoy my eyes."

Sitting on the steps, Dong Gu was still a little dizzy. He was no stranger to the habits of junior sisters, otherwise he would not

The treasure house of Longquan Sword Sect has a lot of rare objects, which can be worthy of the saying of "a dazzling array of things". Stepping into it, such as entering Baoshan, Xu Xiaoqiao will go there from time to time to "tour".

Like Liu Xianyang's sword refining, Xie Ling's breakthrough all the way, he didn't use the wealth of the treasury, and because the master was the chief worshiper of the dynasty, the generous salary that the Dali court sent regularly, and the Song family used various The spiritual tools, magic weapons, and Dong Gu were secretly divided into various names that were kept in the dark. Every year, there were five or six sums of immortal money. Whenever Dong Gu asked about the origin, the court and households On the other side of the Ministry, they only assumed that they were acting according to the rules, and they refused to say any more. Dong Gu was unable to find the relevant deeds in black and white in the archives. Dong Gu had asked the master several times if he wanted to know if it was an oral contract between the master and Da Li Song, but the master said that he could not remember it, just accept it. that is. Later, Dong Gu got used to it, and it felt like he was lying down and collecting money.

Therefore, their own sects are typical of many people and few people, and there is no place to spend them.

Xu Xiaoqiao said, "Yu purlin over Zhengyang Mountain, at the beginning of this year, sent a letter to Master in private?"

Dong Gu nodded, "The main thing is to apologize to the master, saying that he missed an opportunity because he was young and ignorant, and regretted not being able to become master's direct disciple. I hope I can come to the door to make amends in the future. The opportunity to pay New Year's greetings in the first month of the purlin. At the time, I didn't quite understand why Master drove them down the mountain. Now it seems that Master is right. Although he has good skills in swordsmanship, he has bad conduct. He likes to take chances and stay in Longquan. Sword Sect is not a good thing, Jindan Kaifeng is equivalent to establishing a portal in the mountains, it will only be a bad thing."

Xu Xiaoqiao sighed, "It's a pity Liu Yu."

Dong Gu rubbed his face, "It's the most unreasonable thing to talk about about love between men and women."

It's just such a reason, Dong Gu doesn't want to experience it in person, just talk about others.

When the bitter wine is still sweet, the bitterness is like a bottomless pit that endless mountains and seas can't fill.

On the other side of Zhengyang Mountain are Yu Jin, the master of Yujiao Peak, Jianxiu of Jindanjing, Liu Yu, the direct disciple of Leng Qi, the master of Qiongzhi Peak, Jianxiu of Longmenjing, and the flying sword "Dihua".

These two genius sword cultivators who are expected to become Taoist companions were both temporarily anonymous disciples who had been practicing in the Longquan Sword Sect for several years.

In those days, Ruan Qiong saved a lot of face for Yu Jin and asked them to go down the mountain by themselves and switch to another door. Yu purlin ran to Zhengyang Mountain, where "the sword fairy is like a cloud". Among them, Liu Yu, who could have stayed in Shenxiu Mountain, fell in love with Yu purlin because of her love. Xu Xiaoqiao couldn't keep her, so the girl still followed down the mountain. Qiulingshan Tao Yanbo was accepted as the heir, and one of them was attracted by Leng Qi. The last time Liu Xianyang made a big noise at the sect ceremony of Zhengyang Mountain, Yuqin and Liu Yu both appeared to ask about the sword. Liu Xianyang was very polite to Liu Yu, but very rude to Yuqin, which caused the latter to be a joke on the mountain now. There is a saying that "as soon as you ask about the sword, you will fall to the ground and pretend to be dead", but the joke is a joke, and the 30-year-old Lord of the Peak and the Golden Elixir Sword Immortal are also true.

Xu Xiaoqiao said without reason: "Thanks to Liu Xianyang on the mountain."

Dong Gu nodded, "If it wasn't for Sect Master Liu, maybe Master wouldn't be able to say a few words to us all year round."

In Liu Xianyang's words, there is an old man in the family who has a treasure. Dong Gu, you guys, don't think that the master is not the suzerain, so you don't respect his old man. Although the master is a white man now, after all, the age is there.

If it weren't for the living treasure of Liu Xianyang, Longquan Sword Sect would be a very boring mountain.

Xu Xiaoqiao said, "If it were you and me to be the suzerain, Junior Brother Xie would definitely not argue with us. He was not convinced, but Liu Xianyang was really the only one who could hold Xie Ling down in every way."

Previously, the Chen family in Nanpo Suozhou had an old mountain senior who was good at drawing dragons. Ruan Qiong, Liu Xianyang and the others who came to the mountain to visit friends for many years, accompanied them. The other party just called Sect Master Liu out of courtesy, and said something young After all, Liu Xianyang belonged to half of his own family. He used to study with the Chunru Chen family for ten years, but he was only an old man who moved the world with his exquisite dragon painting. He traveled abroad all year round and never saw Liu Xianyang.

As a result, Liu Xianyang immediately followed the bar and said, how did Uncle Chen know that I was a Jade Pure Realm Sword Immortal, and all of a sudden, the well-informed old man couldn't fix it.

On the cliff of Yuyi Peak, Liu Xianyang asked softly, "Miss Yu, do you know why Chen Pingan didn't go to the wild world?"

Sheng Yue wondered: "Hasn't he already been to the wild hinterland? He has made such a big contribution, and some people think that his title of hidden official is not worthy of the name?"

No matter how it was made, he killed a wild monster who was a sword cultivator in the Ascension Realm anyway. If you add the relatively imaginary Ascension Realm in Xianzhu City, there are two.

Liu Xianyang smiled and shook his head, "At least at the Confucian Temple, no one thinks so for the time being. And what you said is different from what I asked."

"Then what's the answer?"

Liu Xianyang smiled and said, "I also want to know the answer, so I'll go back and ask."

Shengyue's eyes lit up immediately, is this going back to the sword shop on the Longxu River?

Liu Xianyang stood up and said excitedly on credit, "Is this back?"

Liu Xianyang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll go see that young man who is determined to learn from Senior Sister Xu, and see if it is suitable for him to go up the mountain to practice. If I meet her, I will grab an apprentice with Miss Xu!"

Sheng Yue waved his hand, "Then I won't go."

Liu Xianyang took a few steps back, waved his arms, and jumped a few times. He rushed forward with a vigorous step, jumped off the cliff, and his figure drew an arc. Liu Xianyang shouted and fell to the ground with a curling echo. When Liu Xianyang was about to fall to the ground, It was only a few feet away from the valley, and suddenly a dazzling sword light appeared, the wind was galloping, the sword light was like a dragon and snake winding across the earth, and a series of laughter from Liu Xianyang's servant could be heard, because according to Liu Xianyang, the villain in the book The characters are all smiling, and according to Liu Xianyang's wild ideas, the Longquan Jianzong family will have a big business in the future. When recruiting disciples, you must be careful about those second princes, illegitimate children of wealthy families, and inconspicuous people who carry deep blood feuds. It seems that the aptitude for cultivating the Tao is mediocre, and the humiliation in the teacher's door is unbearable. It is too exhausting for the teacher's door and the elders. Even if it is a spread of one or two, it will be too much to eat. It is easy to be sacrificed to the sky. , with tears in my eyes, the disciple finally got his revenge, and the master knows it under Quanxia...

Credit Yue sighed, childish is really childish.

In the deserted countryside, Liu Xianyang knocked on the shack as the moonlight gradually filled the shabby doors and windows.

The teenager in the room had a very light sleep, and immediately said vigilantly: "Who?"

Liu Xianyang said with a stern look: "The world's masters have wandered here, and seeing that the boy's roots are very strange, he is suitable for going up the mountain to cultivate Taoism. I plan to give you a gift."

The yellow-faced and skinny youth opened the door, turned around with one hand, and with the moonlight, saw a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes standing outside the door, and said, "No need, I'm already the anonymous disciple of Xu Xianzi of Cook Haifeng."

Liu Xianyang smiled, he really opened his mouth to come, this is a bit of a hit.

Liu Xianyang traveled far to study for many years, and later Longquan Jianzong was established. When he returned from Nanpo Suzhou, he only stayed in the shop on the banks of the Longxu River, which was abandoned. He rarely went to Huaihuang County, let alone talk about it. The prefecture is now, and this young man was born and raised in the prefecture according to his age. Therefore, it is normal for the young man not to recognize the suzerain of the Longquan Sword Sect in front of him. As for why the teenager recognized Xu Xiaoqiao, maybe it was because she opened a fairy inn in partnership with Dong Bancheng in the state city? Senior Sister Xu herself is not good at managing business, but she is good at dealing with people who are good at making money. There is a lot of private money, and the dowry is not thin!

Liu Xianyang strode into the house, took out an oil lamp from his sleeve, twisted his fingers, and the light was yellowish, illuminating the thatched cottage.

The young man always faces this uninvited guest.

Liu Xianyang looked around and saw that he was really a family, with air leaking from all sides. He looked familiar, turned his head and smiled and introduced himself: "My name is Liu Xianyang, I have never seen it before, I must have heard of the name, it is from the Longquan Sword Sect. The current suzerain, so Zhu Haifeng Xu Xiaoqiao is my senior sister."

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The tense young man finally let go of his guard and looked embarrassed, because the hand around him was holding a hatchet. This trip, the people who depended on each other for life were a package with some heavy clothes, and then there was This hatchet, which was used for self-defense and road-opening, had already been used up on the road, as for the first scraps of silver and copper coins that were exchanged from selling antiques at home. In fact, before going out this time, the young man had already left home secretly twice, but both of them came back without success.

There was no table or stool in the house, so Liu Xianyang sat beside the bed and asked with a smile, "Since you

There is a snake gallstone, why don't you sell it for money? No matter how much gambling debts your family owes, you should be able to repay it all at once. It is estimated that there is still a lot of surplus. You don't have to worry about finding a seller, not to mention Dong Shuijing's. The inn, even if you go directly to the state and county government office to ask for the price, will also accept it, guaranteeing you a fair price. "

Li Shenyuan looked sad, the skinny boy looked down at the pair of dilapidated straw sandals on his feet, "I'm too young to keep my money, so the snake gallstone that my grandfather secretly left to me, no matter who I exchange it with. Too much money can’t be kept, and it will only be used by the elders in the family to be abused by gambling houses.”

Liu Xianyang asked, "Have you ever attended a school or read a book?"

"Reporting to Sect Master Liu, I passed the two examinations at the county government very early, and it is Tongsheng."

The young man raised his head, his yellow and thin face, and a bit of a smile appeared, "Last year, I should have participated in the abbot's abbot Xuezheng's abbot's examination, but there was no concubine who was willing to bail me out, and I failed to become a scholar."

Liu Xianyang nodded. Speaking of which, neither he nor Chen Ping'an had a reputation, let alone a scholar. Now they are not even Tongsheng. In the Confucian Academy, the two of them couldn't even get a wise man.

In fact, Li Shenyuan did not tell the whole truth. In fact, the teenager just failed to participate in the second re-examination. Moreover, in the previous two county tests, the teenager was the case leader. As long as he continues to participate in the hospital examination, it is very likely that he will be able to take the top spot again. , This is in the field of science, that is, a scholar can boast of a lifetime of three yuan.

As for why the young man concealed the facts, it was for His Holiness's taboo's sake. The relatives in a family are often good or average, but when people’s hearts are slack, there are a thousand kinds of bad, there are unbelievable pickle thoughts and endless filthy methods, Li Shenyuan is only fourteen years old now, and his family was still wealthy when he was born. , Although it is a shell that is about to be hollowed out, the thin dead camel is bigger than a horse, and it is still much better than the average wealthy family. From frugality to extravagance is easy, just take a few glances at how the rich people around you live a rich life, you can learn it, and from extravagance to frugality is difficult, that is the case in Li Shenyuan's family, almost all elders who are used to big money, I have been complaining every day for these years, or I just want to make a fortune, but where is it so easy to earn, I have been deceived many times by those connoisseurs in the prefecture city, and even cheated marriages, Li Shenyuan One of his uncles ended up with no personal wealth.

Liu Xianyang smiled and said, "You are right to choose to go out of the house. If you don't save yourself, if you don't cut yourself off with the family, this life will be over."

The desperate young man smiled bitterly. His idea was very simple. He only hoped to become the registered disciple of Longquan Sword Sect and then go back to clean up the mess.

Otherwise, in the family, he is a humble person, and he is a junior, and all the reasons make no sense.

Liu Xianyang stood up, "It's alright, don't make a bitter face, just follow me up the mountain."

Li Shenyuan said in surprise: "Xu Xianzi is willing to accept me as a disciple."

Now that he had the intention of robbing the apprentice, Liu Xianyang began to play tricks and put eye drops on Senior Sister Xu, "She thinks that your kid's qualifications are too poor, the key is not to be a sword cultivator, but she is a sword immortal of Yifeng. Jianxiu, I talked badly on the mountain, and then I persuaded her, the head of the sect, to allow you to go up the mountain to practice, so instead of cooking Haifeng, it was Yuyi Peak. First, I gave a high-ranking, handsome and unparalleled talent to be a big man. Whether an anonymous disciple can enter the hall and become a personal heir of this person depends on your future destiny."

Li Shenyuan was a little disappointed, but after all, it wasn't the worst outcome, so there was no need to make a vain trip and go home. The young man followed Liu Xianyang out of the house, and asked curiously, "Sect Master Liu, can you take the liberty to ask, where is Yuyi Peak? The Dojo of a Sword Immortal?"

The reason why Li Shenyuan insisted on apprenticing with Xu Xiaoqiao to learn art is because the young man once met this kind-looking immortal teacher on the streets of Zhoucheng and thought she was a good person.

Liu Xianyang handed the oil lamp in his hand to the young man beside him, smiled and said, "It's far in the sky, and it's right in front of you."

Holding the oil lamp, Li Shenyuan stopped, stunned and speechless, but did not forget to stretch his arms to protect the lamp.

Liu Xianyang said sternly, "I will take you on foot all the way to Yuyi Peak. There is a strong wind in the mountain. If the lights go out, it means that you and I do not have the fate of master and apprentice."

The boy's face tightened in an instant, sweat oozing from his forehead, he immediately unbuttoned his shirt, and protected the lamp in his shirt to avoid the mountain wind.

Afterwards, Li Shenyuan cautiously followed the Sect Master Liu to the Yuyi Peak along the mountain road. If there was a headwind, the boy would back off on the mountain road.

It is indeed windy in the mountains. You can often see withered pines lying in the ravines. The wind and waves are like pounding. In addition, Yuyi Peak is not as smooth as Zushan Mountain. The path is particularly winding and rugged. Liu Xianyang should walk leisurely, pitiful A young man can walk, plus some water-crossing roads, or narrow stone beams covered with moss, or a dead pine as a single-plank bridge. Li Shenyuan walks on it like walking on thin ice. Seeking the way, I came to Longquan Jianzong on foot all the way. I am used to trekking mountains and waters. Otherwise, let alone protect the lights from being blown out by the mountain wind while walking, I am afraid that just climbing alone will be exhausted.

Liu Xianyang stopped halfway up the mountain, letting the already dizzy young man rest for a while, so that he could recuperate and continue climbing.

Before that, Liu Xianyang's footsteps were fast and slow, occasionally reminding the young man behind him to pay attention to the rhythm of his breathing.

At this moment Liu Xianyang smiled and said, "Don't be so nervous, you have already walked most of the way."

Li Shenyuan's lips were chapped, and he was not in a relaxed mood.

After Liu Xianyang put his hands together, he smiled and said, "There are endless things in the world, but there are limited cups on the table. There is a new year every year, and the flowers will be better next year."

Seeing that the boy did not support him, Liu Xianyang had to ask, "What do you think?"

"Sect Master Liu's impromptu recitation of this poem has a very good meaning. It has the taste of the master's own way, that is... it doesn't rhyme, it does not conform to the rhythm of poetry, and it is suspected of being... inclusive."

"The evaluation is so good, don't evaluate it in the future."

After that, the two continued to climb the mountain. When they approached the top of the mountain, Li Shenyuan suddenly slipped and fell to the ground. The oil lamp rolled to the ground and the light went out.

The young man sat blankly on the ground, not knowing whether it was because he was extremely tired, or because he was caught off guard, he couldn't care about being sad for a while.

Liu Xianyang squatted aside and said with a smile, "It turns out that you really have no fate with this peak."

Li Shenyuan's fall and miss, of course, was deliberately done by Liu Xianyang.

Well, this peak is called Boiled Haifeng.

Yuyi Peak is in another place.

Li Shenyuan picked up the oil lamp silently, wiped it carefully with his sleeve, and handed it back to Sect Master Liu.

As soon as he handed over the oil lamp, the boy burst into tears in an instant.

This journey has been hard climbing, and the young man guarded the light, as if he was carrying a wisp of hope. Once the light went out, the hope of the young man was completely gone, but it was different from the previous visit to Longquan Jianzong, who was rejected. The young man still refused to accept his fate, he was unwilling, and he was always unwilling to leave here. When he climbed the mountain tonight, he fell the oil lamp, and the young man seemed to finally accept his fate, and there was no more unwillingness.

At the top of the mountain, Xu Xiaoqiao, who had been silently observing the young man, couldn't help but said to Liu Xianyang in his heart: "Sect Master Liu, this direct disciple, I accept it."

It is rare to call Liu Xianyang Sect Master Liu, she must be very serious.

Liu Xianyang turned a deaf ear, exchanged the lamp to Li Shenyuan again, patted the young man on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Li Shenyuan, before you formally seek the Tao, you must first understand a principle, when all the celestial beings in the world run out of oil, only the lamp will die. A lamp with a heart is always bright, and it is the most immortal. Just a single lamp can illuminate the ages. What is cultivation of the Tao, this is cultivation. If you don’t believe in this principle, then look back at the road.”

Li Shenyuan pointed along Liu Xianyang's finger, and saw a ray of light between the mountain roads, either straight or round, gradually rising to his side.

At the same time, the oil lamp in the boy's hand suddenly lit up again.

Liu Xianyang smiled and said, "Now I'll give you a choice, should I worship Xu Xiaoqiao as a teacher, or go to Yuyi Peak with me to learn Taoism?"

The boy's answer made Liu Xianyang smile knowingly, but it surprised Xu Xiaoqiao. Li Shenyuan still decided to practice at Boil Haifeng.

Liu Xianyang smiled and said, "It's only a few steps away from the top of the mountain. Go by yourself. Senior Sister Xu is waiting for you. When you see me later, you have to call Master, not the Sect Master, but don't regret it. By the way, this lamp The oil lamp is an antiquity, and its rank is not low, so it should be regarded as a gift for my suzerain."

Turning into a sword light, Liu Xianyang returned to Yuyi Peak, and Xu Xiaoqiao asked on credit, "Why did you give up your disciple to Xu Xiaoqiao?"

Liu Xianyang laughed and said, "Actually, I regretted it halfway through, accepting an apprentice is like having multiple oil bottles on the back of the buttocks, hard work and hard work, besides, instead of being called Master, it is better to be a suzerain and uncle. Relaxed and comfortable.”

Seeing that he didn't want to tell the truth, she didn't care what the truth was.

Liu Xianyang said sternly, "I'm going to retreat."

Sheng Yue said, "Can we have dinner together tomorrow morning?"

Liu Xianyang smiled and said, "I will try my best to have breakfast together tomorrow next year."

Sheng Yue said strangely: "It's just dozing off, how long does it take?"

Liu Xianyang nodded and said, "This time is really different. I met a strange person in a dream before, and I couldn't see the face of the other person. If I guessed correctly, he is very likely to be one of the ten heroes in the ancient world. An unknown sword repairer, I met at an ancient battlefield site before, and he actually noticed my trace, but we didn't chat. The other party was probably shocked by my sword training aptitude. When he was cleaning up the battlefield, he Lost a look at me, what kind of brain am I, and I understood it at the time."

To put it lightly, in fact, Liu Xianyang's hair was standing on end at that time, and the other party just gave him a sharp look, and Liu Xianyang was about to be directly beaten out of his dream.

She asked, "What do you understand?"

Liu Xianyang said, "This senior begged me to learn swords from him."

Shengyue hesitated for a moment and reminded: "That guy seems to have been famous in the ancient times with a high personality, a bad temper, and not close to anyone, you take it easy."

Liu Xianyang smiled and said, "When I was in Lizhu Cave, I was the only one in terms of the relationship between elders."

Credit Yue was suspicious, "Can you be better than Chen Yinguan?"

Liu Xianyang became unhappy when he heard it, raised his feet, took a golden rooster independent posture, reached out and patted his knees, "If it compares to this, Chen Ping's ability will only come to me."

Shengyue liked to listen to these, smiled and nodded.

Liu Xianyang squatted down and planned to chat with Miss Yu a few more leisurely days before retreating.

When he entered the fairyland, he and Miss Yu were a veritable pair of gods.

In fact, when Xie Ling retreated, he became a Jade Pure Realm. Longquan Jianzong has three sword immortals at the same time.

Besides, isn't there still Miss Yu, one of the ten young people in the world? In the past, Chen Pingan was on the top of this list, and the eleventh was the bottom one.

Seeing that he was not in a hurry to retreat, Shengyue continued to sit aside and asked, "Master Ruan doesn't seem to have any idea about his own breakthrough?"

Especially after Liu Xianyang entered the five realms and took over as the suzerain, Ruan Qiong was even less concerned.

Liu Xianyang laughed hard, "Blacksmith Ruan's qualifications are not as good as mine, and the Jade Pure Realm has reached its peak. Besides, Blacksmith Ruan prefers to cast swords, and is not very interested in the practice itself."

Xu Xiaoqiao said in a low voice, "I heard from Xu Xiaoqiao that Master Ruan resigned as the chief worshiper twice, but the emperor did not agree."

Cao Rong, a Taoist angel from the old Dashuang Dynasty. Pu Ji, a white-bones swordsman from Beiju Luzhou Bone Beach. In addition, Liu Boqi, who claimed to be the female crown of the Inverted Mountain Master's knife room.

These are all candidates for worship that Da Li Song Clan tried to win over but could not get it. When the war ended, they all left gracefully and traveled to other continents.

Thinking of this, Liu Xianyang pouted, and the Dali court did not have plans to enrich the power of worship and deepen the heritage of the mountain. If it weren't for these strange people, who had a closer relationship with Song Jixin, the little slut, the emperor Song He would definitely spend more money. A lot of thought to keep. In fact, Liu Xianyang and Song Jixin have been at odds with each other for a long time, one dislikes the other's lack of strength, and the other dislikes the other's poverty and vulgarity.

Liu Xianyang said: "Don't worry, Song He is very good at life, at least when he is the emperor, he will never agree to the resignation of Blacksmith Ruan as the chief worshiper."

Shengyue sighed: "There is no such twists and turns in the wilderness."

Liu Xianyang said, "When I get out of the customs, I plan to go to Hongzhou, but I always feel weird there."

Shengyue nodded and said: "Don't you all say that there is the place where the twelve sword immortals of the ancient times emerged. You are a sword cultivator. If you have a feeling, you are on the right track. And I heard that there are indeed some legends that have been passed down from generation to generation. The ancient custom has the meaning of 'entertaining the gods and leaving the old, the art of eternal life'. According to what you have said in the world, the earliest method of sacrificing was in the shaman, then in the historian, and then in the scholar-officer. Besides, since ancient times, there have been mountains and giant trees. The place is often the place of worship.”

After hesitating for a while, the credit month still didn't bring someone in, otherwise Liu Xianyang would bring the other party with him. If he really went to visit the secluded, explore the victor, and seek treasure, he would definitely have a better grasp. With someone's behavior, he would accept it as soon as he saw it. It can make the sky three feet tall.

Liu Xianyang has a bright smile. As the old saying goes, marry a wife and marry a virtuous woman. Besides, Miss Yu is more than virtuous.

Shengyue suddenly said, "Liu Xianyang, have you really thought about it?"

Liu Xianyang was at a loss, "What are you thinking about?"

Sheng Yue stared, "Are you pretending to be stupid? After all, I can't hide my identity."

It doesn't matter to her, but Liu Xianyang is the head of the sect after all, just like Dong Gu's eyes dizzy at the wine table because of that knot in his heart.

Liu Xianyang smiled, "Is Miss Yu afraid that outsiders will gossip? What is there to worry about? Whoever makes me unhappy, I will make him unhappy. Who likes to gossip, I happen to be more idle, one counts as one and the other Don't let it go."

"So you're just worried about me, it's even more unnecessary. Neither of us are worried about this."

She said in a low voice, "Do you not care at all?"

Liu Xianyang grinned and said, "I must have dealt with them one by one, so I don't care anymore."

Credit Yue seems to be satisfied with this, and small dimples appear on Yuanyuan's face.

Liu Xianyang, who was holding the back of his head with both hands, remembered something, took out a seal from his sleeve, held it in the palm of his hand, and rubbed it lightly.

On credit, she knew who gave the seal to Liu Xianyang.

Although Liu Xianyang often talks about youth, she still doesn't quite understand how Liu Xianyang and Chen Ping'an have such a good relationship, and the latter is even willing to regard the former as her brother.

Shengyue has always felt that a person as smart as a young hidden officer would not be willing to rely on others, especially when he identified something, he would be extraordinarily resolute, and his mind could not be moved in the slightest. But on Liu Xianyang's side, Chen Ping'an seemed to be very persuasive.

The thing that made her feel the most unreasonable was that Liu Xianyang's heart was wider than the sky, but Chen Ping'an had a deep mind, one was too lazy to think about anything, even if the sky fell, he would not delay the matter at hand, one seemed to have a sesame on the side of the road. If you want to pick it up and figure out the origin, it is said that the friendship between friends can only last for a long time, but Liu and Chen have completely opposite personalities.

Liu Xianyang smiled and said, "Do you think it's strange?"

However, Shengyue knew that Liu Xianyang knew what she was thinking, and nodded, "Isn't it strange?"

Liu Xianyang shook his head, "It's not surprising, because he's always been the least timid and doesn't grow up."

Young Anneng grows young.

Chen Pingan can grow up young.