MTL - Sweet Beauty-Chapter 2 good name

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The author has something to say: I fixed it and added a paragraph.

The first few chapters will be updated a bit slower.

When Ah Shu woke up, it was the same day, the night had not lifted, and the roosters were crowing.

The numbness and pain of being shot by the airtight rain of arrows seemed to still be there. She reached out and stroked it, but the skin around her body was smooth and intact.

It was a nightmare again.

She secretly let out a sigh of relief, but suddenly heard a gentle female voice coming from her side: "Ashu is in a nightmare again?" Immediately afterwards, there was a helpless sigh and the movement of getting up in rustling clothes.

The woman lit an oil lamp, took out the handkerchief, sat on the side of the bed, and wiped the sweat from A Shu's forehead: "You child, you are about to arrive in Chang'an, why are you having nightmares? Sleeping with you at night, otherwise, how can you be tossed around day and night with such a small body?"

The woman's soft and amiable face showed a hazy and gentle luster under the candlelight. A Shu stared at it in a daze.

At this time, it was the March of the first year of Yongxing, and it was still three years before she died in Changle Palace in her dream.

The woman in front of her was her elder sister-in-law Deng Wan. Deng Wan is now two out of 20, kind and virtuous, and has been married to her elder brother Zhao You for more than four years.

The Zhao family originated in the Spring and Autumn Period and flourished in the Warring States Period. The lineage of Zhao You is also the direct line of the Zhao Guoguojun in the Warring States Period. He lived in Handan for a long time, and has a huge power. It owns thousands of hectares of land and produces millions of dollars. Thousands of them, one of the most famous families in Zhao.

Zhao You is only twenty-five years old this year. Since his father Zhao Fu passed away three years ago, he has been the head of the family. Because he is sparse, broad-minded and decisive, he is well versed in the way of saving light. In the past three years, he has controlled this huge family business. It was also easy to handle.

Now, at the invitation of Mrs. Zhang, who had sent away the late emperor and became the queen mother last year, the two brothers and sisters, together with their servants, were protecting their sister from Handan to Chang'an all the way to meet them.

After walking for half a month, seeing that Chang'an was approaching, Ah Shu suddenly had a high fever, Zhao You and Deng Wan watched her for two days before seeing each other. Unexpectedly, after the fever subsided, this little girl who was originally innocent and had been looking forward to it for several months because she wanted to go to the West to see the Queen Mother, began to be haunted by nightmares every night and could not sleep peacefully.

Zhao Yousu loves his little sister and makes his wife accompany him day and night.

"Sister-in-law, I'm fine, it's just that I haven't recovered yet, I'll be fine after a while." A Shu rubbed her sore shoulders, got up from the bed, looked at Deng Wan's concerned eyes, and suddenly said in a low voice, "Just give it to Ah Shu. Brother and sister-in-law caused trouble."

This is the first time in two months that she has spoken softly.

Deng Wan paused while pouring water for her, then smiled, "Family, why bother to talk about it?" She handed over the lacquer cup, reached out to stroke Ah Shu's dark hair, and sighed softly, " It's just that your brother is really dedicated to you, and sister-in-law doesn't expect anything else, but only hopes that you will be soft and considerate of his good intentions..."

Two months ago, A Shu, who had just turned sixteen and had done the wedding ceremony, received a letter from the Empress Dowager from Changle Palace, saying that she had dreams at night and little current affairs. Connect her daughter to Chang'an and share the family relationship.

As long as she can remember, she has listened to her father and brother's words. She only said that her mother died early after giving birth. Now she suddenly has a mother who has become an empress dowager. She is really surprised, and she can't help but doubt her.

Her mother came from a humble background. She first married her father Zhao Fu as the successor wife, but she was only full-term after giving birth to a daughter, but she was taken home by her grandmother who covets power and power. Following the prophecy, she gave it to the King of Liang before he left. The late emperor Liu Kuan was his concubine.

The father was furious and wanted to seek justice from the Zhang family, but turned his head to look at the infant child, fearing that she would be disturbed by the scandal of her biological mother in the future. Under strong pressure, the Zhang family was secretly expelled from Handan, and only the wife died after giving birth, which prevented many rumors.

Although the Zhao family is only a local tyrant, it is also a big family that has lasted for hundreds of years.

Therefore, Zhao Youyuan wanted to politely refuse, as long as he gave the envoy enough face, the other party would not be able to help him.

When Emperor Wu moved the powerful families from all over the country to Maoling, he did not dare to move the Zhao clan. What's more, the Queen Mother Zhang, who is now full of names and no authority at all?

Unexpectedly, the always submissive Ah Shu, despite his dissuasion, insisted on going to Chang'an.

One did not want his sister to be close to the queen mother, the other insisted on the girl's desire for her mother, and refused to give in at all. The two brothers and sisters who had never blushed confronted each other for a whole month. In the end, Zhao You compromised and remained silent for more than half a month. Pack up and set off with my sister.

However, compromise is a compromise, and the relationship between brothers and sisters for more than ten years has gradually become estranged.

For the first time, Ah Shu was so stubborn that he didn't say a soft word, and Zhao You couldn't wait for his sister to apologize, so he was still frozen.

In the past two months, Deng Wan has tried to persuade both sides several times, but to no avail. Today, when Ah Shu took the initiative to mention it, she nags a few more words. A Shu suddenly said: "I know, Sister-in-law, tomorrow I will apologize to Brother A to live up to his heart."

Deng Wan was both surprised and delighted. She made the bed for her and made her lie back to the bed. She patted the quilt on the face while holding back her tears and said softly, "Good boy, it's not worth your brother's running for days. Go to sleep, if we see you tomorrow. You are haggard, he must feel distressed."

Ah Shu closed her eyes and turned her back to Deng Wan, pretending to fall asleep, but tears quietly rolled from the corners of her eyes.

Her brother loves her dearly, how could she not know?

She used to be confused and wishful thinking that her biological mother, who she had never met, was just forced to leave her back then. Until these few days, those dreams that heralded the future finally made her see who was good and who was evil.

In the dream, it was precisely because of the gullibility of the Queen Mother that Fang caused her and her family's miserable end in the future.

Since she has the secrets of the sky, how can she be at the mercy of fate?

In this life, it is necessary to keep the family safe.

Early the next morning, Ah Shu went outside Zhao You's house and was about to raise his hand to knock on the door, when he heard the voice of him talking to someone in the house: "...What does the Chinese envoy mean? My sister is still young, leaving home for the first time. Even more famous, in this world, how dare I let her enter Chang'an alone?"

Ashu is beautiful and has a reputation since childhood. There is a folklore in Hebei: "The one who leads the world's talents is Jiang Lang; the one who crowns the world's beauty is only Zhao Ji."

This Jiang Lang is Jiang Yu, a son of the Jiang family in Nanyang, and Zhao Ji is talking about Ah Shu.

With a great reputation, it is difficult to guarantee that no one will covet her, so over the years, the Zhao family has been very protective of her.

Another male voice laughed and said: "Why did Duke Zhao say this? The Queen Mother knew the name of Zhao Ji, and she would not let Ji go alone. Since she has given the name of the county lord, she will automatically send guards and servants to greet her, so you don't have to worry about it. "

This person is Feng Yan, the servant of the Huangmen, who was ordered by the Empress Dowager Zhang to persuade Zhao You and his wife to temporarily live in Maoling Town outside Chang'an City, and Zhao Ji alone would be accompanied by the constant attendant in the palace to see the Empress Dowager.

"Now that Chang'an City is not very peaceful, it's better for Duke Zhao not to get involved."

Zhao Youyuan wanted to argue, but was silent when he heard the words.

Indeed, today's Chang'an City is at a time when the situation is changing.

During the more than 200 years of Liu and Han's reign, Guozuo flourished, and when it was passed on to the emperor, the appearance of decadence first appeared.

Emperor Cheng was greedy for wine and meat, and neglected the government and people's livelihood. Later, there were droughts, floods and famines. Until he died suddenly and succeeded without heir, Liu Kuan, Emperor Shunkang, who was King Liang at the time, took this opportunity to raise troops in the name of restoring the Han Dynasty, and recruited refugees all the way. With the support of Geng Yun and others, Invade Chang'an and ascend to the throne.

It's only been five years since this happened.

In the past five years, there have been continuous rebellions and riots among the people, and the various forces are divided and mixed. In the DPRK, Liu Kuan passed away, Liu Xian succeeded, and Geng Yun gained power. It was really unpredictable.

A few days ago, a major event happened in Chang'an City.

The Empress Dowager and the Young Emperor, taking advantage of the general assembly of the generals, ordered people to intoxicate the great Situ Liu Xiu, and led him to the palace to make a rude remark and express conspiracy.

It should be noted that the great Situ Liu Xiu was the nephew of Emperor Shunkang’s nephew and the minister of the humerus. He acted with integrity and made great contributions. His younger brother Liu Xiu had just won the victory at Kunyang. , The two brothers are growing in prestige, but they are comparable to Geng Yun, causing him to hate him.

The mother and son of Empress Dowager Zhang and Liu Xusu had no grudges, and this move was obviously to rely on Geng Yun.

At present, Geng Yun is busy eliminating those who dare to speak for Liu Xi, and the situation in Chang'an is tense.

Feng Ting saw that Zhao You was silent, waiting to persuade him again, but suddenly he heard the door of the house being pushed open from the outside, and a clear female voice came: "Envoy, Chang'an City is not peaceful, why not let the Queen Mother come out of the city?"

The two of them in the house followed the sound, but saw a Tingting girl standing at the door, wearing a dark blue and purple robe, her hair was combed in an unusual bun, and her eyes were picturesque in the morning light, which was very moving. It was after listening for a while outside. Ah Shu.

She had a smile on her face, but her tone of voice was not very respectful. She looked at her bright eyes with a condescending light. Her originally delicate and docile appearance showed a bit of domineering and domineering for no reason.

Feng Ting was stunned for a moment, and his slender eyes looked up and down at A Shu, as if evaluating. After a flash of surprise, Fang put on a flattering smile and said, "This is Zhao Ji, right? It really lives up to the reputation." He bowed his body and sighed, "Ji doesn't know anything, now the Queen Mother and Her Majesty are subject to a lot of restrictions, and they are inconvenient to move, they shouldn't have invited Ji to Chang'an at this time, it is because the Queen Mother misses so much, I am afraid that there is not much time, so I have to To make Ji come from afar, the loving son of a loving mother is eager and I hope Ji will be considerate."

The words seemed to be sincere, and Ah Shu's eyes flickered when she heard it, and it was dark and unclear.

Zhang Hou sent Feng Ting to come, she knew very well. Zhang Hou expected that she was innocent and ignorant of people's hearts, but her elder brother Zhao You was someone who could be manipulated at will, which made Feng Ting try to keep Zhao You and others out of the city, and only lead her into the city alone to make things easier.

In the dream, she, who was looking forward to her mother, listened to Feng Ting's words, insisted on leaving her brother, sister-in-law and a group of servants at the post outside the city, and entered the city alone like a moth to the fire.

That night, Zhang Hou hugged her and cried again, crying so much that she believed that the mother and son were involuntarily, and the situation was difficult. Even when they were sent to the Grand Sima Mansion, she still deceived herself and made excuses for the mother and son.

Thinking about it at this moment, it's unbelievable.

Zhao You saw that Ah Shu was silent, only for fear that she would believe Feng Ting, and was about to shirk her, but when she saw her smile, she raised her head and raised her eyebrows and said, "It's not easy for the Queen Mother and Her Majesty, is it easy for me to travel from Handan? For more than ten years, what can I do without a mother? My brother has protected me for many years. This time, the queen mother has promised me the throne of the county. How can I enjoy the glory alone? I have made up my mind. If the Queen Mother asks, just reply truthfully."

Feng Ting was taken aback, and he couldn't hold back his flattering appearance. In addition to the protection of Zhao You, she was full of resentment against the queen mother who was born and not raised!

But the servants who were sent earlier knew clearly that this Zhao Ji was innocent and pure and kind, and after a little persuasion, he was full of admiration for the Queen Mother. How could he see her now, but only feel that she is arrogant and has no gratitude and hope for the Queen Mother?

He couldn't hold his face for a while, and his face was a little cold: "In this case, the servant will report back to the Queen Mother." After that, he walked away.

There were only two brothers and sisters left in the house, Zhao You only felt complicated and mixed feelings: "Ashu, why did you—"

The younger sister has always been soft-hearted, and she has never been as polite and condescending as before when dealing with people and things, which is really abnormal.

But he couldn't help feeling excited when he thought that his sister, who had not spoken to him for two whole months, actually bluntly expressed her trust and gratitude to him in front of outsiders.

A Shu took off the arrogance that was deliberately disguised, returned to the soft and wise attitude of the past, and said seriously to Zhao You: "Brother, what I said is sincere. Yes. Brother, please forgive Shu."

Zhao You was stunned, then his eyes turned slightly red, and he stroked her and said, "Brother A has never blamed you. As long as you are good, you want the stars in the sky, and Brother A has tried his best to pick them up for you."

Ah Shu's nose was sour, and she couldn't help but burst into tears.

In the dream, her brother moved the Zhao family from Handan to Maoling because of her marriage to Geng Yun, next to the Da Sima Mansion, just to support her; then, for her, when Chang'an was at stake, he personally took the number Thousands of servants and rangers fought and died in the end.

She shook her head vigorously and said, "I don't want stars, and I don't want my brother to work hard."

"There is no one in this world who treats me better than my brother and sister-in-law. I won't go to Chang'an City."

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