MTL - Sweet Beauty-Chapter 103 end

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On the same day, Ah Shu summoned Fan Xiao and ordered her to protect Liu Zhao, Qingque, Po Nu, etc., in Luoyang, and sent dozens of people to protect her all the way to Niyang.

Fan Xiao was hesitant at first, but seeing that A Shu had made up his mind, and knowing that there was no hesitation at this time, Liu Yu was also in need of people, so he didn't do much to discourage him, and just did it one by one.

Feng Nuo didn't say much, she just dragged her aged body and hugged Qingque in her own hands, and said to Ashu: "The queen is going, Your Majesty is waiting, don't leave any regrets. The maid will definitely take good care of Qingque."

Ah Shu nodded with tears in her eyes, daring not to delay, she just stepped forward and placed a kiss on the sleeping Qingque's forehead, then turned and left.

Outside the Nangong, there were chariots and horses prepared by Fan Xiao, and he was not surprised to see her coming in an ordinary woman's dress, but only awe-inspiringly led her into the car, and then galloped away.

If you travel thousands of miles from here, if you send a letter on a fast horse, it will not stop, but it will only take three or five days. Ah Shu rides on a light carriage and cannot travel as fast as a military report, so he can only do his best and arrive at the Niyang Army in the evening seven days later.

The army was stationed outside the city, and there was still a solemn atmosphere. Due to the previous assassination, the county magistrate and the Yicheng were trembling and they personally oversee the city defense, and did not dare to relax.

When Ah Shu was about to enter the city, the city was closed in the evening, and the gatekeepers asked Guo Qu carefully before letting him in.

After many days on the road, Ah Shu was so tired that her cheeks were peeling off, her eyes were dark blue, and when she saw Guo Qu, she didn't wait to talk, she just went to the station and asked in a hoarse voice, "How is your majesty?"

Guo Qu has not slept well for many days, and he is also in a state of embarrassment, but his face is not as dignified as before. Hearing this, he cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty has been burning for many days, the wound is festering, and the situation is critical. Scrape off the rotten flesh and re-apply the medicine. The fever has subsided a few days ago, and he is still lying in the house these two days."

When Ah Shu heard this, her heartstrings that had been tense for days finally loosened a little.

Guo Qu led her to the door of the house, pushed open the door lightly, and cupped her hands in a low voice: "When Your Majesty was dizzy two days ago, he often thought of the Empress and the boy. Now that the Empress is here, it will surely make His Majesty happy."

Ah Shu nodded and dragged her legs, which were numb and sore from the long day of driving, into the house.

The Biancheng Post Station has a simple layout, not even the folding screens and various low couchs that are often found in ordinary sleeping rooms. At a glance, you can see the low bed against the wall.

On the not-so-spacious bed, a familiar figure lay quietly, it was Liu Xiong.

Ah Shu couldn't help holding her breath and approached with light steps, but she saw that his face was blue and white, his eyes were sunken, his chin was stubble, his eyes were closed, and he looked weak, only his chest rose and fell gently.

He was wearing plain clothes, with a thin quilt under his waist and abdomen, and the skin on his left arm was exposed.

A Shu stood a few steps away, staring down for a long time, only to feel the tip of her nose sore. After holding back the tears that hadn't fallen for several days, she finally burst out.

Married for more than three years, how has she ever seen him so fragile and vulnerable?

She got a little closer, lowered her body, knelt on her knees beside the bed, stretched out her hand tremblingly, held it between his left palm very gently, and said in a low voice, "Husband, I'm here, you must Get well soon."

He seemed to feel something, and the hand she was holding moved slightly, but he woke up slowly, opened his eyes, looked at her weakly, and said in a hoarse voice: "Child? Why are you here? I am here. dream?"

Ashu jumped in shock, hurried closer, shook her head with tears in her eyes, and said, "No no, husband, it's really me. I'm worried about your injury, and I came from Luoyang to see you!"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to touch his pale face, choked up: "Fortunately, you are fine, otherwise... what will I do with Qingque in the future?"

Hearing this, Liu Yu twitched the corners of his mouth, but pulled out a gap in his chapped lips, and a few drops of blood ooze out: "I was worried about this. It is common practice to give priority to young children.”

As Shu turned around to get a wet towel to moisten his lips, she shook her head in a panic with tears in her eyes: "No no, how could my husband say such a thing?"

Her eyes were already dark blue and haggard, but at the moment she was crying with tears, and she became more and more weak: "You - you clearly said that you want to spend the rest of your life with me, how can my husband abandon me when I am so young?"

Liu Xiu looked at her like this, her heart cramped, but she instinctively wanted to hear more words from her mouth, so she only looked at her with bright eyes, as if she was teaching her to continue.

Ah Shu's words had been brewing in her heart for several months, but now facing him, she took a deep breath and bit her lip: "Husband, I have thought about a lot in the past few months. In the thoughts of begging my husband to protect me and my family, in the days to come, I also had grudges against my husband, and I always thought that if there is a chance in the future, I will go back to Handan and spend the rest of my life with my brother and sister-in-law...

She carefully put her face close to his palm, the delicate skin and the thin calluses between his palms rubbed rough and dull, but she felt inexplicably relieved.

"But I didn't know until my husband left for this expedition. I didn't know when, I had already put my husband in my heart. I would worry, miss, worry, and look forward to my husband's early return. Sir, I don't know...

"I remember everything you said to me that day. In the past, when I was in trouble, my husband came to protect me, and even when you weren't interested in me, you didn't abandon me... Now I heard that my husband was hurt. If it doesn't heal, how can I not come in person and accompany my husband?"

Hearing this, Liu Yu couldn't hold back, and his eyes turned red. He moved the hand caressing her cheek with difficulty, wiping away the tears on her cheek, and said in a hoarse voice, "Child, don't cry. It hurts my heart to cry. ."

While choking, Ah Shu held his hand, looked over with her eyes full of water, and said, "Husband, do you know my heart this time?"

A satisfied smile appeared on Liu Xiu's weak face: "I know, my child, who is usually weak, will stand firm by my side in times of crisis."

Ah Shu leaned over, put her head on his shoulders beside the pillow, and said with a thick nasal voice: "Husband, get well soon, and go back to Luoyang with me."

"Okay." Liu Yu gave a deep laugh, his eyes filled with undisguised joy.

After waiting for so long, he finally heard her undisguised words from the bottom of his heart. That sentence "pleasant" was worth countless good medicines.

Probably because A Shu was taking care of him personally, Liu Yu recovered very quickly after that, but within four or five days, the wound gradually scabbed over, and there was no longer a risk of rotting and festering, causing a high fever.

Everyone in the army breathed a sigh of relief, but still did not dare to move rashly, and made up their minds to stay here until Liu Yu could move freely.

It's just that when the new king ascends the throne, there will be an accident, which is really not a good thing. After cultivating here for ten days, the army finally set off, and at the same time sent the news that his injuries were gradually recovering back to Luoyang, so as not to be unable to cover up the news in Nangong and make the situation of the court change.

After more than ten days, Ah Shu no longer buried her worries and concerns in her heart, and rarely stubbornly asked Liu Xiu not to ride a horse, but to ride a carriage with her instead, and to slow down the marching speed.

Guo Qu, Liu Ji and others all agreed, but in desperation, Liu Yu had to compromise.

All the way slowly, after twenty days, at the end of August, when autumn came, we approached Luoyang.

Liu Xiong's injury was already very good. Apart from the uneven scars, his arm was considered to be able to move freely, and he would no longer tear and ooze blood.

After repeatedly checking and asking the medical worker, Fang agreed that he would no longer be confined in the carriage and could ride on his own.

Liu Yu put down the clothes on his arm, looked at her helplessly, and said, "Everyone else thinks you are submissive, how do you know you are so stubborn inside."

Ah Shu's charming face revealed a thin anger: "Did you know about it on the first day? But do you regret it?"

Liu Yu laughed loudly, ignoring the gazes of others, leaned in and whispered: "I don't regret it, I already knew it, just as you already knew, I'm not a true gentleman who is full of benevolence and kindness in the eyes of others."

After all, while she wasn't paying attention, he picked her up and mounted the horse together, made her sit in front of him, wrapped his arms around her waist, firmly held the reins, and urged the horse to gallop.

A Shu was so frightened that she hurriedly grabbed his sleeve tightly and leaned back in his arms, which attracted a burst of cheerful laughter from him.

She was dissatisfied, pursed her lips and snorted: "Now that my husband's injury is healed, don't forget that my anger has not yet subsided. This time, my husband should no longer be suspicious. I'm angry because I don't Love husband, right?"

Liu Yu's laughter ceased, and he looked far into the distance, looking at the faintly visible city tower, slowed down the horse a little, leaned into her ear, and said, "I never forgot that it was indeed my fault to kill King Chenliu. When the order was given, I had already thought of making amends to you."

Ashu raised her eyebrows, reached out and tugged at his forehead, and said dissatisfiedly, "If that's the case, why don't you tell me about it on a day-to-day basis?"

Liu Xiu didn't cry, just held her hand and kissed her lips, helplessly said: "You never told me your heart before, I was entangled in that dream, for fear that you didn't love me, how dare you take it yourself Its humiliation?"

Ah Shu blushed: "Then tell me, how do you make up for it?"

Liu Yu suddenly hugged her tightly, with a solemn face, and said solemnly: "Little boy, listen carefully. Life is too short, I have been ahead of you by more than ten years in my life, and I will definitely walk ahead of you in the future. These days, I dare not teach others to disturb the two of us. With me here, my harem will be owned by you alone."

A Shu suddenly became silent, and water flashed in her originally high-spirited eyes: "The husband is the emperor, how can the emperor marry only one person? Why is this..."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "As a ruler, you have a heavy responsibilities and a long way to go. In the future, I still need to work hard, how can I be greedy for sex? Besides, my father and brother are only a wife and have never taken a concubine, and the same is true for your brother. Since I am happy with you, As long as you are alone, why bother to use others as obstacles?"

He said with a low sigh, "I have already prepared the edict, and it is in the Hall of Long Lives of the Thousand Autumns. When I go back, I can tell the world, and I will not accept the harem from now on. People are unpredictable, and I cannot guarantee that in the years to come, I will love you as before. , But the Son of Heaven has made all the promises, and the edict will be followed, and there will be no regrets. Even if my love fades in the future, I will never let you down. So, can you feel at ease?"

Ah Shu sat on the horse and galloped forward. In front of the city, there are her beloved young son and relatives, and behind her is her husband who loves and protects her.

Accompanying for a few years, finally won the king's heart.

No matter what happened in the future, at this moment, she couldn't be more at ease.

The author has something to say: the text ends here. Thanks for subscribing to genuine!

There will probably be extras, and they will be updated from time to time.

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Advertise Gu Yan's pre-collection, and publish it around the end of January. The author who named it abolished said that the title and copy of the text may be changed.

- "Shadow" -

Among the high gates of Jiangdong, there is a well-known secret.

Lu Shi, a century-old family member who has accumulated a long history, has produced such a beautiful woman as Lu Ying.

It's a pity that Pearl is dusty, this peerless beauty, not only has a perverse temperament, but is also a weak orphan girl whose father is unknown, her mother's surname is unknown, and she is dependent on others.

Jiankang City, countless noble sons and celebrities, had to stay away.

Such a woman can be entertained as a concubine, but not worth it as a wife.

Only Xie Family Saburo Xie Rongan is unique.

Xie Rong'an, as the direct son of an aristocratic family, is graceful and graceful, and has the appearance of attracting women to throw fruit and chariots.

However, Xie Sanlang, who was in a bright and beautiful moon, rejected countless noble and noble family daughters who came to marry him, but Lu Ying, who was glamorous and unbearable, was fascinated.

In the autumn of that year, the maple leaves were full of flowers, and the river was windy.

Xie Rongan handed the jade pendant that symbolized his identity to Lu Ying's palm, and promised himself: "Rongan is willing to lose the name of the whole life, disperse his wealth, and protect the peace of Aying's life."

Lu Ying blinked the blurred tears blown by Jiang Feng, and kept his words firmly in his heart.

Later, she became the eldest princess. In the face of a situation where the gentry and clans were fighting for power and profits, and the northern barbarians were eyeing the situation, she remained calm and calm in the face of danger.

Only because of Xie Rongan, she would suppress the gates when she entered, and swept Jiangbei when she went out. With her own strength, she supported a pure land for her.

Zhang Yang Beauty VS Changqing Gentleman

1. The background is similar to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, but it is completely mixed up, so don't test it.

2.1V1, HE.

3. The male protagonist is sweet, and the plot may be sweet and knife!