MTL - Sweet Beauty-Chapter 63 secret

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Inside the house, Ah Shucai ordered Queer to bring Adai to play in the courtyard. Hearing Liu Zhao speak indignantly about what he had just done, he was suddenly a little stunned.

In the past two days, Adai's diarrhea and vomiting recurred from time to time, and she also became suspicious, so she brought the child into her own house and raised it herself. Clothing and food are never left in the hands of others.

Who would have thought that after three or five days, it really gradually improved a lot.

On the surface, Ah Shu didn't make a sound, but she mentioned it to Feng Mi in secret, and ordered people to watch quietly in the letter palace, especially the maids around Adai, who should be more vigilant. It's only been a few days and still no clue.

Although Adai contracted the disease, she didn't make any public announcements. Although she invited several medical workers to see her, they all told her not to talk too much outside. How could it have become a matter of discussion among the people in the streets and alleys of Xindu in just half a month?

Especially when they were discussing, they aimed more directly at her, the queen.

Her origin is well known, and she has never had such a clamorous rumor in her letter for such a long time, but it happened at this time.

The matter related to her fate was only circulated near Sizhou Chang'an, and people in Jizhou knew very little, which made her have to make some guesses.

"I—you—do you think I'm nosy?" Liu Zhao spit out the dissatisfaction in his chest, but he didn't get a response from Ah Shu for a long time. He blushed and felt uncomfortable, and even faintly regretted his own impulse, for fear of Ah Shu. Shu laughed at her.

Just now, Ah Shu's thoughts were confused, she heard the words, she looked up at Liu Zhao, who was helpless, and suddenly felt that she had become more lovable and lovable recently. I'm afraid that Liu Zhao has already admitted her sister-in-law in his heart, but he still can't get over the last hurdle, let alone let go.

She couldn't help laughing, and Liu Zhao was a little stunned by the two moving dimples: "Thank you uncle and sister for punishing the villain for me."

Liu Zhao's face blushed, and he pouted his lips and lowered his head and muttered: "I...not for you, but I can't see them guessing about my family affairs at will..."

Ah Shu knew that her mouth was hard, and her heart softened. She stepped forward to shake her hand and said softly, "No matter what the reason is, it's all good intentions. Today, my uncle and sister did the right thing. until things get bigger.”

In fact, Ah Shu is still a little scared now, but fortunately, Liu Zhao is very soft-hearted. Otherwise, if you are outside today, you will make a big deal out of impulse, which will make the rumors even more difficult to control.

Liu Zhao was so embarrassed that he couldn't raise his head any longer. He subconsciously pulled out the hand that A Shu was holding. With an "Oops" sound, he held the corner of his skirt and ran out of the house.

Ashu looked at her back, the smile on her face slowly subsided, and she fixedly looked at Adai who was playing with her maid in the courtyard. After thinking for a moment, she called Queer into the inner room and asked in a low voice, "Is there any news from Handan?"

Que'er shook her head and replied, "The person sent by the son to Chang'an has not yet returned, but I heard that there is already news, and they will arrive at Xindu in about three or two days."

A Shu nodded, and immediately took out a pen and ink letter, and ordered: "When I was in Handan, Brother A once told me that there is a family named Xu in the letter capital city, and the owner's name is Xu Cheng, you can go quietly tomorrow. He searched for it in his house and gave him this letter of mine."

That Xu Cheng was originally the son of a cousin of the Zhao clan in Handan. The Xu family is not considered a powerful family in the letter, and in the end, it is not a small family. Zhao You had previously secretly donated a lot of his money, so that Ashu could ask her for help if she needed something.

In the letter she just wrote, she asked Xu Cheng to quietly send some people to watch secretly outside Jiang Chengjun's mansion to see if he could find any clues.

After all, the Jiang sister and brother, who just moved from Chang'an, should be very familiar with the previous rumors in Chang'an.

Two days later, the people Zhao You sent to Chang'an finally arrived at Xindu.

That man was a ranger raised in Zhao You's mansion, named Nie Xun. In order not to attract attention, Ah Shu did not show up in person, but ordered Que'er to go quietly and report back when she came back.

In the evening, Queer finally returned from the side door and quietly entered the courtyard.

Ah Shu hurriedly ordered her to enter the inner room, avoiding the eyes and ears of others and asking, "How? Did you find anything?"

Queer nodded again and again, her round face and cheeks trembled: "Nie Jun's visit is really worth it. It took so long to find out a lot!"

It turned out that the previous matter of Gongsun Yan repenting of his marriage to the Jiang family was not as simple as the rumors from the outside world.

Outsiders all said that Gongsun Yan was ungrateful and ungrateful. Seeing that Jiang Taichang passed away and the Jiang family was declining day by day, they climbed up the branches.

However, Nie Xun stayed in Chang'an for a long time, looking for Gongsun Yan's servant, and finally found Jiang Chengjun's old servant, only to find out some clues.

It turned out that after Jiang Huan's death, Jiang Chengjun suffered from a serious illness due to excessive worrying. Later, he accidentally fell into the water during the illness, which worsened his condition and caused great losses to his body.

Nie Xun thought carefully. Following this clue, he found the medical worker who had treated Jiang Chengjun at that time. He repeatedly asked and inquired. Only then did he know that after Jiang Chengjun contracted the disease that day, although he was recovering and gradually recovering, it actually hurt the root. If a woman suffers from a cold body, it may be difficult to reproduce in the future.

Jiang Chengjun happened to have a maid who served personally. His mother was a servant girl in the house. One day when Gongsun Yan came to visit, the servant girl drank two sips of wine and accidentally leaked the matter to Gongsun Yan's servant. Gongsun Yan later regretted his marriage and married another.

It was difficult for a woman to give birth, so she was supposed to be criticized by others. In addition, Gongsun Yan regretted her marriage. Jiang Chengjun was so impatient, and without telling his younger brother Jiang Yu, he personally begged Gongsun Yan not to disclose the matter.

Gongsun Yan Gu Nian was appreciated by Jiang Taichang in the past, so he complied and married someone else.

Queer said in one breath, her mouth was dry, she directly passed the teacup handed by A Shu, took a big sip, and said, "I didn't think there would be such an inside story! Thinking of this, Jiang Ji is really pitiful, obviously she is pure and innocent. A white woman can't give birth."

Ah Shu was silent.

She remembered the previous life in her dream. After Jiang Ji married Liu Yu, she did not give birth.

It was probably because of this that someone who held grudges like Liu Yu was willing to marry him regardless of his previous suspicions. He felt so guilty towards his elder brother Liu Xu, he was afraid that he would hand over everything to his nephew Ponu to inherit a hundred years from now.

For some reason, Ashu suddenly felt a sense of disappointment in her heart.

After two years of marriage, she had never thought about having children for Liu Yu. But today I suddenly found out that because of Liu Xiu's hatred, Liu Xiu is different from other men in this world who are looking forward to continuous children. If one day she becomes pregnant, I am afraid that he will not be happy...

She was at a loss for a while. If she doesn't have children, how will she spend the rest of the long years when she is fading and falling in love?

However, in just a moment, she returned to normal, remembering the suffering that A Dai had suffered recently, and said: "If it is really that simple, it is indeed pitiful. Qu'er, go to Chen Ming's house and ask Mrs. Zheng for me, what I entrusted to me earlier. Is there any eye for the matter?"

According to Liu Yu's instructions, she quietly asked Mrs. Zheng and several other women to pay attention to the children of school age and marry Jiang Chengjun.

If this matter is verified, it is just an accident, and it has nothing to do with Jiang Chengjun, she will choose a year of age and appearance, and her family is prosperous, so that she will not be scolded and ridiculed by her husband's family for having no children in the future.

However, he said that on the frontline, the rebels of Liang Yi and Xue Xiang had driven Liu Yu to a dead end.

Liu Yu's army was so powerful that he had taken down Liang Yu's garrison in Lingqiu, and both captured the heads of Liang Yu and Xue Xiang. The rest of the rebels had no commander-in-chief, and seeing that the situation was not right, except for three or five thousand fleeing north, the rest all surrendered.

The huge Bingzhou, because there was no separate government in Jizhou before, was easily annexed.

Liu Xiu immediately wrote a letter to the emperor and ordered them to be sent to Chang'an on horseback to return to the emperor.

He was going to stay in Bingzhou for a few days to deal with the rest of the government affairs, but after reading the letters he received earlier, he was still worried and after some deliberation, he should leave Guo Qu, lead the majority of the centaurs, and reply to the letter first.

In the past, when he was homeless, he ran away all year round. Since his parents passed away one after another, except for the occasional thought of young Ah Zhao, he always felt alone, with no worries, and seldom felt homesick.

This time, nearly two months after the expedition, he realized what it was like to miss home.

In the dead of night, he would feel a little lonely and empty because of sleeping alone. He could only take out the letter written by her from his chest, put it on the tip of his nose and sniff it, imagining her charming smile and writing with a pen.

When he knew that Adai contracted an illness, in addition to worrying about the child, he was also constantly worried about whether she would be overwhelmed by worrying and dragging her down. Dai has improved, but she is not completely relieved.

He used to dislike people who were so indulged in the private affairs of men and women, and always thought that as a man, he should have the world in his heart, always worry about the people, and abstain from selfish thoughts.

Of course, when he unknowingly became such a person, he could only smile bitterly.

Fortunately, he did not slack off a little because of this. Instead, in order to be able to return as soon as possible, he devoted himself more and more to the war and official duties, which made the war extremely smooth.

This journey back, although he was a little sick because everyone in the army was looking forward to an early return, still felt very long.

In November, when the snow was all over the place, I finally entered the Xindu.

In the early days of the snow, the people in Xindu City, regardless of the severe cold, gathered on the side of the road, singing and dancing to greet them, making the atmosphere warm and jubilant.

Liu Yu sat on top of the tall horse. Although the slightly tired-looking Junrong had added a bit of vicissitudes due to the many stubble, but as always, she had a gentle smile, which made the people who were full of reverence twice as much. Feel kind.

He held his head high and greeted the crowd with a smile, his dark and deep eyes wandered around unconsciously, as if he wanted to find a familiar figure in the crowd.

Just after searching for a long time, he felt that something was wrong. According to A Shu's temperament, he would not want to travel at this time, disturbing the good interest of ordinary people on the already crowded streets.

Sure enough, when he went straight to the near Xin Palace, he saw the familiar figure standing beside the carriage.

Today, Ah Shu is wearing a curly robe, with a fiery red fox fur on her outer cover, holding a small heater in her hands, standing in the white snow, breathing in a mist of water, which makes her more charming and charming.

Seeing that his heart was a little hot, Liu Xiu quickly turned over and dismounted from the horse. He walked up to her, and without ignoring the gazes of others, he took the initiative to shake her hand and said in a hoarse voice, "Child, I'm back."

A Shu's two pink cheeks were blown by the cold wind, and a smile appeared on her cheeks, her eyebrows were curved, and her teeth were crystal clear: "I have been waiting for Your Majesty for a long time."

After all, the two entered together.

Ah Shu had prepared the hot soup for bathing and delicious meals. After entering the house, without taking care of herself, she naturally took off the armor that Liu Yu was wearing outside.

Xu Shi had been separated for a long time, and Liu Xiu looked down at her slender hands that kept moving and her eyebrows close at hand, her eyes darkened.

Following his instinct, he stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms, stroking her soft fox fur up and down, and asked, "Is this the fire fox fur I made for you when you were in Autumn?"

Ah Shu raised her gleaming eyes to look at him and said with a smile, "Exactly, it's been snowing and freezing these two days, so I put them on."

The corners of Liu Xiu's lips couldn't be restrained, and she whispered "beautiful", but withdrew one of her hands behind her back. Thick fox fur.

The maid who was standing by the side stepped forward to take the fox fur, but saw Liu Xiu's secret wink, after a moment of stunned, he quietly exited one by one and closed the door of the house.

The sound of "squeaky" made Ashu tremble all over, and when he raised his eyes and fell into his dark and deep eyes, he knew what he was thinking.

He stretched out his hand and pulled the person closer, without saying a word, he brought his stubble-covered face up to kiss her mouth, and was so shocked that the armor she took off for him also fell to the ground, making a soft sound.

Ah Shu only felt the sting and itching and pushed back with disgust, "Your Majesty, let's go take a bath first and wash off the dust from this body."

He had been on the road for a long time, and he had never had a good bath, and the clothes all over his body had an unspeakable smell. If it were normal, he paid great attention to his appearance, and he would have rushed to take a bath. But today was different, he was in a hurry, and he didn't care about anything, he just hugged her into the inner room.

Ah Shu's face was blushing, her eyes blurred, and she said softly, "Your Majesty... my uncle and sister will come later... to say hello—"

Wherever Liu Xiu was willing to stop, he suddenly stood up and shouted outside the house, "Go and tell Ah Zhao, and come back in the evening to say hello, and no one else will disturb you!"

After all, without waiting for the maid outside to respond, he kissed her for a while, and then carried her into the bathroom together.

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