MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1265 Xu Yao Jiang Gong (recommended)

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Chapter 1265 Xu Yao Jiangong (recommended)

Chapter 1265

Qinmo wind chimes, soldiers under the city!

Under the leadership of nearly a thousand top players such as wind chimes, the Central Plains group has torn the lineup of hundreds of thousands of people in Persia with only 10,000 troops, and it is forced to go down the city.

In contrast, the other side, the big snake, the whirlwind Xiao Li, Mo Feng and other people led by the people is not so smooth!

Although the big snake pill and Mo Feng have the advantage of Wei Wei, it is difficult to defeat all the top experts of the wolf organization in a short time, and the progress is hundreds of meters behind.

The whirlwind Xiao Li, who has been taken care of by the evil emperor, can only be described as a wolf!

If you do not possess the mythical environment of cultivation and fighting the stars, this undead and strong strong tricks have long been targeted by the evil emperor several times.

of course!

The whirlwind Xiao Li can support it until now, because most of the evil spirits are happy.

The two people in the air vigorously played thousands of rounds still can not help each other!

The evil emperor single-mindedly pursued the whirlwind Xiao Li, and did not seem to notice the situation on the wind chime...

Until the bit of taking care of the whirlwind Xiao Li, the position here has changed subtly...

The situation has changed!

At this time, the wind chime has been pushed to the rear, and the position of the evil emperor just flashed between the happy and the wind chimes. The latter screamed happily, "Happy doorkeeper, you are fooled!!" ridiculed, unrelentingly withdrawing After flying, the laughter quickly leaps from the latter to the rear:

"The body of Jiuyin is a dead body, I see how long you can support Jinxiuheshan!"

The evil emperor never lowered his laughter, rolled like a thunder, and spread it all over the battlefield and into everyone's ears.

At the same time, Zhongyuan Qunxiong’s heart was squatting, and as soon as he looked up, he saw the two figures in front and behind, such as the electric rush to the direction of Shiva.


Many people have changed:

"Notify the piano! Go offline!!"

"Evil King!"

"Too sinister!"

The people of Jinxiu Heshan and Xiayi League know how vulnerable the body of Jiuyin is, and they have loudly warned.

However, it is difficult to get out of the fighting state on the battlefield, let alone the wind chimes are concentrated on the front line, the mind is ten points, completely immersed in the killing, and even not noticed the movements of hundreds of meters away;

The evil king is too fast!

The volley flies, and tens of meters in a flash, a blink of an eye flies over the sky within a hundred meters of the wind chime.


"Protect the wind chimes!!"

The whistle of the moon is not good.

Now even if you are out of combat, your body will not go offline immediately. It is inevitable that you will attack the evil emperor!

"Target evil king!"

Xiaoyue actually has a very bad feeling when it is pushed from the wind chime to the city. Because of the relationship between angle and distance, it is easy to become the target of the evil emperor. It is easy to fall, but when the momentum is like a rainbow, not only is he difficult to brake. Live, the wind chimes themselves have said that the duration of the nine-turn gold acupuncture points is not long, and it is difficult to be awakened by external things.

Hearing the naked laughter of the evil emperor, Xiaoyue knows that the most dangerous moment is coming, it is time for a group of people to show their strength...

One order:

"Get your hands on it!"

The sharp arrows and swords are released from the hands of a group of top players. The momentum is not much faster than the sound of the river before the momentum, and the murderous rushing to the evil emperor.

In the face of countless fierce attacks intertwined with the dense, the evil emperor smiled coldly, the ridiculous color of the face:

"A group of ants."

Quietly, the latter suddenly appeared in front of a huge vortex like a black hole.

Under the gaze of countless people, the attack of a group of people is like a mud cow entering the sea, without arousing a little bit of turbulence, so it disappears without a trace...


Upon seeing it, Xiaoyue’s face suddenly became pale:

This evil spirit is still the first time to display!

Obviously, when playing with happiness, the evil emperor obviously has hidden strength.

Seeing the evil emperor rushing for nearly tens of meters, Xiaoyue’s face became more and more ugly, and the voice was lowered to remind the surrounding brothers: “It’s dead, and you can’t let the wind bells go wrong!”

Roar! ! !

The group of heroes promised to gnash their teeth one by one, staring fiercely at the evil emperors flying over, and they all showed their death.

"Everything that is unsightly, let me go!"

The evil emperor saw a group of people, such as Xiaoyue, who wanted to act as a sandbag for the wind chime, and snorted, even the eyelids did not lift, and waved with one hand;


Without warning, a group of people swept like a waterfall that had been rolled up. They were pulled away from the ground and fell to all directions in all directions.


Including the Xiaoyue, at the same time, the evil spirit of the evil spirits trembled, and for a long time did not condense the internal force to get up.

"too strong!"

"We are not opponents at all!"

"Door! You can only rely on you!" Xiaoyue group of people struggled to look at the white figure in the air like a thunder, and there was still a hint of hope in his heart.

The only person who has not been affected is the wind chime.

At the moment when I felt the evil spirits smash the murder, most of the attention was suddenly transferred, and the target was locked. A circle of sound blades actively protected the body around and blocked the attack of the evil emperor.

"It's a bit of a skill."

The evil emperor gave a slight sigh, and finally saw that the state of the wind chime was unusual. His eyes swept away and swept over the nine golden needles at the top of the wind chime, and quickly understood what was going on.

“It turned out to be the one that motivated the potential.”

The evil king suddenly lost his curiosity and interest.

Since it is the power gained by stimulating the potential, the power of such hegemony is not sustainable for a long time, and it is not necessary to go there.

But the other party is a wind chime...

In the mind of the evil emperor, the sound of the independent world above Bai Xiaosheng emerged, and the corner of his lips was a cruel smile!

It is still fun for him to kill the body of Jiuyin.

Feeling the oppression from the rear happy, the evil emperor did not hesitate, turned his hand, and swept away to the wind bell that lost his defense.

The evil emperor did not notice that a group of people sanitation guarded a low-key woman who was the same in the place where the wind chimes were less than 50 meters away.

"Give me death."

With the cold emperor's cold drink.

It’s like a blue sky in the sky...

Heaven and earth are dimly dimmed.

A wild madness to the oppression of the heavens and the earth condensed into a deep black giant hand, silently pressed toward the wind chimes.

The moment when the evil emperor tried his best, the power between heaven and earth, including the wind chimes playing in the heavens and the earth, seemed to have lost the original power.

When! !

Countless sound edges cut into the black giant palm.

Seeing this scene, the happy face suddenly became very ugly...

Magic hand!

This is the highest level of attack in the Daoist Devil's Law. Its characteristics can't be countered, it can't be offset, and it has an extremely overbearing effect.

This is to set the wind bell to death, not giving the slightest chance!

Seeing this scene, even if it is happy, I feel a sigh of relief to the eyes of the blind.

expensive! ! !

A dragon scream...

The evil king's figure was slightly stagnation, just a moment of stagnation, but the black giant palm did not stop stagnation and continued to shoot the wind chimes.

The crisis is coming!

The pair of wind chimes that were killed by the killings finally recovered a bit of clarity.

Seeing the black pressure of the giant palm rushed to the door, hands clenched the heavenly magic piano, buckled on the knees...

Snapped! !

Press the piano with both hands!

The music is abruptly stopped!

boom! ! ! !

The mellow and magnificent violin is like a huge jade plate, which is two meters in front of the wind bell...

But the black giant palm touched the top, and immediately oozing into the ice layer as venom quickly eroded it.

The technique of Qinqin taught by the sect of the sect of the sect was not able to stop the sign of the evil king.

Seeing here, the wind chimes in the eyes first flashed a stunned color, then the pupils were slightly open, hands loosened from the strings, closed eyes, waiting for relief.


Five years!

It is enough to kill a large number of top wolves in the final stage.

Next, I will hand it over to you.

The moment I closed my eyes, I saw a happy figure in the gap of the wind chime...

Completely closed for a moment.

Suddenly familiar piano sounds rush into the ear!


The wind chimes are dazzling!


Seeing that the last means of the wind chime was defeated by himself, the wind chime himself also died and closed his eyes. The evil emperor had a kind of regain control of everything and victory.

The evil emperor feels in his heart:

In order to wait for this moment, he has been forbearing for too long...

Sacrificed too many brothers of the wolf organization!

a wind chime, a nine-negative vein;

As long as they can win from this battle, those sacrifices and sacrifices will not be lost.


Another rhythm of the rhythm of the rhythm suddenly shocked him, his brow jumped, and instantly locked in a group of people 50 meters away, a figure of knees and acupuncture.


There is a more virtuous gong in the sensation...

The black giant palm is blocked again!



A loud bang, the black giant palm was smashed by the force that vented it.

The whole process is completed in an instant.

Seeing that his most proud blow was blocked, the evil emperor browed and couldn't believe his eyes.

Who is that woman?

The evil emperor is full of questions.

When can your own attack be offset?


Xiaoyue and others liked more surprises and surprises. They looked forward to lifting the wind chimes in the field and stuffing the pill into a pill.


But unfortunately...

No one explained anything.

Some people do not intend to give him more chances to verify.

Happy distance from the evil emperor is only a stone's distance. At full speed, he has already come to the top of the wind chime. He does not intend to give him a second chance to shoot.


The space is slightly turbulent.

The time of the broken palm was completely broken by the shock, and the evil emperor was also shaken back and flew back a dozen meters before stopping.

The crisis of the wind chimes was temporarily lifted.

The evil emperor’s eyes are cold:

"The person I want to kill, you can't keep it!" In the middle of the conversation, the backhand is shot straight down.

boom! ! !

There are no opportunities for happy reactions.

Xu Yao, as well as a group of top-level masters who protected her, did not have the chance to scream, and was directly shocked by the full force of the evil emperor.

To solve the problem of ruining his own good deeds, the evil emperor's eyes are cold, and he re-bets the body of the pale wind chimes under the happy heart: "You already know, I have always had hidden strength... From now on, I have to be serious."

Seeing this scene, I only feel that the blood in my chest is instantly ignited!

An inexplicable flame burns silently! !

"is it?"

The icy words spit out from the mouth of happiness:

"To each other."