MTL - Super Manufacturing Force-Chapter 17 Zhou's father and son's surprise

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In the office of the chairman of Zhongzhou Industrial Group, a very majestic middle-aged man wearing a trouser shirt is sitting behind a desk.

Holding a business card in his hand, he asked Zhou Hongtao sitting opposite, "This business card is quite interesting, Hong Tao, this boy named Zhao Xu, is it really as powerful as you say?"

"Dad, how dare I talk nonsense!" Zhou Hongtao said and took out the scabbard made by Zhao Xu: "Dad, you see, this is the scabbard made by Zhao Xu, which is almost the same as my original one exactly the same!"

"I really can't see any flaws. It seems that Zhao Xu really has two hits!" Zhou Bingde took the scabbard and looked at it, and nodded in approval.

"There are even more powerful!" Zhou Hongtao seemed a little excited, and he took out two more scabbards that were burned and placed them on the desk: "Dad, one of these two half-scabbards has one It was originally burned by me. The other should have been copied by Zhao Xu, but was later snatched by Qian Xingjie. Can you see which of these two scabbards is real? "

Zhou Bingde picked up the two scabbards and looked carefully, but found nothing different: "This is really what Zhao Xu copied? It can be copied so similarly, there is no difference at all, this technique is rare!"

"Haha, Dad, you still look down on Zhao Xu, these two scabbards are not just 'seeing' the same!"

Zhou Hongtao was a little surprised: "I ’m not telling you, I asked the laboratory in the factory to test these two scabbards two days ago. Guess what? Oh, even the most sophisticated instruments ca n’t detect them. The difference, whether it is the size, weight, minor damage, or even the proportion of the substance contained in it, is just incredible! "

"There aren't two things that are exactly the same in the world. The difference between the detection of the instruments does not mean that they are really the same. It only means that the instruments are not advanced enough!"

Zhou Bingde has a wealth of experience, which makes him much calmer than Zhou Hongtao, but it is still difficult to conceal his eyes: "However, he can deceive advanced instruments. This Zhao Xu's craftsmanship is indeed shocking. Hong Tao, find out the kid's Origin? "

"Zha finds it out, but it's too ordinary to make people a little unbelievable!"

Zhou Hongtao put out a document: "He used to be a technician of Qian Xingjie's company. He usually liked to read various books and occasionally did some small experiments. He was fired by Qian Xingjie three months ago because of a woman. Before that, he didn't show any amazing ability! "

"It seems that this kid was hiding in the past!" Zhou Bingde looked at the data and commented. This time, even if he has a wealth of experience, he will inevitably make a mistake. After all, no one believes in such things as superpower, and of course he cannot go in this regard. miss you.

"Hong Tao, may wish to have a good relationship with Zhao Xu in the future, I feel this person is not easy!"

Zhou Bingde took Zhao Xu's business card and thought for a while, and laughed: "Jewelry and crafts company, actually processing precision instrument parts? Interesting, by the way, the kid in the factory may be a big help!"


"Money, surely the more the better!"

Zhao Xu was really helpless. I didn't expect to be complacent about earning more than 800,000 a few days ago, but now he is about to break his head for 6 million.

But if you boast about Haikou, you can't keep your word!

The key is where to get the money now?

Really not, buddy, I will make a bunch of best sheep fat jade, and then find a big local to sell it for money?

However, although there are many local tyrants this year, I really want to spend six million to buy jade, and I can't find it casually!

"God, drop a local tyrant to punish me, even if I am a little boy, I will recognize it!"

Just when Zhao Xu was talking nonsense, his cell phone shouted happily. He took a look at it and immediately rejoiced: "Oh, what you really want to come, this is a real tyrant, isn't it really my brother and God Is it relatives? "

"Hey, Mr. Zhou, is there anything wrong?"

"Haha, Brother Zhao, I asked you to call me Hong Tao last time. How come I still have a mouthful of Zhou Gong?"

"Hey, it's called Shunkou. It didn't change for a while!"

"Oh, okay, no kidding, where are you now? I have something to ask for your help. I'll pick you up somewhere!"

"Okay, do you know the power plant? I'll wait for you at the gate of the power plant!"

"I see, see you in twenty minutes!"

Zhao Xu hung up the phone and just went out the door with a shawl coat. I didn't know what happened to the Zhou Duke. Anyway, it seemed that the tone was not small!

Zhou Hongtao was punctual, and a Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped at the gate of the power plant 20 minutes later.

Deep black body, elegant appearance.

Zhao Xu was almost drooling, and he was anxious to **** the car and sell it. He was still having a headache for six million people, and anyone driving a car was worth the price!

"Brother Zhao, get in the car!" Zhou Hongtao opened the back door and greeted him.

Zhao Xu sprinted up, and then "six million" drove up the highway again.

"What the **** is wrong with you, so anxious?" Zhao Xu sat in the car and looked at the right side of her, and Liu Ye looked into the Grand View Garden.

"Of course it is a big event!" Zhou Hongtao ignored Zhao Xu's appearance of the earthen figure and asked earnestly: "Brother Zhao, can you really process precision instrument parts?"

"Of course it's true, but first of all, now I can only process parts with a volume of less than half a cubic meter!" Zhao Xu came to the spirit at once. This is where business comes. Doesn't business mean money? Is it?

"That's good. There is a large-scale imported milling center in the factory. The spindle of the factory was damaged. I bought an original foreign manufacturer to buy the spindle again. It took a month from ordering to shipping. It's true. The factory recently received a large pen. This list will use this machine. If the machine is really out of service for a month, we will lose 50 million and the company's reputation will be damaged, so I will come to my brother to help you! "

"Rest assured, what I made is guaranteed to satisfy you!" Zhao Xu smiled confidently: "Yes, I remember that the domestic machine tool industry has developed well over the years. Why don't you go to those domestic manufacturers?"

"Brother, you are not an expert, you don't know the way in here!"

Zhou Hongtao waved his hand with a bitter smile: "The domestic machine tool industry has indeed made great progress in recent years, but it still can only be based on the low-end market internationally. It is not impossible to produce high-end machine tools, but whether it is precision or quality and foreign It ’s far worse than that, especially the quality. In three days and two heads, something went wrong, and the time for repairs is almost catching up with commercials in the commercials ... ”

He sighed: "The spindle is the most important part of the machine tool. I really don't feel comfortable giving it to those domestic companies, so I can only ask you for my brother. I believe that my ability will never let me down!"

Zhao Xu blinked and asked, "How do I feel you have more confidence in me than myself?"

"Hey, because my scabbard you made, I'm so satisfied!" Zhou Hongtao smiled meaningfully. 2k novel reading network