MTL - Survive in the Wilderness! The Actor King Sits in My Arms and Weeps-Chapter 466 This is not a wedding, this is the Spring Festival Gala

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Immediately, all the guests in doll costumes rushed out!

There are a series of memory costumes such as SpongeBob SquarePants, Hello Kitty, Ultraman, etc.

There are also clothes distributed on the island at that time, and various guests are neatly arranged.

"There is a ring event in front, and our seats will also be rewarded to everyone according to the number in the set!"

[Long time to see you, the wedding seats are actually distributed in the form of ferrules? ! 】

[It feels absurd, but at a glance it is the wedding of Brother Lin and Sister Yang, and it feels normal again]

[Mainly, the guests who were asked to make a ring seem to be very excited]

Not only that, after the ring was over, Joe Hefeng, who was in the first row of the set, jumped out of the SpongeBob SquarePants costume.

"Thank you everyone! Thank you everyone!"


Holding his seat number, he held his head high, and with the background music Qiu Ye played for him, he walked out of the steps of disrespecting six relatives.

After being seated, the rest of the people also took their seats in turn.

Qiu Ye's soulful voice sounded.

"Next, walking towards us is the woman's assistant parent - Thin Tie Niu!"

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

【What help? ! 】

[They still have performances? ! No wonder it starts at six o'clock! I always set the alarm clock to attend this kind of wedding live broadcast! 】

"And the male assistant guest - Joe Hefeng!"

"Please come on stage and have a dance battle!"

The music is on!

There were only two lonely chasing lights left on the field.

A figure in the background came out backwards, a space dance step that everyone is familiar with.


The screams are boiling off the field!

The fans who were invited to the island were already screaming crazy.

"Iron bull! Iron bull! Iron bull!"

Joe Hefeng was not to be outdone, as soon as SpongeBob's clothes were torn open, there were shiny costumes inside.

He jumped onto the stage and danced in sync.

"Feng Feng! Feng Feng! Feng Feng!"

Bo Silin: "…"

Knowing that the addition of this group of people will make this wedding more or less different.

But if you knew it was this way, you shouldn't have invited the parents in in the first place.

After the dance battle, Qiu Ye's voice continued to be heard on the radio.

"In the next talent session, we will invite our simple actors to bring you a sketch of "Sister Yang Killing the Wolf"!",

Su Yangyang turned his head: ?

Bo Silin stared: ? ?

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

"Ouch—" Xiao He went on the field wearing a wolf's head.

Then there was Shen Ruoqing with her hair tied, wearing a red shirt and wearing sleeve arrows on her hands. It was Su Yangyang's previous dress on the island!

"Listen clearly!" Shen Ruoqing raised her hand and waved, imitating Su Yangyang's posture, "The most powerful thing in a wolf is its claws! Be careful to protect your neck and head, use arrows and slingshots, wait for me to come here first. !"

Tian Tian wore the word "Barrage" on her face, and floated across the field, still reciting "6666" and "Sister Yang is awesome" and other words on the barrage at that time.


【She is playing us? ? 】

[The details are outrageous, I never thought I could see bullets in the live broadcast in my life]

The sketch vividly restores the scene at that time.

Even Qiu Ye, who was wearing a tiger's skin with his **** on his back, was also played by himself.

Then with the last roar, "Su Yangyang" punched "Wolf" in the chin.

"Ouch—" Xiao He rolled 360 degrees on the ground.

Qiao Hefeng, who played "Bo Silin", rushed forward immediately.

"Yangyang! Don't go! I can't live without you! I'm late!"

Bo Sirin himself: "…"

He turned his head slowly, "I said that at the time?"

"I don't know." Su Yangyang's scalp was numb, "I seemed to faint at the time."

[Good guy, this is not a wedding, this is the Spring Festival Gala]

[I have only seen pre-wedding videos of the groom and the bride, and this is the first time I have seen a real person act]

[Is it too late for you to edit the film, so you are so perfunctory? ? 】

[I guess, they may just want to play]

After finishing this vote, Qiu Ye took the microphone again.

He stood in the most conspicuous position in the venue with a serious expression.

"After enjoying the wonderful performance of family and friends, we will introduce the area for the guests who are present today!"

"On this side, there are No. 1-20, which belongs to the Haoyou area. On my left, it is the family area. We can see their warm and lovely smiles."

"Then you will definitely ask, who is the last single position reserved for?" Qiu Ye smiled mysteriously, "This is the former area."

Crowd: ? ? ! !

Qiao Hefeng: "Fuck! So exciting?!"

"Gu Sheng is invited?!" Xiao He asked in a low voice.

Everyone's eyes suddenly searched around the field.

But he didn't see Gu Sheng's figure.

"Of course, there is only one area, but due to force majeure, no predecessor was present today." Qiu Ye said.

"Cut!" Everyone below suddenly exclaimed.

Gu Sheng in front of the screen: "..."

He turned to look at the housekeeper, "Did they send me an invitation?"


Gu Sheng took a deep breath.

What a force majeure!

Therefore, the existence of this position is just to show off with him! Yao! of! right! Bar!

Boslin! It must be Bo Silin's idea!

Backstage, Bo Silin was complete.

"I just went to another world today, and I have no regrets. Amen." He smiled.

Su Yangyang immediately covered his mouth.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Bo Silin smiled.

The phone vibrated suddenly.

He glanced at it and frowned.

"Cheng Mo arrived?" Su Yangyang asked immediately.

"Yes, he just landed." Bo Silin glanced at the distance sent on the phone, and after calculating, "I didn't come so We can play slowly, wait for him to cross the island, It will take an hour, and then let someone stop it, enough for us to finish the ceremony and greet this special guest."

Saying that, he took Su Yangyang's hand.

Qiu Ye's gaze from outside also came in.

Bo Silin rubbed the back of her hand for a moment, then leaned over and said, "Let's go, the horse is ready."


Su Yangyang was stunned when he saw that two horses were really brought in outside.

One pure white, one pure black.

The white one was the one she rode on the island.

"Walking across the long street, the padlocks are tied together. This is also what Dayan said, right?" Bo Silin looked at her and said.

Su Yangyang didn't expect that there was even a part of riding a horse.

No wonder the dress was designed this way.

She raised her eyebrows and smiled, turned and jumped on the horse's back.

But she didn't let Bo Silin get on the other horse, instead she stretched out her hand and pulled the man directly onto the horse's back.


The white horse is gone!

"Hello?!" When Qiu Ye chased out, it was too late.

What the hell!

Where are these two going? !

The process is not over yet!

However, the sound of hooves raised the dust, and the neigh had just gone away, and then it was close again!

The red skirt and black suit are unexpectedly harmonious!

The horse's hoofs lifted up and went directly over the guest area!

Around the venue for a week, and did not walk the traditional red carpet.

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! 】

[God, I took a crazy screenshot of this scene! 】

[Another day of tears for Su Boer! 】

[Mom's chasing CP from the ambiguous period to the wedding scene, it's absolutely amazing! 】

【Can you still get married like this? ! 】

Qiu Ye is very discerning.

Immediately put up the BGM that entered the venue.

"Let's congratulate the new couple on their entry!"

(End of this chapter)