MTL - Supreme Throne of Doom-Chapter 22 Alxa

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Time passed slowly, and soon the next morning, the sun shone on the ground.

On the top floor of the building, Jiang Feng is still absorbing the fourth-level star crystal. According to his physical quality, it is quickly absorbed. The trouble is to break through the fourth-level star. To transfer the star power from the stomach pocket to the heart, this process is very slow and dangerous. You must also have strong star power control capabilities.

In the early days of doom, humans may be able to kill monsters with powerful firepower and get a lot of stars. Many people can become third-level evolvers, but the fourth-level evolver will block most people out. It is very easy for the fourth-level star crystal to explode in the process of star force transfer. Even the ancient martial arts, the internal organs are overbearing, and no superior control will waste the fourth-level star crystal's star power and cause the promotion failure.

Jiang Feng estimates that in addition to him, the fastest time to advance to the fourth level is almost five months. The control is not so good. Fortunately, from the beginning, he let the evolutionaries in his own gathering place practice control every day. Prior to the third level, the Suyang city's gathering place may not have much advantage over other gathering places, but the fourth level's threshold is enough to allow the Suyang city's gathering place to move away from other gathering places a large distance, which is also what Jiang Feng expects. At that time, it was time for the gathering place of Suyang City to exert its strength.

Jiang Feng always remembers that he is not a person in this space-time. He wants to use this space-time resource to compete for another space-time, and to go to his original space-time to meet those who are on the top.

Just as Jiang Feng broke through and Liu Batian and others stayed in the ruins of the supermarket and waited, an airship appeared quietly over Suyang, casting a large shadow.

Zhao Qibai excitedly looked at the airship, the Alashan, the largest airship of China, which has been kept in Shangjing City. It is the country and the country has come.

Tan Yan, Liancheng, Ye Mo, and others all saw the airship. Even the evolutionists who pioneered in Suyang also saw the airship, rushing back to the base one by one, for them the emergence of the country meant being saved.

Hundreds of thousands of survivors cheered, excitedly watching the airship slowly land. During this time, they had had enough. Although the establishment of the base city of Suyang allowed them not to worry about their lives, the base city was no better than the country. They have long been eager to get the help of the country.

On the ground, Tan Yan frowned. At this time, the state appeared to make him have a bad feeling, and quickly ordered the Tan family to keep a low profile and not to cause trouble.

Inside the airship, the major general looked at him with a smile, and the contempt in his eyes was undisguised, as if looking at a group of ants.

Beside, the young officer poured a glass of red wine and handed it to the major general, chuckling "General, here is your place in the future, they are all your leaders".

The major general laughed and said, "Can't say that, all serve the country. Let the troops be ready. Let our leaders see how powerful the country is. So many people cannot guarantee that there are no fleas. I don't want to trouble."

"Yes, general," the young officer said, holding the bottle and turning away.

The major general shook the red wine in his hands and enjoyed it. Although he was a high-ranking military officer in the peaceful era, he was only a lieutenant colonel. When the doomsday came, he was immediately promoted to major general. He was somewhat grateful for the present era. In the peaceful era, even a general, the marshal could not enjoy such a great right now. The lives of the hundreds of thousands of people below are all their own. They are not controlled by others. Even if they want to kill, no one dares to control this right. It's so tempting!

The rumbling ~~, the earthquake shook, all the survivors gathered around excitedly, the evolutionists maintained order at the forefront.

After a while, the airship hatch opened, and a group of soldiers stepped down, their eyes were resolute, the firearms in their hands exudes coldness, and the killing gas spread. It disturbed the foremost evolutionaries. Their individual strength might be strong, but compared with the army, they still lacked the spirit of killing the dead.

Zhao Qibai stood at the forefront and took a closer look at these soldiers. Although they were ordinary people, he did not face the fear of the last days. His look was resolute. Zhao Qibai secretly admired that it seems that the foundation of the country still exists, and the country has not been destroyed.

The soldiers lined up to guard the airship. At last, a big man wearing a major general's uniform walked down from the airship. He was in his thirties and followed by a young officer.

Zhao Qibai hurried forward, excitedly "Thank the country for not forgetting our city of Suyang, still thinking about us at this crisis, come to save us, thank the country".

The major general laughed, "How could the country forget you, I am Major General Yan Xu of the Second Command of the Beijing Garrison. Are you the founder of this gathering place?".

"The gathering place was formed by all of us. We call it Suyang City. At present, the city owner is Jiang Feng, but he went out to kill the mutant beast. I am the deputy city owner Zhao Qibai."

"Good job, you have made contributions to the country, saved so many survivors, rest assured, when I return to the capital, I will ask for the help of you and the leaders."

"As long as the country can save these people," Zhao Qibai replied immediately.

Major General nodded his head. He was very satisfied with Zhao Qibai's attitude. At a glance, he knew that he was a politician in a peaceful era, and he absolutely obeyed the country's orders.

Behind Zhao Qibai, Tan Yan stepped out and laughed, "I am one of the founders of the gathering place, Tan Yan, I have met Major General."

The major general said, "You work hard."

Tan Yan smiled and politely, then asked, "I don't know how the Major General intends to rescue these survivors this time? You don't know that there are too many zombie mutant beasts around Suyang City. Up. "

"This country knows, so we are here, but the situation in Beijing is also very complicated, there are too many people, and there is not enough food. These survivors cannot be brought back to Beijing," said the officer behind the major general.

Zhao Qibai and Tan Yan glanced at each other. Behind them, Ye Mo stepped forward and said, "General, our supplies here will not last long, I don't know if the country can support us."

The major general raised his hand to interrupt Ye Mo's words, and looked around, saying "Stop that, right, who is the most powerful evolutionary you have gathered?". Although Zhao Qibai wondered why he asked such a question, he still said, "It is Jiangfeng, our city's leader."

"Oh? How many evolutionaries is he?" Yan Xu asked with interest.

"Third level".

"Third level? Very good, is there any power?"


"How many level three abilities?"


After listening to Zhao Qibai's answer, Yan Xu knew, three, under his control, his mind settled, clapped his hands, and the airship cabin door opened again. This time it was not people, but three mechas. Like the mechs that appeared in the movies of the era, they are one meter nine meters high and controlled by one person inside.

As soon as the mech appeared, it was powerful for anyone, and it was the crystallization of steel and technology.

Yan Xu's mouth bent, and he winked at the young officer Xiao Wang. He took a microphone and loudly said, "This is the highest technology crystal of the country in the peace era. Evolution. "

Wow ~~

The gathering was uproarous, and all the survivors cheered. Their city leader, Jiang Feng, was a third-level evolver, who was not as powerful as humans. Now three sets of warframes representing the third-level evolvers suddenly appeared, giving them an immediate sense of security.

Xiao Wang smiled proudly, and continued to introduce the power of the Warframe, and introduced the power of the troops in the upper capital, which attracted the survivors to cheer, as if all the monsters had been eliminated.

"Brother Zhao, it's not right." Tan Yan was very savvy, and when he realized something, he immediately said to Zhao Qibai.

Zhao Qibai nodded, and he also felt that it was not right. This was a naked show off of force.

"In order to let you see clearly the strength of the country, Vice-Chan Zhao, please arrange a few powerful evolvers to compare with our Warframe, and rest assured that it will not hurt the evolvers," Xiao Wang said loudly.

Zhao Qibai's face was a bit ugly. Tan Yan on the side just came to say something. A figure suddenly appeared. It was Zhang Wei. "I'll try the power of this warframe!" Zhang Wei has long seen these people displeased. Zhangkou country is a closed country country, for fear of others not knowing that they are high-ranking officials, and with scornful eyes, although smiling, it always gives people a condescending feeling.

"You are?" Xiao Wang asked.

"My name is Zhang Wei. I was the first group of evolvers in the gathering place, and now I am a second-level evolver," Zhang Wei replied.

"Second-level evolutionaries are fine, anyway, you are not many third-level evolutionaries." Xiao Wang waved his hands with a smile, stepped forward in a battle armor, and looked at Zhang Wei quietly.

"Zhang Wei, be careful" Zhao Qibai commanded, and he also wanted to see if this so-called Warframe really has the strength of a third-level evolutionary.

Zhang Weien gave a stern look, and the survivors in the gathering place looked nervously. They not only wanted the evolutionaries in the gathering place to win, but also hoped that the armor was as powerful as these soldiers said, and they could protect their safety.