MTL - Super Urban Master-v12 Chapter 93 show off

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"It's just a pile of scrap metal."

When I said these words lightly, Lin Qiang thought I was a rival in love, and laughed angrily: "You are really pretending to be addicted! If you want to kill yourself, I don't want to be dragged down by you!"

With that, she turned around and ran away.

Obviously, she thinks that I have no chance of winning, even if I just smashed the super fighter in her eyes with one punch, but at the moment when this thing was repaired in a strange way, she was sure that I was wasting my efforts.

I didn't plan to stop her, but just as I was about to make a move, I saw Yu Wenhu descend from the sky and stopped directly in front of Lin Qiang.

Lin Qiang felt like she was facing a great enemy, she instantly took a defensive stance, and said solemnly, "Third Uncle, I really underestimated you before."

Yu Wenhu sneered: "You always have eyes above the top, and you are self-righteous. Naturally, you will not put unloved little people like Third Uncle in your eyes."

Lin Qiang stepped back and said, "Third uncle, I did look wrong before, I admit it. However, I also want to remind you that no matter how powerful you are, you will never be able to compete with the entire Yuwen family, so you still Come back with me obediently."

"If you sincerely admit that you are wrong, your grandfather will definitely forgive you in terms of your kinship, but if you insist on not repenting, then you will have a tragic end."

Hearing this, Yuwenhu laughed loudly and said, "Flesh and blood relationship? How could that old man and old **** have such a thing in his heart? Which of his women, including my mother, was not tortured to death by him. already?"

"And his son and grandson, just because he provokes his majesty, damages his interests, and sometimes even just makes him lose a little face, how many of them have been eliminated by him?"

"If I go back, it will be a dead end! Of course, even if I don't go back, he will kill me. But before that, I want everyone to see his true colors, and I want to make this place a purgatory on earth. Let everyone be buried with me!"

As soon as his voice fell, there was a "humming" sound in the sky, and then I saw countless Tianxiu-level combat robots flying from not far away.

The darkness made the already drowsy sky even darker, making it impossible for people to penetrate.

Lin Qiang watched this scene, and because of shock and fear, she sat on the ground with a pat on the buttocks and shook her head: "No...Impossible! How can you have so many Tianxiu-level combat robots? Could it be that you already..."

Before she could finish speaking, Hu Yuwen said proudly: "Yes, I have already mastered this technology and developed a large number of such robots."

"The base that was destroyed today is just the most inconspicuous one of my many bases. It's gone without it. It's just that I never imagined that, after a hundred secrets, I would be seen by you girl."

"That's fine. I've had enough of my fears, and it's time to go crazy. And you are the best sacrifice for blood sacrifice in this slaughter."

Then, he stepped back a few steps and waved at the same time, and several robots surrounded Lin Qiang from all directions.

Then, these robots stretched out the barrels on their arms and aimed at Lin Qiang.

At this moment, Lin Qiang was completely panicked, she covered her ears, trembling, and muttered: "No, I haven't become the head of the Yuwen family, I can't die, I can't die... Help me... Who can help me? I!"

At this moment, Lin Qiang was no longer the arrogant queen, but a lamb seeking protection.


The artillery shells were fired, and Lin Qiang, who knew she was invincible, didn't even fight back.

In the dazzling firelight, Yuwenhu rose into the air, disdainful of all this, and laughed wanton.

He didn't even give me a second look.

It's as if I'm just an ant, totally worthless.

And in Lin Qiang's desperate shouting, I finally moved.

The power of Ten Harmonies formed a barrier, wrapping Lin Qiang's entire body in it. At the same time, the power of the mother stone was strongly transmitted to this area. At the same time, those robots seemed to have received some kind of summons and suddenly lost control. They all fell to the ground.

And those shells that were ejected finally collided with the power of Lin Qiang's whole body, and then, instead of exploding, they were swallowed by that power, and finally became a weapon that strengthened my strength.

This is the most powerful power of the mother stone: it devours all things.

Yu Wenhu was stunned in midair, and Lin Qiang was even more stunned, staring at the robots all over the ground. For a moment, she even thought that she was dead, but her soul was still in a trance, until I walked in front of her. , slowly stretched out a hand.

I said coldly, "Get up."

Lin Qiang stretched out her hand dazedly and looked at me, hesitating to say anything, no, it should be said that she has been temporarily speechless, and her brain even stopped thinking.

I looked up at Yu Wenhu in midair, smiled and said, "Kill her, have you asked me?"