MTL - Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?!-Chapter 36 map

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In the arena, the sorcerer quickly collected the supplies and ran Caesar out.

The moth does not take the initiative to attack, but the silver butterfly is a hard shackle.

Caesar did not hesitate to take up the position after the break. When he left, he turned back and shot: "The little witch used to wait for me across the corridor. This group of worms dare to file their grandfather Caesar-"

In the midair, the silver mirror flew, and there was no doubt that there was just a round of guns before the door.

The two have a tacit understanding.

Caesar protects the sorcerer, the sorcerer protects the material, and several hiphop-style tactical tumblings quickly rush to the exit.

The sorcerer broke into the darkness, but suddenly it screamed behind it -

The exit of the copy suddenly closed!

The vulture hole shrinks: "Caesar -"

Inside the door came Caesar's screaming, and the lens butterfly wing hit the iron door's crisp sound. Caesar heard the voice of the sorcerer knocking at the door immediately: "Small witch, you ran, I went to see you when you smashed the king butterfly, and the room was sinking in the trough!!"

The sorcerer hurriedly said: "Sink down? Can you hear where the organ is? Caesar brother - you -"

In the Crowson show live room, the blood pigeon looked at the watch: "Unfortunately, time is up, their customs clearance time is too long. Caesar did not go out."

Ying Xiangxiang shrugged: "According to the law of the map, Caesar may have to stay five rounds inside, if I remember correctly."

The sorcerer stood in the hallway for a long while, and the mechanical roar finally came to a halt.

The teenager in the screen stood in the faint light, and the beautiful eyebrows were slightly pulled, so that many viewers shouted at the barrage to "rush into the screen and give the witch a hug."

However, the next moment, the witchcraft has quickly reacted.

He frowned and put his ear on the metal wall of the corridor, narrowing his eyes. There are countless thoughts in my mind -

Caesar is still inside.

Listening to the sound of the locking mechanism behind the metal door, the room seems to be moving in some kind of straight ladder straight down, similar to the transporter's lift. That is to say, in the entire map, each cube has only vertical motion trajectory, and there is no translation or flipping -

At least denied his previous guess.

Not a Rubik's Cube.

The sorcerer quickly sorted out the known clues.

Customs clearance is not a condition for the opening of the corridor. The number of people in the control team is not the condition for the copy to appear.

The "到达" elevator arrival sound represents the end of a time unit, and the new time unit is turned on. There are two time units in the copy of the silver butterfly, the copy of the moth disappears in the previous time unit, and their origin is also disappeared after the team enters the corridor.

- Each room has a different time limit, with independent generation and annihilation.

Witched eyes, pupils, dim vision seems to extend out of countless rooms, corridors, flat and tired in the arena, each time unit arrives, the room rises or sinks, in the dark ladder The roar in the well...

No, the known clues are still too small.

The sorcerer suddenly sounded what Zoe had said. When the game started, it was only by guessing.

About to stay in the corridor for too long, the right wrist terminal issued a reminder of information.

The players really can't stay in the corridor for too long. At the other end of the corridor, there is also a faint glow.

Before entering the sorcerer, the sorcerer pulled out the customs clearance materials that had just been rewarded. An anti-tank/gram/step/gun, two-plate bullets, and a familiar clue envelope.

The sorcerer dismissed the envelope three times and five times - and then surprised and widened his eyes.

Inside is a thin piece of paper with a few hundred squares on it like a chessboard. Some of them are hollow, some have a faint winged wing logo, and the upper right corner has a circle of "14". ".

"..." The heart of the sorcerer screamed fiercely and couldn't believe the note in his hand.

Map is a map!

The sorcerer found the red dot marking the current position almost in an instant, and the logo coincident with the lattice, drawing one of the characteristics of the wing and the thick feather tentacles - moth insects.

He quickly followed the memory to determine the direction, and the copy of the end of the corridor was on the map - it seemed to be marked as a butterfly.

The witch finally checked the preparations and hugged the steps/guns to the end of the corridor. The moment the door opened, he opened his mouth.

In the live broadcast of Crowson Show, Xiang Xiang will enlarge the expression of the young man's stunned expression. He said: "The customs clearance reward for the s-level copy is a map. However, the wizard will soon find out that this map does not work now. ""

"State 14." The blood pigeon nodded and made a joke: "If it were me, you might need to collect 100 maps to find the law. Of course, if Dr. Chen might have one, it would be enough."

The lens moved to the left, and the young man in a plaid shirt smiled and said: "I am a researcher. This is my job. It can be seen from a map. But for the players, the difficulty is really high."

If the players of the Crowson show in the arena are here, they will be able to recognize the identity of the youth at a glance -

The second knockout sponsor, the chief researcher of Aliwei Technology. I gave them a piece of inexplicable social psychology two weeks ago.

Dr. Chen repeatedly explained the four concepts of loneliness, crowding, birth, and annihilation in the classroom. He was used by countless players as a rule to disclose in advance and to memorize before the game.

At this time, the same half of the copy was tossed.

In the screen, the room where the witches enter is empty, and can even be said to be a very standard Crowson show safe area. The butterfly on the map is missing.

"Little Witch walked to the safe area." Ying Xiangxiang smiled and said: "But from the lens to open, go to this direction is not just him alone." She switched to monitor, suddenly revealed the look of expectation: "Small is also near this And... a c-level player..."

Dr. Chen suddenly smiled and said: "I seem to see that there are viewers complaining that the lens is too concentrated. There are many things that can be broadcasted."

I should have apologize to Xiang Xiang: "It’s my mistake, then we will come back to see the moonlight in an hour. The guide will help cut the lens, ok. Now you can see that I am entertaining..."

Dr. Chen nodded and the rear sight of the lens swept through the surveillance.

In the elimination field, the sorcerer quickly noticed that the map was wrong. According to the label, it is impossible to be a safe area. He immediately responded quickly -

The stadium is changing at any time, and the complete map cannot be a static drawing. As for the "14" marked in the upper right corner of the map...

In the Witch's mind, the flash of light is very likely to overlap with the drawing in the 14th time unit, that is, the 14th sound of the "叮咚" sound.

He needs more drawings to find the law.

And there is still a problem, the sorcerer's line of sight stays in the map - that is the middle of the entire map, and there are 12 grid units to go.

There is a very special lattice there. It is neither a blank nor a lepidoptera, but a gray and white background. I don't know the meaning.

About ten minutes later, the background sound of "叮咚" sounded again. As the four-sided corridor opened, the sorcerer quickly rushed to the direction of Caesar—but the room originally covered with moths was empty.

Caesar’s room is still sinking to the soles of the feet.

The pace of the witchcraft is a slight meal.

He can choose to wait here, or he can continue to find the next map.

The only thing that can be convinced is that, over time, the condition of survival is no longer luck, but the control of the law... If he stays here, it is the time Caesar fights for him.

The sorceress took a deep breath and left a note at the end of the corridor. He checked the machine/gun again and walked toward the only special grid on the map.

In the fifth time unit, the sorcerer walked out of the room covered with insects, and the right hand holding the counter/tan/gram/step/gun also shivered because of the recoil.

In the sixth time unit, Wu Hao was lucky to hit the safe zone again.

Within fifteen minutes of the safe area, the map of the sorcerer has been smashed with countless drafts, full of evolution and deduction of the surrounding grid - it seems that it is only a short trip, but still can not figure out the law of the map.

Wu Yi did not know that while he was deducing, Dr. Chen in the pilot room was watching him through surveillance.

In the seventh time unit, Wu Hao vigilant came to the end of the corridor and picked up the clue envelope on the ground.

"It’s like a dream."

The door was quietly pushed open, and then closed automatically, and the sorcerer suddenly rounded his eyes.

Compared with the previous purgatory of worms and larvae, it can be called heaven.

The warm mountain wind floats in the virtual forest. The soft sunlight is like a warm dream in the afternoon. The flowers bloom everywhere, and the air is filled with the fragrance of hyacinth.

At first glance, the sorcerer saw the butterfly resting on the petal—the butterfly wing was long and narrow, and the black gilt edge. When someone came in, they warmed up and spread their wings and flew up.

The witches are reluctant to retreat, the subconsciously set up the guns, and the gorgeous butterflies are like the spirituality in the air.

The sorcerer and its big eyes and small eyes, for a long time did not find an abnormality, simply found a bunker sitting back to back, continue to push the dense map grid.

Time seems to be getting slower and slower... The sound of the pen tip smashing the map suddenly wakes up the sorcerer. He blinks his eyes and expels the dilemma from where he is, but his eyes are as vague as drunk.

In the air, the fragrance of the vegetation is strong, and the bright butterfly wings are rising...

Wu Yan looked at the butterfly and bowed his head. Then he used all his strength to put the map back into the bag, cover his mouth and nose with his sleeves, and reached for the gun when he reached out.

The butterfly is wrong! There are neurotoxins in the air!

The hand of the gun was weak and weak. After stopping the inhalation of the toxin, the vision was restored again and again, but the mind of the witch was empty.

who am I.

where am I.

Why am I persecuting the little butterfly?

With a click, the gunshots followed the instinct to collapse. The colorful butterflies are able to escape. The sorcerer’s consciousness has already exploded.

Sunlight is the most comfortable brightness, and the fragrance is just right.

There is no Crowson show at all... He is probably just in the afternoon on the outskirts of the afternoon, carrying a guitar and creating a guitar. In the evening, he will wait for the agent to pick him up.

The right hand holding the trigger gradually loosened, and the teenager showed half of the pleasure and half of the confused expression. The butterfly in midair looked at him a few times, and he was no longer vigilant, flew down, and overlapped with the light spot -

The gunshots sounded without warning.

The silver pet rescue capsule popped up and quickly wrapped the butterfly inside.

The sorcerer stood quietly for a long time before he let go of the gun.

where am I.

Why did I fire a gun, am I breaking the law...

"叮咚". The copy is cleared and the three exits are opened at the same time.

The sorcerer looked at his eyes and decided to return to the stone and sit down.

What about my guitar? How to write a song without a guitar? !

However, when I looked up to see the lovely scenery, the sorcerer and happy, like a spring groundhog, smashed out the map in the bag and took a look - turned over and began to write songs.

In the sunshine of the grass, the light and shadow are moving, the pure and pure teenager is like an elf in the mountains, the wrist is slightly moving on the back of the map, and the tip of the pen is rustling.

At this time, one of the doors was suddenly opened.

The thin fire spreads a temporary self-portrait, and it is whispering to communicate with fans who don’t exist. Then I looked up suddenly: "Little witch?!"

The sorcerer raised a small round face and stupidly looked at him.

The thin-fired hand holds the same clue envelope. When you step into it, you will find that the old-fashioned sensation is wrong: "The poisonous phoenix butterfly? The toxin is illusory... The butterfly? The trough is clear, are you cleared? Ah? You can hear it." Is this a few?!"

The sorcerer smiled and said: "3."

"No stupid? Little witch, do you still recognize me?"

The witches shook their heads seriously.

Thin Chuanhuo: " really stupid. Cheng, you go out with me."

The sorcerer's upright stood up and followed the thin fire. The amber pupil is quiet and clear, and the small soft hair that curls makes him look like an animal cub, or the best one.

It’s a long time to pass the fire, and it’s been a long time before I react. I’m looking at it.

"Little witch," he whispered, "Don't leave behind, you have to be embarrassed."

The sorcerer nodded: "I am jealous."

The sound of the teenager is clear and bright, and the thin fire only feels that the ears are numb. He also said: "We are teammates."

The sorcerer nodded: "It is a teammate."

The thin fire made a smile and approached: "Hey, I am holding you away. We are all roommates in the bedroom, every night..."

The juvenile's palms look soft, not like an artist who escapes. The thin fire has just reached out -

He suddenly bowed his head.

Your palm has a sharp red dot.

When the memories came, he suddenly remembered that in the last knockout, there seemed to be such a person who shot him with a red dot.

The thin fire did not hesitate to give up the sorcerer, a standard tactical dodge, and found his head from the bunker.

Wei Shi slowly took a sigh, his eyes sharp as a blade.

The thin fire behind the bunker, almost did not burst out of the mouth -

"I rub, this **** is not a mother powder, is it an illegitimate meal? Playing a game, still coming here?!!"

The author has something to say: Thanks, still, the big devil's grenade

Thanks for pickles, vegetables, vegetables, vegetables, dishes, x2, Xiwen x2, drunken, sing, night, x2, 28,804,794, 2, you calm down, 廿 five, 25,248,582, scorpion, southern, no fan, fanfan, mine?

No more q_q during the day, we still lack a supplement 2 ha! Turn around! ! 2k novel reading network