MTL - Sweet Seduction! Attractive Wife Sets Fire to Mr. Ji’s Heart-Chapter 216 This article is important

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  Chapter 216, this one is very important

   "Okay, what will you do next? I think you are quite poisoned by the way you look now, or should I ask for leave to play with you?"

  Lin Miaoyin thinks that Ji Jinxin becomes a love brain because there is no one around Ji Jinxin, if someone goes with her to play.

  Ji Jinxin may not get into it, nor will he say that he puts his heart on the other party.

   "No, should you go to school or go back to school, don't worry about me, I'm going to visit my sister-in-law in a few days."

  Ji Jinxin waved her hand. She didn't want Lin Miaoyin to stop work and stay with her. She planned to go out to play in a few days, so she could go to her elder brother and sister-in-law.

   I heard that her brother put down all the company affairs and went to film with his sister-in-law. Isn't this too enviable?

  However, it is estimated that Lin Tezhu is the only one who is miserable. Ji Jinxin laughed out loud after thinking about it. Facing Ji Jinxin who suddenly laughed out loud, Lin Miaoyin looked bewildered.

   "What's so funny to think of?"

  Lin Miaoyin was a little puzzled, Ji Jinxin was fine just now, why did she suddenly laugh? Did you think of something fun?

   "Hahahaha, Yinyin, do you still remember my cousins?"

  Seeing that Lin Miaoyin was so curious, Ji Jinxin couldn't help her desire to share. She poured herself a cup of tea, took a big sip, and then began to talk about the latest interesting things.

"Yinyin, don't you know that my brother is so stupid. He accompanied my sister-in-law to the filming. He threw the company directly to Lin Tezhu. It's fine to throw the company to Lin Tezhu. All the cousins ​​were taken away, not even the youngest little cousin was spared."

  Ji Jinxin began to laugh as she spoke. Every time she thinks about it, she finds it very funny.

   After all, none of the majors studied by those cousins ​​can be equated with the management company.

   It's too miserable to be taken away at once, and she can't be blamed for being too gloating. After all, anyone who puts this kind of thing on him will laugh.

   "Isn't it, are they all taken away? Isn't your brother too cruel?"

  After listening to Ji Jinxin's description, Lin Miaoyin almost couldn't laugh out loud. Isn't this too stupid?

  It’s too funny to take the vacation by myself, spend the vacation with my wife, and just pull my cousins ​​away and let them go to work.

   "Who says no, I'm a little thankful that I am sick, otherwise I might be dragged away. I don't want to go to the company!"

  Ji Jinxin patted her chest while talking, she was a little lucky, if she was dragged to the company as a coolie, it would be cool.

  Although she said she didn't hate her own stuff, after all, it belonged to her own family, but she didn't want to work in the company.

  When she was in college, she deliberately chose her favorite painting major, and she did not choose finance major, so as not to be dragged into the company when it was time.

  Now I just want to accept manuscripts by myself and entertain occasionally. There is no need to immerse myself in the role of a worker all the time.

  Because of this reason, she spends more time with her parents at home, and spends more time with herself and entertainment.

   "Tsk tsk tsk, you are happy. There are so many brothers in the family, as long as one of them takes over, you won't be needed. I will be different..."

  The more Lin Miaoyin talked, the more she felt envious. She and Ji Jinxin's family situation is similar, and the other party has many more brothers than him.

  She doesn't have an older brother, only a younger brother, and the younger brother is still young, so she, the older sister, has to be responsible for managing the company.

  Although she doesn’t have a favorite major, she doesn’t like finance either. No, she had to choose because of family reasons.

  The younger brother in the family is still young, and her father and mother are about to retire. As the eldest sister, she should be able to take responsibility, so she has no choice but to give up her more youthful major.

  She is currently studying while working. She has too much knowledge to further study, so she has to help manage the company in her spare time.

  Father will give her some rights, and she will also participate in some more important projects and work hard with the project team.

  Although she doesn't like this major, she still has talent, and the company's performance has been rising rapidly recently. After the company stabilizes, she probably won't put too much attention on the company.

   "Brother Ozawa is not young anymore. He is about to enter high school, and he can almost start to contact the company's business. You can talk to your uncle and aunt and let him promote business in advance."

   Speaking of this matter, Ji Jinxin thought of Lin Miaoyin's younger brother, that very handsome high school student. Ji Jinxin lived in Lin's family for a while, and his relationship with his younger brother was quite good.

  This younger brother may look very cold on the surface, but he is actually a gentle person. Ji Jinxin had a very good first impression of this younger brother, and he always thought that this younger brother was a particularly good person.

  If Ji Jinxin hadn't been living in her heart at that time, she would have wanted to attack that brother who was one or two years younger than herself.

   "I have this idea. I will tell my dad about it. Ozawa is not too young. It is time to enter the company to hone it. At that time, I may learn other skills."

  Lin Miaoyin told her her plan. She planned it from the beginning, as long as her younger brother enters the company's familiar business and can slowly keep up with the company's business.

  She would directly choose to let go. I didn't follow her all the time. She didn't care about things like managing the company. The reason why she joined the company was because of her parents.

   If her younger brother can support the sky, then she is very happy to let go. He is not as tired as a fool managing the company, so she doesn't want to put herself in it

   "What do you want to do? Will this beauty consider taking me?"

  Hearing that Lin Miaoyin had other plans, Ji Jinxin's eyes lit up in an instant. She was very boring and had no fun, so she would definitely go.

   "I haven't thought about it yet. I'll tell you when I think about it. There is a nice store in front of me. Let's go in and have a look. Maybe we can pick something we like."

  Lin Miaoyin, you have to speak out what's in your heart, she's actually not sure about it herself, she hopes to wait until she's sure before telling you Ji Jinxin about this kind of thing.

   Avoid time to make the other party happy for nothing.


  Ji Jinxin was very excited, she didn't forget that someone's birthday is coming soon, and she hasn't prepared this gift yet!

  Although it is an online dating and a long-distance relationship, Ji Jinxin will not choose gifts for the other party for this reason.

  Now that you have become a boyfriend and girlfriend, whether it is an online dating or a long-distance relationship, you need to pay attention to it.

  Ji Jinxin has been looking at gifts recently. There are too many gifts for girls. Lipstick, bag, shoes and clothes are fine.

  But it’s not always the case for boys. There are too few gifts that boys can receive. Ji Jinxin has been struggling all the time, and doesn’t know what to give.

  She didn't know who to ask, so she could only collect relevant content from the whole Internet, and then go to find out one by one, see if it works?

Good night



  (end of this chapter)