MTL - Swallowed Star-v5 Chapter 6 emergency rescue

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Chapter VI Emergency Rescue

In the city of No. 023, a series of elegant buildings are built, but these buildings are all broken, the cold wind whistling, and the buzz of monsters came.

The Fire Hammer squad and the team quickly moved forward.

In fact, now Luo Feng's physical quality has reached the 'primary warfare level', representing the spirit of the mind to reach the 'high warfare level', can fight the first-class war god! In other words, you can completely consider Luo Feng as a **** of war! There is Luo Feng, in the wilderness area, just be careful, almost no danger!

After all, the lord-level monster is very rare, and below the lord-level monster, encountering Luo Feng is to die!

Even if you encounter the "rat tide" ‘ant tide, and so on, Luo Feng can fly, the safety is extremely high!

“Look, it’s in front.” Luo Feng and his team of five people squatted on the black tile roof of a two-story restaurant, looking forward to a spacious street with four cars in parallel.

I saw the mighty tiger cat monster group on the street, and was making a sound of tigers and chasing a martial art squad. There are several tiger cats with two tails in the tiger cat monster group, and even three tails. "There is a four-tailed tiger cat behind!" Gao Feng said softly.

The two-tailed tiger cat is the first class of the beast. The three-tailed tiger cat is a medium beast. Four-tailed tiger cat, this is the higher level of the beast!

A monster of the higher beast level is a nightmare for the general warrior squad.

Tiger cats, the power of the tiger monsters, and the sensitive and swift nature of the cat monsters, are extremely difficult monsters.

"The difficulty is not high." Luo Feng's eyes slightly picked up.

"It is the brother of our Extreme Wushu, I have to help." Gao Feng solemnly said that once the danger is encountered in the wilderness area, it is possible to send an 'emergency rescue' signal through the communication watch. This signal will be sent to the surrounding 20 kilometers without any difference. All the military inside, if it is the same martial arts, the signal is red.

If it is a different martial arts, the signal will be green!

Because the communication watch is connected with the card of each person's card and ID card, it can automatically identify whether it is the same martial arts hall.

"Captain, you go to help, I am broken." Luo Feng whispered.

"The madman is the best at the group battle." Wei Qing gave a thumbs up. Indeed, Luo Feng, who has gotten his body, is in a melee, but his performance will be very good.

High wind and soft voice: "Depart!"

Hey! Hey! Hey!

A group of people immediately ran quickly, and then flew out, Gao Feng, Wei Tie, Wei Qing, Chen Gu four people directly rushed to the escaped martial arts squad, while Luo Feng did not run behind the high wind four people, but stood Directly kill in the middle of the road! For a war god, the herd is not threatened, except for a herd of small monsters, such as rat tides, ant waves, and the like.

Of course, Luo Feng does not use flying knives, this herd is still very challenging for him.



Blood splattered, the head of a tiger cat monster flew up, and the huge body collapsed directly, causing some blockage on the street. Most of these tiger-cat monsters are beast-level, only a few are two-tailed tiger cats, and very few are three-tailed tiger cats. And the four-tailed tiger cat has only one head!

Luo Feng is like a butterfly, easily drifting through the monster group.

Although the impact of the monster group is terrible, once it is knocked down by a monster, it is easy to be trampled to death by countless monsters! Ke Luofeng's body is subtly fascinating, and even borrows the body of other monsters, or the body of some running tiger cat monsters, to block other monsters.

Keep yourself in a position where you don't have to be hit and only face a small number of monsters.


"Well, the phone won't work? No one answered? I didn't call back."

In the base city of Jiangnan, on the rooftop of the General Assembly Hall, Zhou Zhengyong, the president of the General Assembly, was puzzled to hold a mobile phone. Next to the war **** Yang Hui shook his head and said: "This is not a good thing, iron hand, I have to despise you." Also dial Luo Feng's communication watch number, "Well, it has already shown his location, in the city of 023."

Based on the phone signal, it is easy to determine the location.

Even ordinary mobile phones have this feature.

"I went straight." The **** of war Yang Hui waved directly into the fighter plane next to a secluded blue shell.

Close the hatch.

The flight fighter quickly vacated, flew out of the city defense system and flew southeast.

In the city of No. 023, the emergency signal quickly spread to the surrounding 20 kilometers. In fact, the warriors were in danger in the wilderness area. If the other warriors were too far away, it was too late to rescue. This emergency rescue signal was originally set to spread 20 kilometers, which is a relatively large range.

“Well? It’s a green emergency rescue signal, not our thunder and lightning martial arts.” The four warriors are sitting in a room on the sixth floor of a run-down hotel.

"It is estimated that it is the ultimate martial arts museum, a few brothers, can't go?" One of the men with a knife on his face looked at other people.

A handsome bald young man looked down and said, "We are less than 2,000 meters away. Let's go and see if it can be shot. It is more dangerous."

"According to Guo Zi, go."

"Okay, go."

This Beihe squad, which is famous in the Jiangnan base city, made an instant decision and immediately rushed out one by one. Although the Beihe team has a high-level warrior, three middle-class warriors, and even Guo Hai in the three middle-class wars, the strength is almost high.

Such a small team is indeed very powerful.

However, in the wilderness city, they are still slower and do not dare to fly. Maybe they will lie in front of a monster.

"just in front."

"Hey, it’s a tiger cat monster group, a good guy, I’m afraid there are nearly a thousand heads.” The Beihe team is also half-squatting on the roof of a street-facing shop, looking at the street.

"Look over there, awesome guys, at least attracting more than half of the monsters."

"Which is fierce?"

Everyone in the Beihe team was taken aback. The bald youth ‘Guo Hai’ looked at her eyes wide and saw a young warrior, a six-handed shield, and a blood-shadowed sword. It seems as if a ghost is constantly swaying, although the figure is scary, but every step is so subtle that you can take the ruler!


"嗷吼~~" The angry tiger cat monster group madly rushed to Luo Feng, and the claws were also crazy waving, and even a large number of monsters leaped directly into the past, as if a wave would engulf Luo Feng!

However, let the monsters be beleaguered.

The body of Kero’s body has reached the point of being an 'artist’. Every step of his life is extremely subtle. Every body sideways and traversing is pleasing to the eye. The monster group seems to be a terrible and crazy siege. It seems to be awkward in front of Luo Feng’s pace. It is a joke!

"Into the micro level!"

"Absolutely into the micro-level body!" The other soldiers of the Beihe team could not help but marvel.

"Is Luo Feng? Is it him?" Guo Hai frowned.

Of course, he knew Luo Feng. When the war **** Lu Gang died and the national memorial was broadcast live, he chatted with Xu Gang of Xu family about Luo Feng. At that time, Luo Feng was chatting with Xu Xin not far away. In a certain sense... this Guo Hai and Luo Feng are still rivals!

Guo Hai likes Xu Xin, and Luo Feng also likes Xu Xin.

"Don't look, don't you?"


Four people from the Beihe team rushed out.

"How long has this Luofeng become a military, have you caught up with me?" Guo Hai has a strong dissatisfaction and fighting spirit. Men, especially in front of their rivals, will not easily lose, not to mention that Guo Hai is also a near-high war. If you are not a genius, you are not worse than Luo Feng.


Luo Feng is like a reef, blocked in the middle of the running streets of the monsters, surrounded by a large body of monsters! The monsters either collided or jumped up and rushed to the peak from the heights. In short, Luo Feng was all monsters in all directions, but he was in this situation.

“This is a way to use the surrounding environment to make your body more efficient.” Luo Feng was a little excited when he ducked and slashed his mind. “Using the environment, using every object, or the body of a monster, or The attacking monster itself, or a integrate yourself and the environment, this is the perfect level."

During this time, Luo Feng has been thinking about the 'perfect level' body.

He knows the truth, when it is really done, the most occasional aura flashes, and can't keep that state for a long time.



With the roar of the sky, the whole tiger cat herd quickly retreated under the leadership of the leader, as if the tide had receded and quickly left. Although leaving, a head and tiger cat monster is full of ferocity and hate. However, it is obvious that the tiger cat leader is clear that it is impossible to destroy the entire group of human beings.

"This is the madman of our famous Jiangnan base city. It is really amazing to see it today. I am Kang Wei of the Beihe team captain." The knife man walked over passionately.

Luo Feng also smiled and walked over, and at this time a voice sounded "Luo Feng!" I saw the bald youth with blood on the battle suit came over and stared at Luo Feng, "Luo Feng, my name is Guo Hai... You should I heard about my name."

“Guo Hai?” Luo Feng looked at the young man in front of him. “You are 21 years old and you become a warrior of the middle warrior?” For this name, Luo Feng certainly remembers that in the original sarcasm of Xu Gang, two people were mentioned. - One is the genius warrior 'Guo Hai', and the other is the Wang Jia's 'Wang Xingping'.

It should be regarded as your own rival.

"It's me." Guo Hai's mouth raised a smile. "You should have heard from Xu Gang?"

"Hmm?" Luo Feng eyebrows.

"To Xu Xin, we are fair in competition!" Guo Haishuang has a glimmer of light. "Luo Feng, I admit that your body is very powerful, not the kind that has just entered the micro level, sometimes mistakes. But into the micro-level Dacheng, body I am better than you in law, at least at this point, you deserve my admiration."

At this time, other members of the Fire Hammer Squad, and a rescued martial squad belonging to the Extreme Wushu also came over.

"Is the genius warrior Guo Hai of the Thunderbolt?"

Gao Feng, Chen Gu and others certainly know Guo Hai.

Guo Hai’s reputation is great! It was also called into the Thunderbolt Hall in advance.

"But Luo Feng, I should be able to become a high-level war before the end of this year!" Guo Hai smiled slightly. "I think the 22-year-old high-ranking warrior, Xu family is willing to let their daughter marry me." Guo Hai is A very calm person, the first time I heard about Luo Feng, he didn't care.

But today, when I saw Luo Feng’s performance, he felt the threat, so he said something like this!

"Xu family is willing, but Xu Xin is willing to do it." Luo Feng brow slightly wrinkled.

Xu Xin’s identity is bound to have many people pursuing Xu Xin.

But I did not expect to encounter a rival today.

“Well?” Luo Feng looked up at the distant sky, only to see a distant blue streamer quickly across the sky, and then quickly slowed down to the sky, this beautifully curved UFO-type blue fighter began to fall, even Directly parked on the street dozens of meters away from Luofeng.

Read Logging 10,000 Years into the Future