MTL - Supreme Uprising-Chapter 1440 Swallowing the monarch's oriole

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There are more and more cracks in the sky, and some of the stars have begun to become Jedi. There are even some great murderers who have invaded the heavens and began to grow rapidly.

These messages have made the entire heavenly sanctuary a heart-rending one.

In particular, some of the strongmen who are in the realm of Tianzun are even more worried. Although they are also known as strong, they are not in the face of the murderer.

Once they think that the presence of the backing can't resist, then waiting for them is a dead end.

Just in this person's heart, the warriors of the great forces such as Emperor Yi and the Lord of the Lord seem to be very calm, because they all know that even if there are big things, they don't need them to worry.

The sky is falling, and there is a high top.

Reconstructed the inner court of heaven, a figure sitting on the huge throne of the gathering of the emperor, surrounded by the throne, numerous phantoms, surrounded by the emperor.

"The origin of the blood sea seeks to see your majesty." With a respectful voice, came from outside the hall.

After the man sitting on the side frowned slightly, he said, "The source is blood, come in and talk."

The origin of the blood sea is concentrated in the sacred heaven, and it is also the top existence, but in front of this person, even the atmosphere does not dare to breathe.

"I have seen you!" The origin of the respectful ceremony is a **** sea, waiting for the appearance.

That is like the emperor's existence: "You don't have to be polite, what are you going to do next time?"

"Your Majesty, Emperor Yiyi guarded the crack in the star field for a month, I should wait for action?" asked the source of the **** sea.

That is like the emperor's existence: "How do you want to act?"

The origin of the blood sea really did not know how to act, he hesitated after the moment, he said: "Is not to communicate with those outside the field, let them mainly target the area guarded by the Lord."

"There are fierce outside the realm. One by one is a generation of mercenaries. Although I had some friendship with them, I haven’t used it very much in many cases."

That is like the emperor's existence of a long way: "If they were not to balance the Holy Spirit with me, I am afraid that even the Scorpio star field will not open the net."

In the look of the original blood sea, there was a trace of hesitation: "Your Majesty, what should we do next?"

"Wait, the big murderers outside the field will not work for us, but those outside the field will not stay with Luo Yunyang."

"They are invisible and inferior, and they are proficient in secret techniques. Don't say it is me, even the Holy One is very troublesome for them."

It was like the emperor's existence when he said that Luo Yunyang, smiled and said: "Let the young man be buried in the hands of the murderer, it is also very good."

For Luo Yunyang's death, although it is a pity that the origin of the blood sea feels, but this time, things are not what he can decide.

What's more, Luo Yunyang and their relationship have gradually drifted away, and even many times, they will be opposite.

"Luo Yunyang is a personal thing, especially his three-character holy law, which is really hard to defend."

The emotion of the origin of the blood sea has just been said, just listen to the existence of the emperor: "He is too good, so he has to die."

"If you like his three-character holy law, you can go to his annihilation field now. When he is about to die, I believe that his three-character holy method can also be exchanged."

"And, I doubt his three-character holy method, or not a practice method, but a kind of unfortunate treasure."

The eyes of the original blood sea are bright, he is not a treasure for the Three Cursive Method, not too much in his heart, he thinks that he has the hope of the Three Curses.

Although he has obtained the three-character holy law, it is impossible to surpass the existence of the emperor, but it will make his strength to a higher level.

"Thank you for your guidance, I will go."

That is like the emperor's existence: "This thing, you don't have to be too anxious to attack Luo Yunyang, let alone take the initiative."

"If I guess it's good, the offensives of the outsiders will be even more crazy about Luo Yunyang's attack. When he becomes the end of the strong, you will be the best."

"And, people who are so fat and careful about the Holy Spirit."

Think of Luo Yunyang as a piece of fat meat. This idea has never been born in the **** sea, but think about Luo Yunyang's situation at this time and the treasures in his hands. I believe that Luo Yunyang is a fat meat, but it seems that it is not too much. .

I am afraid that on the other side of the Holy Spirit, there are people who are eager to move to Luo Yunyang.

After telling the emperor, the source of the **** sea flew toward the sky. Although he will not be shot in the first place, he will look at Luo Yunyang and prevent others from robbing him of his opportunities.

In the sky, the red atmosphere occupies all the space, and Luo Yunyang’s nine emperors are like a huge wall, blocking the forces that want to continue to expand.

The power of the Nine Emperors to the Supreme Court also made the heart of the original source bloody. At the same time, for Luo Yunyang, his admiration is also a bit more.

The top of the **** treasure, the Holy One has one, and the Emperor that piece is the legacy of the Yuan Emperor, in addition to these two, the origin of the blood sea feels that other treasures are like legends. Either does not exist or has been destroyed!

However, among these ruined things, Luo Yunyang was able to recover the Supreme Emperor of the Nine Emperors, and it was not possible to repair it.

When the thoughts in the heart of the original **** sea surged, he suddenly felt that there was a breath that came from not far from his own.

In the feeling of this breath, the heart of the blood source is a move, because of this breath, he has already felt who belongs to it.

Congenital five too!

They even appeared here!

In the moment of horror, the origin of the blood sea is ready to gather their own cultivation, but it is a pity that it is too late, the congenital five is not only repaired as the blood of the origin, but their heritage is not the origin of the blood Can be compared.

"The origin of the blood sea, it seems that you come here, but also with the purpose." After seeing the source of the blood, the Lord of Taisu said the first time, the sarcasm in his words is nothing. cover.

For the sarcasm of the Lord of Taisu, the source of the **** sea haha ​​smiled: "When are you coming over this time, not to help Yuanwei Shengdi?"

"Nature is not to help Luo Yunyang. Our purpose is the same. Wait a minute, there is a peerless culprits who want to rush out from here. Hey, by that time, we have a good show."

The Lord of Taisu has a cover for his own purposes. He smiled lightly. "Although this Luo Yunyang is very extraordinary, I think that this time he is still very miserable. What do you think?"

At the beginning of the **** sea, there was some regret in the heart. He felt that even if the Holy Spirit was sent, it would be one or two of the congenital five. But he did not think that at this time, the innate five are all coming.

Their arrival made the source of the **** sea feel very uncomfortable.

Just when the thoughts in the heart of the original **** sea surged, I heard the voice of the innate master: "Since everyone is coming for a purpose, don't make any big things, wait for us to ability."

The words of the congenital master, let the original source of blood suit male red sneer, each with their own skills, so many people, I have only one, you have to rely on me with the ability, really worthy of export.

However, when hesitated, he still suppressed this discomfort. Whoever gave them more people than the Holy One, now in this case, even if he does not want to, he can not provoke Luo Yunyang.

After all, he relied on Luo Yunyang's crisis in the Luo Yunyang crisis to help Luo Yunyang's benefits, rather than the congenital five too.

Tiger death is still there, Luo Yunyang is saying, is also one of the giants, even if it can not stop those big murders, but in the origin of the blood sea, Luo Yunyang will not even have the power to fight back.

At that time, it was his chance to start from the blood.

In the waiting of everyone, the red smell suddenly turned black and purple. It seems that although it is only a change in color, when the black breath begins to spread, the blood source of the original source feels scared.

It can even be said that at this time, the origin of the blood sea, I feel that my heart is shaking.

What kind of murder is this, why do you feel such a fear, Luo Yunyang directly confronts such a big murder, is there a power to fight back.

"Beginning to the **** sea, I am afraid that there is no understanding of the murderous things. Although they have no form, their spirit is extremely powerful."

"Even if we are people, after being wrapped in a murderous thing, if you want to escape, it will be extremely difficult."

"And the fierce things, not only have strengths and weaknesses, but also high and low identities, such as the current fierce attack, is one of the four lords of the murder of the monarchs, and even my master, in the face of this devouring monarch At the time, I also ate some losses, not to mention Luo Yunyang, who didn’t know anything."

Devouring the monarch, the four monarchs?

These two words, the origin of the blood sea is still the first time I heard, but the purple breath, but it has made him realize that this name is so awkward.

No wonder the Holy Master will always run a big battle!

If compared with the death of some disciples, the threat of the murderers is too strong, and he has no courage to deal with him.

It was just a moment, the nine emperors' sacred radiance shined in a million miles, and a rule of law, the golden dragon emerged from the nine emperors to the sacred sacred, rushing toward the purple and black breath.

But it was only an instant effort, and those golden dragons disappeared into the purple-black mist. Even the original source of blood can still see the scenes of the golden dragons being swallowed by the purple-black fog.

These scenes let them burst into the cold from the bottom of their hearts.

Luo Yunyang's nine emperors are becoming smaller, and the color of the nine emperors is also beginning to change toward black and purple.

For the innate five, the time is finally here!