MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 20 Lin Xianxian-[End]

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[Congratulations to player 001 Ye Fei for completing the dungeon exploration]

[Congratulations to player 001 Ye Fei for completing the hidden mission, leaving the inner world and ending the cycle]


【All players please enjoy Lin Xianxian's beautiful day with her】

Ye Fei reacted a little nervously to the voice.

He was still struggling in a dream, not so clear-headed, and raised his hand to block his ears irritably after hearing this sentence.

But covering his ears could only reduce those noisy voices a little, and he could still hear a familiar voice beside him yelling.

"Fuck! I'm still alive!"

The roar of surprise intertwined shook the sky.

"Ms. Ye, how did you do it?! I'm not dreaming, I'm not hallucinating due to low mental value, am I really alive?"

"Fuck! Slot! The life value is 'health'!"

"Ms. Ye! You are amazing!"

Zhou Zhengning was still a little confused at first, when he woke up he was resting on his arm, his cheeks were covered with red marks pressed by his sleeves.

He found himself in Class 3, Grade 3, and everyone was still in the classroom except Zhang Shang who died in the game.

He was the first to wake up, and after waking up, everyone was dumbfounded, and it took him a long time to realize:

If he hadn't been dreaming, then it seems possible, perhaps... considered a clearance?

Zhou Zhengning jumped up from his chair in excitement.

He still doesn't know what the situation is now, but in the last week, everyone's status has dropped to "endangered", Zhou Zhengning has also been in a coma, and only has a vague perception of the outside world.

Under such circumstances, if he had to rely on himself, it would be impossible for him to pass the level for more than 800 weeks. But now that he is standing here alive, he wants to know whose credit it is.

So, it was Mr. Ye who did the work of five people by himself, and turned the tide at the last moment and took them away from the man-eating game.

This time it is really "lying down and winning".

Zhou Zhengning was on the verge of tears.

He shook Ye Fei who was still sleeping on the table:

"Ms. Ye! I'm alive, we're all alive!!"

Ye Fei was already devastated when he heard him arguing in his ears, but he didn't expect this person to have something even worse, to try to shake him awake directly!

Ye Fei swayed on the table following Zhou Zhengning's movements, and his desperate voice came from under his arms:

"Pudding, you let me die—"

He raised his head, under his messy hair, there were a pair of dark circles under his eyes that had not changed for thousands of years. Matched with his pale complexion, he looked extremely haggard.

Zhou Zhengning withdrew his hand in embarrassment:

"Sorry, I'm so excited."

Ye Fei let out a long sigh:

"Well, I understand very well."

When they were making a fuss, Qin Jing also walked to their side from his own position.

Ye Fei noticed, he yawned and looked at her with half-closed eyes.

Qin Jing felt a little uncomfortable being watched by him.

She sat on the table in the front row, frowned slightly habitually, looked at Ye Fei, then looked away, raised her hand to touch the tip of her nose, and whispered vaguely:

"...Then what, thank you."

Ye Fei has an absolute cure on his body, this game is not a threat to him at all, he can completely wait for another week, lie down and wait for all his teammates to die, and when the game is over, he can still pass the level.

This is also the reason why Qin Jing never dared to fully trust him before.

And now, all of them are standing here well.

Qin Jing felt that she should say thank you to him, even though she was not good at it.

Seeing her like this, Ye Fei intentionally teased her, so she raised her hand to her ear and asked lazily:

"What did you say? I didn't hear you?"

"I said, thank you."

Qin Jing repeated it patiently.

"Ah?" Ye Fei made an inch of it.

Qin Jing couldn't bear it anymore:

"Ye, don't let me scold you?"

Qin Jing kicked his table leg.

Ye Fei stopped making trouble, smiled and waved her hands:

"You're welcome. I said if you can trust me, I won't let you down."

Hearing this, Qin Jing was slightly taken aback.

She paused, and awkwardly changed the subject:

"So, how did you spend the last week?"

"Ah, it's nothing." Ye Fei sat up propped on the table, raised her hand and stretched:

"It's just to help the little girl solve a little problem. It just so happens that she is more willing to listen to me."

"...No, what kind of ecstasy soup did you give the child? She will believe everything you say."

Qin Jing wanted to say this for a long time.

This dungeon is the same as tailor-made for Ye Fei, the background is the case he knows, the main line NPC is his old acquaintance, and he is a little devil who only listens to him.

If it were someone else, it would have been killed by the little girl with the ability like a foul.

Ye Fei shrugged and didn't answer.

He only slightly bent his lips:

"At least, trusting me isn't always a bad thing, is it?"


Qin Jing didn't answer.

After a while, she looked away, avoiding Ye Fei's sight.

The mechanism of this game is only completely clear at this time. It is divided into two game scenes, which can be roughly classified as "inner and outer worlds".

When the player first entered the game, he was in a place similar to Lin Xianxian's dream, that is, the "inner world". There are gnawing monsters, gloomy skies, and time vortexes that keep looping.

At this time, they completed the hidden mission and returned to the "watch world".

After returning here, they realized that, unlike the gloomy weather in the game, it turned out that March 16, 3035 was a sunny day.

This place seems to be similar to an ordinary elementary school. In the morning, the dormitory auntie wakes up from each floor with her curly hair. The cafeteria is also lively. The students gather together in twos and threes. Drawing a triangle with the triangle board, some of the students in the audience listened carefully to the class, and some chatted on the sidelines, just like an ordinary school.

The only unusual thing is that no one here can see the "player".

They don't seem to be real in the table world, at least the aborigines in the table world can pass through their bodies without feeling, and even the mainline NPC Lin Xianxian turns a blind eye to them.

And they followed the guidance of the task, and stayed with Lin Xianxian all the time, spending the ordinary days of ordinary elementary school students with her.

During class time, Zhou Zhengning lay down by the window in the corridor, propping his chin to watch the teacher speak English inside.

They probably have to stay in the corridor for a whole day, this link is a bit boring compared to the previous tense and exciting world, but if Zhou Zhengning had to choose one, he would rather stay here for the rest of his life.

Someone had the same idea as him.

Ye Fei was sitting on the edge of the corridor, and there was a pile of plastic bags beside him, which were seven ham cakes, two cups of soy milk, three steamed buns and five sausages that he packed from the cafeteria.

He has been sitting there eating all morning.

Qin Jing stood by the side and endured again and again, and finally couldn't hold back and asked:

"Ye Fei, are you reincarnated from starvation? You seem to never stop talking."

This man is not only good at sleeping, but also good at eating.

Like that pig spirit reincarnated.

Ye Fei swallowed what was in her mouth slowly:

"It's a fool not to eat. Maybe one day I won't be able to eat it. I will miss this hot ham pie very much. It will be one of the powerful spiritual pillars in my long life."

Qin Jing looked away stiffly, not commenting.

When she looked up, she found that Zhou Zhengning, who had been standing at the door of the classroom, seemed a little weird:

"What are you looking at?"

I didn't expect this person to be boring enough.

"Look at classmate Lin Xianxian deserting."

Zhou Zhengning looked at the little girl sitting in the last row of the classroom, sighed, and lowered his voice a lot when he said the second half of the sentence:

"Sit alone by the trash can, it must be very sad."

They followed Lin Xianxian all morning, and the other children were in groups, all good friends gathering together to play. Lin Xianxian was the only one who ate alone and went to class alone, and the seats were arranged in the dirtiest corners.

At this moment, she was holding a black marker pen in her hand, and she was lowering her head, not knowing what she was scribbling on.

Zhou Zhengning looked at her from a distance, and after a while, Lin Xianxian seemed to feel something, and suddenly raised her eyes to look at him.

Logically speaking, Lin Xianxian should not be able to see them, but when he looked at her, Zhou Zhengning suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart.

It's just that the feeling lasted for a short moment, Lin Xianxian quickly glanced past him, and lay back on the table again.

A primary school student's day is dull and boring, like Tan stagnant water, but, later on, someone threw a stone into the stagnant water, breaking the superficial calm.

I heard that there was a child in Class 6 who hadn't come to class for a long time. The teacher led people to search for it for a day, and finally found his body in the equipment room on the third floor.

The school called the police, and the police and the child's parents came to the school soon.

This incident caused a lot of trouble. The school sealed off the third floor of the teaching building and temporarily suspended classes. The students only knew that it was a holiday and wandered around the campus in twos and threes.

Later, the playground became a mess. It is said that a boy in the fourth class went crazy in public, smashed his head on the ground, and died on the spot.

Later, later, the police found the tragic death of the female teacher in the woods of the school.

Three homicides occurred in just one day, and the bustling campus in the morning suddenly became deserted, leaving only groups of forensic doctors and police who couldn't see their faces clearly.

This is the real March 16th in history.

The loading space of the game is also the place to log out of the game. After the teaching building was emptied, Zhou Zhengning and the others entered the classroom and waited. Next, they only need to stay here until midnight, and the game will enter the settlement stage.

Around eleven o'clock, Ye Fei said that he wanted to go out for a walk, but he never came back.

Zhou Zhengning was also flustered with idleness. He wandered around the classroom, and when he got to the back row, he saw the desk covered in graffiti in the corner of the classroom.

He frowned after just one glance, and murmured:

"It's obviously just a child, how could it be so malicious."

Qin Jing heard this sentence, and she sighed:

"The outright malice of a child is more terrifying than that of an adult."

Zhou Zhengning nodded:


After all, he will never forget the scene of Lin Xianxian smiling and watching the monster bite off Zhang Shang's head in his whole life.

He shook his head, ready to leave this place, but before he left, he caught a glimpse of something that seemed to have fallen under the desk from the corner of his eye.

Zhou Zhengning was stunned for a moment, bent down to pick it up, and found that it was a student ID card.

The student ID card belonged to Lin Xianxian because her name was printed on it.

It's just that the student ID card looks as miserable as a desk, and it's been smeared all over with a black marker. The photo was scribbled, and the information other than the name was completely covered by black ink, and the original words could not be seen clearly.

Probably this is also a masterpiece of prank.

Zhou Zhengning sighed again.

Without thinking too much, he just put the student ID card back on Lin Xianxian's desk.

After finishing this, he turned on the light screen and looked at the time:

"Hey, it's almost time, where is Teacher Ye?"


On March 16th, at night, the sky was still clear, the moon was hanging in the sky, and occasionally the night wind blew through, bringing a bit of coolness.

The girl was sitting alone on the edge of the roof. She had short hair that reached her ears, and her back was thin and small, as if a gust of wind could blow her away.

Ye Fei had been here for a while. He didn't want to go forward at first, but in the end he went and sat next to Lin Xianxian.

Lin Xianxian was not surprised by his arrival.

She just glanced sideways at him.

With a smile on the corner of Ye Fei's lips, he followed Lin Xianxian's gaze and looked up at the sky:

"I haven't formally greeted you from here to now, let's make it up now. Long time no see, Xianxian."


Lin Xianxian's tone was light, she laughed:

"The doctor wants to talk to me again?"

"Not this time." Ye Fei raised her eyebrows slightly:

"Just wanted to see you again."

"Well, we haven't seen each other for a long time after all. How many years is it?"

"Three one seven zero."

Lin Xianxian lowered her head and counted with her fingers:

"It turns out that we haven't seen each other for 134 years."

"Yeah, it's been that long."

Ye Fei leaned back slightly, with his hands propped behind his back, and raised his face to look at the clear night sky.

"But the doctor hasn't changed."

"You haven't changed."

"That's different." Lin Xianxian moved to the side and leaned her head on Ye Fei's shoulder:

"I'm dead long ago, you know that, don't you?"

"Okay. Then I'm still like this, probably because I can't die forever."

"What an annoying reason."

"I think so too." Ye Fei laughed:

"But there's no way, I just can't die."

Hearing this, Lin Xianxian paused.

After a while, she suddenly asked:

"Doctor, is death a painful thing?"

This question stopped Ye Fei, and he was silent for a moment, as if he was recalling something.

Finally, he nodded, smiling slightly:

"Well, it's painful."

"So, when Zhang Chenkang dies, will he be very painful?" Lin Xianxian blinked:

"I really like watching those people die. Their pain and wailing all make me excited. But thinking about it now, I didn't seem so happy when Zhang Chenkang died. Is this the feeling the doctor wants me to understand? Zhang Chenkang, is that my friend?

"Did the doctor feel the same way when I tried to kill his friend?"


"But why would a doctor want to die if death is such a painful, unacceptable thing? I know, doctors try to kill themselves all the time."

Ye Fei was stunned by this question.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to explain, but he couldn't find a reasonable reason in the end, so he could only give a wry smile in the end.

Fortunately, Lin Xianxian didn't make things difficult for him.

She skipped the subject:

"I think it's almost time, and the doctor is leaving. By the way, do you remember what I promised you when I first met you?"

Ye Fei nodded:


At that time, Lin Xianxian was sitting in the corner with her knees hugged. After Ye Fei introduced herself, she raised her eyes to stare at him and said gloomyly:

"Will you let me out, doctor?"

Later, she added:

"As long as you let me out, I will always protect you."

Now, Lin Xianxian nodded:

"I'm different from those guys. My words are still valid."

Ye Fei listened to her words and chuckled lightly:

"But the premise you gave me, I didn't do it, did I?"

Lin Xianxian raised her eyes to look at him, her deer eyes seemed to hide deep emotions.

But before she could speak, she was interrupted by a voice.

"Ms. Ye!"

Ye Fei froze for a moment, then looked back.

It was Zhou Zhengning.

Zhou Zhengning scratched his head:

"Why are you sitting here alone?"

Ye Fei opened her eyes slightly.

"It's almost midnight, it's time to log out, let's go back."

"…Hold on."

Ye Fei calmed down quickly after the brief accident.

He withdrew his gaze and looked at Lin Xianxian again.

There is a thin wooden pillar on the edge of the roof, and a light bulb is hung on it. At night, there are flying insects constantly bumping into the light bulb, making a slightly noisy sound.

Lin Xianxian was sitting under the light, her eyes were covered by the shadow of her bangs, so she couldn't see the expression clearly.

After a while, she curled one corner of her lips and gave Ye Fei a slight smile.

"Then see you next time."


3035, consultation room.

It was oppressive and gloomy darkness, and at the end of the corridor, only a lamp on the desk was shining coldly.

Dust floated behind the light source, and the young doctor was sitting behind the desk, holding a pen in his hand, and the room was filled with the "rustling" sound of the pen nib rubbing against the paper.

After a long time, there was the sound of doors opening and closing in the distance.

The footsteps sounded from far to near, and finally, a shadow appeared under the light source, and the little girl stepped forward, pulled aside the chair opposite the table and climbed up.

She looks sweet, but her expression is gloomy beyond her age.

She knelt on the soft seat, leaned forward, looked at the form under the doctor's hand, and said sullenly:

"They won't let me go out, doctor."

The doctor paused.

He closes his pen cap:


"Probably because I'm too bad." The little girl didn't care too much:

"They said I killed too many people. But those people deserved to die, didn't they?"

The doctor didn't answer.

The little girl tilted her head slightly, her eyes slowly moving up.

She looked straight into the doctor's eyes, smiled suddenly, as if waiting for a compliment, and said:

"I killed everyone who bullied me, Doctor."

Her voice is slightly cold:

"Do you need my help?"

"Together, let's send all those who treat you badly to hell."

There was a long silence in the consulting room.

In the end, the doctor's white-gloved hand landed on the top of the little girl's hair and gently rubbed it:

"Don't say those words, go back."

The little girl pursed her mouth and got off the chair.

She stretched out her hand, palm facing the doctor, as if waiting for him to hand her something.

The doctor paused, then picked up a card from his hand and handed it to her.

The little girl didn't say anything, took the card and disappeared into the darkness outside the light source.

Under the desk lamp, several information sheets were scattered in a mess.

The black ink on one of them was still wet and gleamed faintly in the light.

The handwriting on the form was neat and clear, and among the large blanks, only one was filled in.

Ward 3:

"Lin Xianxian"

The author has something to say:

Complete Character ID Cards Collected:

【Lin Xianxian】

Gender: Female

Age: 9 years old

Height: 123cm

Birthday: 3.3

Ability: Emotional Control

Rating: S

Closest people: doctor

Likes: Other people's pain, fear, despair

Dislikes: Depressed, closed spaces/People who have bad intentions towards doctors

Status: Student/Patient in Room 3

Participation in the event: 3035 Lvjiang three small serial suicide case