MTL - Sweetest Top Actress in My Home-Chapter 796 Looks like I'm interested?

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Biquge, the fastest update of the super sweetest chapter of my movie!

Later, Jiang Yuning smoothed Zheng Dong's news and spread it directly inside the light and shadow, and Yu Shaowei's resources were easily snatched back by her, and Pang Zizhe had no opinion at all. Although Zheng Dong did raise an objection to the board of directors, everyone in the company knew that he was unreasonable.

Jiang Yuning took the company system to suppress Zheng Dong's death, and during this time, the twirling wolf tiger and leopard were imprinted with a seal.

When Jiang Yuning first came in, the people in Guangying didn't think she was very important, but in the past few months when she went home to give birth and gave birth, everyone saw the difference between Jiang Yuning's presence and absence.

After the meeting, Gu Pingsheng met Jiang Yuning alone, and the fatigue he showed was also visible to the naked eye: "I'm old, it's useless, and light and shadow are in a situation like this, I'm powerless and don't want to control it anymore. For a little benefit, for decades Your friends are yelling at each other, behind the knife, girl, do you know how tired I am? "

Jiang Yuning didn't speak.

"I mentioned before that I want to give you light and shadow, what is your thought?"

"Well, Shouyi is only half a year old now, do you think I can handle it?" Jiang Yuning shied away with his son as an excuse. "But ... I have a suitable candidate here to recommend."

"Who?" Gu Pingsheng leaned back in his chair and asked.

"My brother, Ku Jie, is also Jiang Muyang. In just a few years, he can make X the number one in the circle. You should not doubt his ability, and the artist information he has in his hands. For light and shadow, it is a huge wealth. Moreover, no one else knows that my brother is a well-known dude. I thought he was a layman. If he can take over light and shadow, it will be very useful for removing the tumor of light and shadow. help."

Jiang Yuning said so many things, boasting that Ku Jie was so wild, but Gu Pingsheng was not fooled.

"Your brother is fine, but can he sit here and work honestly? I believe you have a ghost."

Moreover, Gu Pingsheng estimates that Kuye's industry is absolutely huge and unthinkable by others. Will he rarely come to the office?

"It's hard to say, what if he has a wind?"

Gu Ping was anxious, but it would not be difficult for a strong man. He also knew Jiang Yuning's situation, so he waved his hand: "Go back to work first. If you are really tired, look back and know that it is time to find me."

Jiang Yuning saw Gu Pingsheng rubbing his eyebrows and cared, "Well, aren't you comfortable?"

"During this time, I always feel tired and sometimes dizzy."

"Then I remind President Shen and let him arrange a medical examination for you."

Gu Pingsheng was an old child. There was only one child in the family, and the mother of the child was still divorced abroad. If there was anything good about him, Jiang Yuning would be anxious, so she took this matter to heart.

After returning to the office, she called Ku Jie again. Even if she was a mother, she was still the child in front of Ku Jie.

"Brother ... I want to tell you something. Hope, you won't want to kill me."

"No, Shouyi still needs a mother. I can spare you for the time being." Ku Jie answered coolly.

Jiang Yuning knows what kind of character her brother is. In fact, he is cynical and dislikes restraint. If he really wants him to take over the light and shadow, he must be thousands of unwilling, so after thinking about it, she dismissed her thoughts: "It's all right."

"Say, or do you want me to call Lu Jingzhi?"

Well, it doesn't seem to matter, so Jiang Yuning told Gu Jiesheng and Guangying about the situation of Ku Jie, and at the end, he asked tentatively: "Well ... am I too whimsical? Then, you finally got free. I still want to bind you with light and shadow, brother, just treat me like you said nothing. "

"Looks like I'm interested?"

"Ah?" Jiang Yuning froze, because what she had thought before was that it was impossible.

"I said, I'm interested." Ku Jie replied patiently.

"Don't it be because of me ..."

"No one, it's what I think."

Jiang Yuning never thought that he would agree. For a while, I didn't know what to answer. However, Ku Jie said at this time, "I'll talk to Gu Yan, just like that, tomorrow night, I'll come and watch Shouyi."

Jiang Yuning hung up the phone, and still couldn't believe it. She just mentioned it in front of her, and she knew that Ku Jie's mindset would never be able to sit in the office to endure restraints, so what exactly made him Changed your mind?


Jiang Yuning thought about it before, and there was no other better answer.

However, because she returned to her post, many employees of Light and Shadow all took a reassurance.

The outside world has always thought that after giving birth, Jiang Yuning should have a spleen nature, and her mind is now on the child. Even if she returns to light and shadow, she will not be as fierce and rigid as before. On the first day of return, the powerful directors grabbed resources and everything seemed to be unchanged. But is she really able to stabilize the chaos of light and shadow?

This point, both Gu Pingsheng and Shen Yichen have a deep understanding, Jiang Yuning has this ability, but she may not have this mind and energy.

She wanted to train anyone without difficulty, but she should not be willing to let her clean up the old complex of light and shadow.

At this time, Gu Pingsheng and Shen Yichen both hoped that there would be a person with outstanding ability to descend from the sky and preside over the overall situation.


The breeze at night makes this summer look less stuffy.

Shou Yi fell asleep just now, Jiang Yuning was washing, and at this time Shen Yichen suddenly called and said that Gu Pingsheng fainted at home and was being taken to the hospital at this time.

Jiang Yuning thought of seeing him in the daytime, his face was pale and exhausted, he said it himself, and he was dizzy recently. So the couple did not dare to delay, and then rushed to the hospital.

I'm addicted to alcohol, and good tea.

After years of suffering, his body has been in a sub-healthy state for a long time.

The doctor completed a round of examinations for him, and quickly told the results of the test to Jiang Yuning: "At present, it is a liver problem. How serious is it? We have to wait for a detailed report. The family members must be prepared. It may be Cirrhosis. "

After hearing a few people, they were all stunned.

"I'm watching here tonight. Your husband and wife will go back two times. Now the family still has children to take care of, and the young master Gu also needs to appease me. I am single and have nothing to worry about. It is best to stay here. Take care of Gu Pingsheng's burden.

"I'm staying, gnawing that little guy at home, and more listening to you." Lu Jingzhi knew that Shen Yichen and Gu Pingsheng were as close as father and son, but this was also his only encounter.

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