MTL - Sweet Beauty-Chapter 7 False and real

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What does Geng Yun mean? how?

Ah Shu was stunned for a while, surprised. She tried her best to marry Geng Yun without repeating the same mistakes in this life. She only hoped that she and her brother and sister-in-law could live in peace. How could she fall short at this time?

She suppressed the panic in her heart and thought quickly.

After Zhang Hou released the rumor that she was conquering Dixing, Geng Yun had already accepted her thoughts and took the initiative to marry her to Liu Yu. Moreover, he didn't show up for the wedding ceremony yesterday. She and him were not acquainted with each other. Since she said that she wanted to stay in Chang'an today, she should have nothing to do with her. .

Thinking of this, she gradually calmed down, no longer panicked, and her eyes were clear.

Since it was just a test, her decision to stay at this time all depended on Liu Yu's attitude.

She lowered her brows and rose without saying a word. She closed the door and went to the wall to fetch a large and small lacquer box and put it on the table. She knelt down and opened it solemnly, and handed it to him, saying: "Your Majesty, please see."

Liu Yu raised his eyebrows, looked at her, and looked down.

In that lacquer box, there was only a clean red azure-rimmed gold embroidered cloud-patterned robe neatly stacked, and there was nothing else.

His eyes flashed, his face suddenly gloomy, his fists clenched, the blue veins on his forehead throbbing, as if trying to restrain the pain and hatred in his heart.

That robe was the thing of his elder brother Liu Xun. It was often worn when he entered the palace for audiences and court meetings. Thinking about it, it was the robe he wore when he was killed in Weiyang Palace that day.

"Brother's relics, where did you get them?" After a long while, he spoke with difficulty.

Ashu worshipped and said, "Your majesty atonement, concubine made up her own mind. A month ago, I sent someone to quietly collect the corpse for my brother. It has been out of Chang'an for a few days now, and it should be on the way to Dongjun."

At this moment, Liu Xiong had no more kindness in front of others. He narrowed his eyes and scrutinized her sharply until he looked at her eyes and asked, "Why did you collect the corpse for your brother? Did the queen mother ask you to do it?"

That day, the corpse of the elder brother was hanged at the gate of the city and displayed to the public, which was a great shame. But he was always compelled by the situation, not only could he not show any hatred, but after his brother was thrown into the wilderness, he could not even send someone to collect the corpse and make him return to his hometown.

He bowed his head to the enemy every day, and it was doubly tormented. Now he suddenly heard the newlywed wife, who only entered his door yesterday, say that she had already sent someone to collect the body of her brother and arrange the funeral. He was both surprised and suspicious.

She is the daughter of the Queen Mother, and he does not believe that she will be kind.

Ashu met his sharp, blade-like gaze, and even though she was terrified, she still tried her best to straighten her back and not tremble. She met his eyes and said quietly, "The day I knew I was going to marry the king, I would marry Ashu. Brother to discuss. Brother said, Da Situ is a hero in the world, with the style of the great ancestor, but he was murdered by a traitor. It is a pity. Since I want to be the wife of the king, why not take action for the king and do everything that has not been done? If the king If you don't like it, just condone the crime, and the concubine has no complaints."

Her false brother's name was actually mentioned that day by her sister-in-law and her sister-in-law. The servants raised by her elder brother Fang Ling's family quietly squatted outside the city for more than a month, until Zhang Hou and Geng Yun's people left, Fang moved quietly, Send the body out of the city.

She didn't say anything about the hardships and setbacks involved, but at this moment, she had to wait for him to make a choice.

If he believed it, he would know the difficulty of this matter. No matter what his old hatred was, he would still be grateful for what happened today;

She was betting, betting that he could understand her sincere gestures, betting that he could see that the Zhao family, Empress Zhang, Geng Yun, etc., were not on the same page.

Liu Yu pursed his lips without saying a word, still scrutinizing it carefully.

For a long time, until her back became cold, he slowly looked away, drank the buttermilk again, and said, "Today in the Weiyang Palace, the Da Sima asked me why I was wearing a filial piety for my brother in private, and I never took off the wedding ceremony. I am dissatisfied with the Queen Mother and Her Majesty."

Ah Shu didn't understand it at first, but then suddenly recalled it, and quickly said seriously: "Your Majesty, the concubine has never said much."

No wonder he has been so indifferent since he came back, so he thought she had come to Zhang Houwai to tell the truth! This is a huge injustice, and it must not be accepted in vain.

Liu Yu suddenly smiled and said in a low voice, "Zhao Ji, I know, it's not you." He raised his eyes and glanced at the closed doors and windows, his tone became softer, "But there are always a few pairs of eyes around, which cannot be clean. "

He put down the lacquer cup in his hand, Shi Shiran got up, straightened his clothes, and said with a smile, "If you can think of a way, I might as well take you out of Chang'an."

After all, just leave.

Ah Shu looked at his back until it disappeared, and Fang fell into deep thought.

Since he knew it wasn't her doing, why did he want her to think of something? Could it be that someone was by her side?

As soon as the idea came out, she seemed to think of something, and her eyes couldn't help but look at several maids who came from her dowry.

Because of the rush of the wedding, apart from three or two of her dowry servants who came with her from Handan and had been with her for many years, there were still several concubines who were brought from the Zhao clan who lived in the house when she was married. On that day, the elder brother wanted to send another person from Handan, but the uncle of the other clan was very attentive, so he chose several servants and women to be with her on the spot.

Because of her kindness, she suffered. I didn't take it to heart at the time, but now that I think about it, it's very inappropriate.

She then put Queer in and explained in detail: "Today, let the new comers do more heavy work. The more tired they are, the better. It's better to let them have no time to watch and complain every day."

Queer was amazed: "Ashu, why is this?"

"Does Queer want to go back to Handan?"

Queer heard the words, her eyes lit up, and she nodded vigorously: "Think! Chang'an's food is really not as good as Handan!"

Ah Shu laughed: "Then do as I say, don't say a word to others."

After the two of them finished speaking, Fang recruited the others and continued to clean up the boxes in the house.

I don't know which one suddenly wondered: "How did the king's clothes fall here?"

I saw that in the quilt that Liu Yu had cleaned up by himself early in the morning, there was actually a piece of cloth hidden in it, which was the filial piety clothes he wore last night!

Ah Shu was stunned for a moment, but then she recalled it, and her anger rose from the bottom of her heart.

When he was newly married last night, he knew that someone was watching, but as soon as he entered the bedroom, he took off his wedding clothes and revealed his filial clothes. Originally, she didn't take it seriously, she only said that he drank too much, and his mind was no longer clear, so Fang was a little more impulsive.

Today, he must have expected that when he enters the Weiyang Palace, he will be tempted by Zhang Hou and Geng Yun. Mingming had already thought of a countermeasure, he took off his filial attire in advance, hid it in the house, and then entered the palace, but when he came back, he pretended to be angry, deceived her and made her feel guilty and panicked, and he was in a hurry to show her kindness, and taught her that she was completely in the same place. Weak, even more foolishly, he thought that he really planned to leave her in Chang'an and go to Hebei alone.

It should be noted that even if Geng Yun seriously mentioned to keep her, it was just a trap for temptation, just waiting for Liu Yu to enter the pit. Liu Yuruo really agreed to keep himself, then he really showed his dissatisfaction with this marriage and fell into Geng Yun's trick!

It was only her fault that when she heard that she wanted to stay in Chang'an, she lost her balance and was easily confused by him.

This man is really hateful!

As the sun entered, the sky turned dark, and Liu Yufang returned from outside the mansion.

Caixing went a few feet outside the dormitory, and heard scolding from inside the room: "...even the bath soup is so hot, when the king comes back, how will you take a bath? You can't do such trivial things well, what's the use of you? "

Although the voice was still clear and pleasant to the ear, it was a bit domineering because of his bad words, and it was annoying for no reason.

Liu Yu couldn't help frowning, stepping into the door, and seeing that A Shu, who was originally submissive and gentle, was now condescending and yelling at Yi Yi, without the slightest dignified appearance of a big family woman.

A-shu caught a glimpse of him entering, but she didn't hold back at all. Instead, she stepped forward to meet him and complained: "My concubine thinks that the king must take a bath when he returns, so these two maids prepare hot soup, but they are filled with so much heat. Water, does this teach the king how to bathe?"

Seeing how different she looked from Bai Ri, Liu Yu raised his eyebrows and followed her to the bath room, and sure enough, he saw hot air rising from the tub.

He stretched out his hand and instinctively retracted his hand. He nodded and said, "It's really hot, where is this bath soup?"

The second woman had been bullied by Queer for a whole day. She had lost her energy because of her age. She couldn't bear to be scolded like this again. It was only because the queen said that the king might not return for some time, and the water should be warmer. When the king came back, it just happened to be cold, so the maid brought two more buckets of hot water. Who knows... Because of the day's work, the arms will be temporarily Failing to do so.”

If it was in the past, Ashu would have not pursued it. Today, she refused to forgive, and said to Liu Yu in an arrogant manner: "Look at your majesty, not only did these two not admit their mistakes, but they even scolded the concubine."

Liu Yu had an epiphany and immediately obeyed her, pretending to be helpless and saying, "The queen is so angry, how do you want to deal with these two?"

Ashu glanced coldly at the frightened two, and then said, "I see, it's useless to keep it, each stick is 20, and send it back to my uncle's house."

The two women looked at each other and cried and begged for mercy.

Liu Yu said, "Just follow the princess's wishes and bring people down."

Outside, a healthy woman entered, and the two of them were pulled out, and they walked further and further away.

When there were only two people left in the room, A Shu's arrogant and arrogant appearance immediately disappeared, and the jade-carved face showed a bit of coldness.

"So, can the king be satisfied?"

Just now, she took advantage of her arrogant and arrogant impression in the eyes of the Queen Mother, deliberately blaming these two ears and eyes, and took the opportunity to drive people out of the Da Situ Mansion, just as he said in the daytime to take her out of the city.

Liu Xiu noticed the change in her mood almost instantly, and nodded with a smile: "Ji Congmin, this method is wonderful."

Ah Shu glanced at him and said coldly, "Then does the king allow his concubine to go to Hebei with him?"

Liu Xiu heard her increasingly undisguised indifference, Fang was convinced that she was indeed angry.


After listening to his calm reply, Ah Shu finally couldn't help it, and asked directly with some anger: "My concubine only asks one question, Your Majesty, did Da Sima seriously mention that he wants to keep his concubine in Chang'an?"

Liu Yu looked at her bright black water eyes, undisguised suspicion and indignation, slightly startled.

She had obviously guessed that what he said during the day was actually somewhat false.

When I first saw her yesterday, I thought she was a very ordinary daughter of a powerful and powerful family in addition to her outstanding appearance. Even today, in the daytime, I only thought that she was submissive, gentle, and cautious, but she was slightly more intelligent than ordinary women. But now it seems that it is very angular, plus the fact that she is arrogant and arrogant, and it is hard to see what kind of woman she is.

Many thoughts flashed in his heart, but he didn't show it at all, just nodded and said, "Of course it's true."

This is true, Geng Yun did ask him if he would like to leave Zhao Ji behind to fulfill her kinship with the Queen Mother.

However, before he could answer, Zhang Hou could not say anything. He also only followed the meaning of the chapter, and on the one hand was grateful to Dade, and on the other hand pretended to be shy and happy.

Ah Shu stared at his expression stubbornly, as if trying to discern the truth in his words.

But he really did not leak. For a long time, she did not detect any clues, but a thin layer of mist appeared in a pair of eyes, as if containing smoke and dew.

"My concubine has been home for a long time. If your majesty has an order, just say it clearly, and the concubine should obey. But in this matter, I really can't tolerate the slightest false statement." Tears in her eyes were about to fall, as if she was trying to endure it, and she became more and more charming. Weak and tactful, "The concubine is stupid, and I can still understand the king's intentions today. If I get the wrong intention in the future, wouldn't it make the king's only more troubles?"

Liu Xiong frowned, this woman is very good at learning both hard and soft skills.

At first, he still looked indignant, but after a short while, he changed into an aggrieved look before he changed his face. Comparing the two in this way, it seems that she is an upright gentleman, but he is a lovable villain.

Thinking of this, his eyes darkened. This woman is very strange.

It's just that he remembered that she seemed to be inexplicably afraid of him, but when she encountered something resentful, she didn't care about being afraid, and it happened in front of him.

In the end, she is not deeply involved in the world, or she still has a child's heart. Thinking of her past home, she must be the jewel in the palm of her father and brother, and she is extremely fond of her.

Yes, with such a snow-skinned beauty, who would not love or pity?

It's a pity that she married him.

Liu Yu gave birth to a half pity, and finally reached out and rubbed the top of her black and soft hair, sighing: "I didn't lie to you, Da Sima did mention to keep you in Chang'an, but was rejected by the queen mother, I naturally won't stay. You are here. Tomorrow, continue to pack your bags, and in three days, you will be leaving for the east."

On that day, he bowed his head and declared himself a minister too quickly and swiftly. It was inevitable that Zhang Hou and Geng Yun would be surprised, thinking that his palace was too deep and could not be detected clearly, so he arranged filial piety and taught people to see that he was indeed an ordinary person with flesh and blood, while cowardly and frightened. , sad and painful.

As for the eyes and ears arranged by the Queen Mother beside him, it was inconvenient for him to remove them himself, so he used Zhao Ji's hands to remove them.

It is true that he did this deliberately, just to make Empress Zhang and Geng Yun undecided about him. Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to annoy this woman any more.

When Ah Shu heard the words, her unsteady heart finally fell suddenly.

As long as she can stay away from Chang'an, she can feel at ease and no longer has to worry about Zhang Hou and Geng Yun.

The author has something to say: a short paragraph is added at the end, which is an explanation.

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