MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 47 Games Lobby

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[Congratulations to player 001 Ye Fei for clearing "Zhouhai Fourth Hospital"]


[Zhouhai No. 4 Hospital is like a huge cage, nourishing countless evils. Some people suffer silently, gradually losing their ego and soul, while some try to escape, but end up with blood and fire. 】

[Zhouhai No. 4 Hospital was buried deep in the ground by fire, but the greedy hearts will never disappear. 】

[Brave players opened the door to the outside world, but couldn't touch the real sunshine. It is never the wall that traps the soul in a square inch, but countless prejudices and malice. But those who stand beside the evil and help the tyrant are all in the name of love. 】


[Congratulations to "A Shockingly Amazing Squad" and "Hope Squad" for their victory]

Hearing this announcement, Ye Fei subconsciously glanced at Jian Lingxi beside her.


[Individual player 002 Jian Lingxi failed the game, the punishment dungeon is being prepared...]

"Are you going to be okay?"

Ye Fei asked.


Jian Lingxi slightly bent her lips, looked at Ye Fei with a gentle smile in her eyes.

Ye Fei was slightly taken aback.

[The punishment dungeon is loaded, I wish you a happy game]

Following this announcement, Jian Lingxi in front of Ye Fei's eyes was like data fragments that appeared after the screen froze, and her figure gradually blurred.

For some reason, Ye Fei's heart skipped a beat.

He didn't even think about it, and subconsciously said:

"Little snake, see you next time."

Jian Lingxi froze for a moment.

Then, he smiled slightly:

"Miss Ye, see you next time."

【Settlement in progress】

[Calculating player 001 Ye Fei's dungeon contribution and off-site betting rate]

【Settlement completed】

[Player 001 Ye Fei gets bonus points]

【Total: 11000】


[Player 001 Ye Fei ends the game dungeon "Zhouhai Fourth Hospital" and logs out successfully]

[Player 001 Ye Fei exchanged 7,000 points for a seven-day stay in the Central Plaza]

【I wish you a happy life】

Hearing this announcement, Zhou Zhengning was dumbfounded:

"Ms. Ye, you just changed for seven days?"


Ye Fei has been not in high spirits since just now. In fact, he was always depressed all day long, but now it seems to be more serious than before.

If Zhou Zhengning were to describe it, it was as if his soul had been taken away by someone.

Teacher Ye, who had his soul taken away, stood at the exit of the game for a while, and finally said:


Zhou Zhengning was stunned for a moment:


"I'll disband the team in a while. If you meet Xiao Gao, remember to tell her that you don't need to invite the team."


Zhou Zhengning didn't know what happened:

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing." Ye Fei waved his hand:

"I just feel that I seem to be a little too motivated recently. I broke my salted fish avatar. I don't plan to have fun anymore. When the seven days are over, let the system force me to sleep in the S-level. Don't suffer from this with me." Sin, without me pulling the ranks, the game you all get will be easier."

After finishing speaking, Ye Fei walked towards the entertainment area alone, and waved at them as farewell.

Only Zhou Zhengning and Ren Huayan were left in place. You look at me and I look at you. They haven't figured out the situation yet.

After a while, a prompt popped up on Zhou Zhengning's bracelet:

【You have been removed from a shocking and amazing team】

"After I died, what happened in the dungeon... Why do you feel that Teacher Ye is weird?"

Zhou Zhengning knew the least. He still didn't understand why the hospital caught fire and why other teammates died.

Ren Huayan actually doesn't know much more than him:

"At that time there was a fake brother Ye, didn't he? Later, the dean's brother drove the fake one away, and brother Ye found the key by himself, but the hospital caught fire for no reason. Brother Ye said that it was the reality of the game. I and Brother Ye failed to escape the flames, but Grandpa did it to save us..."

The fire case of Zhouhai Fourth Hospital?

When she first entered the game, Ye Fei and Zhou Zhengning did popularize this story.

Zhou Zhengning was thinking about Ren Huayan's words, but for a moment, Ren Huayan asked him cautiously:

"Brother Zhou?"


"Can I ask a question?"

"You ask."

"Brother Ye Fei, is he different from us?"

"Huh? Where?"

"For example, has he... lived a long, long time?"

Ren Huayan struggled to find the right words to describe it.

"Ah, yes."

Zhou Zhengning was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect this little girl to be so sensitive:

"Miss Ye didn't tell you this? How did you find out?"

"I don't know, I just have a feeling." Ren Huayan shrugged:

"Some things are too far away for us, so we only treat them as games. But it's not with Brother Ye, he doesn't seem to be playing a game, but rather like returning to a familiar place and meeting familiar friends."

Ren Huayan looked at Ye Fei's back in the distance.

Although there are many players around, it looks quite lively, but Ye Fei looks very lonely walking in the crowd:

"You won't grow old and you won't die. After living in this world for so long, you should be very sad, right?"

Hearing this, Zhou Zhengning seemed to suddenly understand something.

He is a rough nerve, and he has never thought about it before.

While he was in a trance, Ren Huayan stood on tiptoe and patted his shoulder:

"Brother Ye may just want to be alone, don't be sad."

"You discovered all of this..."

Zhou Zhengning was a little embarrassed. When he was removed from the team, he was indeed a little sad.

Although Ye Fei said that he didn't want to bring their grades into trouble, Zhou Zhengning still wondered if it was because he was too useless that Teacher Ye disliked him.

He scratched his head:

"But if you're alone, wouldn't you be lonely?"

"No, I think that if it is really a long and endless life, then it will be easier for a person."

Ren Huayan lowered her head:

"I love my grandparents very much. Grandma sacrificed herself to replace all of us, and grandpa chose to walk with grandma. It seems that this ending is not very sad, and it is even satisfactory, but for me, it is still lost. An important person, so I am still very sad. Brother Ye has lived alone in this world for so long, I don’t know how many partings he has gone through, his friends and relatives will all die, only he will not. Watching the person he likes pass away, Isn't it more lonely to watch the person you want to protect die while you can't do anything?"

Ren Huayan sighed:

"If I were Brother Ye, I would also choose not to make friends or form bonds with others. Maybe our death in the game made Brother Ye realize this again. He doesn't want to experience the feeling of powerlessness that he wants to save but can't save again. Choose to part with us."

Ren Huayan will never forget that in the sea of ​​flames in Zhouhai Fourth Courtyard, she fell unconscious on the ground because of the thick smoke. At that time, her vision was blurred, and she could only see patches of flames, and Ye Fei shouted "I can save it" while smashing the door with a fire ax amidst the intense flames.

Facing death, what he insisted on was not "I don't want to die", but "I can save it".

But his expression didn't look firm, but more desperate.

At that time, Ren Huayan was thinking, if she died like this, Brother Ye would be very sad.

Zhou Zhengning was silent for a long time after listening to her words.

Finally, he frowned slightly:

"I don't think so."


"Mr. Ye is not such a person. If he really agrees with the idea of ​​'no bondage', then he will not bring us out in the first instance. Although Mr. Ye looks mournful, he has always been a shining Catch those who don't give up hope."

Zhou Zhengning had a sullen face, a little embarrassed:

"But I'm not him. If I had experienced so much like him, I would probably feel confused."

"If you're confused... Brother Zhou, do you need to talk to him?"

Zhou Zhengning felt that what Ren Huayan said made sense, so he nodded solemnly.

"Then shall we go find him?" Ren Huayan asked.

"No, wait." Zhou Zhengning sat on the stone stool next to the exit:

"We still need a supporter."

Ye Fei went to the entertainment area of ​​the game hall alone.

I don't know if it's his illusion, but the entertainment area seems to be more lively than when he came last time.

Returning to the entertainment area again, Ye Fei didn't go to the restaurant to splurge, he just went to the shopping machine to buy a pack of cigarettes, and walked towards the bar.

The bar he went to was still the same as last time, but Ye Fei found after he went in that he had only been away for two or three days, and the atmosphere here had completely changed compared to the last time he came.

The bar has a large area and colorful lights. The last time I came, the dance floor in the middle of the bar was full of players, and what filled the place was a kind of despair and madness.

But this time, there was no one on the dance floor.

Instead, a few huge light screens were added at unknown times.

The picture on the light screen seems to be a copy of the game. The protagonists on the screen are all in a panic. When Ye Fei came in, he just saw a man in the middle showing fear, screaming and being burned to ashes by the head of the Holy See.

The man's expression of despair and fear disappeared in the flames, and he struggled at first, but in the end, he became a charred corpse tied to a stake.

A lot of people sat around the light screen, drinking and smoking, applauding the death in the light screen.

Ye Fei's footsteps stopped.

He stared at the light screens on the dance floor, as if the pause button had been pressed.

After a while, someone around him noticed him:

"Hey, brother, you're new here? Come on, sit here, there's a seat here."

Ye Fei froze for a moment, then looked back, it was a middle-aged man with an unshaven beard.

Ye Fei went over and sat beside him, he took a cigarette, borrowed a fire from the man, and asked:

"What's the situation?"

The man smiled heartily. He took out the lighter and lit the tobacco with the flame.

Wisps of smoke came out, and Ye Fei was a little lost in thought as she looked at the light screen that had been re-switched through the smoke.

The man seemed to be very enthusiastic. Seeing that Ye Fei didn't seem to be in the situation, he took the initiative to explain for him:

"You just came out of the game. Let me tell you, the game system crashed inexplicably two days ago. Guess what? Those people from the Eden Gilt Casino were all pulled in. Look, I also listened to it." To put it bluntly, the system said at the time that they didn’t wear bracelets, they couldn’t be players or NPCs, they could only be tourists. I didn’t understand what a tourist was before, but now I understand that they are trapped in the dungeon and can’t get out. Come on, the aborigines who can only pretend to be dungeons, or else... click."

The man made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Ye Fei lowered her eyes, blocking the look in her eyes.

he asks:

"Then it's...?"

"Live broadcast!" The man looked very happy:

"Damn, we've been treated like monkeys for a long time, and it finally made us feel good. Aren't these people awesome? Don't they still have to pretend to be grandchildren in the games they play?"

"That's it."

Ye Fei chuckled inexplicably, and stood up from his seat:

"Thanks, you had fun."

The man froze for a moment: "Don't look at it for a while, how interesting is this?"

"No, there's nothing to see."

Ye Fei walked to the door of the bar, paused, and looked back.

The death on the light screen continued, while the bar was full of smoke, some people were laughing, some were shouting, and some were standing on stools, cheering and watching.

There was no emotion in Ye Fei's eyes, he seemed to be standing outside the screen, watching all this indifferently from the perspective of an outsider.

After a long time, he turned and left there.

The street outside the bar is empty, only the colorful lights of the shop signs in the surrounding area.

Ye Fei dragged her body out for a few steps, and finally squatted down as if she had exhausted her strength.

He buried his face between his knees and put his arms around his head.

There is no wind on the streets in the game.

Not even the wind could hear his powerless sigh.