MTL - Swallowed Star-v3 Chapter 8 Tiger Tooth Squad

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Seventh-eighth chapter tiger tooth squad

"Hey, brother."

The sound from the communication watch made Luo Feng laugh: "Luo Hua, aren't you really hot with your little girl? How can I call me?"

"Ha ha..."

On the rooftop, Chen Gu, Zhang Ke and others looked over and laughed.

"There is a wife who can't forget the older brother." The younger brother in the communication watch sneered, "Yes, brother. I called this phone and told you something. Xiaonan has officially promised my girlfriend, haha. ... your brother is amazing."

The voice of the younger brother is full of joy.

How long? The younger brother is not so happy.

"The charm of love is really very big." Luo Feng said in his heart, "The younger brother has been disabled for so many years and has been psychologically stressed. This time, talking about a girlfriend can be so happy..." Luo Feng is also happy for his brother, immediately He smiled and said: "I have to work hard and try to get the certificate soon!"

"Brother, this can't be anxious, you have to step by step." Luo Hua laughed.

"Well, yes, Mom and Dad?" asked Luo Feng.

"Parents go shopping together," Luo Hua replied.

Luo Feng nodded...

My mother can finally buy food in the morning, and my father can easily do not have to work, and accompany his mother to the food market.

"I'm fine, brother, you should be careful outside the base city." Luo Hua cares.

"rest assured!"

At the end of the communication, Luo Feng smiled.

"Well, since Luo Feng finished the call, everyone came over." Gao Feng said, suddenly Luo Feng and other five people walked over. "Today we just entered the county, the results are very good! Old rules, the distribution of spoils, It is distributed according to the contribution of everyone in the battle!"

"When we finish the hunt, we will return to the replenishment base and do the total distribution." The expression of Gao Feng suddenly became serious. "But I said in advance, everyone must be careful! This is a densely built area, this is a monster. The nest is located. There are so many beasts in the entire county. Don’t care, otherwise you will be in trouble in the crisis. There are many warriors who die every year."


Chen Gu, Zhang Ke, Wei Jia brothers, and Luo Feng are all key points.

Luo Feng also knows...

The military who joined the government army has the highest security. The death rate of a warrior like this in the wilderness area is very high!

"Everyone killed a game, but also spent a lot of physical strength. Last night was also on the road, now everyone rest. Wait until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, then act!" Gao Feng made a decision.


"Hey, rest."

The six people of the Fire Hammer Squad are either on the roof or relying on, or lying down, starting to rest.

When the Fire Hammer squad hid in the rest of the Haihao Hotel, the Tiger Tooth Squad had entered the urban area of ​​the No. 0201 county. I saw that the six people walked cautiously through a rundown or even a wall with collapsed walls. There are still some wreckage of monsters in the alley.

"Stop!" The thin, short captain of the figure reached out and everyone else stopped.

The captain of the tiger tooth said lowly: "Everyone listens well. This time we have only one goal - the silver moon fierce wolf that has been injured! So, in this county, we must not provoke other monsters! Can hide and hide You can escape and escape. It is best not to fight with them, if you are injured, you will be in trouble!"

The other five players are all focused on Zheng.

A silver moon is a fierce wolf, or a ‘higher beast’ level. It is much more profitable than killing dozens of primary beasts.

"And... wait until we catch up with the silver moon fierce wolf! Don't worry, this silver moon fierce wolf has been seriously injured. We only need two or three attacks to kill it. I will remind everyone once again, don't follow It's hard to fight! If you really make the silver moon fierce and desperate, we must die at least one or two of the six of us!"

Everyone looks serious and Zheng focuses.

The monster of the high-level beast-class, and the royal family of the wolf, the 'silver moon fierce wolf', is seriously injured. Once mad and revenge, the Huya team will probably die if it dies.

"We just let it continue to be hurt, keep bleeding, and kill it!" The tiger tooth captain confidently smiled. "This county-level area is difficult to attract the warrior-level warrior squad. It is estimated that there are several teams in a county. A team like ours should be considered the strongest in the county. Not afraid of someone stealing!"

Most of the most powerful warfare teams are active in urban areas. It is even more challenging, and there are more beasts in individual events!

For example, the Fire Hammer Squad, the reason to come to this county. One of the reasons is that Luo Feng is a newcomer!

Otherwise, the fire hammer team will also enter the urban area. Not such a county.

"Captain, if there is a military squad, try to grab it..." The one-eyed middle-aged man frowned.

"rest assured."

Next to Zhang Zehu smiled. "Even we don't dare to force the hunters too tight! And the warrior squads in this county are mostly warrior-level! It's good to have a warrior level. They go to grab silver. The lustful wolf? I am afraid that it will be directly torn into pieces by the silver moon."


The tiger tooth captain nodded. "They have no ability to **** the silver moon and the wolf. If someone grabs it... kill it directly!"


The other five nodded.

"Departure." The Tigers squad waved, and the six immediately sneaked forward.

The wilderness area is different from the base city!

The base city is a city controlled by humans, where there are laws! There is government control!

But the wilderness area is a place where monsters are entrenched. There are too many things in the dark, chaos, and blood. Because of the skyrocketing monster body, there are many things that kill each other between the martial arts squad! Of course, most of them are strong martial arts squads to grab weak teams.

The warriors in the wilderness area died in a lot of monsters, but they died in the hands of other warriors.

In the evening, the full-fledged, restful spirit of the six members of the Fire Hammer Squad, both holding the telescope and watching downwards.

"Two hours, we have already seen two beasts level monsters." Wei Tie helplessly, "Unfortunately, every beast will have a large number of beast-class monsters around the monsters! Or the city is good, downtown Although the beast will be more level, there will be a 'lore-level' monster! However, the ordinary beast-level monsters are mainly concentrated in the lord-level monsters, as well as the powerful beast-level monsters. There are many beast-level monsters. They are all alone."

Before, Chen Gu fired two shots with a sniper rifle!

But this luck is not good last time.

These two shots, the two beasts hit the monsters, one of which has almost no strength. The other one was seriously injured, but did not die! Most importantly, they are surrounded by a large number of ordinary monsters.

"The county is just not good. The ordinary beasts will be able to lead a large group of monsters." Zhang Ke also said helplessly.

"But the county town is safe."

Gao Feng smiled, "The whole county, the high-level beasts, it is so one or two. And there are huge ordinary monsters around them, we will not touch them. As for the ordinary monster group, with our team strength, hard punch They are all rushed away! Not afraid of suddenly encountering several beasts to besiege."

In the urban area, there are a large number of beasts, and it is easy to be attacked by a multi-headed beast.


Luo Feng took a telescope and looked down carefully. "This, this is the beast level?"

I saw more than a dozen monsters appearing on the edge of the street. These ten monsters have spots on them. At first glance, they are similar to tigers. They are the 'tiger cats' in the cat monster. These ten tiger cats are a single type. They are all quite large, and even one tiger cat has two tails!

"Double-tailed beasts will be level?" Luo Feng surprised.

In the tiger cat family, the two tails are the primary beasts, the three tails are the intermediate beasts... The five tails are the primary lords... The seven tails are the senior lords... The eight tails have surpassed the lord level and are the most in the tiger cat family. The peak of the

Among the cats, the nine-tailed... is the nine-life cat demon (the nine-acting cat king), which is the most terrible existence among the monsters on the earth.

"Captain, you see, the beast will be a tiger cat." Luo Feng shouted.

"Tiger cat?"

Suddenly the other five people rushed over and looked at them with a telescope.

"It's a tiger cat! The tiger cat doesn't like to live in groups. It really doesn't go away. The beast will be around the tiger cat, only 16 common beast-level monsters." Gao Feng laughed, "Brothers, get ready."

"Only 16 ordinary monsters, I can solve one." Chen Guyi smiled, all the players are very relaxed.

"set off."

Under the high wind, Luo Feng and others immediately left the rooftop one by one, and this time they did not shoot in advance... I fear that they did not kill and stunned the tiger cat! A beast-level monster with only a dozen younger brothers is rare in a small county.

Luo Feng followed the five old members of the Fire Hammer Squad, quietly over the wall into a residential area courtyard next to the street. The broken wall of this residential area has collapsed more than ten places, and the cement road in the residential area has long been The weeds are covered, and the wall corners are covered with moss.

"Fat sheep is in front." Wei Tie looked through the collapsed wall gap and looked out at the street. "We are lucky. The two tiger cats are leisurely looking for prey."

Luo Feng also looked out through the wall.

About 50 meters away from the street in the distance, it is a group of tiger cats led by the beasts.

"Brothers, everyone remembers."

The high wind whispered, "One, after a while, the task of several of you is to kill those ordinary tiger cats. As for the beast, the tigers will be far away, and they will be prevented from being affected. It will be handed over to me, one end. The primary beast will be a tiger cat, I can deal with it alone. Second, Chen Gu, your machine gun does not need to shoot. It is not too late to shoot again. Once the gun is fired, we must immediately escape from the battle."


Luo Feng and other five people Zheng focus.

Gunshots are very easy to attract monsters. If it is on the roof of a high-rise building, the distance cannot be determined by the monster. But it is killing on the ground, and it is easy to expose once it is shot. It will soon attract a large number of monsters around the siege, the longer the time is attracted.

The last time I robbed the body of the ‘thorrow tank, Chen Guyi shot and everyone immediately escaped.

"Okay, we have to make a quick decision this time! Hands-on!" Gao Feng waved.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The six figures flew almost at the same time, and even Chen Gu was a left-handed gun and a short-handed knife in his right hand.

Six people, turned into six afterimages, rushed to the tiger cat group.

"吼~~" The leader of the tiger cat group, the two-tailed tiger cat saw the whole body hair erected, and immediately angered and screamed. The sixteen tiger cat monsters around it also screamed with anger and madness, and the snoring echoed on both sides of the street. The sound of the sound shook the sky, and a strong and strong tiger cat swooped toward the humans in front of him.


"Bee, die!"

Luo Feng looked at the tiger cat flying in front of the lightning. The footsteps of the foot made a moment more than one meter. The blood shadow knife in the hand was turned into a circular arc by the side, and it was on the way. The position of the head of the tiger cat is on one of the hands! The fluttering tiger cat snorted and turned down slightly, blocking the knife of Luo Feng with his chin!


The blood shadow knives opened the tiger's chin fur, and even the chin bones were half a centimeter.

"This tiger cat reacts really fast, and reacts much faster than the Griffin Monster." When Luo Feng landed, it was a hurricane, and the other tiger cat had opened the **** mouth and bite to Luo Feng, while Luo Feng had a shield. One hand blood shadow knife, a step back to open a little space, directly a shield on the side of the top, the right hand a knife straight!

The Shadow War Knife exquisitely rubbed the edge of the shield and instantly penetrated into the tiger cat's chin about halfway in the air.

Luo Feng suddenly pulled out the knife and stepped back.

"Hey ~ ~" blood mad, the tiger cat that is comparable to a cow scorpion fell to the ground, his body swayed three times, and slammed into the cracked concrete floor.

"Be careful!"

A big drink suddenly rang!


I saw the Wei Tie and Wei Qing brothers who were not far from the side, and they were almost thrown up by the impact. Among them, Wei Tie smashed into the wall of the wall next to the street, and banged, the wall that had been in disrepair for a long time. Directly collapsed, Wei iron fell to the ground is a spit of blood.

"Hey ~ ~" instantly hit the Wei Tie, Wei Qing brother's two-tailed tiger cat, almost at the same time to Luo Feng's eyes.

"Too fast!" Luo Feng was shocked and immediately traversed.


Obviously, the speed of avoiding himself is still a little bit worse. Seeing that the claws of the two-tailed tiger cat are about to be caught on their own bodies, an invisible spiritual power instantly acts on the wrist of the right hand, and the power of the abrupt force makes Luo Feng traverse. The range has obviously increased a lot, so that the claws of the two-tailed tiger cat are rubbed through the body.


Luo Feng is also a violent captain! The blade smashed on one of the forelimbs of the two-tailed tiger cat. The sharp blood-shadowed knives squeaked through the front-claw fur, and even a layer of fur on the front paws of the two-tailed tiger cat was not scratched.

"The beast-level monster is too fast, the defense is terrible." Luo Feng was shocked.

"Hey!" The two-tailed tiger cat landed, and the claws grabbed the cracks in the hole in the worn concrete floor.

"孽畜!!!" Because the captain of the injured team, the "high wind" was like a thunder and lightning suddenly slammed from the side, and the complexion of the two heavy hammers seemed to be like a rotating wind wheel. The two-tailed tiger cat had a knife in it, and it seemed that there was no injury at all. As soon as he turned around, it seemed like a big truck roared and slammed into the high wind!

Peng! Peng!

Heavy hammer and claw hit!

The high winds and the two-tailed tiger cats are all awkward, and the high winds and the left foot are forced to fly again. There is no chance for the two-tailed tiger cat to attack his partner again! The front paw of the two-tailed tiger cat seems to have been fractured by a heavy hammer, and it can only be supported by three legs.

Hard fight, even high winds have an advantage!

Rumble ~ ~ heavy hammer in the ring!


On the roof of a six-story residential building about five hundred meters away, six members of the Tiger Tooth Squad are using telescopes to look around.

"Captain, there are more monsters around us, we have to alarm most monsters to the place where the 'hunters" are located ten miles away. It is very difficult." The one-eyed middle-aged man frowned and said that the short and thin tiger tooth captain was also frowning. Suddenly his eyes fell on a few people in the distance who were struggling with the Tiger Cat Monsters.

"It’s a fire hammer squad.” The tiger’s captain’s eyebrows sighed. “Are they also coming to this county town?”

"It should be brought to a newcomer Luo Feng, the fire hammer team came here." The one-eyed middle-aged man said, "The double hammer is obviously high wind, the strength of the high wind is really big, even dare to follow the primary beast. I will harden the level monster. I heard that his strength can be compared with the general intermediate warfare. It is slightly slower in speed. It is really worthwhile."

Zhang Zehu, who was carrying a giant mountain knife, brightened his eyes and even looked up in that direction with a telescope. He couldn’t help but surprise: "It’s really a fire hammer squad, that Luo Feng kid is also here, it seems to be a good performance! "Zhang Zehu passed a trace of fierce light in his eyes."

"Captain, this is the little nephew to get rid of me a hundred million!" Zhang Zehu joined the road, "take the opportunity to kill him!" One hundred million, for Zhang Zehu is a huge sum. After all, he is only a senior soldier. It takes only two billion yuan to earn two hundred million yuan.

"kill him?"

The rest of the team was slightly surprised.

The captain of the tiger tooth frowned, and then smiled: "Good way! A Xiao, A Dong, you two first use the sniper rifle to deal with the important members of the fire hammer squad, and then immediately shoot two monsters around! We are far away, abrupt The shooting, the monster group could not detect where the bullets came from."

"These ordinary monsters are very low-intelligence. Once they are shot, they will only attack the humans they can see with anger!"

The captain of the tiger tooth smiled indifferently. "At the time, the other two beasts around the street will be quickly attracted by the fire hammer squad, besieging the fire hammer squad! The wide-ranging killing will cause a large number of monsters to gather there, which leads to Monsters in other places have become scarce, so that we can easily cross several miles!"

The rest of the tiger tooth team was quiet.