MTL - Swallowed Star-v29 Chapter 16 Extinction

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The densely bounded beasts are all over the void, and you can't see the end. They are all staring at the distant Star Tower!

Over 8.3 million beasts gathered here. Obviously, before the Galaxy lord Luo Feng killed Bedi, killed two thousand beasts, and even killed a thousand beasts, they have already provoked countless beasts. The heart is gone! They can't stand it anymore, they all have a strong hunch that they don't kill the lords of the Milky Way... In the future, the lords of the Milky Way will kill them!

Then, the enslaved Morosa eventually became the king.

This is what they are not willing to see.

"We have more than eight million beasts and a joint blow."

"This time we have to show the strongest power... If this is the case, the Galaxy lord will be killed, then only send him into some of the Jedi in the peak."

"Must be successful."

The beasts are one by one.

They all stare at the distant Star Tower, hate, how can the Star Tower be broken, how can they not be anxious?




One order is passed on. The more than 8.3 million beasts are divided into nearly 20 large teams, and they are quickly mobilized to confirm that the attacks of more than eight million beasts can come together! If there is an error in tandem, it is equivalent to wasting energy.

According to the distance, a group of battalions began to attack in turn.

Hum ~ u at first glance, the farthest from the camp of nearly 300,000 beasts, an individual watch burning blood, and then countless beams of light blasted one after another, they will also guide and guide themselves while blasting The attacks went to active convergence, and soon the nearly 300,000 beast attacks converge.

The dazzling black light column rushes from the far end to the Star Tower.

"Attack." Suddenly several teams began to attack, and their attacks were gathered toward the black beam!

Two big teams, three big teams, four big ones...

All the beasts of the Beasts are devastating and continually gathering together! They all go to one place in one direction so that they don't collide with each other and waste.

The black light column keeps flying forward, and the speed of light is moving forward. The more the flight, the deeper the color.

Finally, direct to a void!

Nothing comes from nothing.

The attacks of other beasts have been directly integrated into the void...

All the beasts are staring at the distant Star Tower, all looking forward to it, hoping that the lord of the Milky Way must die in front of this strong blow. Because they really don't want to send the Galaxy Lord into the Jedi, who is at risk who knows whether the Galaxy Lord can escape.

Luo Feng in the Star Tower faced this terrible blow, but he held his breath, waiting for him to wait for the moment of extinction.

"the host."

In the small universe of one billion light-years in Luofeng, Moro was troubled, and at this moment its owner was completely surrounded by more than eight million beasts.

"Luo Feng." Chaos City Lord has been silently looking forward to.

Only Morosa and Chaos Lords are looking forward to worrying about the comfort of Luo Feng. All other powerful people in the universe, including the Earth, the wife of Luo Feng, Xu Xin, his son Luo Ping Luo Hai, and their parents, There are teachers who really do not know what is happening.

they do not know……

The moment to determine the destiny of the various races of the universe has begun.

Luo Feng’s eyes are absolutely firm, and the “virtual” bombardment of the ruined land is on the star tower. It is silent when bombarded. It wants to erode and crash the star tower, but the star tower. The indestructibility of the indestructible makes it impossible to go further, which makes the endless sky energy contained in 'virtuality' burst directly.

"Hang n ~ ~" really ruined the earth and a loud noise.

The shock wave immediately rushed to the sides, and also caused the Star Tower to fly away from the distance.

"How is it?"

"Is the Star Tower broken?"

More than eight million beasts can't see it at all, because the shock wave is too strong, and the emptiness of the void makes them invisible, and can't sense the situation in the explosion.

Just when they are anxious to know the results.

Luo Feng in the Star Tower.

"Definite." Luo Feng tried to control the speed reduction of the Star Tower, the power of crazy burning was consumed a lot, the Star Tower quickly stopped, and even flew back. The scattered shock wave is also rapidly decaying, and the surrounding time and space are gradually beginning to stabilize. The distant beasts will also begin to see everything.


The Star Tower instantly surged for nine light years, and in front of the Star Tower, it was a giant with the same height of nine light years. He was wearing a silver armor, and the five pairs of silver wings behind him were even more open, covering the endless void.

"The fate of the billions of people in the universe!"

"The fate of mankind!"

"The fate of the earth!"

"The fate of the people I love!"

"Everything that is guarded by my life." Luo Feng, Gao Jiuguangian, opened his wings, and his eyes were full of Xiyi, whispered, "just at this moment!"

More than eight million beasts have seen the silver giants in the distant nine-light years. They are angry and the Galaxy is still not dead. At the same time, they are also surprised that the Galaxy lord dared to walk out of the Star Tower, and also shocked the Galaxy Lord. It has become so huge.

"Kill it."

"A joint attack again."

The beasts immediately began to organize.

Only Luo Feng will not give them time. At the moment of becoming a nine-year-old high, Luo Feng directly fanned the wings, and at the same time he burned to the ultimate power to enter the ‘source’ for the first time.

"Destruction!" Luo Feng whispered, but the voice has absolute indifference.

It is not the beast.

It is everything that guards you!

Then... the beast will be destroyed!

At the moment when the silver-colored giants of the high-light-year-old silver fan swayed behind the five pairs of scorpion wings, more than eight million beasts were still in the midst of preparing for a joint attack, followed by them, and five pairs from that The white wing edge at the top of the wing suddenly flew out of the beautiful light.

Countless blades shine! It is like a piece of petals, its speed reaches an incredible extreme, and it flies through the endless area in an instant.

Cover the illusion.

At this moment, the void seemed to have a petal rain, falling on every beast.

"Hey!" The body of the beast in front of these beautiful petals, fragile and easily cut, was swept by a piece of petal, directly cut and crushed, the body inside the body is also shattered......,......



This vast void is like being caught in an unprecedented silence.

There is no sound.

This is a powerful and eternal true **** of ancient civilizations. It has been given the strongest of the most meticulous mechanical flow treasures of ancient civilizations, and has tried its best to accumulate the energy of the highest transformation of the Chaos Golden Wing in the 'source'. In the ancient civilization, the strong is like a cloud. In order to survive, the ancient existence has to store as much energy as possible in the source, so that it can fight longer in the killing. The reserves in this 'source' are consumed even before Luo Feng. After all, it is also comparable to all the forces that existed in the entire body in ancient times, which was long after he took a long time to reserve.

At this moment, all broke out.

Along the edge of the blade of the sixth pair of wings, the white feathers, all the blades are shining, and the power is powerful. Some of them have been called the power of the Holy Spirit. Nature is far more than just the power of the eight million beasts who combined the sinister emptiness. It is also very quiet.

In the face of this endless terrible blow, everything becomes a void, and the voice is also annihilated.

Eight million beasts are distributed over several light years.

But in an instant, this endless beautiful knife light shrouded, this knife is beautiful, with a supreme perfect beauty, a piece of knife and light petals reflected in the eyes of every animal.


Do not.


All the beasts, more than eighty million beasts in this moment have fears in their hearts. In the face of a far-reaching blow, even the eternal true **** can only make a blow with the top mechanical flow treasure. And it’s the real king who is desperate to sacrifice a lot of energy in one go... they are fearful and desperate!

But then fear, despair, they are also beasts! The beast that exists for destruction.


"Do not."


All the beasts are struggling to struggle, some are attacking, some are going to use the light channel, and some want to escape...


Gao Feng, a nine-year-old Lu Feng, gently fanned the wings. The area of ​​light in front of him was like a beautiful picture, and it was broken in an instant. Everything on this beautiful picture of the light-year years was annihilated.

Everything is annihilated.

Turn into nothingness.

The endless blade of the petal continued to move forward after sweeping through the light years, and eventually rushed out of the darkness and rushed into other Jedi in the core area of ​​the 'Peak Peaks'. I didn't know how far it was, and finally dissipated.

Luo Feng does not need to know how far the power of the endless energy stored in the 'source' is released. He only needs to know that the more than 8.3 million beasts that were unmatched in front of him have been wiped out directly in front of the beautiful and touching blow!

Just like wiping with a rag, directly erase it, one does not stay!

This power is strong, even if it is very familiar to ancient civilizations, even if there is some speculation, Luo Luo is still shocked.

Shock is secondary, and the most important thing is the joy and excitement in the heart.

The giant of the nine-year-old light, but excited at this moment, his body trembled.

"Teacher." The first thing Luo Feng did was to connect the virtual universe with the avatar consciousness of the original universe and inform the chaotic city owner. "Success! I succeeded!"

Luo Feng was excited to the extreme.

And the surviving millions of beasts scattered in the edge of the dark land clearly sense that the more than eight million beasts disappeared and disappeared instantly, and they were blinded, followed by extreme fear!

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