MTL - Superstar Aspirations-Chapter 52

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The rain was pouring down, the sky was gray, and the thick lead clouds shrouded the earth, and the air was dull and depressed. The sly rain curtain made the suburban cemetery look a bit cold, and the two black cars slowly stopped in front of the cemetery gate.

In front of a car came down with a pile of glamorous middle-aged couples, the middle-aged man looks pretty tough, dressed in a black suit, his face was dark and underground, but the middle-aged woman next to him seemed a bit blessed, mouth I kept complaining. When I got out of the car, I was also exclaimed: "So dirty, where is the money used? Can't I repair this road well?!"

Wang Ma just nodded nodded and nodded to the wife.

At this time, a pair of slender legs took off from the back of a car. The juvenile white jade hand gently opened the umbrella, and a black plain suit lining him to be thinner. He took an umbrella and circumvented the cockroaches he was still complaining about. He followed the uncle and entered the cemetery. .

Today is the anniversary of Father Rong.

For the original owner, the death of the parents is a sad memory of childhood, and the departure of Rong’s father has completely become the watershed of life. Although the original owner has already become rebellious because of the death of his parents, but there is a father who is still not able to put it so wild, until the death of the father, the last person who really cares about him at the end of the family, he became the appearance afterwards. .

So today, Rong Rong must come. Every year, the original owner will sneak a sneak peek, not following his uncle, but there is no ancestral position of the father in the memory of Rong Rong, and he can only follow the uncle of the family.

After a group of people entered the cemetery, Rong Heng walked gloomyly in front, and Mrs. Rong was still complaining about this with Wang Ma and complaining about it. Finally, Lian Rongheng couldn’t listen to it. She reprimanded her for a few words. Whoever expected Rongjia suddenly blinked her eyes: "What do you do when your father died? I didn’t see you sad. What are you doing with me now? ”

Rong Heng's face changed and there was no rebuttal.

Rong Rong looked calmly listening to them, and went a long way, finally to the graveyard of the father.

Duan Guanjia put flowers and sacrifices on the table. When he sacrificed, Rong Rong finally did not have any good intentions to say anything. He honestly bowed to the old man. At this point, this simple sacrifice is over. Rong Jia is clamoring to leave. Rong Heng still wants to stay for a while, but can't stand his wife.

In front of the tombstone, there was only one young and handsome boy, holding an umbrella and standing in the same place, staring at the photo.

Rong Rong walked for a while, and looked back. Yin and Yang said with a strange voice: "Hey, the big star is still watching? What kind of filial piety is now installed? When the old man died, you are not still spending time outside and refused to come back. Now sad. It’s too late, and the old man can’t see it.” Suddenly, she seemed to suddenly think of something, giggling: “No, the big star’s acting is so good, but I misunderstood.”

Such irony was not heard in the heart. He looked at the grim old man on the tombstone photo. After a long while, he slowly slid down and gently wiped the raindrops on the photo with his fingers.

Rong Rong smiled: "Rong Heng, look at your nephew, acting really good."

Rong Heng also changed his mind and said loudly: "Yong, what are you doing?

The teenager did not seem to hear them. He looked at the tombstone for a long time, closed his eyes and folded his hands together. After a while, he got up and left. This time, he bypassed Rong Heng and Rong Jiaxuan and went straight to the gate of the cemetery.

Rong Heng’s face was hard to look at immediately, and Rong’s face was also awkward. She shouted: “Yong, you are this kind of education, the elders are talking to you, you are not going back?”

The teenager continued to move forward and ignored the two men.

Rong Rong is even more anxious: "What do you do, the quality of the big star is really even better than my ordinary little woman. Rong Heng, you see no, your sister's wings are hard, people are big stars, where can and You talk."

The group of people continued to move forward and walked along. When I walked to the gate of the cemetery, Rong Jiaqi sneered and sneered: "Also, you can't blame others. The mother's mother has the opportunity to teach him. Rong Heng, you also understand and understand you in the scorpion. After all, there is a mother. No mother teaches, can not kill people to set fire, it is already good ... ah!"

Rong Rong opened his eyes in horror, and unwittingly reached out and wiped the rain on his face. He said: "Yong, what are you doing!"

Under the black umbrella, the delicate juvenile huddled with a scorpion, faintly said: "I have a mother who is not a mother, what do you say I do?"

Rong Rong’s face was full of muddy rain, and Rong Rong directly smashed the drops of water on her umbrella to her face full of cosmetics. These cosmetics can not cover her old face, and with her many years of pampering, this face is blessed like a hoe, and the foundation is only more like a white hoe.

Rong Rongqi could not wait to come over and bite the juvenile immediately, but Rong Heng took her and severely yelled at Rong Rong: "Rong Yu! How can you do it, she is your beggar, are you really wings? Hard, do you dare to do anything? Actually dare to beat you, are you going to deal with your uncle tomorrow!"

Hearing the words, Rong Rong was a little surprised, but did not expect that Rong Heng could still hold his breath.

"Uncle, I just slipped the umbrella, I didn't expect it to be so close." The teenager smirked his mouth and showed a pure smile on his face. "The voice of the second voice is so small, I thought she was far away. Hey, I didn't expect to be so close..." He said, he blinked innocently. "If the two don't talk, I'm afraid I will pay attention."

Rong Heng: "You!"

Rong Rong: "Yong! You are rolling over to me!"

Seeing Wang Hao’s mirror, he was ugly and fat after being wet by mud. Rong Rong finally broke out, and directly pushed Rong Heng as Rong Rong came over. As she walked away, she said, "Today is your elder, I will let you know what is called respect for the old and the young," and then reach out to the young boy's ear.

This action is very fast, and it is almost normal for a normal person to react. However, Rong Rong quickly flashed to the side, letting Rong Yu slammed into the air and almost fell to the ground.

Rong Rong did not respond, and quickly went to La Rong, but the young boy quickly disappeared three times in agility.

A light and sensitive, a chunky and bulky, Wang Hao was persuaded to hold the umbrella next to him. Soon, the other two in the cemetery came to pay attention to the situation here, pointing to it.

Rong Heng saw it, his face flashed an ugly look, and shouted loudly: "What are you doing, it is not too shameful!"

The onlookers finally saw the faces of these people.

"Hey, isn't this a family? Today seems to be the day of the Father's Father, they are coming to sacrifice, how can they still quarrel in the cemetery?"

"I remember this tolerance. Did you say that a few days ago, she liked this allowance?"

"How does she like to let her go, isn't this a miscellaneous kid who doesn't learn anything?"

"You don't know, this Rong Rong seems to be a star, and your family can like him."

"Shantou likes him, then he is definitely good. That Rong Heng seems to have been very harsh on this little nephew. You see, his wife is going to fight in the big crowd..."

The people who can be buried in this cemetery are at least wealthy people, and they know the trivial things of the b city.

After hearing these embarrassing arguments, Rong Heng only felt ashamed and embarrassed, and he could barely see anyone. However, his blessed lady is still chasing her own nephew, wanting to play with her, can let her face with a calm face, each time deliberately only let a little open, let Rong Yi think that next time Catch him.

If the body that is blessed is sitting on the lady in an honest manner, it can still be seen, but now, like a mountain village woman, it is more disgusting than the village woman.

Rong Heng’s face was so gloomy that he was about to drip out water. He screamed at the side of the housekeeper: “I’m not going to open my wife and Rong Hao!”

Duan Guanjia lowered his eyes and held an umbrella, saying: "The second lady said, we must educate the young master."

The implication is that he must not interfere.

Rong Heng’s eyes must be smashed out, but this housekeeper is the old man of Rong Jia. He also has a certain status in Rong’s. He can’t move for a while. So when I saw Rong Rong went to La Rong, and the people on the side of the crowd were directly blaming, Rong Heng rushed out of the umbrella and took the woman back.

"Okay, don't make trouble, go home and say!"

Rong Rong’s mouth is still awkward, although the husband’s face is no longer moving, but until he walks out of the tomb, he always says mulberry. When she opened the door and got ready to board the car, she sneered and ridiculed: "How can the big stars go with us, Rong Heng, you can't afford to see you, but people are big stars, not the same."


The black umbrella slammed up and made a harsh sound in the quiet air.

When Rong Rong’s words were suddenly interrupted, she subconsciously turned to look at Rong Rong. I saw that in the drizzle, the handsome and cold young boy slightly raised his lips, and the light looked at her calmly, smiling. Said: "Hey, big stars are naturally different. Big stars... will swallow you, do you know?"

In an instant, a powerful and oppressive gas field spread out.

In the drizzle of the rain, the eyes were cold and deep, obviously laughing, but more cold. He seems to be sitting on the throne, looking down on the woman with a satirical and ruthless smile. The words seem to be joking, but the phrase "swimming and peeling" is still in the heart of Rong Rong.

Suddenly, she shuddered and stunned her face in a stagnant position. After Rong Rong entered the car, she had not returned to God for a long time. She got into the car and wanted to say a word again, but at this time it was clear that Rong Rong was no longer in front of her, but she did not dare to speak.

Whenever she wanted to open her mouth, the hidden eyes were flashing through her mind, causing her body to tremble as if she was unable to breathe because of anything, and the hairs of her body were all erected.

The sacrifice ended in this way. Rong Rong did not return to the house, but in the suburbs, he separated from Rong Jiashu. When he left, his uncle did not get off the bus to send him, but Rong Hao did not care, holding an umbrella, so he stepped away.

Luo Zhentao drove the car to pick up the cockroaches, and he was surprised when he saw him alone, but he quickly figured it out. He also complained a little: "You said that you want to worship with your uncle, I don't think it's good. Xiao Xiao, I will bring you here later. Your relationship with your uncle is not good. Contact is wonderful."

Rong Rong collected the umbrella, heard it, and said with a smile: "Let Roger give you the next year." After all, he already knows the exact location of the father's graveyard, and will not reveal his feet again.

What happened today did not tell Luo Zhentao, but Luo Zhentao should be able to guess too. With the relationship between Rong Rong and his uncle, there will definitely be no good things, and no peace.

This incident was revealed. Luo Zhentao began to talk about the recording of mv the next day. Rong Rong nodded gently, but his eyes slowly looked out of the car.

The black clouds obscured most of the sky, pressing on everyone's heart, and his eyes replayed every scene that happened today.

Rong Hao's impatience and ignorance and ignorance, Rong Heng's cold and cold words and pretending to be cold, the section of the housekeeper's work, Wang Ma's timid timid ... and Rong Heng look at his wife, the eyes A flash of disgust.

Since he is so disgusted, can he live with the other person, and still be so clean and self-satisfied?

Rong Rong leaned back on the seat, and the lips curled up slightly, as if something interesting was discovered.

In the evening, Rong Rong opened a phone call and calmly negotiated with the people at the end of the phone to determine the price and content of the task. The next day, Rong Rong and Luo Zhentao came to a studio on the outskirts of the city of B. Before they entered the gate, they saw a fashionable lady walking quickly, grabbed his hand, and said happily again and again. : "容容?容栩! Waiting for you for a long time, come!"