MTL - Swallowed Star-v4 Chapter 5 Beginning

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The fifth chapter is beginning to take shape


A line of lightning carries the power of the heavens and the earth, and sometimes the two electric lights are still stalked into a lightning like a snake in the sky. There is a lightning that is endless, and I am afraid that the monsters at the Lord’s level do not dare. Try the taste of this thunder. That amazing voltage will probably turn them into ashes.

"Surprising! Feng Rui!"

"Destroy everything!"

Luo Feng, standing on the roof of the rooftop, looked at him silently and murmured.

These Tianluofeng carried out the practice of the body and the knife in the county town. In the body, Luo Feng was barely considered to be entering the ‘into the micro level’. However, in the knife method, Luo Feng can only say that it has reached an astonishing height in the control of power. Slaughtering more than 10,000 monsters, coupled with the harsh demands of the "Jiuzhong Leidao", has made the Luofeng knife control more powerful than Wei Tie and Wei Qing.

However, Luo Feng did not cultivate the second heavyweight of the "Jiuzhong Leidao", he has been eager to practice to the second. To know that this cheat is very counter-attack, the first weight is equal to the original strength of 14%, the second weight can be 21% of the original strength. It has more than doubled.

In other words, the advanced warrior level can fully play the primary combat level!

The "Nine Heavy Thunder Knife" is the ninth heavy, but it is 70%, which is seven times the strength!

A senior warrior level, almost able to play the strength of the senior war class! This is the "Jiuzhong Leidao" against the sky, but nowadays the world's known cultivation to the ninth weight, is the creator of Raytheon alone.

"Yes, it should be like this."

Luo Feng, who has been pondering the knife method, watched this thunder and lightning, and there was a hint of association in his heart. Don't take too much, immediately return to the second floor to take out the **** battle knife, and then on the top of the platform above the majestic, Luo Feng holding a blood shadow knife in the downpour of heavy rain began to practice the knife!

Lightning in the distance has gradually become sparse.

"The cheats explain that any one of the knives and masters will have their own artistic conception. According to the cheats, the higher the level of knives, the "Jiuzhong Leidao" can reach a higher level."

"This lightning bolt..."

In the heavy rain, Luo Feng began to slash the knife again and again!

Unlike the past, Luo Feng’s practice of knives is now pursuing the feelings of the heart, the kind of sentiment of lightning. The extreme conciseness of the sudden accumulation of power, only seeing Luo Feng's knife or erect, slashing, squatting, and cross-cutting, it seems like a streamer.

"Blast, burst, burst out!" Luo Feng wanted to continue the taste of the mood in the heart again and again, let the body burst into a heavy dark.

"It should be like this, but how can I only send out a little darkness and can't make a second secret?"

The rain is very big, but Luo Feng is completely immersed in his own world of knives. How can he care about this rain, and this night Luo Feng is also rare to carry out the 'geneogenic energy' cultivation, but to display the "Golden Thunder knife" again and again. "In fact, the continuous sickle has made Luo Feng's body very tired."

However, Luo Feng didn't want to stop, so he just took a knife for a little rest and then waved a knife.


The next morning, the rain stopped early, and there was a faint glow in the eastern sky. The coldness of autumn and winter was already cold in the early morning, but the Luo Feng, who was soaked in the whole body, was holding a blood-shadow knife and sitting in the gallery. The brow on the stage has been wrinkled: "Where is it still a little bit?"

Luo Feng himself can feel that he should be able to emit the second heavy darkness, and even the deep muscles of the body muscles have been mobilized, but each time it seems to be able to be sent out, and finally it will always fall short!

Just a little bit.


A drop of raindrops from the gallery roof fell on a pool of water on the roof, and the calm water surface suddenly rippled and swayed gently.

"Hmm?" Luo Feng felt a move.

The mind emerges, the scene of lightning that destroys everything, it is sharp to the limit!

The drop of water caused by a drop of water is soft and gentle.

"It's just not long!"

"The physical quality is so strong, the ninth weight is to explode the explosive power beyond the physical strength seven times. If you have been pursuing the ultimate, how can the body bear it?" Luo Feng excitedly stood up immediately, holding a blood shadow knife Directly swinging forward to the front, the speed of the knife can only be considered relatively fast.

But in an instant, the speed of the knife increased! Surging again! Increase twice in a row!

Cut the air through the knife!

"Booming ~" a burst of sound rang.

Luo Feng's right arm bulged almost instantly, and the right arm was significantly thicker than the left arm.

"That's it." Luo Feng took back the sword and showed a surprise smile on his face. At that moment, the muscles of the body seemed to be like the rippling water surface. It was natural, and two dark spirits came out one after another. The speed of the blood shadow knife is soaring to an astonishing level, like lightning!

The "Heavy Thunder knife" is the second most important!

By relying only on the knife method, Luo Feng can play the strength of the primary combat level, and then by virtue of entering the micro-level body, I am afraid that the general primary level will not match him.

After the ecstasy Luo Feng went downstairs, he immediately called a breakfast and was happy to finish the breakfast. He was ready to cultivate the original gene.


"I am now a knife, the power is strong, but only brute force." Luo Feng shook his head, and immediately picked up the blood film knife, "I can send two dark powers in succession, the frequency of these two heavy forces before and after, I It's completely controllable. This will make my knife speed increase even more strange."

Luo Feng began to slash in the practice room.

Because of the two darknesses in succession, Luo Feng’s sword will have two speed increases. This is the difference between the “Jiuzhong Leidao” practitioners and the general knife people.

"呜~呜~" The sword is erratic and strange.

One knife, another knife!

In the mind of Luo Feng, the scene of lightning in the sky appeared again and again, and the scene where the water droplets produced a road was repeated, and he pursued this feeling, and slashed the knife again and again! What he needs is his own knife! The "Jiuzhong Leidao" brought him only a kind of skill.

The artistic conception of the knife and the law is that Luo Feng needs his own experience, and the one that suits him is the best.

Only when the realm is enough can the body bear the force of the "Nine Heavy Throws" without damage.


Immersed in this kind of creation, the physical fatigue can not affect the spirit of Luo Feng. He slashed his knife again and again, and the knife method became more and more strange. Even in the process of cutting the air, the body itself was because of the knife itself. The two accelerations oscillated and produced a very slight shock wave.

Luo Feng did not know how long it took...

"Hey!" A knife and a light flashed away, such as electricity as a fog.

There is a feeling of fascination, but it is so awkward, the lightning-like knife has disappeared.

"That's it!" Luo Feng finally showed a smile, the kind of smooth and free knife, so that the body muscles are in a state of relaxation, and instantly burst into darkness, but after the burst is in a state of relaxation. This state of relaxation allows Luo Feng to last longer during the battle.

"According to the level of the knife, I also surpassed the basics and touched the layer of artistic conception. Although it only touched the edge." Luo Feng is very happy.

What is your name?

"I am a knife, since it is a view of lightning, then this knife is called..."


Luo Feng finally got his own knife.

"I am a knife, although it is only a beginning, but in the future, I will continue to improve its artistic conception." Luo Feng silently, looking down at the communication watch, it is already more than two in the afternoon, I did not expect myself from last night The honing knife method has been almost 20 hours.

"In a few days, the fire hammer team will be assembled. My knife and body method are also small, go back and rest for a few days." Luo Feng, with a happy mood, ate a lunch and packed up. After taking something, I left the supply base by train and went to the Jiangnan base city.

More than fifty days of cultivation, the death of more than 10,000 monsters has brought Luo Feng's body and knife to a new height.

And the knife method he created, 霹雳, is now beginning to take shape.

Although it is still very simple and simple, its creator is only 18 years old now. No one dares to say, what level of knives will be reached in the future!

Yangzhou City Mingyue Community, Luo Feng home.

In the living room, Luo Feng is having dinner with his parents and brother, and he laughs and laughs. The first time Luo Feng entered the wilderness area was only seven or eight days, but this time it was almost two months. Although the parents and younger brothers often contact by phone, but really see Luo Feng, that kind of joy is far more than telephone contact.

After dinner, my brother Luo Hua’s room.

"Luo Hua, what are you writing?" Luo Feng asked a lot of writing on the word document on his brother's notebook and asked with a smile.

"Review the gains and losses of stock trading in the past month and improve my theory of stock trading." Luo Hua said with a smile. "Brother, a major theory of thought in this stock market can actually be established in a few months. But after A lot of practice, perfecting this theory of thought, it takes a long time."

Luo Feng haha ​​smiled: "Luo Hua, you don't tell me this, I don't understand. Right, how about stocks in the last three months?"

“The stock market has not been very good recently. The market has fallen by about 10%. However, the stocks I have chosen are all high-quality stocks. Through the band operation, I have earned about 50% in the last three months.” Luo Hua’s face has a certain confidence. The peak also showed a smile, in fact, for the stock Luo Feng also slightly checked on the network.

Nowadays, the entire Earth Alliance stock market is integrated. Because the situation in different regions is different, perhaps the whole market will fall, but some places will still rise, and some places will suffer from monsters, which may be very exaggerated.

In this disorderly situation, stock trading is quite difficult.

"Oh, that is, you earned 10 million?" Luo Feng was surprised. Three months ago, Luo Feng made a fortune by killing the "hunter". After returning, he gave his brother 20 million. Although Feng has confidence in his younger brother, he does not dare to give too much money at one time to prevent him from losing too much.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Luo Feng picked up his mobile phone and quickly entered the online bank to transfer money.