MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1230 Suspended tower, air hegemony (first more)

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Chapter 1230 Suspension Tower, Air Hegemony (First)

Chapter 1230

Whirlwind Xiao Li, Da Snake Pill.

The moment when the two names got into the ear, I was very happy, and I immediately recovered, ignoring the strange eyes cast by the phantom. To Ji Feng said: "The two men have entered the final battle?"


Ji Feng replied: "Not only entered, but also among the top 100, the most promising person who won the knives and songs."

"...oh?" Happy to sink.

Mo Feng’s strength is clear, his personal understanding and strength are quite good, he lost his martial art, he is specialized in martial arts, and he is among the top experts. There is no doubt about it;

The whirlwind Xiao Li was only noticed by the Song Dynasty when he first gathered at the Longmen Inn. He rescued the Murong family and handed it to the whirlwind Xiao Li. It is estimated that the latter is because of this. The reason is that the patriarch and several elders of the elders are valued and taught "Turning the Stars";


At present, it is difficult to get rid of the talents of the top players by the "Turning the Stars". Is this guy having a chance?

Seems to be aware of the doubts of happiness, Ji Feng timely interpretation:

"Mo Feng is the master of the chivalrous door. The big snake pill is the murderer on the list of demons. Only the whirlwind Xiao Li is silent, but the door owner is in the strange whirlwind Xiao Li?"

"Do you seem to know the reason?"

"A detailed investigation of the people who may get the knives and sorrows under the door is a matter of the next. The Jinxiu River can not be preceded by the people who have been cherished by unidentified people." Ji Feng explained.

"..." flashed a touch of appreciation, and nodded happily.

Ji Feng was greatly encouraged.

"Mo Feng, Dashe Pills have obvious information to check, but the whirlwind Xiao Li is unknown, but this time suddenly suddenly emerged, it seems that because of the Murong family's treasure of the town, "Take the Star Shift", but also acquired the evil Sending Stars and Daddy's "Sucking Stars Dafa."



"The Battle of the Stars" is a peerless martial arts that does not require cultivation. It is purely based on comprehension and manipulation. It is equivalent to a trick of stealth. It is unfortunate that "Sucking Star Dafa" is also such a martial art.

"When the whirlwind Xiao Li started to study around the altar, the skills were still very rusty, and occasionally he would be defeated by the super-class opponents..."

Ji Feng continues to explain:

"But he fought hundreds of battles every day. The two martial arts merged very quickly. They have formed their own tactics. Even if the top masters encounter them, they are also very painful. They are suppressed when they are accidentally, so they are quickly shot. Famous."

"Fighting to the Stars" can easily reverse the attacks of opponents in the same realm, tough and soft, no pressure to grow up in the heads-up battle, skills can be quickly started;

"Sucking Star Dafa" can easily inhale the internal forces of opponents in the same realm, supplement and upgrade itself, the enemy is weak and strong, and it is easy to form a repression;

The two mundane martial arts complement each other. It is no wonder that in the short period of time, they can be promoted to become the top leaders. Even if it is the old blood coat, I am afraid that it will only be suppressed in the face of the whirlwind Xiao Li.


Happy in the bottom of my heart blessed the brother.

“How is the big snake pill?”

Wen Yan, Ji Feng's pupils shrink: "In fact, the most worrying thing now is that the big snake pill has won the plaque of the knives."

"This person is a famous murderer on the list of demons, and he acts violently, and he does whatever means. In a few years, there are countless murders. The martial arts are indignant. If this person gets the knives of the knives and songs, I think, for our splendid rivers and mountains. Not as much benefit as expected."

"..." Hearing Ji Feng's evaluation, he nodded silently.

I haven’t had a face with the big snake pill here. The latter’s acting method is likely to get out of the Jinxiu River and continue to live a life of joy and happiness.

“How is the strength of the big snake?”

"When you fight with Mo Feng, you seem to have to keep your hands, and the rest of the people are fighting and unbeaten." Ji Feng replied very succinctly, with a hint of insecurity and dignity in his tone: "This kind of person, invading the Central Plains in the wild wolf At that time, I have never made any effort. I think we can use this as a reason to cancel his qualifications for participation and deprive him of his qualification for being devoid of the knives."

"No, we Jinxiu Heshan welcomes all the masters of the two schools of the righteous and evil to join the Yulin army. The spearhead is unanimous. If he dares to make a disadvantage to the beautiful mountains and rivers, it will be detrimental to the Central Plains. I will give him a chance to get the knives of the knives, but no Opportunity to enjoy."

Some words from the happy mouth, the wind is light, but Ji Feng heard the heart shaking, feeling the resolute and confident of the heart, and slightly pointed his head: "The subordinate knows how to do it."

Knowing what to do, means doing nothing.

However, Ji Feng was deeply shocked by the heart and heart of happiness!

Using a knives that are lacking in the knives and songs to test a person's heart, how many people in the Central Plains still come to work?

After a while, Ji Feng whispered:

"The door owner is bigger than time."

"Then start." Happy to be very natural.


Ji Feng agitated his throat: "This is your host."


Happy as a dream.

Bai Xiaosheng smiles, gently rocking the fan;

Next to the phantom, Lin Biao did not dare to laugh;


"The big ratio begins."

"The contestants enter!"

Under the eyes of the public, happy straight up from the host, with a majestic voice, clear for a long time echoed over the arena.


Seeing that I am happy to finish the opening speech, Ji Feng tears like rain:

A simple opening statement.

However, since the owner has ordered, he does not dare to neglect.

boom! ! !

In the crowd, the boiling passages of the central area have walked out more than 20 men and women of good temperament.

"Mo wind!!"

" Xiaoyue!!"

"Tyrannosaurus!!" "Big Snake Pills..." "Little Li..."

The crowds are boiling and the sound is getting louder and louder. Many people shout the names of their optimistic people in their seats;

The entire arena is completely boiling!

Under the eyes of the public, the top masters of the 100 Jinxiu Rivers were scattered in the central open space of the arena with a diameter of nearly 400 meters, and they were rounded, each maintaining a certain distance.

"Please fall down!!"

The clear and majestic voice once again played from the stage.


Ji Feng is very close to this match.

The voice just fell, the central area of ​​the arena, a piece of half-man thick marble plate smoothed from the front of the top of the top of the Jinxiu River.


Two pieces!

The marble slabs with a length and width of less than ten meters square are suspended from the arena, and the sound of boiling in the arena suddenly falls back;

Everyone stared at the marble on the arena, which was raised step by step, and they were not connected to each other.

The arena opened for the first time!

This strange picture is also the first time I saw...

When the third batch of marbles rose to a height of ten meters, three hundred pieces of similarly sized marble plates were suspended in the arena.

However, the three hundred marble plates are ascending from the periphery to the center, and now only occupy the outer periphery of the arena, and far from enriching the entire arena.

However, the marble slabs suspended from the open space continue to increase!

five hundred……

Seven hundred!

one thousand!

When the last piece of marble board with a 50-meter square rises slowly, and it is fixed at the top of the numerous marble plates that are rising in abundance, the shape of an aerial pyramid like a tomb is completely shaped!

hiss! !

Not only the audience, but even the participants were shocked by the unique downfall in front of them...

Mo Feng, Xiaoyue, Tyrannosaurus, Dashen Pill, Whirlwind Xiao Li and so on, looked at the shocking scene in front of him, growing up his mouth:

"real or fake?"

"Will you compete on this..."

"Don't you fall off?"

When the crowds talked differently, the happy voice sounded again:

"...There is a sub-master of Ji Feng asking everyone to explain the rules of this big ratio!"

In a word, everyone in the arena erects their ears!

Including those who are confident and confident to participate in the big masters, they erect their ears and look at the direction of the host, for fear that they missed the half-word message.


Ji Feng cleared the scorpion:

"Everyone saw it. The four sides of the arena are the outstanding disciples of the 100 Jinxiu Rivers and Mountains that we are vying for."

"Whether this victory or defeat, the 100 elites who entered the top 100, each will receive 50,000 gold, a magic weapon, a magic weapon!"

As soon as this statement came out, countless gang leaders who came to observe the ceremony blushed and bowed their heads:

Rich yin!

"Although there is only one person who can get the vouchers of the knives and songs, and get a very high glory, but..."

"We will be the best of the ten brothers in this battle, and each of them will reward a top-class soldier!"

In a few words, the eyes of countless Jinxiu Heshan disciples suddenly became hot.

The best soldier!

Another unexpected reward! !

Countless servants of the gang’s heart are suffering:

"You dare not add more chips!" Even the gangs of these gangs, there are few of them.

"The following rules are announced..." Ji Feng felt the enthusiasm in the arena, and timely stated the big ratio rule:

"This tower in front of you is your downfall!"

"At the top of the tower, a token will be placed!"

“People who come down the tower will lose their qualifications!”

"The way to win is simple... you just have to beat everyone else and grab the token."

As soon as this statement came out, the group changed.

Doesn't that mean to fight?

This kind of battle, who will first shoot who died... How to fight when?

At this moment, Ji Feng’s secret smile:

"Of course, in order to avoid the danger of someone fishing, we have set up two methods! Who gets the token, and has more than three minutes of time is not easy to use, but also the knives that are lacking in the knives; the other is that the token is intact. Brought to the front of the door, you can also directly exchange the vouchers for the knives."