MTL - Swallowed Star-v4 Chapter 8 Dead God of War ‘Lu Gang’

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The seventh and eighth chapters of the dead God of War ‘Lu Gang’

Luo Feng couldn't help but laugh. This world is indeed interesting. Five months ago, he was a martial arts student who came to this for assessment. At that time, his family lived in a low-rent housing community. In this blink of an eye, I have already lived in the Mingyue community, and even tens of millions of dollars are easy to come!

"Test is still uncle, come on, I will take a look at it by the way." Luo Feng smiled and sat down, and immediately the waiter sent tea and dessert.

"Maniac." A man dressed in a training suit, also a faculty member of the Extreme Wushu, said with a smile, "I heard that you have killed thousands of monsters in the last two months? And almost all of them are high-level beast-level monsters." Are you now at the 'primary war level' strength?"

"I see it." Someone agreed to nod.

Yan Tong also nodded: "Senior warrior level warrior, it is impossible to kill so many monsters like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables. Even if Luo Feng did not reach the level of junior warfare, it is almost the same. I remember that Luo Feng is practicing "Jiuzhong Leidao." "It is estimated that the "Jiuzhong Leidao" has some achievements."

Luo Feng a trip.

Is it not?

Killing more than 10,000 monsters by themselves, and in less than two months, and most of them are high-ranking beasts. This kind of efficiency is really difficult for senior warriors. No wonder many people think that they have reached the strength of the 'primary war level'.

"The "Jiuzhong Leidao" is difficult to practice, and the cheats are extremely expensive." Other warriors began.

"It is very difficult to practice." Luo Feng smiled and nodded. "I am just a little breakthrough."


The presence of Lutong, including Lutong, is different. "Nine-Heaven Thunder Knife" is a research-level cheat. There are many people who buy this cheat, but the entry of this custody alone has made it impossible for many warriors to break through. Cultivating this kind of cheats... means that you can fight more!

"Luo Feng." There was a voice coming from outside. Luo Feng turned his head and looked at it, it was Chen Ge.

"Luo Feng, I heard that you are back. I didn't expect to come here early in the morning." Chen Gu haha ​​smiled and walked over. "Right, is there any plan tomorrow to go to the commemoration of Lu Gang's predecessors?"

"So big things, we all go, Luo Feng, when the time goes together," said curator Yu Tong.

Luo Feng sighed and nodded.

Go, of course, he has to go.

The dead Lu Gang predecessor was the God of War who was unfortunately killed in the third day of the rat surge! Although Luo Feng did not really experience the rat tide, when the rat tide broke out, he was also in the wilderness area... The so-called rabbit died of fox sorrow, seeing the death of his predecessors, Luo Feng naturally went to mourn.

On the day of the assessment of the martial arts, Luo Feng and other groups of people also looked at the tests of the younger generations, a total of eight people, three people passed.

Among the eight people, there is even one person who is known by Luo Feng, who is a senior student of the Extreme Wushu District in Yi'an District. However, this senior student has not passed the test.

The next morning, the temperature was very low. There is already a complete martial law around the ‘Heroes’ funeral home in the Jiangnan base city, because there will be many people today to mourn the predecessors of Lu Gang.

The fire hammer team gathered together, and all five were black.

"Many people today." Chen Gu couldn't help but sigh, Luo Feng is also looking around, just a few streets around is full of people who are mourning, the most important thing is - today is the first day of mourning, only the military, Family members, senior government officials and other special characters can come in.

Seven days from tomorrow, it is the ordinary people who come in and mourn.

Even so, there are tens of thousands of people gathered here today. These are the upper-class figures in the Jiangnan base city. There are some upper-level figures of the family consortium, there are senior officials of the government and the military, and the most important ones are a large number of warriors. Among these warriors, there are even war god-level powerhouses!

The rabbit is dead and sorrowful, a **** of war is dead, and other gods are mourning, it is normal.

"National TV is also here." Luo Feng looked at the interview car.

"The mourning activities of the **** of war died, it was broadcast live on the national TV." Gao Feng said with emotion, "How many war gods do you die in the land of China every year?"

National TV broadcast, but this kind of treatment can only be enjoyed at the level of God of War, and even higher. Warrior-level and warrior-level warriors are not enjoying this kind of top-level treatment. It is necessary to know that even the army generals have only a few top-level ones and are eligible for such treatment.

"Look, there is the mayor of the base city of Jiangnan City. Beside him is the leader who often appears on TV."

"Hey, look at that, the 119 alliance domestic 12 family, the patriarch of our Jiangnan Xu family."

When Luo Feng heard Xu’s family, he couldn’t help but look at it. It was a white-haired, slightly fat old man. It looked like he was eighty or ninety years old, but the whole person naturally had a taste of being in a high position all the year round. Follow the four subordinates.

"There is Zhuge Mountain, the **** of the war gods. It is the brother of Zhuge Wei, the director of our General Club."

Many military people have been talking about it.

Coming to this place today is indeed a big one. Whether it is political, military, economic or military circles, they are top-level figures.

“The mourning activity started.” Gao Feng looked at the front. “But we have to wait until we can get in.”

"Wait a minute, it is rare to see so many masters." Chen Guy smiled.

Luo Feng, several of them stood on the edge of the street and waited behind like many other warriors. Some of the big guys in the past have already gone to mourning activities.


A black-and-white UFO-shaped fighter plane flew directly from a distance. The army that was guarded around the Hall of Fame of the Hero Hall did not stop at all. The war-god-level powerhouses who went in to mourn, the mayors of the Jiangnan base city, and the political circles The senior officials all came out to meet.

"Come on the big man." Chen Gu's eyes lit up.

"Rely, who is coming?" Gao Feng was shocked.

To know the characters present, it is almost the upper class in the upper class of China. For example, the **** of war is the bull of the warriors. For example, the mayor of the Jiangnan base city is definitely a high-ranking official. After all, the entire Chinatown is only six base cities, which is much higher than the governor before the Great Nirvana period.

But now this group of people came out to meet.

"Who?" Luo Feng looked carefully, and all the warriors, including the TV station, stared at each other, no one dared to speak.

A silence.

The flying saucer slowly landed and the door opened.

I saw a man with a lean eagle hook, black, and walked down the ladder. His face is not very good-looking, his eyes are faint with tears. He stood there, and it made people feel that the range of tens of meters around them seemed to fall into the darkness. He was the **** within the range of tens of meters.

"Mr. Zhu." A welcoming war god-level powerhouse said.

The eagle-hooked man sighed low and said nothing. He nodded to the greeted war-god powerhouse, the mayor of the Jiangnan base city, the high-ranking official from Kyoto, and the generals of the army. He went straight to the funeral parlour.

Everyone else followed him.

A silence.

After this group of big people entered, the arguments gradually appeared outside.

"Who is this person?" Luo Feng is full of doubts. This is definitely the most top-level figure in the whole country of China. After all, even national leaders rarely let those god-level powers respect this side. wait. The gods of war are generally highly qualified for high officials.

"I don't know." Chen Gu and others also shook their heads.

The high winds moved, and whispered: "The opposite person said that the existence was just called 'Zhu Xi'. I have heard the name Zhu Xi. It was a very famous God of War, but later I have never heard of his news, and I rarely show up. I heard people on the Internet saying that Zhu Xi has surpassed the God of War and became one of the most peaks."

"Beyond the existence of the **** of war?" Luo Feng and others took a breath.


That kind of existence, one person can treat it equally with a country! The state has to kneel and hold this kind of person. That is definitely the most peak of human society. It is no wonder that these family consortiums, political circles, military circles and other high-level officials, and even the very high-ranking gods of war, have come to greet them.

It can be said--

This kind of person is the general existence of the ‘God’ in human beings.

The sorrows and sorrows reverberated throughout the Hall of Fame of the Heroes, and successively mourned one after another from senior government officials, army generals, and war gods. The national TV station also carefully recorded all of this, and the TV reporter also described it before the camera. Soon they are the turn of Luo Feng.

Following the flow of people, the five people of the Fire Hammer Squad also quickly entered the funeral home.

There are only huge photos of the memorial.

"Only the photos, even the remains are not there." Luo Feng sighed in the heart, facing the endless rat tide once dead, it is indeed no bones! In the sound of sorrow, Luo Feng and others solemnly squatted three times. Next to it is the wife and children of the war **** strong Lu Gang.

Soon, Luo Feng left the venue.

The atmosphere outside the venue was obviously easier, not as depressing as it was in the venue.

"Lu Gang's predecessors are also unlucky." Gao Feng shook his head and sighed. "It just happened to fall into the middle of the rat." The leader of the endless rat tide must have seen that the predecessors of Lu Gang are the best in human beings, so at all costs. Kill him! As long as the rat tide is at all costs, once it is trapped, it will not escape."

Luo Feng whispered: "I heard the scene of satellite recording at that time. Lu Gang's predecessors were struggling to kill, dozens of high-rise buildings collapsed, and millions of rats and beasts were killed. I can imagine that scene."

Before, he still had Wan Dong and others, but he was only chased by a small rat tens of thousands of rat beasts.

And the group of rat beasts will not have the level of rats and beasts, otherwise how can they catch up with thousands of people in speed? But even such a small share will make Luo Feng feel the pressure, and when he thinks about the scene of the beleaguered beasts of millions of rats, Luo Feng will not shudder! The God of Wars can kill millions of rats and beasts in a short time, which is powerful enough.

"If Lu Gang’s predecessors were careful at the beginning, they would avoid the core of the rat, and they would not die.” Gao Feng sighed.


The funeral home is very cold outside, and the streets are all figures of the military circle, political circles, military circles, and family consortia.

"Luo Feng." A voice came.

Luo Feng turned his head and looked at it. Not far away was a black Xu Xin. This dressed Xu Xin had a cold feeling.

"Xu Xin, you didn't have a class today?" Luo Feng asked.

"Today, Saturday, I followed my family." Xu Xin could not help but laugh.

Luo Feng was wrong and laughed at himself: "Saturday, hehe... This doesn't go to school, even the days of the week can't be remembered." Become a warrior, really don't need to care about the day of the week, when I was in school, I remembered the weekend. clear.

"Luo Feng is now a warrior, and it is different from our other classmates." Xu Xin said deliberately.

Luo Feng and Xu Xin said this on the side of the street.

In the distance, Xu Gangzheng and a middle-aged woman talked, but when Xu Gang’s eyes noticed Luo Feng and Xu Xin in the distance, the brow could not help but wrinkle, and I was sorry to the middle-aged woman on the side: Director Zhang, I have something to do, and we will talk about this split again."

The middle-aged woman smiled and nodded.