MTL - Super Urban Master-v12 Chapter 125 to do

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I want to come back.

I want to go back to the land I am nostalgic for, to go back to the place where the story begins, to go back to my relatives and friends, and to live a normal life.

I don't want to be an earth lord, nor do I want to be a cosmic legend, I just want to be an ordinary Chen Huangpi, marry the kind and innocent Ye Hongyu, take my mother who is far away in a foreign country, and live a simple family life lifetime.

However, I am a chess piece, I make fish, so how can I talk about the right to choose?

Eventually, I took that shaky path back to another universe.

After arriving there, that road disappeared completely, and I knew that even if I tried to open this road again, I'm afraid I would not succeed.

Because Chen Yi must have blocked this road.

I even suspected that even my going to the earth was acquiesced by him. He just wanted me to think that I was strong enough to escape his control, and then hit me in the head again to further damage my self-confidence.

Have to say, he did.

At this moment, I lost all fighting spirit, just like a lost child who couldn't find his way home, so he could only stand there confused and helpless, allowing himself to be swallowed up by fear and despair.

A low laugh came from my ear, as if mocking my overreaching.

Then, the voice disappeared, as if it had never been there.

At the same time, the door was pushed open.

It turned out that Kong Cheng couldn't hear the movement inside for a long time. He was afraid that I wouldn't be able to bear the heavy blow of losing my sister and would do something stupid. After thinking about it, he dared to open the door against my will.

It was also me who consumed all my strength after the battle just now, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to enter.

Seeing me standing there pale and bewildered, Kong Cheng panicked and hurried forward, persuading me: "Young master, please be patient. If something happens to you, the eldest lady's hatred, your father's Enmity, and the enmity of so many people who follow you, I am afraid no one will be able to avenge you."

"Even if it's for them, you must cheer up and live well."

Looking at Kong Cheng, I feel a little guilty.

He doesn't know that I'm not a poet, and treats me with enthusiasm, even if it means dying for me, but I am his real enemy, the one who killed my sister and everyone else.

Even if it was not what I wanted, but as a part of Chen Yi, even if I don't want to, I have to admit one thing, that is, I am his accomplice.

However, Kong Cheng's words made me realize that I am not qualified to be depressed, and I should live to make amends.

Just like that, I put away my sadness, and said to Kong Cheng: "I won't do anything stupid, don't worry. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, tell everyone, pack up your things, and leave with me."

There was such a big turmoil before, and the Xinshu family knew that there were monsters like me in the old art, and they would probably deal with me at all costs.

So we don't have any lingering time.

Kong Cheng faltered, looking embarrassed.

I asked, "What's the matter?"

Kong Cheng hesitated again and again, as if he had made up his mind, he looked at me and said: "Young master, we discussed it before, you take us, the goal is too big, and besides, our strength is far from yours, I'm afraid we will hold you back, so , we have decided to split up with you."

I froze for a moment, then understood what he meant, and said in a deep voice, "But this place has been exposed, and you will have nowhere to hide from now on."

Kong Cheng smiled at me calmly. I saw his eyes full of determination, and I understood that they had put life and death aside, and that they didn't plan to hide, but fled openly and squarely as a cover. I.

I patted him on the shoulder and said, "We've been together for so long, don't you know me? How could I leave you alone? Don't worry, I will take care of you. Just call everyone and leave with me." .”

Seeing that I insisted so much, Kong Cheng didn't say anything anymore, and immediately contacted my sister. I came to my sister, touched her little face, and said guiltily: "I'm sorry... If there is an afterlife, you must never meet this unlucky person like me again." people."

After speaking, I set her on fire and put her ashes in a jar.

Then, I sat cross-legged and began to meditate and heal.

However, time was in a hurry, and in the end my strength only recovered to one-third of what it was before, so I left this place of right and wrong with Kong Cheng and the others.

However, even if I have only one-third of my strength now, it is enough to cast spells to protect everyone.

Under my invisibility, we left here smoothly and came to another remote planet.

Almost as soon as we settled down, the previous planet made a violent explosion.

Kong Cheng let out a "tsk" beside me, and said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, we left. I really didn't expect that the Xinshu chaebol family would take the method of destroying the entire planet to wipe out the roots."

You must know that besides us, there are other people who have nothing to do with us on that planet.

Although there are very few human races stationed there, those people are also fresh lives.

I had mixed feelings in my heart, and said: "In their eyes, except for them, all living beings are ants, and they can make concessions for their power, so why would they care about anyone?"

Kong Cheng said angrily, "I really want to kill all of them!"

I said, "If you think about it, then do it."