MTL - Supermarket Space: Traveling Through the Ages and Marrying a Rough Guy-Chapter 642 Song Can's Story 【12】

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  Chapter 642 The Story of Song Can【12】

Lu Weiguang's grandparents took away his mother's compensation money, Lu Weiguang's father had remarried long ago, coveted his ex-wife's compensation money, and constantly litigated with Lu Weiguang's grandparents, and his grandparents asked him to raise Lu Weiguang, but he refused. Because Lu Weiguang was in a coma and the treatment fee could not be determined, he didn't want to bear this responsibility, so he didn't have the compensation from his ex-wife.

  But as a son, Lu Weiguang didn't even have a penny. He was unconscious, and no one helped him fight for it. The compensation money his mother exchanged for her life was used by grandparents to buy a house and a car for her uncle and aunt.

  Now, my uncle and aunt are a family of three, living in a house bought with the money his mother’s life earned, and driving a car bought with the money his mother’s life earned.

  Song Can's situation is also not good. Her grandparents also took away her father's compensation money. The child born to her father's first love should be an illegitimate child!

  The older generation is more patriarchal, even if it is an illegitimate child, they can't put it down.

  Song Can and Lu Weiguang were abandoned by their elders.

Lu Weiguang was thrown in the hospital just like that, and the 12-year-old Song Can shouldered the responsibility of taking care of him, because of the same experience, because she didn't want to be alone, because she lived alone with her mother during the five years from the age of seven to twelve. In the old house left to her, she was lonely and afraid, she needed company, urgently needed company, so she 'pulled' Lu Weiguang to her side.

   She has survived the hardest and most difficult time. Now Lu Weiguang's health is getting better and better, and their life is getting better and better. She doesn't feel hard at all, but looks forward to a better future.

"I don't work hard." Song Can hugged Lu Weiguang tightly, and patted him on the back, "So brother, you don't have to feel embarrassed or guilty. I take care of you willingly. It has nothing to do with you. If you become prosperous in the future, just don’t forget about me.”

  As she spoke, her eyes gradually turned red. She pursed her lips, resisting the urge to cry.

  Everything is over, and it will get better and better in the future.

   After watching the photos of climbing the mountain with Lu Weiguang, Song Can went to read at the desk. Under the warm yellow light, she was serious and elegant, quiet and restrained. Lu Weiguang just looked at her like this, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

  Suddenly there was a scratching sound outside the door, and Song Can was startled. What was the sound? She complained in her heart, then got up and went to open the door. Seeing the kitten squatting in front of the door and looking at her obediently and cutely, Song Can couldn't bear it, and didn't know what to do for a while. Open a small opening at the bottom so that it can come in and out freely in the future.

Otherwise, if the cats live at home, she has to prepare cat litter and litter box. How can she have that spare money? The most important thing is that the utility room they live in is small and has no windows. The smell should be great.

   After thinking for a while, Song Can left a gap in the door, and then moved the small table behind the door, so that the cat could come in and out freely.

  Looking at his masterpiece, Song Can thought in his heart, ah, I am such a genius.

He didn't want Song Can to know that he saw everything in his eyes. When Song Can turned around, Lu Weiguang quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Song Can tidied up his textbooks, turned off the lights, climbed onto the upper bunk, and lay down He even reached out to touch the ceiling, and felt a cold feeling from his palm, which was quite cool.


  Good night, Song Can.

  She said softly to herself, then closed her eyes.

  The next morning, before class, the group leaders collected English homework one by one. Some students didn’t finish their work, so they scribbled on the table, took someone else’s from the group leader’s hand, and started copying.

  Xu Weiran did the same. He randomly took a book from the group leader and started to copy it. Song Can handed the book to the group leader and looked down at the book.

During the recess, many girls from other classes came over to take photos of Xu Weiran and asked for Xu Weiran's autograph. Song Can was squeezed and dangling, unable to write the test paper. The textbook was slapped on the table, and when everyone was quiet, she said helplessly, "Which class are you in? Can I invite you out?"

   "We asked Xu Weiran for his signature, does it have something to do with you?" A girl said viciously.

   "It doesn't matter, but you are all posted on my desk, so shaking that I can't do my homework, it has affected me, can't I bring it up?" Song Can restrained his anger and looked at them expressionlessly.

"Not in the corridor? Not on the playground? The school is so big, why do you have to stick to my desk? Besides, do you really like Xu Weiran?" Song Can glanced sideways at the culprit, "Don't you just want to get more autographs, and when Xu Weiran becomes popular in the future, you will resell the autographs at a high price. Why do you say that you are so great?"

"I'm sorry, but I trouble you to go out, you can't study because you are arguing in the classroom." Lin Zichen and Fu Yingfei came over and drove out all the students who were surrounded by Song Can, and let them sit by the door. The students on the side should keep an eye on it, and don't let those who want to sign in from now on.

  Song Can looked sideways at Xu Weiran, a little displeased, "Can I trouble you to go out to receive those fanatical fans in the future, okay?"

   "Fuck your shit." Xu Weiran leaned over, whispered in Song Can's ear, and got up to go out.

Five days passed quickly, and it was Saturday again in a blink of an eye. Song Can got up early and made breakfast, and then went to the city center to do a part-time job. I didn't receive a job as a tutor, so I could only go out to do scattered part-time jobs.

  Song Can wears cute and heavy doll clothes, and she sends them out to everyone on the roadside. Many children come to play with her, and some younger brothers and sisters come to take photos with her. At this time, some of her leaflets can be distributed.

But there are also some people who ignore it, and some people just throw it away. She has to pick up what she lost in front of her eyes, and she can’t waste it. Only a few dozen.

   It was stuffy and hot inside the doll costume, which made people feel suffocated. She could only take off the headgear occasionally to cool down for a few minutes, and then put it on again.

Song Can handed out the leaflets for a while, but it was too hot, so she took off the headgear again, and when she saw a leaflet lying on the ground, she bent down to pick it up. The doll clothes were very heavy, and she couldn't bend down completely, so she could only work hard I reached out to reach it, but was suddenly stepped on by a foot.

   It is a pair of pure white shoes. Even if she doesn't know shoes, she can tell at a glance that these shoes are not simple or cheap.

  Song Can looked up in surprise, and saw that the person stepping on the leaflet was her new tablemate Xu Weiran, and raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Xu Weiran, why are you here? You are not afraid of being fans..."

  (end of this chapter)