MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 725 virus infection

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When thinking of the ancestral land actually designing such a poisonous plan after falling into desperation, Yan Fei was shocked with cold sweat. Originally, the self-confidence that had expanded after the drone upgrade was back. Had it not been for Ivanovsky's conspiracy to discover the ancestral land at a critical moment, now Yan Fei had transmitted the hostage infected with the perfect virus back to Neverland.

Judging by the super infectivity and super lethality that Perfect virus showed 80,000 years ago, as long as these infected hostages return to Neverland, the perfect virus will be spread throughout the world in a short time. You must know that the universe ’s human science and technology were extremely bright, and there were no shortage of powerful super masters. They were all perfected by the virus in a short period of time. Not to mention that there is no link that is comparable to the Earth ’s humanity. There will be no end to the virus.

Yan Fei also understands why these hostages are in a coma, because the perfect virus in their body is attacking. Under the action of the virus, they are now in an extremely dangerous state. They are not showing a collective coma, but Collective life is endangered.

In an instant, Yan Fei wanted to understand everything. But the ancestral land far away didn't know that Yan Fei had learned of its plot. He was still proud of trapping Yan Fei in a trap. He laughed wildly: "Yan Fei, the nuclear bomb in the ground will soon Explosion, we say goodbye ... "

At the critical moment, Yan Fei made a decision. He still started the quantum transmission capability of the UAV mothership, and transferred all hostages away from the warehouse of the Ape base. However, the current teleportation location and the previous teleportation location have changed. They are no longer transmitted to Neverland, but to the drone mothership warehouse in space. This warehouse is not very large, but it can just separate the inside and the outside, which is convenient for Yan Fei to temporarily isolate the hostages of Neverland and prevent them from bringing the perfect virus to the outside world. Also transported to the UAV mothership, Yan Fei's super combat armor.

Just when the drone's quantum transmission was just completed and the entire warehouse was empty, the nuclear device buried in the ancestral land finally exploded. Huge nuclear explosions are raging in this closed underground world, and powerful shock waves destroy everything that can be destroyed. Under the action of the shock wave, this underground warehouse only persisted for one hundredth of a second, and was completely destroyed by the shock wave of the explosion. Even the surrounding large buildings were destroyed by the explosion ...

The explosive power of this nuclear device is very huge. If Yan Fei is really in that warehouse, he will probably escape. However, because of the resistance of the hard rock on the ground and the large number of ruins that had been destroyed by the building 80,000 years ago, the power of the nuclear explosion did not reach its limit. It was only after destroying buildings within a kilometer's radius. stopped.

And because it is an underground explosion, the radiation and electromagnetic pulses generated by the nuclear explosion have not fully spread, and some electronic devices in the Ape bases on the edge of the explosion zone have not been greatly affected, and they can still operate normally. However, in this nuclear explosion, more than 20% of the intact buildings of the Ape base were destroyed, resulting in the inability to operate the equipment inside.

The nuclear explosion did not have a devastating effect on the Ape base, but it still caused problems in the operation of the Ape base. This problem is most intuitively reflected in the struggle between "dream" and the "future" of the ape-based artificial intelligence. The "future" suddenly loses the support of a large number of devices, its computing power is greatly weakened, and the comprehensive effect of adverse conditions in various aspects Next, the "future", which was already in a disadvantage, suddenly collapsed, seized the opportunity by "dream", launched a fatal blow, and finally destroyed the core program of "future" and completely wiped out the artificial intelligence "future" of the apes.

Without the guard of "Future", "Fantasy" easily entered the online world of the Ape base and obtained the highest control of the Ape base. Just a moment, all the secrets about the Ape base were learned by "Fantasy", and instead of "Future", "Fantasy" also controlled all the powerful weapons of the Ape base and controlled the entire Ape base in their own hands. From now on, the Ape base has become the home of Yan Fei, and the original owner of the Ape base has become an away battle.

"Dream" just controlled the Ape base, and found the Yan Fei hiding in that room through the monitoring equipment of the Ape base. Knowing all this, Yan Fei was overjoyed, and immediately issued an order for "Dream" to upload all the data in the Ape base to the drone to assist the intelligent mind, and it would be necessary to gain millions of years of scientific and technological accumulation for the development of the Ape.

"Dream" said to Yan Fei while transmitting the data of the Ape base back to the auxiliary intellectual brain at an incredible high speed: "Mr. Yan Fei, through the interpretation of the information of the Ape people, I found that their masters were the ancestors. Have a big plan for you. "

Yan Fei said, "What big plan?"

"Fantasy" said: "The ancestral land will use the hostages of Neverland to trick you into a warehouse with a nuclear device, then block you in that warehouse, detonate that nuclear device, and blow you to death. But in In the nuclear explosion you just used, quantum teleportation has cracked this ancestral land plan. But the ancestral land has also designed another even more plan, which is to use perfect virus to kill you and all humans in the world. "

Yan Fei said: "I have seen this plan in the ancestral land. The hostages infected with the perfect virus have been isolated by me in a closed warehouse in the mothership. The perfect virus cannot hurt me at all."

"Fantasy" said: "No, in addition to the perfect virus on the hostage of the Neverland in the warehouse, the ancestral land has previously spread the perfect virus through the aeration base of the ape base. Because the ape base is large enough, these perfect The virus has not spread to the entire building of the Ape base. But I installed the device in the ventilation duct through the Ape base and found that your room was invaded by the perfect virus ten minutes ago. You took off five minutes ago With Super Combat Armor, although your body has been exposed to the air for less than ten seconds, according to various data analysis of the perfect virus I have obtained, you have a great chance of being infected with the perfect virus. "

"The plan of the ancestral land is to use various weapons to spread the perfect virus, spread the perfect virus to the world, and kill all human beings. But this perfect virus was just researched two hours ago, Before breeding, it ’s too late to spread, you will suddenly enter the Ape base. The ancestral land is aware of your invasion, and then temporarily changes the battle plan to deal with you first, and then against the entire human race on earth. "

Yan Fei heard that his heart was cold, and all kinds of discomfort began to appear on his body, as if he was really infected with the perfect virus. He said a little unsurely: "I have just been exposed to the air for a short time, and then put on With a completely closed exoskeleton armor, shouldn't it be unlucky to be infected with the perfect virus? "

"Fantasy" said: "According to the records of the Ape base, the virus just researched is called the perfect virus by the ancestral land. This virus is exactly the same as the perfect virus that killed the universe humanity 80,000 years ago. This perfect virus is just Effective against humans, it is very contagious, as long as it has been in contact with it in the air, even if it is only one second, it will be infected by it. Otherwise, the strength of the human beings in the universe will not be without any resistance. It is extinct. You have just been exposed to a room full of perfect viruses, and you must have been infected by this virus. "

Yan Fei began to examine his body, and did not know if it was psychological. The discomfort in his body became stronger and stronger. He said nervously: "This perfect virus existed 80,000 years ago. In these 80,000 years, the perfect virus has evolved and mutated rapidly. It has transformed into the current Ebola virus. That is to say There is no perfect virus in this world. How did the ancestral land get this perfect virus? "

"Fantasy" said: "You know the person who made the perfect virus. He is a Chinese person you asked me to investigate before. His name is Zhu Yong."

While Yan Fei's career was still developing in the magic capital, he once went to Hangzhou to investigate the incident where the Dahe family of the island nation stole the dream science and technology diet biscuit formula, and found a sick young man in a car. Brave. At that time, Zhu Yong looked fragile, but killed an arrogant old man with his magical powers. At the time, Yan Fei was also very disgusted with the behavior of the old man, so he didn't bother, but pretended not to find out about it.

A few years later, Zhu Yong traveled to the African continent and found the Ebola virus in a clay pot. He fine-tuned and modified on the perfect platform of Ebola virus and actually created a brand new virus. Then Zhu Yong returned to China and began to spread the virus in China. This virus is highly contagious and lethal is comparable to a perfect virus, but it does not infect humans, but foreign pet dogs other than Chinese dogs. As long as it is infected with this virus, all pet dogs are difficult Run away.

Later, someone brought this strange virus to Neverland, and let Neverland research it before finally creating an antidote and vaccine to stop the spread of this virus. People at the time felt the horror of the virus and gave it a nickname, called "Intruder".

After this incident, Zhu Yong dormant for a while. When he shot again, he released a more terrifying virus. The virus is still very infectious, but its target is at older people over 60 years of age. As long as the virus is infected, humans will die quickly after reaching the age of 60. The virus was also cracked by the scientific research capabilities of Neverland, and then Neverland released the medicine and vaccine formula to the world, so that the elderly over 60 years on the earth avoided this unprecedented crisis.

Through these three things, Yan Fei was very afraid of this man named Zhu Yong. He also always wanted to find Zhu Yong and kill him, but he never got the information of Zhu Yong. However, I did not expect to hear Zhu Yong's name again in "Dream", and Zhu Yong was also related to the latest perfect virus.

"Fantasy" said: "Zhu Yong has had an adventure in the country before, which gives him a special ability in his body, which is to be able to control the evolution direction of the virus and let the virus evolve in the direction he wants. The virus achieves his purpose. Whether it is an "intruder" virus or a virus that controls the human life limit at 60 years old, they are all new viruses that Zhu Yong has evolved on the perfect platform of Ebola virus. "

"The ancestral land found him through the" invader "virus released by Zhu Yong, and invited Zhu Yong to the Ape base to let Zhu Yong help it study the Ebola virus. Zhu Yong was receiving the perfect virus provided by the ancestral land After the data, he was very interested and immediately invested in the research of Ebola virus. "

"But Zhu Yong did not allow the Ebola virus to evolve this time, but to degrade the Ebola virus backwards. His purpose is to degrade the Ebola virus to the perfect super virus like their ancestors. In the ancestral land With the strong support of Zhu Yong, relying on his magical ability, Zhu Yong finally successfully researched two hours ago and reproduced the perfect virus 80,000 years ago. "

Only then did Yan Fei know the ins and outs of the perfect virus. He was angry and said, "What position does this guy Zhu Yong stand on? Doesn't he know that he is studying a big killer specifically used to exterminate humans? In his research The day of success is the day of the destruction of humanity on earth ... "

"Fantasy" said: "In the data I collected, I found that Zhu Yong was very resentful to the elderly lack of morality because of his unfortunate encounters as a teenager. He has made inappropriate comments on the Internet many times to destroy all the elderly in the world. At the beginning, Zhu Yong only hated the elderly who lacked morality. Later, he began to hate all the elderly. In the end, his thinking became more and more extreme. He actually covered the objectionable objects from the elderly to the entire human race, and wanted to destroy the world. All humans. "

Yan Fei didn't understand ~ ~ said: "He destroyed all human beings, and even he was going to die. What good is it for him?"

"Fantasy" said: "Zhu Yong has gone into trouble. The reason why he created perfect viruses is to destroy all humans. And because these viruses are made by him, he is actually immune to the attacks of perfect viruses. He died of a perfect virus. He had stored a large number of excellent human embryos before. As soon as all humans in the world became extinct, he would breed these embryos into new humans, and then use these new humans to rebuild an ideal world. "

In this assault on the Ape base, Yan Fei has always taken the absolute upper hand, and can completely destroy the entire Ape base, but did not expect that the biggest variable of Zhu Yong will appear, disrupting all of Yan Fei's plans. You should know that Zhu Yong was a person he had always neglected before, but did not expect that this little man actually has the great ability to change the world.

Yan Fei only communicated with "Fantasy" for a short time, the discomfort in his body became more and more obvious, and it was no longer just a psychological effect as before. He felt a strange power in his body, and this strange power began to attack the internal organs.

After realizing all this, Yan Fei finally determined that he had been infected with the perfect virus ...