MTL - Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?!-Chapter 58 Divination

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"What are you doing?! What is the crown? What is the fate of the uncovering? Isn’t the little witch found?..."

The next morning, Wu and Caesar walked out of the Twin Towers, hurried to the cafeteria to pack the breakfast, and stepped on the bell to the classroom.

When Caesar entered the door, he took a bag of meat and smashed it, and the aroma was overflowing, which led many practitioners to look up.

Zoe and Wenlin left the two seats in the front row -

After two rounds of elimination, only 500 of the 500 trainees were left, and the originally crowded classroom was finally able to stretch the shoulders.

The trainee's gaze followed the fleshy scent and quickly locked in the sorcerer.

The bright grade logo is affixed to the waist of his training jacket, and the gilded “a” enamel glows.

The second round of the knockout champion, Crowson show theme song c, no one can expect this trainee who was admitted to the program group because of the value of the face, even in two months, the limelight is flourishing, even in the rankings Yan.

"...white moonlight entertainment, good at reasoning...but the firearms only have dynamic target seven rings..."

" can advance to s with another championship, but r code entertainment..."

The whispered argument came from the back row and dissipated in the air with a meaty scent.

The sorcerer did not listen carefully, and the sight was swept through the classroom, and the body of several a-level trainees paused slightly.

At this time, the 300 players have been sorted again according to the last round of the knockout, s still only Wei Yan, a level 22 people. Among them, the top 10 players counted as half feet into the exit position - their grade letters are bronzing, which is distinct from the silver level of other trainees.

Among the top ten people who have already refreshed -

1 person of r code entertainment, 2 people of Baiyueguang, Zoe, 2 people of Zhuoma, 2 people of Jingyi Entertainment, 2 people of Azure People, and a small economic company player who has advanced from d.

The sorcerer roughly estimated it, and the form was far more severe than he imagined.

The "cell automata" rules of the last round of the knockout were complicated, and most of the players in the game were still mostly in luck. Including the thin fires, Caesar and the poisonous stupid Qin Jinbao, many of the strengths that could have hit the position, were excluded from the top ten at this time.

The silver silk rolls were all over the army. Zhuoma and Jingyi Entertainment played a stable role, and the number of finalists remained unchanged. Only Zhuoma lost a Qin Jinbao, but the position was quickly filled by the company's trainees.

As for the Azure People Entertainment -

The name of this economic company is extremely conspicuous, and it doesn't look like 3018 is like 2018. Wu Yi clearly remembers that before the last round of the knockout, the "People's Entertainment" had only one trainee finalist, and it has already increased to two.

Coupled with the hidden power of the amnesty, the younger brother of the big scorpion, and the steadily rising Wenlin, the final debut will become increasingly fierce.

The Caesars were tall and tall, and they saw Zoe in the crowd. They took the sorcerer and walked over the aisle: "There is still a golden dawn meeting-"

The sorcerer tried to swallow the last small pancake, vaguely saying: "The clues can't be solved, it's a bit like a spell or a divination guide... The golden light will be able to find information."

Caesarton hi.

Wu Han: "Golden Dawn is a witchcraft association established in London in 1888. It implements Western occultism and religion. It is known for its astrology, Tarot and alchemy. The representative has Edward Witt..."

Caesar shot the thigh and did not understand and asked: "Which planet is the UK?"

Wu Han’s eyes are black: “...”

The two quickly passed through the aisle and arrived at Zoe.

The white moonlight sniper occupies two seats against the wall, and one more space, adding up to three chairs. Caesar did not hesitate to push the sorcerer to Zoe - so that Zoe would not want to check his class notes.

Before the podium, the subject of the course is being projected on the virtual light curtain:

"Mysterious divination."

The lecturer has not appeared yet. At the entrance to the classroom, the blood pigeon who just went home to see his wife and children is talking to someone.

The blood pigeons inherit the consistent characteristics of the professional players of the killing show - the skeleton is big, the people are blocked, and only a white robe and white mottled hair can be seen.

The attention of the sorcerer is attracted by the things placed on the table.

Including Zoe and Caesar, each trainer's desk has a carton about the palm of his hand, which is the teaching aid of this class.

The carton in front of Zoe has been opened, revealing dozens of cards placed by the workers. The back of the card is exquisite and cumbersome, and a manual is placed in the box.

"Edward Wetter, Golden Twilight Association."

Caesar swallowed the meat folder three or two times, and opened the teaching aid in front of him with a greasy hand: "Oh, little witch, this is not who you said -"

The sorcerer nodded and added: "Edward Weite, the founder of the Tarot divination."

A box of cards is about seventy or eighty, and the face paintings are fine, from background relief to character expressions.

The sorcerer randomly took out one of the four wings of the beasts in the fog, and the middle of the circle was a rotating compass. The next line of the book was a small word: "The Wheel of Fortune."

He turned the rest of each one in turn. There were empresses on the cards, sacrifices, death gods, and small cards with Roman numerals. Some could speculate the meaning from the pattern, but some were difficult to distinguish.

Zoe whispered, "Do you see anything?"

The witches who are counting the cards shook their heads slightly, and they opened their mouths: "78. I was thinking... Why is the divination class the first quarter, not the last section before the game."

Zoe a glimpse.

The sorcerer thought: "It is order to allow us enough time to carry the 78 chapter cards down. No accident, the third round of knockouts is related to the tarot cards."

Outside the door, the man who spoke to the blood pigeon smiled and nodded, slowly walking into the classroom.

At the same time, there was a late red hair from the back door cat - Caesar shot a chair back, warm and hospitable, and waved the red hair to the empty seat next to it.

Wu Hao raised his head and said hello to the red hair. After aiming at his eyes, he was slightly lost. Dad obviously adhered to the consistent style of skipping classes and will be absent from the end.

The red hair was tacitly stunned and laughed.

Until the instructor stepped onto the podium - the talents suddenly realized that this person was not the old man with white hair, but the trend youth who had dyed his head.

The dresses of his robes are sly in the style of the sorcerer. The overall tailoring is like a priest in the church. The outside is wrapped in a circle of cloth, and the shoulders are not uncomfortable. It seems to be a sage of the ancient Greeks. The logo of the "Centre of the Centaur Xuanxue Masters" on the chest is gleaming.

Unlike a fashionista, the diviner has a soft tone and a gentle flow that smoothes the heart.

"My name is Sinla, from Centaur, majoring in the ancient Western numerology."

"I am very glad to meet you, and I am very happy to lead you on the mysterious Tarot tour. At the moment I entered the classroom, I have already felt your strength, which is born from the heart, vigorous and full of vitality. ""

"Let me take a closer look...300 trainees," he said, gently reaching out to touch the mysterious etheric energy in the air: "I can see it vaguely, and in the end there will be 22 people who will compete for the debut." There will be another 6 people entering the Star League in the future."

The classroom suddenly came to a sudden, and the trainees who had doubts were suspected to be serious and listened carefully.

Sinla continued to say in a vain tone: "I saw a mysterious star behind you... Hey, 45 heroic lions, followed by 32 wise Scorpio, 30 passionate shooters..."

Caesar said: "There are more than 30 snipers sitting here!"

Zoe: "... Shut up, people say the constellation."

Caesar stunned: "Hey, my Leo!"

Zoe was annoyed, and whispered and talked with the sorcerer: "It's a bit powerful... 300 constellations of trainees, can you figure it out at a glance?"

The sorcerer hesitated: "I think... it should be that the blood pigeon teacher just showed him the registration form, and registered everyone's birthday."

"..." Zoe struggled: "So they are all gods and shackles? First draw attention with the predictions about the future of everyone, and then start to force..."

The sorcerer replied quietly with an audible voice: "It is also very powerful, everyone believes."

In the classroom, it is not surprising that many trainees are staring at the podium. Some of them remain awake--Wei Yan looks indifferently looking out the window, and the tarot cards in front of them are not removed, obviously a firm atheist.

Sitting near him is a counter-example fire, this person did not put his face on the podium, I can't wait to immediately pull the instructor's little hand to let him see a career line.

Caesar on the side talked with the red hair.

At first, Wu Yi thought that Caesar was not very interested in metaphysics, and only a few moments came to reflect. Caesar was too high for the class.

On the podium, the diviner Sinrah ended the opening words and signaled the trainees to open the cards in front of them.

"Tarot, which originated in the 15th century and has been widely circulated since the 19th century, is both a tool for divination and a tool for spiritual thinking. Until the 31st century, this occult card system has been extended to include the Shadow Tower. Thousands of branches, including Luo, Cat Tarot, and Crystal Tarot. However, in the past two weeks, I suggest that everyone learn, mainly with Vitalo – that is, the deck that is placed before you. ”

"The author of this is the famous Golden Twilight Association member, Edward Wetter."

Zoe and the sorcerer exchanged a look.

Regardless of the rules of the playoffs, it is obviously crucial to have the meaning of the cards.

"78 tarot cards, consisting of 22 big Akana, and 56 small Akana, the big Akana used to explain the general trajectory of fate, from the top, including the fool, the magician, the priestess... We will focus on these 22 in the next lesson."

"Small Akana is divided into four colors: Scepter, Star Coin, Holy Grail, and Sword. Each card has a number of a~10 and four court characters..."

A lesson passed by.

In the second lesson, the diviner taught a most basic lineup.

All the trainees took out three cards and arranged them in order, which were interpreted as past, present and future. The classroom was bustling, and everyone succumbed to the instructions and racked their brains to solve the cards.

"The clues have been given quite a lot," Zoe looked at the instructions and wondered: "The remaining question, what does the Tarot card represent in the game?"

The sorcerer nodded: "There is also a hint, ‘find you, cover you, crown you.’ It may only be known to the game – just like the previous round.”

Zoe nodded and suddenly felt up looking up at the side of the witch.

Caesar Red Mao, who is "teaming up the cards," is having a good time.

"One pair of 3!" Caesars dropped two cards.

Red hair quickly followed: "A pair of 6!"

Caesar is proud: "Four 4, □ □!"

Red hair haha ​​smiled: "Four a, I will blow again!"

Zoe: "..."

Two minutes later, Bai Yueguang quickly voted and passed the resolution with 2 pros and 1 vote, confiscating Caesar's 56 small Akana digital cards.

Caesar had to grieve and follow the card, and the meaning of the card was a mess. The "death" can be solved as a knight, and the "moon" can be solved into the sun, but the "lover" is a good solution.

However, there is only one "lover" in a set of cards.

Caesar thought about it, suddenly took a table, asked the witch to borrow a lover, and borrowed a red hair to borrow a piece of three. Then grind and start recording short videos of music:

"Baby, we have been together for almost two months. Today, your Caesar learned divination in class! Let's open the card, the past - is a lover. Open it now - oh, still a lover, open the future - Hey, still a lover..."

Zoe looked awkward, and the fool was really a fool. He was confiscated and he could play.

The red hair on the side was deeply touched, and he shot Caesar's shoulders: "Big brother, hurt wife, enough!"

When you're done, turn your eyes to the sorcerer: "Do you want a little witch? I have a set of cards here! I will give you four lover's, and I will give it when I shoot it."

Wu Yanran: "Who is it to..."

Caesar had a look at his eyes: "Do you have two sets of cards?!"

Red Mao explained: "This is not a sign for people to sign up."

Caesar: "Hurry up, give me another one, and make four pieces for my wife to take a lover's four-leaf clover-"

The two divination classes are finally over.

When leaving, Sinla’s mentor gave a small gift to everyone – a 40% discount coupon for the Centaur Divinery.

The red hair was stroked in two classes, which is comparable to Caesar, and the look of love is similar to that of the red palm. The sorcerer had to copy the notes and return them to the review.

The training course for the third elimination tournament was mostly firearms except for the divination class. Compared to two weeks ago, Zoe was greatly relieved of the witchcraft.

——It can be graduated from special training, and the graduation score is full. Only melee guns can be used. In most cases, the sorcerer can not stand in the disadvantage.

When several people went back to bed, Zoe suddenly remembered something.

"Caesar, the 600 pb seeds you used to lick... the little witches, the children can't find resources."

Caesar smiled and patted the sorcerer on the sorcerer's body: "Small sorrow, you said it, you are all brothers!"

Witch has a red heart and tried to argue: "I didn't look for it -"

Zoe was "squeaky", and Caesar sneaked it, don't be known by the secretary of the song, destroying the "friendship between men."

At the south tower, the two men bid farewell to Zoe Wenlin and return to the 701 dormitory. Caesar suddenly has a happy color: "Red Mao was promoted to c last time, is it necessary to move to the South Tower."

The witch eyes lit up, remembered something, nodded nodded.

The two men looked at the vacant bedroom table in unison, but the nearest one was still on the third floor.

Caesar regrets: "In two more games, you have to break up the dormitory, and see if you want to kick the man out, and who the little witch wants to sleep with -"

The little curls of the sorcerer's fluffy fluffy pines, a figure emerged in the heart, but they did not say anything.

When the two returned to the room, Wei Yan had been in the living room for a long time. 78 tarot cards were spread out on the living room table, and his eyes were numb when he was playing cards, like a robot writing a magnetic head.

Wu Yan greeted him and Wei Yan Machinery nodded.

Witch thinking, Wei Yan does not look like a normal person. He likes to stay in the public area of ​​the living room instead of being bored in the room. Occasionally watching the dog blood idol drama, he will also respond when he greets him. The knockout game will also be a serious battle.

It seems that what he lacks is not emotion, but the ability to express emotions.

The witches suddenly had a meal, and a few seemingly irrelevant things in their minds were faintly linked.

Loss of emotion, r code, treatment, mhcc illicit drug, floating city, genetic industry.

The sorcerer unscrewed the door lock and quickly opened the terminal after entering the room.

"Floating City, r code" has no associated terms.

"r code, mhcc mental comforter" - in a charging engine, two news suddenly emerged.

The sorcerer is waiting to see it carefully, and there is a knock on the door outside.

He opened the door, Caesar explored his head and smiled. "Small witch opens a terminal and receives the information. The little movie brother has packaged it for you!"

The sorcerer stayed and said, "I don't have-"

Caesar waved his hand: "All brothers, thank you! What kind of witch wants to see? Oh, I guess you haven’t seen a girl, or start with the same sex, not so exciting!"

The author has something to say: Thank you, but I chose silence, Tao Xiaotao's rocket launcher~

Thank you for the grenade of the Cheshire Cat*2 in the dream~

The trumpet of the *2,30196160*2, ailyar, innocent, the fish come to the fish, walked thousands of miles, my sister, as always, crazy, peach peach, pipa, Mu Song, bird, gas burning, Pickles, vegetables, vegetables, vegetables, vegetables, mines~~

The second is still moved to the weekend to make up t_t in order to compensate for the first two days of thick and long ~

Play tomorrow, hahaha! ! Pinch a cute little copy! 2k novel reading network