MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 34 Mo Enthalpy-[09]

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Warm and warm movies are always the most hypnotic. After a movie, Ye Fei found that many people around him fell asleep.

He also yawned lazily.

He obviously just took a nap just now, but now he is sleepy again.

Ye Fei was thinking, how about not working hard today, go back to sleep, and try to find the secret of classmate Xu Miao when I am not sleepy tomorrow...

However, before Ye Fei finished planning his lazy actions, he first heard a muffled sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

He froze for a moment, then glanced at the source of the sound, and found that it was Grandma Zhang who accidentally knocked over the thermos in her hand. The metal cup body hit the tiled floor, making a loud noise.

The water in the cup spilled out, and it all fell on Grandma Zhang's lap.

"Oh." Grandpa Liu hurriedly rubbed the water with his hand and asked:

"The water shouldn't be hot, right? Did the cup hit your leg? Does it hurt?"

He touched his pocket and asked:

"Where's your handkerchief?"

Ren Huayan looked at the crumpled and tear-stained handkerchief in her hand:

"Here I am..."

"Then Yanyan, take it first, I'll borrow one."

Grandpa Liu wiped the water off grandma's trouser legs with his sleeve, then turned his head and patted the shoulder of the patient in the front row habitually:

"Patient, do you have tissues?"

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei was startled.

He didn't know if the old man didn't read the patient rules carefully, or he forgot in a moment of impatience. In short, before he had time to stop, the old man had already completed the whole process of patting on the shoulder and asking questions.

Article 3 of the Patient Code:

"Patients are not allowed to talk to people other than staff, roommates, and friends who come to the hospital together during hospitalization. *Please do not talk to strange patients, we cannot guarantee what they will do to you."

The patient who was patted on the shoulder by Grandpa Liu didn't respond, he just sat there blankly with his messy hair on his head.

For a moment, he seemed to have just come back to his senses, and suddenly, very slowly, he twisted his neck and turned his head to look back.

Ren Huayan also came to her senses at this time, her voice was a little trembling, and she reminded:

"Grandpa, grandpa... According to the rules, we don't seem to be able to talk to this kind of NPC."

When Ren Huayan spoke, the patient had completely turned her head away.

He stared at Grandpa Liu expressionlessly, and the next second, the corners of his mouth suddenly raised exaggeratedly, revealing a stiff smile that was uglier than crying.

He screamed:

"Why! Why did you leave me?! I strangle you...I strangle you!"

His voice was very shrill and echoed in the activity room, attracting everyone's attention.

[NPC: Patient A (original form)]

The moment the patient swung his arms and rushed towards the back row, Ye Fei got up and kicked the patient's chair down. The patient tripped over the overturned chair and fell hard to the floor.

But he didn't seem to be affected by the illness. Even though he was lying on the ground, he still tried to crawl forward, trying to grab Grandpa Liu's ankle.

Ye Fei gave another kick to his shoulder, kicked him over and pushed Grandma Zhang's wheelchair:


Grandpa Liu came back to his senses, and quickly got up to protect Grandma Zhang and walked out.

But just as they rushed to the door, the door that was originally wide open suddenly closed heavily.

The syringe nurse in front of the activity room was yelling:

"Injure other patients for no reason, this patient, give me a warning! Your ID card has been filled with three warnings, this patient, please follow me for treatment!"

By the second half of this sentence, the voice of the syringe nurse had already reverberated, and it was only a matter of posting a notice on Ye Fei's forehead:

You are ready to fight.


Ah, a young age.

In the event room, the movie is paused. The patient who was kicked by Ye Fei was still screaming, the other patients were frightened, some sat dumbly, some ran around, and some went crazy with him. There were three nurses in the activity room, two of them were busy comforting the patient, and the other nurse was coming towards Ye Fei with her syringe.

The needle nurse was aggressive, not as if she wanted to take Ye Fei for treatment, but more like she wanted to pierce his dog's head with a needle.

The reason why the monster is called a monster is because she is not like a human. The specific performance here is its huge body that almost reaches the ceiling.

Seeing the difference in body shape between herself and the nurse, Ye Fei felt cold.

Look at my side, there are four people in total, the old, the weak, the sick, the disabled and the young are all occupied, and none of them can fight!

At this moment, Ye Fei's longing for Qin Jing reached its peak.

But as the only young and middle-aged man, Ye Fei still stood up resolutely.

He was thinking, what is forced treatment? It should be similar to electric shock, so it won't kill him once?

Uh, it's easier to die than to fight.

Ye Fei was extremely sad in his heart. Looking at the runaway nurse who was approaching him, he immediately gave up resistance and prepared to raise his hands to surrender.

The needle in the nurse's hand pointed at Ye Fei with a cold light.

However, in the next second, the door of the activity room that was originally closed behind him was suddenly broken open.

Ye Fei only felt a red light flash in front of his eyes, he didn't even see what happened, the nurse who was about to catch him suddenly froze and stopped moving.

Half a second later, her body shook twice. Before she fell down, her head fell off her neck and rolled several times on the ground.

Although the body was separated, no blood flowed from her body.

Soon, Ye Fei found that her body was visibly flattened by the naked eye. After a few seconds, except for the uniform on her body, her whole body turned into a dry appearance similar to dried paint.

Ye Fei froze for a moment.

He glanced sideways and found that there was someone beside him at some point.

The guy was wearing a white coat and was holding a huge scythe in his hand. When Ye Fei looked at him, he was frowning slightly, and raised his hand to push the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Even though he had just dealt with such a big guy, this guy seemed effortless, even Ye Fei didn't see how he made the move just now.


Rank two, so terrifying.

But he seems to have encountered a little trouble in the second place.


[It is detected that player 002 Jian Lingxi has made behaviors that do not conform to the identity setting, and the violation is determined, and the system will punish the violating player soon]

Jian Lingxi sighed slightly:

"A request for a complaint."

【Please explain why】

"This nurse was too rough on my patient, and I am a good dean who puts the patient first in everything. If a patient is injured because of the roughness of the medical staff, it will have a very bad impact on my hospital. If the news leaks out, coupled with the pressure of external public opinion, a large number of patients will be transferred to other hospitals, and my hospital may face bankruptcy. So I killed this, expulsion, it is not too much, this is very in line with my role identity and three views , did not cause the character to collapse, and did not violate the rules to help the opponent. The explanation is over."

Jian Lingxi's expression and tone were calm when she spoke, and it didn't sound like she was talking nonsense at all.

Ye Fei was going to be convinced by him!

He gave Little Snake a thumbs up in his heart.



The system was stuck in a long freeze.

Finally, it came up with the sentence:

[Appeal passed, game continues]

The game continued, and the crisis they faced just now was resolved by Jian Lingxi.

This caused Ye Fei to look at the nurse's body and then at Jian Lingxi, not knowing what to do for a moment.

He glanced at the name card on Jian Lingxi's body, looking for something to say:

"So you got the status of 'Dean'?"

"En." Jian Lingxi smiled at him with curved lips.

He glanced at the chaos in the activity room:

"My authority is very high, leave this to me, and Teacher Ye can do what he wants."

"That's wonderful. Thanks to you, little snake."

Ye Fei praised in a flattering tone, originally wanted to pat Jian Lingxi on the shoulder, but when he raised his hand, he remembered that people don't seem to like physical contact, so he was about to bump into Jian Lingxi's hand halfway He turned a corner and rushed to Ren Huayan behind him:

"Sister, come here."

Jian Lingxi noticed Ye Fei's movements, and the smile on his lips faded, then he lowered his eyes and looked away.

Ren Huayan was summoned by Ye Fei, hurried to Ye Fei's side, and asked:

"What's the matter, Brother Ye?"

Ye Fei raised her hand and made a gesture:

"I might need a little favor from you."

Ren Huayan agreed happily:

"We are all teammates, and we should help. What do you want me to do?"

Ye Fei raised her eyebrows slightly, and turned her gaze to the corpse of the syringe nurse lying on the ground.

Two minutes later, Ren Huayan held the uniform of the syringe nurse in her hand, her expression was a little subtle.

Although she thought it was a bit odd to be in the clothes she had just ripped off from the monster, she got over it and went to the bathroom to change out.

【Identity Change: Ren Huayan (Nurse)】

Sure enough.

Seeing the reminder that popped up on Ren Huayan, Ye Fei touched her chin.

In the patient code, there is something about identity cards and uniforms. If identity cards can be exchanged, then uniforms can also be obtained in the same way.

"Congratulations, you have become a nurse in Zhouhai Fourth Hospital."

Jian Lingxi pushed her glasses, and said calmly as if following a procedure:

"Look, there should be a nurse's rule in your pocket."

Ren Huayan was still dazed, she touched her coat pocket, and she found a folded paper.

Ye Fei wanted to go over to look at it, but Jian Lingxi grabbed her wrist:

"Patients do not have permission and cannot see it."

Ye Fei was very sorry.

Seeing his disappointed look, Ren Huayan winked at him:

"It's okay, Brother Ye, I'll share the perspective with you."

Ye Fei's mood changed from great sadness to great joy.

Angel sister.

[Player 080 Ren Huayan uses the ability: third perspective sharing]

In the next second, the screen switched and the perspective zoomed in. Ye Fei saw the content on the paper in Ren Huayan's hand.

"Nurses Code of Zhouhai Fourth Hospital (Eighth Revised Edition in 3046

"Welcome all nurses to join Zhouhai Fourth Hospital. The salary is generous and the treatment is good. We will provide you with the best working environment. The premise is that you need to abide by the following regulations:

1. Nurses need to wear uniforms during their tenure in the hospital. Apart from uniforms, you have no other items to prove your identity.

2. Nurses need to stay in the hospital all day during their tenure in the hospital, and return to the dormitory or office before nine o'clock in the evening. If someone asks you to open the door after nine o'clock in the name of a patient/colleague, please ignore him/her/it.

3. Nurses need to observe the mental state of patients at any time during their tenure in the hospital. If they encounter patients who do not follow the doctor's advice and ask to be discharged from the hospital, or falsely claim that they are not sick and try to escape, they will be dealt with as extreme behavior. You can call other nurses to transfer the patient to the treatment room on the second floor and give it to the doctor for treatment.

4. Nurses need to record the actions of each patient during their tenure in the hospital. If a patient recovers and leaves the hospital, please remind him to bring his belongings before leaving. If the patient has leftovers, please collect the leftovers and put them in the archives on the fifth floor to avoid panic.

5. Every weekend is the day for patients to contact their parents. Before that, nurses must confirm the mental state of patients. If their behavior is extreme, they will not call. *During the call, if the patient utters information that obviously does not conform to the actual situation of the hospital, please end the call immediately, appease the parents, and transfer the patient to the treatment room on the second floor for treatment by the doctor.

Zhouhai Fourth Hospital puts patients first and is committed to bringing a healthy and beautiful tomorrow to every patient. We are proud to be a part of the hospital, and work together to bring patients a better new life! "